Federal Judge Blocks Obama Drilling Moratorium

how about we let BP continue to drill if they do it with the skipped safety measures we all use now. Again 1,000 safe ones, BP skimpted on safety equiptment every chance they got. Also Obama fills the volkswagon with clowns from enviro-nazi groups and 1 engineer.
Child Please

Sure if they drill in as safe as they can manner.
But to turn them loose again with no changes in safety regs or enforcement....

Let's pretend for a moment that you own a zillion dollar oil rig (a stretch, I know).

Would you leave such an expensive piece of equipment open to the same type of catastrophic failure that the BP rig had, if you could possibly avoid it, or would you risk that huge capital investment and wait around for some pencil pilot from the District of Criminals tell you to do with that rig?
that uses logic and an understanding of economics most leftists are alien to.
Sure if they drill in as safe as they can manner.
But to turn them loose again with no changes in safety regs or enforcement....

Let's pretend for a moment that you own a zillion dollar oil rig (a stretch, I know).

Would you leave such an expensive piece of equipment open to the same type of catastrophic failure that the BP rig had, if you could possibly avoid it, or would you risk that huge capital investment and wait around for some pencil pilot from the District of Criminals tell you to do with that rig?
that uses logic and an understanding of economics most leftists are alien to.

then WHY did BP all on their own, CHOOSE to cut short their own safety procedures that caused this mess? WHY? why? why?

to save a dime?
Let's pretend for a moment that you own a zillion dollar oil rig (a stretch, I know).

Would you leave such an expensive piece of equipment open to the same type of catastrophic failure that the BP rig had, if you could possibly avoid it, or would you risk that huge capital investment and wait around for some pencil pilot from the District of Criminals tell you to do with that rig?
that uses logic and an understanding of economics most leftists are alien to.

then WHY did BP all on their own, CHOOSE to cut short their own safety procedures that caused this mess? WHY? why? why?

to save a dime?

People in La have no problem banning BP whatsoever, but don't through the baby out with the careless operator bathwater to suit your leftist enviro-nazi agenda
Keep a drillin with no changes in safety regs. We need another spill that the right will want the taxpayers to pay to clean up.

Did you even read any of the articles that were linked. The judge is imposing the new safety regs that were actually recommended by the experts who wrote the report, including a 30 day period where oil companies are required to meet them before being permitted to dwell. But it is always easier to simply jump to the conclusion that everyone but you is an idiot.
Several companies that ferry people important supplies and provide other services to offshore drilling rigs asked U.S. District Judge Martin Feldman in New Orleans to overturn the moratorium.

They argued it was arbitrarily imposed after the April 20 explosion on the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig that killed 11 workers and blew out the well 5,000 feet underwater. It has spewed anywhere from 67 million to 127 million gallons of oil into the gulf

Judge blocks Gulf offshore drilling moratorium - Yahoo! News

And the companies are RIGHT. Obama is using this spill as an excuse for his agenda and is imposing that agenda regardless of who it effects or harms.

BP is not the only company effected by this ban.

They didn't ban all oil shipping after the Exxon Valdez! Why ban ALL oil drilling?

Especially when part of this IS the government's fault. If they had not insisted on ONLY deep water rigs, they would have had this well plugged by now. The fail safe on this would have been ABOVE WATER.

I can understand why liberals are getting more and more personal in attacks on me. They sure can't defend this president.

He is looking more and more like Jimmy Carter.

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Let's pretend for a moment that you own a zillion dollar oil rig (a stretch, I know).

Would you leave such an expensive piece of equipment open to the same type of catastrophic failure that the BP rig had, if you could possibly avoid it, or would you risk that huge capital investment and wait around for some pencil pilot from the District of Criminals tell you to do with that rig?
that uses logic and an understanding of economics most leftists are alien to.

then WHY did BP all on their own, CHOOSE to cut short their own safety procedures that caused this mess? WHY? why? why?

to save a dime?
Yup. You don't recall that BP has been the poster child of the oil industry to play getalong with the ecoleft. "Beyond Petroleum" reinvesting in alternate energies. These idiots are so conflicted on who they really are and what they're doing.... they're doing anything possible to save their necks.

Now throw into this mess those greedy psychopathic managers who only see dollar signs at the end of every action slicing and dicing for fun and profit any project out there to maximize their end, and you have a recipie for disaster. PR trying to placate those who hate them intrinsically, and nitwit greedy bastards trying to get for them and theirs as much as possible and screw the consequences as long as they bail out first.

