Federal Judge Dismisses Georgia ‘Kraken’ Suit Hours After Sidney Powell Failed in Michigan

There really isn't. Tomorrow is pretty much it.

The folks telling you otherwise are milking you for advertising dollars and campaign debt donations.
The certified results are already in for every contested battle ground state. Formal letters have been sent to the US federal government from the State Legislatures or Secretaries of State with the list of selected electors for every contested battle ground state.

Safe Harbor is tomorrow.

You're being played.
Not every swing state. But every contested state. Nevada, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia.

They've certified, the state's electors have been picked. A list with the name of each of those those electors have been compiled and formally sent the US federal government with the State seals and signatures attached.

And Safe Harbor is tomorrow. If there's some smoking gun, now is the time you show us.

It might be better explained here - about 1 minute into the video.

I like how that article celebrates both Alito moving the hearing date back to today, so that it could be heard by Safe Harbor Day ... but they also celebrate celebrate Safe Harbor Day has no meaning.


It's as if you don't realize Alito knows something you don't.

As far as Mike Kelly's lawsuit, get ready for Republican disappointment #563. No judge in America is going to disenfranchise 2.6 million voters over a law that the electorate followed that was constitutional on election day.

Which news organizations would a person consume to not be a "good little parrot"?
on TV > Newsmax, the Blaze, the First, OAN Encore, America's Voice.

Here's a more complete list >> The 15 Best Conservative News Sites On The Internet | John Hawkins' Right Wing News
Wow. Well, at least you admit it.

Worse, that person is proud of the propaganda outlets he gets his lies and conspiracies from.
It's their Safe Space. It's the one place where they will always be told what they want to hear, where all of their rage and frustrations and ignorance and paranoia are fed whenever they need it.

And your safe space is the MSM. You can’t seriously believe you are being told the truth can you? You don’t actually fall for the fake fact checkers do you?

And yet, President-elect Biden is moving into the White House in 43 days. So who's media is lying to them?
There really isn't. Tomorrow is pretty much it.

The folks telling you otherwise are milking you for advertising dollars and campaign debt donations.
The certified results are already in for every contested battle ground state. Formal letters have been sent to the US federal government from the State Legislatures or Secretaries of State with the list of selected electors for every contested battle ground state.

Safe Harbor is tomorrow.

You're being played.
Not every swing state. But every contested state. Nevada, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia.

They've certified, the state's electors have been picked. A list with the name of each of those those electors have been compiled and formally sent the US federal government with the State seals and signatures attached.

And Safe Harbor is tomorrow. If there's some smoking gun, now is the time you show us.

It might be better explained here - about 1 minute into the video.

I like how that article celebrates both Alito moving the hearing date back to today, so that it could be heard by Safe Harbor Day ... but they also celebrate celebrate Safe Harbor Day has no meaning.


It's as if you don't realize Alito knows something you don't.

As far as Mike Kelly's lawsuit, get ready for Republican disappointment #563. No judge in America is going to disenfranchise 2.6 million voters over a law that the electorate followed that was constitutional on election day.

I just post them as I see them.

Core Conservative Belief: Conservatives believe that the role of the Supreme Court is to examine state and federal laws, and lower court decisions to determine whether they comport with the written Constitution. An even lowest common denominator belief is that the Supreme Court should examine only whether federal matters comport with the written Constitution, and to interfere with states only if the states enact laws that conflict or overlap with federal matters.

Progressive Belief: The Supreme Court is to decide what is right and what is wrong - and it can get help for this by looking to each justice's own private standards of morality, to dominant cultural trends, and to foreign systems. Having examined the moral position, the Court should then direct policy consistent with its findings.

We shall see who prevails
Conservatives.......believe this......

If this election situation was exactly reversed and Trump had won by a narrow margin,
There would be cities burning, rioting, looting and chaos from coast to coast.

The Left would become violent. Cops would be killed. Trump supporters killed until they got their way.

Now they call for unity....but if the situation was exactly reversed they would go on a national rampage that would make the Civil war look tame.

In short - they would never accept the election and would find a way to take it anyway. BELIEVE IT.

Trump won by 77,000 in 2016. With 2 electoral votes less than Biden won in 2020.

