Federal judge refuses to block most of Alabama immigration law

Kennedy is not centrist to liberal - he's centrist to conservative

Roberts & Alito are pretty damned conservative as well.

One thing Bush got right was SCOTUS nominees.

It will, as usual, be Kennedy's decision to make.
Kennedy has often been the swing vote on many of the Court's politically charged 5–4 decisions. Conservatives have felt betrayed by some of his decisions

Kennedy's concept of "liberty" has included some protections for sexual orientation. He wrote the Court's opinion in the 1996 case, Romer v. Evans, invalidating a provision in the Colorado Constitution denying homosexuals the right to bring local discrimination claims. In 2003, he authored the Court's opinion in Lawrence v. Texas, which invalidated criminal prohibitions against homosexual sodomy under the Due Process Clause of the United States Constitution, overturning the Court's previous ruling in 1986's Bowers v. Hardwick. In both cases, he sided with the more liberal members of the Court.

Kennedy was joined by the four more liberal judges in finding that the constitutionally guaranteed right of habeas corpus applies to persons held in Guantanamo Bay and to persons designated as enemy combatants on that territory. They also found that the Detainee Treatment Act of 2005 failed to provide an adequate substitute for habeas corpus and that the MCA was an unconstitutional suspension of that right.

Since he thinks enemy combatants are protected by the constitution I can't envision him saying that children fall outside of the protection of the constitution because of their parent's immigration status.
It is highly unlikely that Plyler is ever going to be overturned. It could be interpreted differently to allow states to protect themselves a little bit more, but it isn't likely to be overturned.
If the children were born in the US they are attending school, otherwise no because they don't have any legit papers or birth certificate.

you don't need a US birth cert to go to school in the US..any birth certificate will do. You say they don't have a birth certificate? Yes, they do...just not a US birth certificate. btw, have you bothered to read Plyler v Doe? It is a US Supreme Court decision on this very issue...you cannot deny children, even those who are illegal or children of illegals the right to go to school..and Alabama is even denying US citizen children that right because they are investigating the PARENT's status...

Prior to the 1990's schools DID ask for the legal status of students and files were kept. That was deemed unconstitutional and the rest is history. ANY birth certificate from any state or country is acceptable as proof of BIRTHDATE. NO child in the USA can be denied PUBLIC education from grades K thru 12. Parents blantantly admit their illegality in the country when registering their children. They know the law better than most of us. It behooves them to know the laws and the ins and outs of our system.
Prior to the 1990's schools DID ask for the legal status of students and files were kept. That was deemed unconstitutional and the rest is history. ANY birth certificate from any state or country is acceptable as proof of BIRTHDATE. NO child in the USA can be denied PUBLIC education from grades K thru 12. Parents blantantly admit their illegality in the country when registering their children. They know the law better than most of us. It behooves them to know the laws and the ins and outs of our system.

Wrong, the law went to the Supreme Court in 1981 and it was in Texas...the court overturned it in Plyler v Doe saying to Texas the law they wrote was in violation of equal protection and violated the constitution...that wasn't the 1990s that was 1981 and the law was passed in 1979.
SWEET! Here's an interesting part of that crappy decision:

The court determined that the State's concern for fiscal integrity was not a compelling state interest

It's time to scrap our whole system & start over. Maybe we could actually use the constitution as it is written??
SWEET! Here's an interesting part of that crappy decision:

The court determined that the State's concern for fiscal integrity was not a compelling state interest

It's time to scrap our whole system & start over. Maybe we could actually use the constitution as it is written??

Liberals find the Constitution much to radical for their taste.
except one thing..financial integrity of the state is not a right...yet, a person being protected equally is a right.
except one thing..financial integrity of the state is not a right...yet, a person being protected equally is a right.


and going bankrupt is also a "right"

THAT attitude is a fundamental root cause of our nation's financial woes. If we can't afford it, our resources should be allocated to CITIZENS 1st.

We're getting real close to the point when that happens out of necessity
nope, nor is having a job a right...btw, it has been refreshing arguing with someone who can elaborate their argument without insults....kuddos to you..and while I disagree with you I just gave you rep for it..
Tipsy, one federal judge is not going to count much...especially when it comes to the US court of appeals...those single federal judges often get overturned.
nope, nor is having a job a right...btw, it has been refreshing arguing with someone who can elaborate their argument without insults....kuddos to you..and while I disagree with you I just gave you rep for it..

life's too short

you said something I disagree with; ergo, I hate you!

Really? People that always resort to insults & never cede a point (even when they have been proven wrong) look foolish & display a lack of intelligence.

Being snarky? Well - that's different...
Oh I am often snarky...just let me get too much coca cola in my system..it messes with the body for sure.....I sware it is a drug.
Tipsy, one federal judge is not going to count much...especially when it comes to the US court of appeals...those single federal judges often get overturned.

I expect it! THIS government is squarely against the American people no matter what the issue.
Tipsy how is following the constitution being against the American people? Public opinion is not what we base laws on they are based on the US Constitution.

Unkotare, yes it is a drug..wanna bet money on it?
nothing wrong with my comment..lots of folks drink coca cola..few realize that it uses coca leaves.

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