Federal Judge Dismisses Georgia ‘Kraken’ Suit Hours After Sidney Powell Failed in Michigan

Which news organizations would a person consume to not be a "good little parrot"?
on TV > Newsmax, the Blaze, the First, OAN Encore, America's Voice.

Here's a more complete list >> The 15 Best Conservative News Sites On The Internet | John Hawkins' Right Wing News
Wow. Well, at least you admit it.

Worse, that person is proud of the propaganda outlets he gets his lies and conspiracies from.
It's their Safe Space. It's the one place where they will always be told what they want to hear, where all of their rage and frustrations and ignorance and paranoia are fed whenever they need it.

And your safe space is the MSM. You can’t seriously believe you are being told the truth can you? You don’t actually fall for the fake fact checkers do you?

And yet, President-elect Biden is moving into the White House in 43 days. So who's media is lying to them?

Your media is lying to you. They using the useful idiots in the country making them believe that it was a fair election. Any evidence or sworn testimony will be "fact checked" and deemed false. I guess that is enough to fool the weak-minded. It is certainly possible demented ole' Joe and commie Harris will be in the White House. That doesn't negate the fact that you are being fooled into thinking this was a fair election. The blatant censorship of the MSM should set off alarm bells, but the indoctrinated are far too gone.
Which news organizations would a person consume to not be a "good little parrot"?
on TV > Newsmax, the Blaze, the First, OAN Encore, America's Voice.

Here's a more complete list >> The 15 Best Conservative News Sites On The Internet | John Hawkins' Right Wing News
Wow. Well, at least you admit it.

Worse, that person is proud of the propaganda outlets he gets his lies and conspiracies from.
It's their Safe Space. It's the one place where they will always be told what they want to hear, where all of their rage and frustrations and ignorance and paranoia are fed whenever they need it.

And your safe space is the MSM. You can’t seriously believe you are being told the truth can you? You don’t actually fall for the fake fact checkers do you?

And yet, President-elect Biden is moving into the White House in 43 days. So who's media is lying to them?
They're, just, blinded.

You got it. We are blinded. It is you enlightened folks that see censorship of the MSM to be perfectly acceptable. No way they would be trying to cover anything up or sway public opinion by censoring. That is simply unheard of. They are far too above board to be doing anything of the sort.

God you guys are gullible.
Awesome, just that must faster to the big dogs we go.
There is still plenty of time for a Trump victory my fresh cupcakes.

There really isn't. Tomorrow is pretty much it.

The folks telling you otherwise are milking you for advertising dollars and campaign debt donations.
Yup, I guess I was lied to.
Sorry, I didnt realize you were a constitutional scholar.

It doesn’t take a constitutional scholar to figure out that Trump lost the election and those who think otherwise are gullible fools.

except that he didn't lose and you are the gullible fool for thinking that senile Biden can cheat his way into the white house.
Nope, Impeached Trump lost, loser...

Which news organizations would a person consume to not be a "good little parrot"?
on TV > Newsmax, the Blaze, the First, OAN Encore, America's Voice.

Here's a more complete list >> The 15 Best Conservative News Sites On The Internet | John Hawkins' Right Wing News
Wow. Well, at least you admit it.

Worse, that person is proud of the propaganda outlets he gets his lies and conspiracies from.
It's their Safe Space. It's the one place where they will always be told what they want to hear, where all of their rage and frustrations and ignorance and paranoia are fed whenever they need it.

And your safe space is the MSM. You can’t seriously believe you are being told the truth can you? You don’t actually fall for the fake fact checkers do you?

And yet, President-elect Biden is moving into the White House in 43 days. So who's media is lying to them?

Your media is lying to you. They using the useful idiots in the country making them believe that it was a fair election. Any evidence or sworn testimony will be "fact checked" and deemed false. I guess that is enough to fool the weak-minded. It is certainly possible demented ole' Joe and commie Harris will be in the White House. That doesn't negate the fact that you are being fooled into thinking this was a fair election. The blatant censorship of the MSM should set off alarm bells, but the indoctrinated are far too gone.
For a few weeks this board was filled with how Powell was going to "release the kraken" in court and blow the whole election out of the water.