And was invited into the White House within 48 hours.

Your 'reversed' scenario already happened. And none of your predictions played out.

You are dealing with people who believe Barak Obama is from Kenya and Michelle Obama is a man.

I think the pretty much sums up the mentality of what you're dealing with and the futility of trying to communicate with that.

And what about the people that claim Trump slept with his daughter and went along with Epstein on his trips to the island? Bush planned 911, Bush stole 2000. It is all stupid, crazy nut stuff and neither side has the market on it.

I’m sorry, but on January 20th Trump will leave office and Biden will be sworn in and the extreme left and right will believe their nutty conspiracies.


Trump actually said Obama was from Kenya... If you want to equate Trump to some crackpot conspiracy theorist go on ahead...

Bush might have paid better attention to the intel which led to 911, but who seriously thinks he planned it... What major politician endorsed that view?

The crazy is far closer to the inner circle in the GOP than in the Dems... Biden is the main guy in Dems and compare him to Truymp the main guy in the GOP... Who is spouting the crazy shit on a daily basis...
President Trump is illegally meddling in the official results of an election.

He'll illegally pardon himself, if his fascist coup to steal the election from we the people, fails.
I'm really disappointed in Pelosi. She should be impeaching Trump again for all the crimes he's committed. Just to make sure he can't pardon himself.
Which news organizations would a person consume to not be a "good little parrot"?
on TV > Newsmax, the Blaze, the First, OAN Encore, America's Voice.

Here's a more complete list >> The 15 Best Conservative News Sites On The Internet | John Hawkins' Right Wing News
Wow. Well, at least you admit it.

Worse, that person is proud of the propaganda outlets he gets his lies and conspiracies from.
It's their Safe Space. It's the one place where they will always be told what they want to hear, where all of their rage and frustrations and ignorance and paranoia are fed whenever they need it.

And your safe space is the MSM. You can’t seriously believe you are being told the truth can you? You don’t actually fall for the fake fact checkers do you?

And yet, President-elect Biden is moving into the White House in 43 days. So who's media is lying to them?
They're, just, blinded.
President Trump is illegally meddling in the official results of an election.

He'll illegally pardon himself, if his fascist coup to steal the election from we the people, fails.
I'm really disappointed in Pelosi. She should be impeaching Trump again for all the crimes he's committed. Just to make sure he can't pardon himself.
No need... He is doing more damage to himself at the moment than America...

America is going to wake up from this haze once Trump has been exposed because he can't hide behind the presidency... Trump has a number of legal issues and a very pissed off DOJ and FBI... You can't keep undermining them and attacking them and then hope they will forget and give you a pass...

The best thing for democrats is to stay out of there way... Trump has his comeuppance and it is not political, it will be legal... Both civil and criminal... The biggest problem will be the daylight, Trump's crooked past is going to be exposed... The dogs on the street in New York know Trump was as shady as hell...
There really isn't. Tomorrow is pretty much it.

The folks telling you otherwise are milking you for advertising dollars and campaign debt donations.
The certified results are already in for every contested battle ground state. Formal letters have been sent to the US federal government from the State Legislatures or Secretaries of State with the list of selected electors for every contested battle ground state.

Safe Harbor is tomorrow.

You're being played.
Not every swing state. But every contested state. Nevada, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia.

They've certified, the state's electors have been picked. A list with the name of each of those those electors have been compiled and formally sent the US federal government with the State seals and signatures attached.

And Safe Harbor is tomorrow. If there's some smoking gun, now is the time you show us.

It might be better explained here - about 1 minute into the video.

I like how that article celebrates both Alito moving the hearing date back to today, so that it could be heard by Safe Harbor Day ... but they also celebrate celebrate Safe Harbor Day has no meaning.


It's as if you don't realize Alito knows something you don't.

As far as Mike Kelly's lawsuit, get ready for Republican disappointment #563. No judge in America is going to disenfranchise 2.6 million voters over a law that the electorate followed that was constitutional on election day.

I just post them as I see them.

Core Conservative Belief: Conservatives believe that the role of the Supreme Court is to examine state and federal laws, and lower court decisions to determine whether they comport with the written Constitution. An even lowest common denominator belief is that the Supreme Court should examine only whether federal matters comport with the written Constitution, and to interfere with states only if the states enact laws that conflict or overlap with federal matters.

