Federal Judge Dismisses Georgia ‘Kraken’ Suit Hours After Sidney Powell Failed in Michigan

Auto correct change "constitute" to "constitution". It happens when you post from your cell phone.

Name the last war which was started by a Democrat.
Libya and Syria, both were to satisfy the Nobel Peace winners need for regime change.
"Do I appear to be a mind reader ?"

No, but you think you are. How else could you explain your assessment of how conservatives and progressives think about the role of the SCOTUS?
For your information that was a copy and paste, and not a quote from yours truly.
"And just like me, I highly doubt you are a constitutional scholar."

That's good because I never claimed to be one.
No, you just act like one on here.
"We are in uncharted waters and you dont KNOW what exactly is going to happen."

Not entirely uncharted. The Constitution charts much of this out. As far as knowing what's going to happen, I do as far as Mike Kelly's suit. It's obvious. The law allowing no-excuse mail-in ballots was passed a year before the election and was constitutional on election day. Even if the courts decide now that it's not constitutional, no court is going to disenfranchise 2.6 million voters who voted in accordance with the law as written. Especially in light of the people now contesting the constitutionality of that law had a year to challenge it. Waiting until after their political party lost an election to try and reverse the will of the people is not the fault of the voters who followed a law; which again, was legal and constitutional when the cast their votes.
Again, I dont claim to know. I have faith in our constitution, and the legal path our forefathers have laid out for us.
I have faith in our SC in making the right decision.
"I dont know why Alito moved it back a day..."

Well you should. Today is the Safe Harbor date. After today, Congress cannot challenge the electors selected by the states. He moved the date of Kelly's hearing to today to give Pennsylvania's state legislature an opportunity today to swap out their electors, should they want to do so.
And as Ive mentioned before, if this comes to fruition, then it very well might set a precedent.
"For your information that was a copy and paste, and not a quote from yours truly."

That makes no difference as you are the one who still posted it here.

"No, you just act like one on here."

Nope, that's just your perception. Like everyone else here, I'm merely posting my opinions.

"Again, I dont claim to know. I have faith in our constitution, and the legal path our forefathers have laid out for us."

And the Constitution laid the path for today's events. That's why we have a Safe Harbor deadline. All states except Wisconsin have certified their electors and Biden doesn't need Wisconsin to win anyway. There's no going back now as Biden will now win the electoral vote. On Monday, we'll see by what margin. And while Impeached Trump has one last hail mary to throw on January 6th, that will surely result in an incomplete pass since he needs the Democrat-led House to agree to not accept a state's electors, and there is no chance of that happening.

"And as Ive mentioned before, if this comes to fruition, then it very well might set a precedent."

Such a precedent would be the end of this nation as we know it. Not going to happen.
True story -, and Ive learned a tremendous amount in these last few months. Im simply proud that a country boy from a small town with a high school education is capable of smacking down people like you over 90% of the time.
After this election is officially over, I will resume my normal life the best I can, and you can bet that I will continue to read more, find a system to store/file info on my computer for later reference, and I will further dispose of your kind from the use of mere common sense, something you obviously fail to convey.

Good day professor.

You just recently got into Politics and you claim to smack some one down who knows what they taking about?

Sorry Son, you need to go back and get some of that real learning before making such a claim. Meanwhile you can go back to your real life secure that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris really did win. The States certified their electoral votes today! So enjoy.
Apparently you need some reading lessons. I can help you with that you know.
I said " I just recently got into politics to this level a few months ago", wow is that hard to comprehend or should I break out the crayons ?
I didnt mean to hurt your feelings cupcake, will you be alright from here on ?
No thanks, not after your knocking someone down, I pass.
"Do I appear to be a mind reader ?"

No, but you think you are. How else could you explain your assessment of how conservatives and progressives think about the role of the SCOTUS?
For your information that was a copy and paste, and not a quote from yours truly.
"And just like me, I highly doubt you are a constitutional scholar."

That's good because I never claimed to be one.
No, you just act like one on here.
"We are in uncharted waters and you dont KNOW what exactly is going to happen."

Not entirely uncharted. The Constitution charts much of this out. As far as knowing what's going to happen, I do as far as Mike Kelly's suit. It's obvious. The law allowing no-excuse mail-in ballots was passed a year before the election and was constitutional on election day. Even if the courts decide now that it's not constitutional, no court is going to disenfranchise 2.6 million voters who voted in accordance with the law as written. Especially in light of the people now contesting the constitutionality of that law had a year to challenge it. Waiting until after their political party lost an election to try and reverse the will of the people is not the fault of the voters who followed a law; which again, was legal and constitutional when the cast their votes.
Again, I dont claim to know. I have faith in our constitution, and the legal path our forefathers have laid out for us.
I have faith in our SC in making the right decision.
"I dont know why Alito moved it back a day..."