Well she went to court.

She lost. Not once but twice.


The woman brought the most ridiculous accusations with her to court with no real proof of her accusations.

When you include a person who has been dead for years in your conspiracy, you may as well hang it up. You're totally bat crap crazy.

Those of us who have working brains told you this would be the outcome of her ridiculous accusations.

Look at how many of them are just ASSUMING Trump will win and try to rub our noses in it.

Going forward, it'll be fun reminding them about that.
All states certified today except Wisconsin. End of line! Joe Biden President-elect!
"Do I appear to be a mind reader ?"

No, but you think you are. How else could you explain your assessment of how conservatives and progressives think about the role of the SCOTUS?
For your information that was a copy and paste, and not a quote from yours truly.
"And just like me, I highly doubt you are a constitutional scholar."

That's good because I never claimed to be one.
No, you just act like one on here.
"We are in uncharted waters and you dont KNOW what exactly is going to happen."

Not entirely uncharted. The Constitution charts much of this out. As far as knowing what's going to happen, I do as far as Mike Kelly's suit. It's obvious. The law allowing no-excuse mail-in ballots was passed a year before the election and was constitutional on election day. Even if the courts decide now that it's not constitutional, no court is going to disenfranchise 2.6 million voters who voted in accordance with the law as written. Especially in light of the people now contesting the constitutionality of that law had a year to challenge it. Waiting until after their political party lost an election to try and reverse the will of the people is not the fault of the voters who followed a law; which again, was legal and constitutional when the cast their votes.
Again, I dont claim to know. I have faith in our constitution, and the legal path our forefathers have laid out for us.
I have faith in our SC in making the right decision.
"I dont know why Alito moved it back a day..."

Well you should. Today is the Safe Harbor date. After today, Congress cannot challenge the electors selected by the states. He moved the date of Kelly's hearing to today to give Pennsylvania's state legislature an opportunity today to swap out their electors, should they want to do so.
And as Ive mentioned before, if this comes to fruition, then it very well might set a precedent.
"Do I appear to be a mind reader ?"

No, but you think you are. How else could you explain your assessment of how conservatives and progressives think about the role of the SCOTUS?
For your information that was a copy and paste, and not a quote from yours truly.
"And just like me, I highly doubt you are a constitutional scholar."

That's good because I never claimed to be one.
No, you just act like one on here.
"We are in uncharted waters and you dont KNOW what exactly is going to happen."

Not entirely uncharted. The Constitution charts much of this out. As far as knowing what's going to happen, I do as far as Mike Kelly's suit. It's obvious. The law allowing no-excuse mail-in ballots was passed a year before the election and was constitutional on election day. Even if the courts decide now that it's not constitutional, no court is going to disenfranchise 2.6 million voters who voted in accordance with the law as written. Especially in light of the people now contesting the constitutionality of that law had a year to challenge it. Waiting until after their political party lost an election to try and reverse the will of the people is not the fault of the voters who followed a law; which again, was legal and constitutional when the cast their votes.
Again, I dont claim to know. I have faith in our constitution, and the legal path our forefathers have laid out for us.
I have faith in our SC in making the right decision.
"I dont know why Alito moved it back a day..."

Well you should. Today is the Safe Harbor date. After today, Congress cannot challenge the electors selected by the states. He moved the date of Kelly's hearing to today to give Pennsylvania's state legislature an opportunity today to swap out their electors, should they want to do so.
And as Ive mentioned before, if this comes to fruition, then it very well might set a precedent.
"For your information that was a copy and paste, and not a quote from yours truly."

That makes no difference as you are the one who still posted it here.

"No, you just act like one on here."

Nope, that's just your perception. Like everyone else here, I'm merely posting my opinions.

"Again, I dont claim to know. I have faith in our constitution, and the legal path our forefathers have laid out for us."

And the Constitution laid the path for today's events. That's why we have a Safe Harbor deadline. All states except Wisconsin have certified their electors and Biden doesn't need Wisconsin to win anyway. There's no going back now as Biden will now win the electoral vote. On Monday, we'll see by what margin. And while Impeached Trump has one last hail mary to throw on January 6th, that will surely result in an incomplete pass since he needs the Democrat-led House to agree to not accept a state's electors, and there is no chance of that happening.

