Federal Rules and Regulations cost average household $15,000 a year.


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Everyone keeps describing the declining income of Americans.

Here is one major reason!

According to the Competitive Enterprise Institute, covering the cost of federal regulations costs American families close to $15,000 of their average income.
“Can you imagine what your family could do with an additional $14,974 for groceries, gasoline, and savings? Congress owes it to the American people to carefully scrutinize the regulatory process to ensure regulations work for the people,” Lankford’s report notes. “We can balance responsible regulations with cost-effective solutions that work for families.”

While in the past year Obama signed 224 bills into law, he also published 3,554 final rules. “This means that for every law passed by Congress, the federal government created 16 new rules,” according to the report.

These 3,554 regulations impose significant costs on the American economy. The National Association of Manufacturers calculated the total cost of federal regulations in 2012 to be a staggering $2.028 trillion (11 percent of the U.S. gross domestic product). If our $2 trillion federal regulatory cost were a country, it would be the ninth-largest in the world.
Obama's 3,554 Rules and Regulations Cost Households $15,000 - Breitbart

You must like pollution, shitty food and crappy water. I find it well worth it to live in a first world you piece of shit.
Congress owes it to the American people to carefully scrutinize the regulatory process to ensure regulations work for the people,”
Amen to that! and while we're at it how about we make a concerted effort to review each and every regulation that is currently on the books with an eye toward cost-benefit analysis and determining whether the unintended negative consequences justify the existence of the regulation. Personally I think every law and regulation that impacts economic activity should be booked with detailed measurement benchmarks and timelines for success and if it doesn't meet those it gets stricken immediately.

We have a 175,000 pages (235 volumes) in the Code of Federal Regulations what sort of a warped society needs that many rules at the central government level especially in a REPUBLIC? We are literally regulating our economy to death.
Congress owes it to the American people to carefully scrutinize the regulatory process to ensure regulations work for the people,”
Amen to that! and while we're at it how about we make a concerted effort to review each and every regulation that is currently on the books with an eye toward cost-benefit analysis and determining whether the unintended negative consequences justify the existence of the regulation. Personally I think every law and regulation that impacts economic activity should be booked with detailed measurement benchmarks and timelines for success and if it doesn't meet those it gets stricken immediately.

We have a 175,000 pages (235 volumes) in the Code of Federal Regulations what sort of a warped society needs that many rules at the central government level especially in a REPUBLIC? We are literally regulating our economy to death.
We've been making law, rules and regulations for over two hundred years.

In the beginning, Congress wasn't a full time job. Maybe that is where the problem started.

Aside from working on the budget, maybe they should start spending as much time getting rid of law and bureaucracy as they do making it.

You must like pollution, shitty food and crappy water. I find it well worth it to live in a first world you piece of shit.

People are such pieces of shit, that the government needs to pass around 40,000 new laws and regulations every year just to help us from dying in the streets.

Pretty soon, they will need to pass twice that. I about 20 years, who knows, maybe they will just build a wall around us with guards posted around the wall and call it a day.
But but to the left/dem. that is the Guberment taking care to give us clean water and air to breath. don't ya know

sickening. no wonder we are suffering so bad
Everyone keeps describing the declining income of Americans.

Here is one major reason!

According to the Competitive Enterprise Institute, covering the cost of federal regulations costs American families close to $15,000 of their average income.
“Can you imagine what your family could do with an additional $14,974 for groceries, gasoline, and savings? Congress owes it to the American people to carefully scrutinize the regulatory process to ensure regulations work for the people,” Lankford’s report notes. “We can balance responsible regulations with cost-effective solutions that work for families.”

While in the past year Obama signed 224 bills into law, he also published 3,554 final rules. “This means that for every law passed by Congress, the federal government created 16 new rules,” according to the report.

These 3,554 regulations impose significant costs on the American economy. The National Association of Manufacturers calculated the total cost of federal regulations in 2012 to be a staggering $2.028 trillion (11 percent of the U.S. gross domestic product). If our $2 trillion federal regulatory cost were a country, it would be the ninth-largest in the world.
Obama's 3,554 Rules and Regulations Cost Households $15,000 - Breitbart

It is a war on capitalism

This is how statists view capitalism

1. It is a necessary evil. They need some form of it to produce wealth since they don't produce any themselves, so they limit such wealth through corporations which they control.

2. Economic power equals freedom. Freedom equals more pollution and less natural resources. Therefore, a free market shall be under assault till the end of time in order to save mother earth and help control the slave labor.