Well you should. Today is the Safe Harbor date. After today, Congress cannot challenge the electors selected by the states. He moved the date of Kelly's hearing to today to give Pennsylvania's state legislature an opportunity today to swap out their electors, should they want to do so.
And as Ive mentioned before, if this comes to fruition, then it very well might set a precedent.
"For your information that was a copy and paste, and not a quote from yours truly."

That makes no difference as you are the one who still posted it here.

"No, you just act like one on here."

Nope, that's just your perception. Like everyone else here, I'm merely posting my opinions.

"Again, I dont claim to know. I have faith in our constitution, and the legal path our forefathers have laid out for us."

And the Constitution laid the path for today's events. That's why we have a Safe Harbor deadline. All states except Wisconsin have certified their electors and Biden doesn't need Wisconsin to win anyway. There's no going back now as Biden will now win the electoral vote. On Monday, we'll see by what margin. And while Impeached Trump has one last hail mary to throw on January 6th, that will surely result in an incomplete pass since he needs the Democrat-led House to agree to not accept a state's electors, and there is no chance of that happening.

"And as Ive mentioned before, if this comes to fruition, then it very well might set a precedent."

Such a precedent would be the end of this nation as we know it. Not going to happen.
True story - I just recently got into politics to this level a few months ago, and Ive learned a tremendous amount in these last few months. Im simply proud that a country boy from a small town with a high school education is capable of smacking down people like you over 90% of the time.
After this election is officially over, I will resume my normal life the best I can, and you can bet that I will continue to read more, find a system to store/file info on my computer for later reference, and I will further dispose of your kind from the use of mere common sense, something you obviously fail to convey.

Good day professor.

Boy somebody really thinks he's all that and a bag of peanuts today.

You tell me that you just got into politics a short time ago, and after a well reasoned and intellectual appraisal of American politics, you decided throw all of your newly acquired reasoning skills behind the most corrupt, amoral, and incompetent President in the history of the Republic?

Now you think that you’re issuing smack downs on things you know less than nothing about.

You were quick to point out an auto correct syntax error, but said nothing about the content of the post. A failed attempt at a grammar lesson isn’t a rebuttal. It’s a deflection because you have no rebuttal.

Anyone sufficiently lacking in intellect that you recently climbed on board the Trump train, and are buying into Don the Con’s latest fleecing of the faithful shows how lacking in critical thinking skills you really are.

Come back when you’ve learned to spot the mark in Don the Con’s electoral shell game.
"Do I appear to be a mind reader ?"

No, but you think you are. How else could you explain your assessment of how conservatives and progressives think about the role of the SCOTUS?
For your information that was a copy and paste, and not a quote from yours truly.
"And just like me, I highly doubt you are a constitutional scholar."

That's good because I never claimed to be one.
No, you just act like one on here.
"We are in uncharted waters and you dont KNOW what exactly is going to happen."

Not entirely uncharted. The Constitution charts much of this out. As far as knowing what's going to happen, I do as far as Mike Kelly's suit. It's obvious. The law allowing no-excuse mail-in ballots was passed a year before the election and was constitutional on election day. Even if the courts decide now that it's not constitutional, no court is going to disenfranchise 2.6 million voters who voted in accordance with the law as written. Especially in light of the people now contesting the constitutionality of that law had a year to challenge it. Waiting until after their political party lost an election to try and reverse the will of the people is not the fault of the voters who followed a law; which again, was legal and constitutional when the cast their votes.
Again, I dont claim to know. I have faith in our constitution, and the legal path our forefathers have laid out for us.
I have faith in our SC in making the right decision.
"I dont know why Alito moved it back a day..."

Well you should. Today is the Safe Harbor date. After today, Congress cannot challenge the electors selected by the states. He moved the date of Kelly's hearing to today to give Pennsylvania's state legislature an opportunity today to swap out their electors, should they want to do so.
And as Ive mentioned before, if this comes to fruition, then it very well might set a precedent.
"For your information that was a copy and paste, and not a quote from yours truly."

That makes no difference as you are the one who still posted it here.

"No, you just act like one on here."