"And as Ive mentioned before, if this comes to fruition, then it very well might set a precedent."

Such a precedent would be the end of this nation as we know it. Not going to happen.
"Do I appear to be a mind reader ?"

No, but you think you are. How else could you explain your assessment of how conservatives and progressives think about the role of the SCOTUS?
For your information that was a copy and paste, and not a quote from yours truly.
"And just like me, I highly doubt you are a constitutional scholar."

That's good because I never claimed to be one.
No, you just act like one on here.
"We are in uncharted waters and you dont KNOW what exactly is going to happen."

Not entirely uncharted. The Constitution charts much of this out. As far as knowing what's going to happen, I do as far as Mike Kelly's suit. It's obvious. The law allowing no-excuse mail-in ballots was passed a year before the election and was constitutional on election day. Even if the courts decide now that it's not constitutional, no court is going to disenfranchise 2.6 million voters who voted in accordance with the law as written. Especially in light of the people now contesting the constitutionality of that law had a year to challenge it. Waiting until after their political party lost an election to try and reverse the will of the people is not the fault of the voters who followed a law; which again, was legal and constitutional when the cast their votes.
Again, I dont claim to know. I have faith in our constitution, and the legal path our forefathers have laid out for us.
I have faith in our SC in making the right decision.
"I dont know why Alito moved it back a day..."

Well you should. Today is the Safe Harbor date. After today, Congress cannot challenge the electors selected by the states. He moved the date of Kelly's hearing to today to give Pennsylvania's state legislature an opportunity today to swap out their electors, should they want to do so.
And as Ive mentioned before, if this comes to fruition, then it very well might set a precedent.
"For your information that was a copy and paste, and not a quote from yours truly."

That makes no difference as you are the one who still posted it here.

"No, you just act like one on here."

Nope, that's just your perception. Like everyone else here, I'm merely posting my opinions.

"Again, I dont claim to know. I have faith in our constitution, and the legal path our forefathers have laid out for us."

And the Constitution laid the path for today's events. That's why we have a Safe Harbor deadline. All states except Wisconsin have certified their electors and Biden doesn't need Wisconsin to win anyway. There's no going back now as Biden will now win the electoral vote. On Monday, we'll see by what margin. And while Impeached Trump has one last hail mary to throw on January 6th, that will surely result in an incomplete pass since he needs the Democrat-led House to agree to not accept a state's electors, and there is no chance of that happening.

"And as Ive mentioned before, if this comes to fruition, then it very well might set a precedent."

Such a precedent would be the end of this nation as we know it. Not going to happen.
True story - I just recently got into politics to this level a few months ago, and Ive learned a tremendous amount in these last few months. Im simply proud that a country boy from a small town with a high school education is capable of smacking down people like you over 90% of the time.
After this election is officially over, I will resume my normal life the best I can, and you can bet that I will continue to read more, find a system to store/file info on my computer for later reference, and I will further dispose of your kind from the use of mere common sense, something you obviously fail to convey.

Good day professor.
"Do I appear to be a mind reader ?"

No, but you think you are. How else could you explain your assessment of how conservatives and progressives think about the role of the SCOTUS?
For your information that was a copy and paste, and not a quote from yours truly.
"And just like me, I highly doubt you are a constitutional scholar."

That's good because I never claimed to be one.
No, you just act like one on here.
"We are in uncharted waters and you dont KNOW what exactly is going to happen."

Not entirely uncharted. The Constitution charts much of this out. As far as knowing what's going to happen, I do as far as Mike Kelly's suit. It's obvious. The law allowing no-excuse mail-in ballots was passed a year before the election and was constitutional on election day. Even if the courts decide now that it's not constitutional, no court is going to disenfranchise 2.6 million voters who voted in accordance with the law as written. Especially in light of the people now contesting the constitutionality of that law had a year to challenge it. Waiting until after their political party lost an election to try and reverse the will of the people is not the fault of the voters who followed a law; which again, was legal and constitutional when the cast their votes.
Again, I dont claim to know. I have faith in our constitution, and the legal path our forefathers have laid out for us.
I have faith in our SC in making the right decision.
"I dont know why Alito moved it back a day..."

