Federal Judge Allows Lawsuit Against Rittenhouse To Proceed

Some fuktards just LOVE to waste money.
The courts don't mind, they'll take it!!!

Rittenhouse already won his case fair and square. And his case has set a precedence.
They won't win.

I mean seriously.............this is a Demonicreep court of Klowns obviously. Dead people vote for Dems, and now they are suing live people!!! ROFLMFFAO!!!
Keep in mind that OJ swore after losing his Wrongful Death
Civil Case to father Fred Goldman concerning the loss of ,his son,
OJ boasted that he wouldn't pay as much as a dime.He Moved to
Florida where he had his pensions { a couple } protected.
I don't think OJ ever did pay the Goldman Family as much
as a dime.Be eventually he got his just deserts.Where a Good judge
proceeded over his Trial where he tried to act as if Gee I never
meant anybody no harm.Just lugged around a revolver when trying
to rob from a Vegas hotel some of his Football memorabilia.
That cost him 9 years in jail.Even though there were 3-4 others
involved in the Robbery/ attempted Kidnapping.
Discretion is the better part of valor. Putting yourself in dangerous situations might turn out bad for you. Everyone on that street understood that except your hero.
Well, it seems that three of your so called brave friends didn't see it your way. Why don't you go fuck yourself.
See, this is clear evidence of just how fucking stupid you are. You claim he "murdered" people after you claim you accept the finding of the jury of "not guilty".. You're a fucking idiot.
Au contraire!
(That's French for "you full o shit")
Are his victims dead?
Did little Kyle Cuckoo kill them?
That's murder.

Sure, a jury determined that crazy little Kyle is not going to have to spend the rest of his natural life behind bars for the murders.
Or if you prefer the euphemism...."killings."
But facts is facts.
He is responsible for the deaths of others.
He murdered them.

The civil case will look beyond the "self defense" angle that the criminal case focused on.
The big question there will be "were the murders avoidable?"
"Did little Kyle Cuckoo have a "choice," or were the circumstances unavoidable?"

Given that he was under no personal threat at all before he armed up and waded into the melee fully intending to shoot people (as evidenced by his uh...loaded GUN) it isn't too much of a stretch to say yeah....the whole thing could have been easily avoided if he had instead just CHOSEN to stay home.
Instead he CHOSE to go out and put himself in harm's way.
WITH a loaded weapon.

That would make him guilty in the civil suit.


Let this freakish, little MAGAt elf live on beans and rice the rest of his life while every penny he earns gets garnished to pay the families of the victims he MURDERED!
Au contraire!
(That's French for "you full o shit")
Are his victims dead?
Did little Kyle Cuckoo kill them?
That's murder.

Sure, a jury determined that crazy little Kyle is not going to have to spend the rest of his natural life behind bars for the murders.
Or if you prefer the euphemism...."killings."
But facts is facts.
He is responsible for the deaths of others.
He murdered them.

The civil case will look beyond the "self defense" angle that the criminal case focused on.
The big question there will be "were the murders avoidable?"
"Did little Kyle Cuckoo have a "choice," or were the circumstances unavoidable?"

Given that he was under no personal threat at all before he armed up and waded into the melee fully intending to shoot people (as evidenced by his uh...loaded GUN) it isn't too much of a stretch to say yeah....the whole thing could have been easily avoided if he had instead just CHOSEN to stay home.
Instead he CHOSE to go out and put himself in harm's way.
WITH a loaded weapon.

That would make him guilty in the civil suit.


Let this freakish, little MAGAt elf live on beans and rice the rest of his life while every penny he earns gets garnished to pay the families of the victims he MURDERED!
Nope, it's not murder. The jury said self defense. You're a dumb shit.
The brave are not fearless, They know how to conquer fear. Like you your hero thought belligerence and a gun was a substitute.
So did one of your pals that pointed his gun at Rittenhouse. Hypocritical loser.
Even if you murder someone in "self defense" you've STILL murdered them you cuck!
Or do you think a different word makes it different?
If it's determined to be self defense, then it isn't murder, you ignorant ass fucker.
Au contraire!
(That's French for "you full o shit")
Are his victims dead?
Did little Kyle Cuckoo kill them?
That's murder.

Wrong, that's homicide. Big difference. Justifiable homicide. Just because someone kills someone else doesn't make it murder. If I drive like a moron and kill you when I lose control of my car, it's not murder. It's homicide. Vehicular homicide.

But when someone is as dumb as you, it does make them stupid.

this is stupied the dude tried to kill rittenhouse. what was he supposed to do let him do it? crazy.
haha you got to love how he is also suing the police..., accusing officers of allowing for a dangerous situation that violated his son's constitutional rights and resulted in his death.

Hhahaa yeah the police were the ones that caused your idiotic demafascist brownshirt son to go ape shit, riot, loot, firebomb buildings and attempt to murder a teenager...
Wrong, that's homicide. Big difference. Justifiable homicide. Just because someone kills someone else doesn't make it murder. If I drive like a moron and kill you when I lose control of my car, it's not murder. It's homicide. Vehicular homicide.

But when someone is as dumb as you, it does make them stupid.
So you are saying little Kyle Cuckoo is a homicidal punk who needs to be held liable in civil court for the murders he committed BY CHOICE?

We agree.

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