3. The real goal of a statist is complete control. That is why morality has been under assault along with the free market. After all, how must you govern over a society that has no morality? It would be akin to governing over a nation of convicts. The only way to govern them would be to treat society like a prison and build walls around them, hence the police state. Always remember, laws restrict freedom, so any time a law of regulation is passed, somewhere a statist earns their wings.
Congress owes it to the American people to carefully scrutinize the regulatory process to ensure regulations work for the people,”
Amen to that! and while we're at it how about we make a concerted effort to review each and every regulation that is currently on the books with an eye toward cost-benefit analysis and determining whether the unintended negative consequences justify the existence of the regulation. Personally I think every law and regulation that impacts economic activity should be booked with detailed measurement benchmarks and timelines for success and if it doesn't meet those it gets stricken immediately.

We have a 175,000 pages (235 volumes) in the Code of Federal Regulations what sort of a warped society needs that many rules at the central government level especially in a REPUBLIC? We are literally regulating our economy to death.
We've been making law, rules and regulations for over two hundred years.

In the beginning, Congress wasn't a full time job. Maybe that is where the problem started.

Aside from working on the budget, maybe they should start spending as much time getting rid of law and bureaucracy as they do making it.

Great points, I'll add:

in 1960 the CFR was only (approx) 23,000 pages long (68 volumes), so from the beginning of the Republic to 1960: +23,000 pages
by 1975 it had grown to 71,000 pages (133 volumes) a three fold increase in only 15 years
Today it stands at 175,000 pages (235 volumes) another 146% increase in only 30 years

And under the Obama Administration the pace of new regulations has INCREASED (he added 17,000 new pages to the CFR in just 5 years).

I think the problem is more fundamental than just career politicians (although that clearly did not help matters), I think perhaps the mentality of our society has shifted from one of free thinking individuals to one where the average person simply doesn't believe they can function without the government telling them what to do. We're rather like the European Peasantry of the Middle Ages who could not even conceive of life without it being micro managed by the Church without ever realizing how controlled their lives really were.
And when a regulation is created by someone other than congress, it never is studied as it should be, and we don't have the opportunity to vote the people out who created it.

Tell us, besides voting in a President who would dismantle many of these departments of un-elected officials who create these mounds of regulations, how else do we stop them? If for no other reason, that should be one of the primary use of the thought process, to NOT vote establishment!
Auto deaths keep dropping even though there are more cars than ever . Why? Cause of safety regs.

True an airbag adds to the cost of the car, they also save thousands of lives every week .

No all regs are bad .
Auto deaths keep dropping even though there are more cars than ever . Why? Cause of safety regs.

True an airbag adds to the cost of the car, they also save thousands of lives every week .

No all regs are bad .

Nobody is claiming that all regulations are "bad" Timmy, just that the current system of how they're created, implemented and managed is asinine.
This issue is one I've been harping on for a long time. I've noted on another thread that a study by the SBA a few years back put the cost of meeting regs on a small manufacturer(500 employees or less) at $22k per employee per year. Drives me crazy when I hear people lament "where have all the good mfr jobs gone".

Another side of this issue is who's creating these regs. I've been in metal stamping my entire life and my father before me also spent his entire career in the same field. We can't even begin to comprehend half of the regs from OSHA specifically aimed at our industry. That's what happens when these regs are devised by bureaucrats and lawyers.

The last 2 OSHA inspections I've been involved with(1 at my own firm, another as a consultant) are telling.
At my firm the "inspector" was a 23 yr old who graduated from college a year earlier with a degree in english. I know this because I know the man that hired her, who is now a private safety consultant(or as we like to say, raping us from the other side). The second "inspector" told me that 9 months earlier she was behind the counter of a post office.
In the case of the english major she was dealing with people that had been operating and maintaining that very equipment for longer than she's been alive. Literally. In both cases the "inspectors" a year earlier wouldn't have known an hydraulic power press from a trout.

I'm all for intelligent regs. But when someone says "the bridge is going to collapse", the response shouldn't be, "someone call a lawyer".
If only we could get rid of all regulations and trust the integrity of our corporations to do the right thing
According to the Competitive Enterprise Institute
Dioxin is good for you. :cuckoo:

CEI is famous for their tobacco disinformation campaign.
How stupid do you have to be to believe anything the Koch funded think tank and lobby group says?

That's the spirit! when you cannot rebut the argument with reason and evidence; attempt to discredit the source. :rolleyes:
No evidence was given on how the $14,976 number was fabricated, so it stands on the credibility, or lack thereof, of the source.

Enjoy your healthful Dioxin, and be sure to wash it down with Flint water.

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