Progressive Belief: The Supreme Court is to decide what is right and what is wrong - and it can get help for this by looking to each justice's own private standards of morality, to dominant cultural trends, and to foreign systems. Having examined the moral position, the Court should then direct policy consistent with its findings.

We shall see who prevails

Your demented perception of how ideologies view that bench is noted and laughed at.

That aside, if the Safe Harbor date is meaningless as Team Trump contends, why do you suppose Alito moved that hearing date back to today?
There really isn't. Tomorrow is pretty much it.

The folks telling you otherwise are milking you for advertising dollars and campaign debt donations.
The certified results are already in for every contested battle ground state. Formal letters have been sent to the US federal government from the State Legislatures or Secretaries of State with the list of selected electors for every contested battle ground state.

Safe Harbor is tomorrow.

You're being played.
Not every swing state. But every contested state. Nevada, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia.

They've certified, the state's electors have been picked. A list with the name of each of those those electors have been compiled and formally sent the US federal government with the State seals and signatures attached.

And Safe Harbor is tomorrow. If there's some smoking gun, now is the time you show us.

It might be better explained here - about 1 minute into the video.

I like how that article celebrates both Alito moving the hearing date back to today, so that it could be heard by Safe Harbor Day ... but they also celebrate celebrate Safe Harbor Day has no meaning.


It's as if you don't realize Alito knows something you don't.

As far as Mike Kelly's lawsuit, get ready for Republican disappointment #563. No judge in America is going to disenfranchise 2.6 million voters over a law that the electorate followed that was constitutional on election day.

I just post them as I see them.

Core Conservative Belief: Conservatives believe that the role of the Supreme Court is to examine state and federal laws, and lower court decisions to determine whether they comport with the written Constitution. An even lowest common denominator belief is that the Supreme Court should examine only whether federal matters comport with the written Constitution, and to interfere with states only if the states enact laws that conflict or overlap with federal matters.

Progressive Belief: The Supreme Court is to decide what is right and what is wrong - and it can get help for this by looking to each justice's own private standards of morality, to dominant cultural trends, and to foreign systems. Having examined the moral position, the Court should then direct policy consistent with its findings.

We shall see who prevails

Your demented perception of how ideologies view that bench is noted and laughed at.

That aside, if the Safe Harbor date is meaningless as Team Trump contends, why do you suppose Alito moved that hearing date back to today?
Do I appear to be a mind reader ?
And just like me, I highly doubt you are a constitutional scholar. We are in uncharted waters and you dont KNOW what exactly is going to happen.
I dont know why Alito moved it back a day...
Awesome, just that must faster to the big dogs we go.
There is still plenty of time for a Trump victory my fresh cupcakes.

There really isn't. Tomorrow is pretty much it.

The folks telling you otherwise are milking you for advertising dollars and campaign debt donations.
Yup, I guess I was lied to.
Sorry, I didnt realize you were a constitutional scholar.

It doesn’t take a constitutional scholar to figure out that Trump lost the election and those who think otherwise are gullible fools.
For a few weeks this board was filled with how Powell was going to "release the kraken" in court and blow the whole election out of the water.

Well she went to court.

She lost. Not once but twice.


The woman brought the most ridiculous accusations with her to court with no real proof of her accusations.

When you include a person who has been dead for years in your conspiracy, you may as well hang it up. You're totally bat crap crazy.

Those of us who have working brains told you this would be the outcome of her ridiculous accusations.

all these lower court dismissals do is get the issues to the supreme court faster.
that is a good thing.
Trump won the election by a substantial margin, then the dems and their minions cheated. The truth will come out and the SC will rule in Trump's favor. This shit is almost over and many dems are going to jail.
Awesome, just that must faster to the big dogs we go.
There is still plenty of time for a Trump victory my fresh cupcakes.

There really isn't. Tomorrow is pretty much it.

The folks telling you otherwise are milking you for advertising dollars and campaign debt donations.
Yup, I guess I was lied to.
Sorry, I didnt realize you were a constitutional scholar.

