Federal Judge B-slaps Cuomo & de Blimpo for violating the First Amendment.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
About time this clowns are brought back into line and their dictatorial antics are shut down.

Your unhinged rant doesn’t trump the First Amendment.

I doubt if that poster understands that Cuomo and de Blasio were encouraging mass gatherings to 'protest' while keeping churches closed.

De Blasio issued “simultaneous pro-protest/anti-religious gathering messages” and “actively encouraged participation in protests and openly discouraged religious gatherings and threatened religious worshipers,” the judge said in his order.
“Governor Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio could have just as easily discouraged protests, short of condemning their message, in the name of public health and exercised discretion to suspend enforcement for public safety reasons instead of encouraging what they knew was a flagrant disregard of the outdoor limits and social distancing rules,” Sharpe wrote. “They could have also been silent. But by acting as they did, Governor Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio sent a clear message that mass protests are deserving of preferential treatment.”

You really have to the left a good laugh most of the time.
Opening up, having church services all with mitigation measures in place is wrong because the virus attacks people that want to feed families and pray. But having rioting, looting with no mitigation in place is fine because it fits the crazy platform the democrats have crafted. Besides the virus will know to skip over these people.
He added, "This decision is an important step toward inhibiting the suddenly emerging trend of exercising absolute monarchy on [the] pretext of public health. What this kind of regime really meant in practice is freedom for me, but not for thee.”

We must stamp out that trend immediately, before it erodes all aspects of liberty.
This isn't the end of the discussion but I have questioned the authority for many things that have been done. Whether something is good or bad may be irrelevant to whether or not it is legal.
About time this clowns are brought back into line and their dictatorial antics are shut down.

Did you bother to read the judges decision? All he did was to say that Cuomo and deBlasio have to enforce their own orders equally.

As a result of the federal order, Cuomo, James, and de Blasio are "enjoined and restrained from enforcing any indoor gathering limitations” against the involved houses of worship “greater than imposed for Phase 2 industries,” provided that participants follow the prescribed social distancing.

They are also forbidden from “enforcing any limitation for outdoor gatherings provided that participants in such gatherings follow social distancing requirements as set forth in the applicable executive orders and guidance.”
“They could have also been silent. But by acting as they did, Governor Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio sent a clear message that mass protests are deserving of preferential treatment.”
Interesting case. You DO have to be consistent with restrictions -- that happened in another state already. But I'm curious what actions and clear messages sent the message of "preferential treatment."
Not arguing, just curious. I don't follow everything these guys say and do because I don't live in NY or make it my mission to slam every Democrat in the news.
. But having rioting, looting with no mitigation in place is fine because it fits the crazy platform the democrats have crafted. Besides the virus will know to skip over these people.

I pointed out that dispite the looting, rioting, and general mayhem, that most of the participants wore masks.

If churches and synagogues promised to enforce mask wearing and social distancing, they should be allowed to have as many people as the guidelines allow.
That’s hysterical.

Now maybe a real judge will reverse that BS

If you want to die that’s on you. And if you intentionally spread this virus you shouldn’t get medical care and should die like a dog in the street
Your unhinged rant doesn’t trump the First Amendment.

Limiting worship services is a public health issue, not a First Amendment issue.
This isn't the end of the discussion but I have questioned the authority for many things that have been done. Whether something is good or bad may be irrelevant to whether or not it is legal.
We're in the middle of a "national emergency" . Mistakes will be made. Governors will do things in order to save lives that turn out to be beyond their authority.

The irony is that a judge can order them to cease and desist enforcing those illegal actions, but won't comment on the number of lives saved.
Not arguing, just curious. I don't follow everything these guys say and do because I don't live in NY or make it my mission to slam every Democrat in the news.

This is like many cases resting on discriminatory perception. That the mayor and governor stopped large religious gatherings, but didn't try to stop large protests.

Even supporting 1st amendment rights to peaceably assemble, but didn't do the same for the practice of religion.
This isn't the end of the discussion but I have questioned the authority for many things that have been done. Whether something is good or bad may be irrelevant to whether or not it is legal.
We're in the middle of a "national emergency" . Mistakes will be made. Governors will do things in order to save lives that turn out to be beyond their authority.

I don't disagree that much of this is kinda new territory. I still wonder, even if much of it doesn't really affect me how much of it is really legal. It needs answered in the long run.

The irony is that a judge can order them to cease and desist enforcing those illegal actions, but won't comment on the number of lives saved.

It's really irrelevant. Our civil rights are not based upon how positive something is. Such as free speech. There are some real negative aspects to free speech but we still have free speech. There are no redeeming values in allowing say the KKK to use the local park to espouse their crap BUT they still have to be allowed to do it.
Limiting worship services is a public health issue, not a First Amendment issue.

Both can be in conflict with each other. If a religious cult preached that it's members should take up arms against the government, they have to weight the 1st amendment against the compelling government interest.

In such a case, no matter what religious pretext is used to protect it, acts of violence, or their encouragement can be prohibited.

In a matter of public health where millions are infected requires king Solomon to come up with a solution.

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