Nope, that's just your perception. Like everyone else here, I'm merely posting my opinions.

"Again, I dont claim to know. I have faith in our constitution, and the legal path our forefathers have laid out for us."

And the Constitution laid the path for today's events. That's why we have a Safe Harbor deadline. All states except Wisconsin have certified their electors and Biden doesn't need Wisconsin to win anyway. There's no going back now as Biden will now win the electoral vote. On Monday, we'll see by what margin. And while Impeached Trump has one last hail mary to throw on January 6th, that will surely result in an incomplete pass since he needs the Democrat-led House to agree to not accept a state's electors, and there is no chance of that happening.

"And as Ive mentioned before, if this comes to fruition, then it very well might set a precedent."

Such a precedent would be the end of this nation as we know it. Not going to happen.
True story - I just recently got into politics to this level a few months ago, and Ive learned a tremendous amount in these last few months. Im simply proud that a country boy from a small town with a high school education is capable of smacking down people like you over 90% of the time.
After this election is officially over, I will resume my normal life the best I can, and you can bet that I will continue to read more, find a system to store/file info on my computer for later reference, and I will further dispose of your kind from the use of mere common sense, something you obviously fail to convey.

Good day professor.

Boy somebody really thinks he's all that and a bag of peanuts today.

You tell me that you just got into politics a short time ago, and after a well reasoned and intellectual appraisal of American politics, you decided throw all of your newly acquired reasoning skills behind the most corrupt, amoral, and incompetent President in the history of the Republic?

Now you think that you’re issuing smack downs on things you know less than nothing about.

You were quick to point out an auto correct syntax error, but said nothing about the content of the post. A failed attempt at a grammar lesson isn’t a rebuttal. It’s a deflection because you have no rebuttal.

Anyone sufficiently lacking in intellect that you recently climbed on board the Trump train, and are buying into Don the Con’s latest fleecing of the faithful shows how lacking in critical thinking skills you really are.

Come back when you’ve learned to spot the mark in Don the Con’s electoral shell game.
My cranium cerebellum has been impregnated with a great abundance of intellectual ability to acknowledge the simple fact that you just got your feelings hurt. Im so sorry.
If you put some ice on that nerve it might heal a tad bit faster.
I dont lie and I try not to exceed my limitations, it might behoove you to do the same sweet cheeks.
For a few weeks this board was filled with how Powell was going to "release the kraken" in court and blow the whole election out of the water.

Well she went to court.

She lost. Not once but twice.


The woman brought the most ridiculous accusations with her to court with no real proof of her accusations.

When you include a person who has been dead for years in your conspiracy, you may as well hang it up. You're totally bat crap crazy.

Those of us who have working brains told you this would be the outcome of her ridiculous accusations.

all these lower court dismissals do is get the issues to the supreme court faster.
that is a good thing.
Trump won the election by a substantial margin, then the dems and their minions cheated. The truth will come out and the SC will rule in Trump's favor. This shit is almost over and many dems are going to jail.

The SC just refused to hear the case. Unanimously.
For a few weeks this board was filled with how Powell was going to "release the kraken" in court and blow the whole election out of the water.

Well she went to court.

She lost. Not once but twice.


The woman brought the most ridiculous accusations with her to court with no real proof of her accusations.

When you include a person who has been dead for years in your conspiracy, you may as well hang it up. You're totally bat crap crazy.

Those of us who have working brains told you this would be the outcome of her ridiculous accusations.

Look at how many of them are just ASSUMING Trump will win and try to rub our noses in it.

Going forward, it'll be fun reminding them about that.
All states certified today except Wisconsin. End of line! Joe Biden President-elect!

Of course they did.

Here in reality Joe Biden will be sworn in as president January 20th.

I have no idea what the crazy delusional trump people are going to do when that happens.

I just hope no one gets hurt.
For the most part, I suspect they'll just buy more guns. Or talk about guns. Or dream about guns. Or issue thinly-veiled vague threats about using guns.

That doesn't preclude some sporadic violence, but I'd think it would be limited.

They sure do like their penis extender weapons don't they?

It's weird. They seem to think that a weapon and violence is the answer to almost everything.

I sure hope people aren't hurt.
The SC just refused to hear the case. Unanimously.
That was just a trivial injunction. The important case is this >>>.
US Supreme Court is already on the case of 10 states suing MI, WI, PA, GA. SCOTUS is giving them 2 days to respond. Gamechanger.

Last edited:
The truth will come out and the SC will rule in Trump's favor.

