Federal judge allows Trump to withhold grants to California as part of sanctuary city crackdown

I think we Californians should just with hold same amount of money from the federal gov instead of paying it.

Then the federal government would hold more money from you.

california has the sixth larest economy in the world. maybe california should withhold money from rightwingnuts who live on welfare.

Oh, if they are that rich, I guess they won't miss the federal funding then.

I'm not going to entertain lowlife racist trash. I will ask, however, if you have the slightest idea of how much money red states glom from blue state tax money?
Federal judge allows Trump to withhold grants to California as part of sanctuary city crackdown

A federal judge in Northern California has declined a request from California Attorney General Xavier Becerra to block the Trump administration’s decision to withhold a law enforcement grant to the state as part of its crackdown on states and jurisdictions that protect illegal immigrants.

Becerra asked for a preliminary injunction against the Trump administration's decision, but Judge William Orrick of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California ruled against taking that step.

“The injury threatened is not irreparable,” Orrick wrote. “The amount of money at stake is small compared to the state’s budget. Payment is delayed, for the moment. The DOJ appears to be using its regular administrative process to decide whether it will follow its initial inclinations.”

The judge said at some point in the future, the case “may help define the contours of the state’s broad constitutional police powers under the Tenth Amendment and the federal government’s ‘broad, undoubted power over the subject of immigration and the status of aliens.’”

The Trump administration has been cracking down on cities and jurisdictions that offer protections for people in the U.S. illegally.

In July, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced that cities and states would only be eligible to receive specific grants from the Justice Department if they follow specific requirements, including certifying compliance with federal immigration law.

To be eligible for the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grants, or JAG grants, cities have to adhere to three criteria. They include giving 48-hour notice to the federal government before releasing anyone ICE wants the state to keep detained, and giving Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents access to detention facilities.

State and local officials must also provide personal information and release dates of illegal immigrants detained across the state...

Great news. As a Californian, I support this.

This is no victory at all. I read the Order. He has not given any ruling on sanctuary cities and said the state has other remedies.

This isn’t a victory for Trump’s crackdown at all. The Order also points out that there are other lawsuits on this matter.

A copy of the Order is posted here.


It does not say what the OP thinks it says.
I say the Feds should raid LA County jail. I mean, take it over by force and weed through the felons. Then move on to San Bernardino et al

Thats actually a brilliant idea...
All Politicians who create 'Sanctuary Cities' should be held accountable for all crimes committed by Illegals. Period, end of story.

All Politicians who create "Laws Protecting Gun Manufacturers" should be held accountable for all crimes committed by guns. Period, end of story.
Let us know when a gun commits a crime...
I think we Californians should just with hold same amount of money from the federal gov instead of paying it.

Then the federal government would hold more money from you.

california has the sixth larest economy in the world. maybe california should withhold money from rightwingnuts who live on welfare.

Oh, if they are that rich, I guess they won't miss the federal funding then.

I'm not going to entertain lowlife racist trash. I will ask, however, if you have the slightest idea of how much money red states glom from blue state tax money?

California’s $400 billion debt worries analysts
Last April, U.S. District Judge William Orrick III of San Francisco barred the administration from carrying out Trump's threat to withdraw billions of dollars in federal funds from sanctuary cities...

March 2018:

Judge declines, for now, to halt part of Trump's anti-sanctuary city policy

Story Continued Below

"The issues in this case will benefit from further development," Orrick wrote. "I find that the State has not demonstrated that I should issue a preliminary injunction at this time."
However, Orrick said many of the legal issues involved were murky and did not tip so clearly in favor of the state as to warrant a preliminary injunction blocking the Justice Department from using the two-decade-old law known as Section 1373 to deny certain federal grants to localities and states seen to be in violation of the federal law.