It doesn’t take a constitutional scholar to figure out that Trump lost the election and those who think otherwise are gullible fools.

except that he didn't lose and you are the gullible fool for thinking that senile Biden can cheat his way into the white house.
Awesome, just that must faster to the big dogs we go.
There is still plenty of time for a Trump victory my fresh cupcakes.

There really isn't. Tomorrow is pretty much it.

The folks telling you otherwise are milking you for advertising dollars and campaign debt donations.
Yup, I guess I was lied to.
Sorry, I didnt realize you were a constitutional scholar.

It doesn’t take a constitutional scholar to figure out that Trump lost the election and those who think otherwise are gullible fools.
I would much rather be a gullible fool who stands behind a president who puts America first, rather than vote for someone like Joe who sold his soul to China.

Have you no pride ?
Awesome, just that must faster to the big dogs we go.
There is still plenty of time for a Trump victory my fresh cupcakes.

There really isn't. Tomorrow is pretty much it.

The folks telling you otherwise are milking you for advertising dollars and campaign debt donations.
Yup, I guess I was lied to.
Sorry, I didnt realize you were a constitutional scholar.

It doesn’t take a constitutional scholar to figure out that Trump lost the election and those who think otherwise are gullible fools.

except that he didn't lose and you are the gullible fool for thinking that senile Biden can cheat his way into the white house.
President Trump is illegally meddling in the official results of an election.

He'll illegally pardon himself, if his fascist coup to steal the election from we the people, fails.
I'm really disappointed in Pelosi. She should be impeaching Trump again for all the crimes he's committed. Just to make sure he can't pardon himself.
Yeah, right! Seems everybody is selling their soul, for those two Senate seats in Georgia...?

Though I don't think an impeachment now would actually get the Senate to convict, so it likely would be a hollow event....that just would increase division.... and would give power unto the Beast!!! (A biblical term, ignore me!) :)

Maybe a deal, similar to Agnew only in Trump world.... if you agree to never being allowed to run for any office again, Biden will pardon you for your crimes of obstruction of justice/congress, breaking the emolluments, election interference, etc etc...???? :) But that would make some liberals mad.... :dunno:
Conservatives.......believe this......

If this election situation was exactly reversed and Trump had won by a narrow margin,
There would be cities burning, rioting, looting and chaos from coast to coast.

The Left would become violent. Cops would be killed. Trump supporters killed until they got their way.

Now they call for unity....but if the situation was exactly reversed they would go on a national rampage that would make the Civil war look tame.

In short - they would never accept the election and would find a way to take it anyway. BELIEVE IT.

Trump won by 77,000 in 2016. With 2 electoral votes less than Biden won in 2020.

And was invited into the White House within 48 hours.

Your 'reversed' scenario already happened. And none of your predictions played out.

You are dealing with people who believe Barak Obama is from Kenya and Michelle Obama is a man.

I think the pretty much sums up the mentality of what you're dealing with and the futility of trying to communicate with that.

And what about the people that claim Trump slept with his daughter and went along with Epstein on his trips to the island? Bush planned 911, Bush stole 2000. It is all stupid, crazy nut stuff and neither side has the market on it.

I’m sorry, but on January 20th Trump will leave office and Biden will be sworn in and the extreme left and right will believe their nutty conspiracies.


Trump actually said Obama was from Kenya... If you want to equate Trump to some crackpot conspiracy theorist go on ahead...

Bush might have paid better attention to the intel which led to 911, but who seriously thinks he planned it... What major politician endorsed that view?

The crazy is far closer to the inner circle in the GOP than in the Dems... Biden is the main guy in Dems and compare him to Truymp the main guy in the GOP... Who is spouting the crazy shit on a daily basis...

So your argument is “my side is crazy but their side is crazier.” Lol! That’s the ticket, you go with that. If they keep Biden under lock and key that will limit is stupid quotes, that is what the
Obama administration tired to do. “If you vote for Trump, you’re not black?” Lol! Yeah, not crazy. As far as Trump? I’m not a Trump supporter and never voted for him, nor did I vote for Biden. That is on you. I didn’t think either is qualified to lead a great nation.

I think both extremes are a bunch of crazies, remember Clinton and the vast right wing conspiracy? Then that time she was on the tarmac under fire? Lol! Your believe your own stupidity and justifications, I’ll believe the truth.
There really isn't. Tomorrow is pretty much it.