The application for injunctive relief presented to Justice Alito and by him referred to the Court is denied

The SC just refused to hear the case. Unanimously.
That was just a trivial injunction. The important case is this >>>.
US Supreme Court is already on the case of 10 states suing MI, WI, PA, GA. SCOTUS is giving them 2 days to respond. Gamechanger.


Great, more suits your side will lose.

There really isn't. Tomorrow is pretty much it.

The folks telling you otherwise are milking you for advertising dollars and campaign debt donations.
The certified results are already in for every contested battle ground state. Formal letters have been sent to the US federal government from the State Legislatures or Secretaries of State with the list of selected electors for every contested battle ground state.

Safe Harbor is tomorrow.

You're being played.
Not every swing state. But every contested state. Nevada, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia.

They've certified, the state's electors have been picked. A list with the name of each of those those electors have been compiled and formally sent the US federal government with the State seals and signatures attached.

And Safe Harbor is tomorrow. If there's some smoking gun, now is the time you show us.

It might be better explained here - about 1 minute into the video.

I like how that article celebrates both Alito moving the hearing date back to today, so that it could be heard by Safe Harbor Day ... but they also celebrate celebrate Safe Harbor Day has no meaning.


It's as if you don't realize Alito knows something you don't.

As far as Mike Kelly's lawsuit, get ready for Republican disappointment #563. No judge in America is going to disenfranchise 2.6 million voters over a law that the electorate followed that was constitutional on election day.

I just post them as I see them.

Core Conservative Belief: Conservatives believe that the role of the Supreme Court is to examine state and federal laws, and lower court decisions to determine whether they comport with the written Constitution. An even lowest common denominator belief is that the Supreme Court should examine only whether federal matters comport with the written Constitution, and to interfere with states only if the states enact laws that conflict or overlap with federal matters.

Progressive Belief: The Supreme Court is to decide what is right and what is wrong - and it can get help for this by looking to each justice's own private standards of morality, to dominant cultural trends, and to foreign systems. Having examined the moral position, the Court should then direct policy consistent with its findings.

We shall see who prevails

Your demented perception of how ideologies view that bench is noted and laughed at.

That aside, if the Safe Harbor date is meaningless as Team Trump contends, why do you suppose Alito moved that hearing date back to today?
Do I appear to be a mind reader ?
And just like me, I highly doubt you are a constitutional scholar. We are in uncharted waters and you dont KNOW what exactly is going to happen.
I dont know why Alito moved it back a day...
Not entirely uncharted. The Constitution charts much of this out. As far as knowing what's going to happen, I do as far as Mike Kelly's suit. It's obvious. The law allowing no-excuse mail-in ballots was passed a year before the election and was constitutional on election day. Even if the courts decide now that it's not constitutional, no court is going to disenfranchise 2.6 million voters who voted in accordance with the law as written. Especially in light of the people now contesting the constitutionality of that law had a year to challenge it. Waiting until after their political party lost an election to try and reverse the will of the people is not the fault of the voters who followed a law; which again, was legal and constitutional when the cast their votes.
Exactly what I told Dogbiscuit

The application for injunctive relief presented to Justice Alito and by him referred to the Court is denied
Great, more suits your side will lose.

I wouldn't bet on that if I were you. If they were going to lose, SCOTUS wouldn't have taken the case to begin with. We'll see. The 4 states have only until tomorrow to respond.
all these lower court dismissals do is get the issues to the supreme court faster.
that is a good thing.
Trump won the election by a substantial margin, then the dems and their minions cheated. The truth will come out and the SC will rule in Trump's favor. This shit is almost over and many dems are going to jail.
Most likely. I wouldn't want to be betting against Trump at this point. He also has the state legislatures on his side. You know, the guys who select the electors in the electoral college? Yeah, them.
The SC just refused to hear the case. Unanimously.
That was just a trivial injunction. The important case is this >>>.
US Supreme Court is already on the case of 10 states suing MI, WI, PA, GA. SCOTUS is giving them 2 days to respond. Gamechanger.

"Do I appear to be a mind reader ?"

No, but you think you are. How else could you explain your assessment of how conservatives and progressives think about the role of the SCOTUS?
For your information that was a copy and paste, and not a quote from yours truly.
"And just like me, I highly doubt you are a constitutional scholar."

That's good because I never claimed to be one.
No, you just act like one on here.
"We are in uncharted waters and you dont KNOW what exactly is going to happen."