Well you should. Today is the Safe Harbor date. After today, Congress cannot challenge the electors selected by the states. He moved the date of Kelly's hearing to today to give Pennsylvania's state legislature an opportunity today to swap out their electors, should they want to do so.
And as Ive mentioned before, if this comes to fruition, then it very well might set a precedent.
"For your information that was a copy and paste, and not a quote from yours truly."

That makes no difference as you are the one who still posted it here.

"No, you just act like one on here."

Nope, that's just your perception. Like everyone else here, I'm merely posting my opinions.

"Again, I dont claim to know. I have faith in our constitution, and the legal path our forefathers have laid out for us."

And the Constitution laid the path for today's events. That's why we have a Safe Harbor deadline. All states except Wisconsin have certified their electors and Biden doesn't need Wisconsin to win anyway. There's no going back now as Biden will now win the electoral vote. On Monday, we'll see by what margin. And while Impeached Trump has one last hail mary to throw on January 6th, that will surely result in an incomplete pass since he needs the Democrat-led House to agree to not accept a state's electors, and there is no chance of that happening.

"And as Ive mentioned before, if this comes to fruition, then it very well might set a precedent."

Such a precedent would be the end of this nation as we know it. Not going to happen.
True story - I just recently got into politics to this level a few months ago, and Ive learned a tremendous amount in these last few months. Im simply proud that a country boy from a small town with a high school education is capable of smacking down people like you over 90% of the time.
After this election is officially over, I will resume my normal life the best I can, and you can bet that I will continue to read more, find a system to store/file info on my computer for later reference, and I will further dispose of your kind from the use of mere common sense, something you obviously fail to convey.

Good day professor.

And by "smacking down," you mean shaking your walker at your betters while you can't git up off the ground?


For a few weeks this board was filled with how Powell was going to "release the kraken" in court and blow the whole election out of the water.

Well she went to court.

She lost. Not once but twice.


The woman brought the most ridiculous accusations with her to court with no real proof of her accusations.

When you include a person who has been dead for years in your conspiracy, you may as well hang it up. You're totally bat crap crazy.

Those of us who have working brains told you this would be the outcome of her ridiculous accusations.

Look at how many of them are just ASSUMING Trump will win and try to rub our noses in it.

Going forward, it'll be fun reminding them about that.
All states certified today except Wisconsin. End of line! Joe Biden President-elect!

Of course they did.

Here in reality Joe Biden will be sworn in as president January 20th.

I have no idea what the crazy delusional trump people are going to do when that happens.

I just hope no one gets hurt.
For a few weeks this board was filled with how Powell was going to "release the kraken" in court and blow the whole election out of the water.

Well she went to court.

She lost. Not once but twice.


The woman brought the most ridiculous accusations with her to court with no real proof of her accusations.

When you include a person who has been dead for years in your conspiracy, you may as well hang it up. You're totally bat crap crazy.

Those of us who have working brains told you this would be the outcome of her ridiculous accusations.

Look at how many of them are just ASSUMING Trump will win and try to rub our noses in it.

Going forward, it'll be fun reminding them about that.
All states certified today except Wisconsin. End of line! Joe Biden President-elect!

Of course they did.

Here in reality Joe Biden will be sworn in as president January 20th.

I have no idea what the crazy delusional trump people are going to do when that happens.

I just hope no one gets hurt.
For the most part, I suspect they'll just buy more guns. Or talk about guns. Or dream about guns. Or issue thinly-veiled vague threats about using guns.

That doesn't preclude some sporadic violence, but I'd think it would be limited.
For a few weeks this board was filled with how Powell was going to "release the kraken" in court and blow the whole election out of the water.

Well she went to court.

She lost. Not once but twice.


The woman brought the most ridiculous accusations with her to court with no real proof of her accusations.

When you include a person who has been dead for years in your conspiracy, you may as well hang it up. You're totally bat crap crazy.