And you can't base this on politics because they're on all sides of the political spectrum when you talk money.
Obama!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! about that drilling ruling of yours


way to go judge
Yes Care, I do attempt to be intellectually honest and morally consistent.
Federal Judge overturns President Obama's deepwater oil drilling ban in wake of BP disaster

The judge got it right IMO. The government made a knee Jerk Reaction and not only stopped all new permits but suspended drilling on the 33 rigs already drilling. The judge says Obama has failed to show that just because 1 rig had an accident the others are in immediate danger of also having them.

Obama failed to consider the massive Economic impact of his emotional knee jerk decision. Thankfully we have checks and balances. IMO this was one of those times when the president is suppose to lead and not just follow the polls. It is understandable that most peoples reactions would be to stop all Drilling right away, but the President is suppose to be able to separate his emotions from the process and make the right decision after considering all the facts and ramifications of his actions.

Obama of course plans an immediate appeal. I wonder if Soro's has been calling him ever since the ruling screaming about how much money he stands to lose if those rigs arn't leased to Petrobrazil.

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Sarah Palin has been asking to lift the drilling ban for weeks. I am glad this judge listened to her and understood what she meant when she said that it would hurt the oilfield industry and people of Louisiana who's livelyhoods depend on it.
New Orleans, Louisiana (CNN) -- A federal judge in New Orleans, Louisiana, on Tuesday blocked a six-month moratorium on deepwater drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, a ruling the White House said it would immediately appeal.

U.S. District Judge Martin Feldman issued a preliminary injunction against the ban, which halted all drilling in more than 500 feet of water and prevented new permits from being issued. President Barack Obama ordered the moratorium after the April 20 explosion of the Deepwater Horizon, an oil rig off Louisiana. Eleven people died in the blast, which triggered an underwater oil gusher.

Brian Collins, an attorney for the Justice Department, insisted Monday that the suspension is necessary while officials conduct a safety review.

But a group of companies that provides boats and equipment to the offshore drilling industry filed a lawsuit claiming the government has no evidence that existing operations pose a threat to the Gulf of Mexico and asked the court to declare the moratorium invalid and unenforceable.

Feldman agreed, writing in his ruling, "an invalid agency decision to suspend drilling of wells in depths of over 500 feet simply cannot justify the immeasurable effect on the plaintiffs, the local economy, the Gulf region, and the critical present-day aspect of the availability of domestic energy in this country."

White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said the government will immediately appeal the ruling to the 5th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals.

Judge blocks 6-month moratorium on Gulf deepwater drilling - CNN.com

More bad news for the k00ks.............................

Federal judge blocks Obama's oil drilling ban!!!

Judge halts Obama's oil-drilling ban - Washington Times

Of course, anybody with half a brain realizes that this administration thinks the executive branch of government has carte-blanche with anything in this country!!!

People...........people. You think it is just coincidence that national newspapers are starting to print articles about an emerging "tyranny" in America???

Thankfully, people are waking up and smelling the maple-nut crunch!!!:lol:
Hmm thought this would be bigger news.

The Danger with suspending production on rigs already in he gulf goes much deeper than just lost drilling jobs. Those rigs cost millions and will not sit idle. They will be contracted out most likely to Petrobras the government run Brazilian oil company. This is a big deal as each rig will cost more than 10 million dollars to move. Which means once contracted to another company and moved. They will not be coming back to the gulf after 6 months. They most likely would never be back, and Obama is well aware of this. He just does not care because it fits into his anti oil agenda. He knows full well if those rigs are leased and moved they will never be back.
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Judge Feldman owns stocks in numerous companies involved in offshore oil industry.

Judge who overturned drilling moratorium reported owning stock in drilling companies - Yahoo! News

Tue Jun 22, 4:33 pm ET

The federal judge who overturned Barack Obama's offshore drilling moratorium reported owning stock in numerous companies involved in the offshore oil industry — including Transocean, which leased the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig to BP prior to its April 20 explosion in the Gulf of Mexico — according to 2008 financial disclosure reports.
A temporary halt in drilling so the government could re-evaluate the measures in place on other rigs might not have been an altogether bad policy... I mean I no expert I just dont want this to happen again.

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