"The issues in this case will benefit from further development," Orrick wrote. "I find that the State has not demonstrated that I should issue a preliminary injunction at this time."...
Stephen Dinan - The Washington Times - Monday, March 5, 2018

A federal judge ruled Monday that President Trump’s phaseout of the Obama-era DACA program is legal, adding heft to the administration’s defense but doing little to solve the ongoing court quagmire.
The ruling does not overturn two other federal courts, who had previously blocked the phaseout, which was supposed to take effect Monday. But it does offer a needed boost as the Justice Department appeals those other two rulings.
What’s sad is that you have to do this to try and get a state to obey federal law.
Yes, the amount of California Officials who failed American Government in high school is staggering. Too busy getting stoned I guess. And speaking of that...Schedule 1?....
Actually it will be California that builds the wall.

To keep fleeing residents from leaving......
What’s sad is that you have to do this to try and get a state to obey federal law.

There is a federal law that states must enforce federal law? Perhaps you can cite said statute.
Federal law overides state law you can’t legally declare yourself a sanctuary city or state and refuse to obey federal immigration law.

Strangely enough, that is a totally false post. I say, "strangely", because we are dealing with 8th grade Civics here. No state is legally required to enforce federal law, period. They may cooperate with the feds, if they wish, but the feds have no authority to make my state, for example, arrest people who the state has licensed to grow marijuana. You have been listening to way too much AM radio. But, please, if you disagree, just cite the federal statute that requires me (I work for the county sheriff's office) to round up, or even report illegal immigrants to the feds. In fact, since I occasionally drop off water, food, clothing and medicine to points in the Southern AZ desert, with the full knowledge and cooperation of the Border Patrol, one would think that I would have been arrested, by now:

Tucson Samaritans: humanitarian aid in the Arizona desert
Federal judge allows Trump to withhold grants to California as part of sanctuary city crackdown

A federal judge in Northern California has declined a request from California Attorney General Xavier Becerra to block the Trump administration’s decision to withhold a law enforcement grant to the state as part of its crackdown on states and jurisdictions that protect illegal immigrants.

Becerra asked for a preliminary injunction against the Trump administration's decision, but Judge William Orrick of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California ruled against taking that step.

“The injury threatened is not irreparable,” Orrick wrote. “The amount of money at stake is small compared to the state’s budget. Payment is delayed, for the moment. The DOJ appears to be using its regular administrative process to decide whether it will follow its initial inclinations.”

The judge said at some point in the future, the case “may help define the contours of the state’s broad constitutional police powers under the Tenth Amendment and the federal government’s ‘broad, undoubted power over the subject of immigration and the status of aliens.’”

The Trump administration has been cracking down on cities and jurisdictions that offer protections for people in the U.S. illegally.

In July, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced that cities and states would only be eligible to receive specific grants from the Justice Department if they follow specific requirements, including certifying compliance with federal immigration law.

To be eligible for the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grants, or JAG grants, cities have to adhere to three criteria. They include giving 48-hour notice to the federal government before releasing anyone ICE wants the state to keep detained, and giving Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents access to detention facilities.

State and local officials must also provide personal information and release dates of illegal immigrants detained across the state...

Great news. As a Californian, I support this.
Cal's Quesadilla Caliphate

As a former Californian, I support the 1845 patriots who overthrew a Mexican government there.

As a Texan I support the ouster of and ass kicking that we laid on Santa Anna in 1836.

Remember the Alamo MFers!!!!
Did you know that in WWII Mexico was working with the Nazis on a plan to invade America?

These SOBS are no friends of ours.

The only thing that stopped this was that we intercepted communications between The Mexican Government, and Nazi Germany, and we then threatened to Nuke Mexico City if Mexico tried it.

Jesus on a bicycle! Is the entire Right Wing totally ignorant?

Did you get your history from comic books? Germany sent a telegram to Mexico offering to return the Western US to them in return for their joining on German's side in WW1. Mexico never considered it for a moment. In fact, they didn't even bother to answer it! Not to put too fine a point on it, but nothing of the kind happened in WW2, not to mention that we did not have a nuclear weapon until after Germany surrendered in May 1945.
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Federal judge allows Trump to withhold grants to California as part of sanctuary city crackdown

A federal judge in Northern California has declined a request from California Attorney General Xavier Becerra to block the Trump administration’s decision to withhold a law enforcement grant to the state as part of its crackdown on states and jurisdictions that protect illegal immigrants.