Not entirely uncharted. The Constitution charts much of this out. As far as knowing what's going to happen, I do as far as Mike Kelly's suit. It's obvious. The law allowing no-excuse mail-in ballots was passed a year before the election and was constitutional on election day. Even if the courts decide now that it's not constitutional, no court is going to disenfranchise 2.6 million voters who voted in accordance with the law as written. Especially in light of the people now contesting the constitutionality of that law had a year to challenge it. Waiting until after their political party lost an election to try and reverse the will of the people is not the fault of the voters who followed a law; which again, was legal and constitutional when the cast their votes.
Again, I dont claim to know. I have faith in our constitution, and the legal path our forefathers have laid out for us.
I have faith in our SC in making the right decision.
"I dont know why Alito moved it back a day..."

Well you should. Today is the Safe Harbor date. After today, Congress cannot challenge the electors selected by the states. He moved the date of Kelly's hearing to today to give Pennsylvania's state legislature an opportunity today to swap out their electors, should they want to do so.
And as Ive mentioned before, if this comes to fruition, then it very well might set a precedent.
"For your information that was a copy and paste, and not a quote from yours truly."

That makes no difference as you are the one who still posted it here.

"No, you just act like one on here."

Nope, that's just your perception. Like everyone else here, I'm merely posting my opinions.

"Again, I dont claim to know. I have faith in our constitution, and the legal path our forefathers have laid out for us."

And the Constitution laid the path for today's events. That's why we have a Safe Harbor deadline. All states except Wisconsin have certified their electors and Biden doesn't need Wisconsin to win anyway. There's no going back now as Biden will now win the electoral vote. On Monday, we'll see by what margin. And while Impeached Trump has one last hail mary to throw on January 6th, that will surely result in an incomplete pass since he needs the Democrat-led House to agree to not accept a state's electors, and there is no chance of that happening.

"And as Ive mentioned before, if this comes to fruition, then it very well might set a precedent."

Such a precedent would be the end of this nation as we know it. Not going to happen.
True story - I just recently got into politics to this level a few months ago, and Ive learned a tremendous amount in these last few months. Im simply proud that a country boy from a small town with a high school education is capable of smacking down people like you over 90% of the time.
After this election is officially over, I will resume my normal life the best I can, and you can bet that I will continue to read more, find a system to store/file info on my computer for later reference, and I will further dispose of your kind from the use of mere common sense, something you obviously fail to convey.

Good day professor.

Boy somebody really thinks he's all that and a bag of peanuts today.

You tell me that you just got into politics a short time ago, and after a well reasoned and intellectual appraisal of American politics, you decided throw all of your newly acquired reasoning skills behind the most corrupt, amoral, and incompetent President in the history of the Republic?

Now you think that you’re issuing smack downs on things you know less than nothing about.

You were quick to point out an auto correct syntax error, but said nothing about the content of the post. A failed attempt at a grammar lesson isn’t a rebuttal. It’s a deflection because you have no rebuttal.

Anyone sufficiently lacking in intellect that you recently climbed on board the Trump train, and are buying into Don the Con’s latest fleecing of the faithful shows how lacking in critical thinking skills you really are.

Come back when you’ve learned to spot the mark in Don the Con’s electoral shell game.
My cranium cerebellum has been impregnated with a great abundance of intellectual ability to acknowledge the simple fact that you just got your feelings hurt. Im so sorry.
If you put some ice on that nerve it might heal a tad bit faster.
I dont lie and I try not to exceed my limitations, it might behoove you to do the same sweet cheeks.

My feelings aren’t hurt.
"Do I appear to be a mind reader ?"

No, but you think you are. How else could you explain your assessment of how conservatives and progressives think about the role of the SCOTUS?
For your information that was a copy and paste, and not a quote from yours truly.
"And just like me, I highly doubt you are a constitutional scholar."

That's good because I never claimed to be one.
No, you just act like one on here.
"We are in uncharted waters and you dont KNOW what exactly is going to happen."

Not entirely uncharted. The Constitution charts much of this out. As far as knowing what's going to happen, I do as far as Mike Kelly's suit. It's obvious. The law allowing no-excuse mail-in ballots was passed a year before the election and was constitutional on election day. Even if the courts decide now that it's not constitutional, no court is going to disenfranchise 2.6 million voters who voted in accordance with the law as written. Especially in light of the people now contesting the constitutionality of that law had a year to challenge it. Waiting until after their political party lost an election to try and reverse the will of the people is not the fault of the voters who followed a law; which again, was legal and constitutional when the cast their votes.
Again, I dont claim to know. I have faith in our constitution, and the legal path our forefathers have laid out for us.
I have faith in our SC in making the right decision.
"I dont know why Alito moved it back a day..."