Those of us who have working brains told you this would be the outcome of her ridiculous accusations.

Look at how many of them are just ASSUMING Trump will win and try to rub our noses in it.

Going forward, it'll be fun reminding them about that.
All states certified today except Wisconsin. End of line! Joe Biden President-elect!

Of course they did.

Here in reality Joe Biden will be sworn in as president January 20th.

I have no idea what the crazy delusional trump people are going to do when that happens.

I just hope no one gets hurt.

You and the fear mongering. When Trump was sworn in there were riots, and there maybe riots when Biden is sworn in but it will be less of a scale than in 2016. So far all this fear and anxiety that is being stirred up is a big nothing. Yet to the north of you two women could have derailed trains that could have killed people had their plans not been stopped by the government.

Just stop the hysteria, it is overblown and you play right into it.
Which news organizations would a person consume to not be a "good little parrot"?
on TV > Newsmax, the Blaze, the First, OAN Encore, America's Voice.

Here's a more complete list >> The 15 Best Conservative News Sites On The Internet | John Hawkins' Right Wing News
Wow. Well, at least you admit it.

Worse, that person is proud of the propaganda outlets he gets his lies and conspiracies from.
It's their Safe Space. It's the one place where they will always be told what they want to hear, where all of their rage and frustrations and ignorance and paranoia are fed whenever they need it.

And your safe space is the MSM. You can’t seriously believe you are being told the truth can you? You don’t actually fall for the fake fact checkers do you?

And yet, President-elect Biden is moving into the White House in 43 days. So who's media is lying to them?

Your media is lying to you. They using the useful idiots in the country making them believe that it was a fair election. Any evidence or sworn testimony will be "fact checked" and deemed false. I guess that is enough to fool the weak-minded. It is certainly possible demented ole' Joe and commie Harris will be in the White House. That doesn't negate the fact that you are being fooled into thinking this was a fair election. The blatant censorship of the MSM should set off alarm bells, but the indoctrinated are far too gone.

There is no "sworn testimony", other than the Affidavits signed by the state elections' officers in certifying the elections - all of whom have sworn that Biden won in the states Trump is trying to overturn. Trump has presented absolutely ZERO affidavits to the contrary. Emails, FaceBook accounts, and "viral videos" do not constitution "sworn testimony".

Georgia held 3 separate recounts and they all came out the same: Biden won.
Which news organizations would a person consume to not be a "good little parrot"?
on TV > Newsmax, the Blaze, the First, OAN Encore, America's Voice.

Here's a more complete list >> The 15 Best Conservative News Sites On The Internet | John Hawkins' Right Wing News
Wow. Well, at least you admit it.

Worse, that person is proud of the propaganda outlets he gets his lies and conspiracies from.
It's their Safe Space. It's the one place where they will always be told what they want to hear, where all of their rage and frustrations and ignorance and paranoia are fed whenever they need it.

And your safe space is the MSM. You can’t seriously believe you are being told the truth can you? You don’t actually fall for the fake fact checkers do you?

And yet, President-elect Biden is moving into the White House in 43 days. So who's media is lying to them?

Your media is lying to you. They using the useful idiots in the country making them believe that it was a fair election. Any evidence or sworn testimony will be "fact checked" and deemed false. I guess that is enough to fool the weak-minded. It is certainly possible demented ole' Joe and commie Harris will be in the White House. That doesn't negate the fact that you are being fooled into thinking this was a fair election. The blatant censorship of the MSM should set off alarm bells, but the indoctrinated are far too gone.

There is no "sworn testimony", other than the Affidavits signed by the state elections' officers in certifying the elections - all of whom have sworn that Biden won in the states Trump is trying to overturn. Trump has presented absolutely ZERO affidavits to the contrary. Emails, FaceBook accounts, and "viral videos" do not constitution "sworn testimony".

Georgia held 3 separate recounts and they all came out the same: Biden won.

Do not “Constitution” sworn testimony? Lol! Is that some new Canadian word? Lol!

Why are you arguing, the election is over, Biden has won and you Canadians will now know that a new war is in the near future.
"Do I appear to be a mind reader ?"