The folks telling you otherwise are milking you for advertising dollars and campaign debt donations.
The certified results are already in for every contested battle ground state. Formal letters have been sent to the US federal government from the State Legislatures or Secretaries of State with the list of selected electors for every contested battle ground state.

Safe Harbor is tomorrow.

You're being played.
Not every swing state. But every contested state. Nevada, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia.

They've certified, the state's electors have been picked. A list with the name of each of those those electors have been compiled and formally sent the US federal government with the State seals and signatures attached.

And Safe Harbor is tomorrow. If there's some smoking gun, now is the time you show us.

It might be better explained here - about 1 minute into the video.

I like how that article celebrates both Alito moving the hearing date back to today, so that it could be heard by Safe Harbor Day ... but they also celebrate celebrate Safe Harbor Day has no meaning.


It's as if you don't realize Alito knows something you don't.

As far as Mike Kelly's lawsuit, get ready for Republican disappointment #563. No judge in America is going to disenfranchise 2.6 million voters over a law that the electorate followed that was constitutional on election day.

I just post them as I see them.

Core Conservative Belief: Conservatives believe that the role of the Supreme Court is to examine state and federal laws, and lower court decisions to determine whether they comport with the written Constitution. An even lowest common denominator belief is that the Supreme Court should examine only whether federal matters comport with the written Constitution, and to interfere with states only if the states enact laws that conflict or overlap with federal matters.

Progressive Belief: The Supreme Court is to decide what is right and what is wrong - and it can get help for this by looking to each justice's own private standards of morality, to dominant cultural trends, and to foreign systems. Having examined the moral position, the Court should then direct policy consistent with its findings.

We shall see who prevails

Your demented perception of how ideologies view that bench is noted and laughed at.

That aside, if the Safe Harbor date is meaningless as Team Trump contends, why do you suppose Alito moved that hearing date back to today?
Do I appear to be a mind reader ?
And just like me, I highly doubt you are a constitutional scholar. We are in uncharted waters and you dont KNOW what exactly is going to happen.
I dont know why Alito moved it back a day...
"Do I appear to be a mind reader ?"

No, but you think you are. How else could you explain your assessment of how conservatives and progressives think about the role of the SCOTUS?

"And just like me, I highly doubt you are a constitutional scholar."

That's good because I never claimed to be one.

"We are in uncharted waters and you dont KNOW what exactly is going to happen."

Not entirely uncharted. The Constitution charts much of this out. As far as knowing what's going to happen, I do as far as Mike Kelly's suit. It's obvious. The law allowing no-excuse mail-in ballots was passed a year before the election and was constitutional on election day. Even if the courts decide now that it's not constitutional, no court is going to disenfranchise 2.6 million voters who voted in accordance with the law as written. Especially in light of the people now contesting the constitutionality of that law had a year to challenge it. Waiting until after their political party lost an election to try and reverse the will of the people is not the fault of the voters who followed a law; which again, was legal and constitutional when the cast their votes.

"I dont know why Alito moved it back a day..."

Well you should. Today is the Safe Harbor date. After today, Congress cannot challenge the electors selected by the states. He moved the date of Kelly's hearing to today to give Pennsylvania's state legislature an opportunity today to swap out their electors, should they want to do so.
For a few weeks this board was filled with how Powell was going to "release the kraken" in court and blow the whole election out of the water.

Well she went to court.

She lost. Not once but twice.


The woman brought the most ridiculous accusations with her to court with no real proof of her accusations.

When you include a person who has been dead for years in your conspiracy, you may as well hang it up. You're totally bat crap crazy.

Those of us who have working brains told you this would be the outcome of her ridiculous accusations.

all these lower court dismissals do is get the issues to the supreme court faster.
that is a good thing.
Trump won the election by a substantial margin, then the dems and their minions cheated. The truth will come out and the SC will rule in Trump's favor. This shit is almost over and many dems are going to jail.
^^^ a welsher who's still posting here even though he lost a bet with the consequence of having to leave the forum forever. This is exactly the reason I won't take bets from conservatives -- they never pay up when they lose. The Redfish loser is not the first to welsh here, nor will he be the last.

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