Well you should. Today is the Safe Harbor date. After today, Congress cannot challenge the electors selected by the states. He moved the date of Kelly's hearing to today to give Pennsylvania's state legislature an opportunity today to swap out their electors, should they want to do so.
And as Ive mentioned before, if this comes to fruition, then it very well might set a precedent.
"For your information that was a copy and paste, and not a quote from yours truly."

That makes no difference as you are the one who still posted it here.

"No, you just act like one on here."

Nope, that's just your perception. Like everyone else here, I'm merely posting my opinions.

"Again, I dont claim to know. I have faith in our constitution, and the legal path our forefathers have laid out for us."

And the Constitution laid the path for today's events. That's why we have a Safe Harbor deadline. All states except Wisconsin have certified their electors and Biden doesn't need Wisconsin to win anyway. There's no going back now as Biden will now win the electoral vote. On Monday, we'll see by what margin. And while Impeached Trump has one last hail mary to throw on January 6th, that will surely result in an incomplete pass since he needs the Democrat-led House to agree to not accept a state's electors, and there is no chance of that happening.

"And as Ive mentioned before, if this comes to fruition, then it very well might set a precedent."

Such a precedent would be the end of this nation as we know it. Not going to happen.
True story - I just recently got into politics to this level a few months ago, and Ive learned a tremendous amount in these last few months. Im simply proud that a country boy from a small town with a high school education is capable of smacking down people like you over 90% of the time.
After this election is officially over, I will resume my normal life the best I can, and you can bet that I will continue to read more, find a system to store/file info on my computer for later reference, and I will further dispose of your kind from the use of mere common sense, something you obviously fail to convey.

Good day professor.

Boy somebody really thinks he's all that and a bag of peanuts today.

You tell me that you just got into politics a short time ago, and after a well reasoned and intellectual appraisal of American politics, you decided throw all of your newly acquired reasoning skills behind the most corrupt, amoral, and incompetent President in the history of the Republic?

Now you think that you’re issuing smack downs on things you know less than nothing about.

You were quick to point out an auto correct syntax error, but said nothing about the content of the post. A failed attempt at a grammar lesson isn’t a rebuttal. It’s a deflection because you have no rebuttal.

Anyone sufficiently lacking in intellect that you recently climbed on board the Trump train, and are buying into Don the Con’s latest fleecing of the faithful shows how lacking in critical thinking skills you really are.

Come back when you’ve learned to spot the mark in Don the Con’s electoral shell game.
My cranium cerebellum has been impregnated with a great abundance of intellectual ability to acknowledge the simple fact that you just got your feelings hurt. Im so sorry.
If you put some ice on that nerve it might heal a tad bit faster.
I dont lie and I try not to exceed my limitations, it might behoove you to do the same sweet cheeks.

WTF are you blithering about, FuckBoi? You already exceeded your limitations by claiming victory when you haven't even answered the question. All you've done is try to deflect from your inability to answer by claiming you hurt my feelings. 40 years of working in banking and law has rendered me devoid of all feelings.

Time for you to start displaying all of the knowledge you acquired.
40 years of working in banking and law has rendered me devoid of all feelings.
Yet you respond in this manner...humm
You know about 12 to 15 years ago, I gut shot a cat very similar to the top one pictured in your avatar. That particular breed is very resilient. It ran about 30 yards before piling up. I walked up to it and while it continued gasping for oxygen, I decided to be humane and extinguished its life with a final .22 bullet to the head.
The next one I encounter, I will be sure to take before and after pictures, so that you might have a better understanding.
Have a great day my love.
Oh look at this little dick wad swooning over rent control because he needs it, go fuck yourself you old bastard.
Sorry SLUT. I'll just sit back, and let you post in here, and show the world what a SLEAZY trashbag you are.

Are you gay? Calling me slut? I have said many a times I am a man and I don't think your low life self has anywhere in my life. You socialist pig.
The SC just refused to hear the case. Unanimously.
That was just a trivial injunction. The important case is this >>>.
US Supreme Court is already on the case of 10 states suing MI, WI, PA, GA. SCOTUS is giving them 2 days to respond. Gamechanger.

Nope. They made the same requirement of response from Pennsylvania in the Mike Kelly suit.

Before dismissing it unanimously with a one word response:


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