No, but you think you are. How else could you explain your assessment of how conservatives and progressives think about the role of the SCOTUS?
For your information that was a copy and paste, and not a quote from yours truly.
"And just like me, I highly doubt you are a constitutional scholar."

That's good because I never claimed to be one.
No, you just act like one on here.
"We are in uncharted waters and you dont KNOW what exactly is going to happen."

Not entirely uncharted. The Constitution charts much of this out. As far as knowing what's going to happen, I do as far as Mike Kelly's suit. It's obvious. The law allowing no-excuse mail-in ballots was passed a year before the election and was constitutional on election day. Even if the courts decide now that it's not constitutional, no court is going to disenfranchise 2.6 million voters who voted in accordance with the law as written. Especially in light of the people now contesting the constitutionality of that law had a year to challenge it. Waiting until after their political party lost an election to try and reverse the will of the people is not the fault of the voters who followed a law; which again, was legal and constitutional when the cast their votes.
Again, I dont claim to know. I have faith in our constitution, and the legal path our forefathers have laid out for us.
I have faith in our SC in making the right decision.
"I dont know why Alito moved it back a day..."

Well you should. Today is the Safe Harbor date. After today, Congress cannot challenge the electors selected by the states. He moved the date of Kelly's hearing to today to give Pennsylvania's state legislature an opportunity today to swap out their electors, should they want to do so.
And as Ive mentioned before, if this comes to fruition, then it very well might set a precedent.
"For your information that was a copy and paste, and not a quote from yours truly."

That makes no difference as you are the one who still posted it here.

"No, you just act like one on here."

Nope, that's just your perception. Like everyone else here, I'm merely posting my opinions.

"Again, I dont claim to know. I have faith in our constitution, and the legal path our forefathers have laid out for us."

And the Constitution laid the path for today's events. That's why we have a Safe Harbor deadline. All states except Wisconsin have certified their electors and Biden doesn't need Wisconsin to win anyway. There's no going back now as Biden will now win the electoral vote. On Monday, we'll see by what margin. And while Impeached Trump has one last hail mary to throw on January 6th, that will surely result in an incomplete pass since he needs the Democrat-led House to agree to not accept a state's electors, and there is no chance of that happening.

"And as Ive mentioned before, if this comes to fruition, then it very well might set a precedent."

Such a precedent would be the end of this nation as we know it. Not going to happen.
True story - I just recently got into politics to this level a few months ago, and Ive learned a tremendous amount in these last few months. Im simply proud that a country boy from a small town with a high school education is capable of smacking down people like you over 90% of the time.
After this election is officially over, I will resume my normal life the best I can, and you can bet that I will continue to read more, find a system to store/file info on my computer for later reference, and I will further dispose of your kind from the use of mere common sense, something you obviously fail to convey.

Good day professor.

You just recently got into Politics and you claim to smack some one down who knows what they taking about?

Sorry Son, you need to go back and get some of that real learning before making such a claim. Meanwhile you can go back to your real life secure that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris really did win. The States certified their electoral votes today! So enjoy.
Which news organizations would a person consume to not be a "good little parrot"?
on TV > Newsmax, the Blaze, the First, OAN Encore, America's Voice.

Here's a more complete list >> The 15 Best Conservative News Sites On The Internet | John Hawkins' Right Wing News
Wow. Well, at least you admit it.

Worse, that person is proud of the propaganda outlets he gets his lies and conspiracies from.
It's their Safe Space. It's the one place where they will always be told what they want to hear, where all of their rage and frustrations and ignorance and paranoia are fed whenever they need it.

And your safe space is the MSM. You can’t seriously believe you are being told the truth can you? You don’t actually fall for the fake fact checkers do you?

And yet, President-elect Biden is moving into the White House in 43 days. So who's media is lying to them?

Your media is lying to you. They using the useful idiots in the country making them believe that it was a fair election. Any evidence or sworn testimony will be "fact checked" and deemed false. I guess that is enough to fool the weak-minded. It is certainly possible demented ole' Joe and commie Harris will be in the White House. That doesn't negate the fact that you are being fooled into thinking this was a fair election. The blatant censorship of the MSM should set off alarm bells, but the indoctrinated are far too gone.