Becerra asked for a preliminary injunction against the Trump administration's decision, but Judge William Orrick of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California ruled against taking that step.

“The injury threatened is not irreparable,” Orrick wrote. “The amount of money at stake is small compared to the state’s budget. Payment is delayed, for the moment. The DOJ appears to be using its regular administrative process to decide whether it will follow its initial inclinations.”

The judge said at some point in the future, the case “may help define the contours of the state’s broad constitutional police powers under the Tenth Amendment and the federal government’s ‘broad, undoubted power over the subject of immigration and the status of aliens.’”

The Trump administration has been cracking down on cities and jurisdictions that offer protections for people in the U.S. illegally.

In July, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced that cities and states would only be eligible to receive specific grants from the Justice Department if they follow specific requirements, including certifying compliance with federal immigration law.

To be eligible for the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grants, or JAG grants, cities have to adhere to three criteria. They include giving 48-hour notice to the federal government before releasing anyone ICE wants the state to keep detained, and giving Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents access to detention facilities.

State and local officials must also provide personal information and release dates of illegal immigrants detained across the state...

Great news. As a Californian, I support this.

you're aware, arent you that it was a district court decision. next it goes to the 9th circuit.

good luck with that.


No one cares about the 9th circuit. See you at Gorsuch eventually. =)
Federal judge allows Trump to withhold grants to California as part of sanctuary city crackdown

A federal judge in Northern California has declined a request from California Attorney General Xavier Becerra to block the Trump administration’s decision to withhold a law enforcement grant to the state as part of its crackdown on states and jurisdictions that protect illegal immigrants.

Becerra asked for a preliminary injunction against the Trump administration's decision, but Judge William Orrick of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California ruled against taking that step.

“The injury threatened is not irreparable,” Orrick wrote. “The amount of money at stake is small compared to the state’s budget. Payment is delayed, for the moment. The DOJ appears to be using its regular administrative process to decide whether it will follow its initial inclinations.”

The judge said at some point in the future, the case “may help define the contours of the state’s broad constitutional police powers under the Tenth Amendment and the federal government’s ‘broad, undoubted power over the subject of immigration and the status of aliens.’”

The Trump administration has been cracking down on cities and jurisdictions that offer protections for people in the U.S. illegally.

In July, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced that cities and states would only be eligible to receive specific grants from the Justice Department if they follow specific requirements, including certifying compliance with federal immigration law.

To be eligible for the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grants, or JAG grants, cities have to adhere to three criteria. They include giving 48-hour notice to the federal government before releasing anyone ICE wants the state to keep detained, and giving Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents access to detention facilities.

State and local officials must also provide personal information and release dates of illegal immigrants detained across the state...

Great news. As a Californian, I support this.
Cal's Quesadilla Caliphate

As a former Californian, I support the 1845 patriots who overthrew a Mexican government there.

As a Texan I support the ouster of and ass kicking that we laid on Santa Anna in 1836.

Remember the Alamo MFers!!!!

if you'd been there, you'd be mexican now

also, santa ana

Yeah, Right!

At San Jacinto, Sam Houston and 900 Texicans destroyed Santa
Ana and his 2,000 man Army in less than 20 minutes, using single shot
muskets that took a minute to reload.

10 years later, when he got testy again...The American Army whipped
the Mexican Army in a year, raising the Stars and Stripes over Mexico

They've been eating our crumbs ever since

Good grief! MORE misinformation! When "...they got testy"? The US intentionally sent the US army to the border to create an incident, giving us the pretense of invading Mexico to protect our country. It was exactly what Hitler did when he created a false pretense to invade Poland in 1939.
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