There is no "sworn testimony", other than the Affidavits signed by the state elections' officers in certifying the elections - all of whom have sworn that Biden won in the states Trump is trying to overturn. Trump has presented absolutely ZERO affidavits to the contrary. Emails, FaceBook accounts, and "viral videos" do not constitution "sworn testimony".

Georgia held 3 separate recounts and they all came out the same: Biden won.

Do not “Constitution” sworn testimony? Lol! Is that some new Canadian word? Lol!

Why are you arguing, the election is over, Biden has won and you Canadians will now know that a new war is in the near future.

Auto correct change "constitute" to "constitution". It happens when you post from your cell phone.

Name the last war which was started by a Democrat.
"Do I appear to be a mind reader ?"

No, but you think you are. How else could you explain your assessment of how conservatives and progressives think about the role of the SCOTUS?
For your information that was a copy and paste, and not a quote from yours truly.
"And just like me, I highly doubt you are a constitutional scholar."

That's good because I never claimed to be one.
No, you just act like one on here.
"We are in uncharted waters and you dont KNOW what exactly is going to happen."

Not entirely uncharted. The Constitution charts much of this out. As far as knowing what's going to happen, I do as far as Mike Kelly's suit. It's obvious. The law allowing no-excuse mail-in ballots was passed a year before the election and was constitutional on election day. Even if the courts decide now that it's not constitutional, no court is going to disenfranchise 2.6 million voters who voted in accordance with the law as written. Especially in light of the people now contesting the constitutionality of that law had a year to challenge it. Waiting until after their political party lost an election to try and reverse the will of the people is not the fault of the voters who followed a law; which again, was legal and constitutional when the cast their votes.
Again, I dont claim to know. I have faith in our constitution, and the legal path our forefathers have laid out for us.
I have faith in our SC in making the right decision.
"I dont know why Alito moved it back a day..."

Well you should. Today is the Safe Harbor date. After today, Congress cannot challenge the electors selected by the states. He moved the date of Kelly's hearing to today to give Pennsylvania's state legislature an opportunity today to swap out their electors, should they want to do so.
And as Ive mentioned before, if this comes to fruition, then it very well might set a precedent.
"For your information that was a copy and paste, and not a quote from yours truly."

That makes no difference as you are the one who still posted it here.

"No, you just act like one on here."

Nope, that's just your perception. Like everyone else here, I'm merely posting my opinions.

"Again, I dont claim to know. I have faith in our constitution, and the legal path our forefathers have laid out for us."

And the Constitution laid the path for today's events. That's why we have a Safe Harbor deadline. All states except Wisconsin have certified their electors and Biden doesn't need Wisconsin to win anyway. There's no going back now as Biden will now win the electoral vote. On Monday, we'll see by what margin. And while Impeached Trump has one last hail mary to throw on January 6th, that will surely result in an incomplete pass since he needs the Democrat-led House to agree to not accept a state's electors, and there is no chance of that happening.

"And as Ive mentioned before, if this comes to fruition, then it very well might set a precedent."

Such a precedent would be the end of this nation as we know it. Not going to happen.
True story -, and Ive learned a tremendous amount in these last few months. Im simply proud that a country boy from a small town with a high school education is capable of smacking down people like you over 90% of the time.
After this election is officially over, I will resume my normal life the best I can, and you can bet that I will continue to read more, find a system to store/file info on my computer for later reference, and I will further dispose of your kind from the use of mere common sense, something you obviously fail to convey.

Good day professor.

You just recently got into Politics and you claim to smack some one down who knows what they taking about?

Sorry Son, you need to go back and get some of that real learning before making such a claim. Meanwhile you can go back to your real life secure that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris really did win. The States certified their electoral votes today! So enjoy.
Apparently you need some reading lessons. I can help you with that you know.
I said " I just recently got into politics to this level a few months ago", wow is that hard to comprehend or should I break out the crayons ?
I didnt mean to hurt your feelings cupcake, will you be alright from here on ?

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