Federal Rules and Regulations cost average household $15,000 a year.

It's a one sided view, NOT a true analysis....

you have what businesses think regulations "cost" them, but there is no comparison analysis of what it would cost all of us without any of the regulations....

As Example: What if there were no EPA, and businesses poluted like crazy....how many lives would be lost? How much would it cost us in Medicaid and Medicare expense for all those additional people with cancers or breathing problems, how much would our drinking water cost due to the shortages of additional clean water that the rules and regs gave us?

or if it were a true free market with no regs, where monopolies could be the norm and what this would cost us in the price of goods with the lack of competition...

etc etc etc etc....

So basically, I call BULL CRAP on the op.
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Back to the drawing board, rubes. Come back when you have a more honest figure.
It's a one sided view, NOT a true analysis....

you have what businesses think regulations "cost" them, but there is no comparison analysis of what it would cost all of us without any of the regulations..
Bingo. Exactly.
It should be noted that under the umbrella of "the cost of regulations", the propaganda outlets include the Department of Homeland Security.

Department of Homeland Security

• Computer Assisted Passenger Prescreening System, providing government access to passenger reservation information

• Passenger screening using advanced imaging technology

• Importer security filing and additional carrier requirements

• Air cargo screening and inspection of towing vessels

Including this:

Minimum standards for driver’s licenses and ID cards acceptable to federal agencies

United States Visitor and Immigrant Status Indicator Technology program, which is authorized to collect biometric data from travelers and to expand to the 50 most highly trafficked land border ports
I suppose that includes the sexual molestation of airline passengers by the TSA.
It should be noted that under the umbrella of "the cost of regulations", the propaganda outlets include the Department of Homeland Security.

Department of Homeland Security

• Computer Assisted Passenger Prescreening System, providing government access to passenger reservation information

• Passenger screening using advanced imaging technology

• Importer security filing and additional carrier requirements

• Air cargo screening and inspection of towing vessels

Including this:

Minimum standards for driver’s licenses and ID cards acceptable to federal agencies

United States Visitor and Immigrant Status Indicator Technology program, which is authorized to collect biometric data from travelers and to expand to the 50 most highly trafficked land border ports
I suppose that includes the sexual molestation of airline passengers by the TSA.
As compared to the cost of the World Trade Center and 3,000 lives without those regulations.
Go read the underlying data and keep in mind that "wasteful" and "unnecessary" can be highly subjective.
Would you say Voter ID and customs and border protection are "wasteful" and "unnecessary"?
NOPE, I would say that the possibility exists that SOME SPECIFIC regulations dealing with "Voter ID and customs and border protection" are "wasteful" and "unnecessary" and determining which are and which are not requires regulatory review and a reform of the existing process regarding the creation, implementation and management of the regulatory regime.

I have been saying Voter ID is wasteful since Day One. It utterly fails to stop the types of voter fraud which actually occur. Which is why I always ask the Voter ID rubes what we used to call people who demand the government spend taxpayer dollars on completely ineffective programs. The answer to which is, "Liberals".
You've apparently mistaken me for someone that actually cares how others respond to your arguments.
I'm sure there are many places in the world with far fewer government regulations. I don't know why these people don't just move to those places,

since they're so certain their lives would be so much better.

Probably for the same reason that you folks that want to defend every square inch of the regulatory state don't move to North Korea; Giv

$15,000 for regulations.

Please break this figure down. How much is going toward ensuring we have clean water, for example.

How much is going toward ensuring my food isn't toxic?

Please detail how much is wasteful or unnecessary.

Thank you.
Go read the underlying data and keep in mind that "wasteful" and "unnecessary" can be highly subjective.
No. You are the one whining about the cost of regulations. So break that figure down.

You piss drinkers imply it is all wasteful. Now it is time for you to prove it.
It's amazing how popular straw men are around here, perhaps you should go read what I actually posted in response to the OP instead of what the voices in your noggin told you I posted.

The underlying data has been pointed out in this thread and yet that's not enough for you, you want others to formulate your argument for you too... unreal. :rolleyes:
No one is fooled. You rubes whine about the cost of regulations, with the clear implication it is all unnecessary or wasteful. You blast out a completely hyperbolic figure and then whine when asked to break it down between well-spent money and ill-spent money.

Now, as we chip away at that figure, you are caught with salmonella-free egg on your idiot faces.

I'm for smart regulation, not no regulation. And smart regulation costs money.

Dumb regulation, like Voter ID, needs to go away.

Please explain this "dumb regulation"!

OSHA requires if a business has 1 water closet for 15 workers and decide to hire 1 more person... per OSHA law provide must have 2 water closets!

Sanitation. - 1910.141

What kind of "smart" regulation is that?
I'm sure there are many places in the world with far fewer government regulations. I don't know why these people don't just move to those places,

since they're so certain their lives would be so much better.

Probably for the same reason that you folks that want to defend every square inch of the regulatory state don't move to North Korea; Giv
$15,000 for regulations.

Please break this figure down. How much is going toward ensuring we have clean water, for example.

How much is going toward ensuring my food isn't toxic?

Please detail how much is wasteful or unnecessary.

Thank you.
Go read the underlying data and keep in mind that "wasteful" and "unnecessary" can be highly subjective.
No. You are the one whining about the cost of regulations. So break that figure down.

You piss drinkers imply it is all wasteful. Now it is time for you to prove it.
It's amazing how popular straw men are around here, perhaps you should go read what I actually posted in response to the OP instead of what the voices in your noggin told you I posted.

The underlying data has been pointed out in this thread and yet that's not enough for you, you want others to formulate your argument for you too... unreal. :rolleyes:
No one is fooled. You rubes whine about the cost of regulations, with the clear implication it is all unnecessary or wasteful. You blast out a completely hyperbolic figure and then whine when asked to break it down between well-spent money and ill-spent money.

Now, as we chip away at that figure, you are caught with salmonella-free egg on your idiot faces.

I'm for smart regulation, not no regulation. And smart regulation costs money.

Dumb regulation, like Voter ID, needs to go away.

Please explain this "dumb regulation"!

OSHA requires if a business has 1 water closet for 15 workers and decide to hire 1 more person... per OSHA law provide must have 2 water closets!

Sanitation. - 1910.141

What kind of "smart" regulation is that?
Please break down your $15,000 into how much of it is well spent and how much is ill-spent.

Thank you.

By the way, kid, I used to attend events with Ronald Reagan before he was President. He used to read from the OSHA regulations to get us all laughing.
I'm sure there are many places in the world with far fewer government regulations. I don't know why these people don't just move to those places,

since they're so certain their lives would be so much better.

Probably for the same reason that you folks that want to defend every square inch of the regulatory state don't move to North Korea; Giv

$15,000 for regulations.

Please break this figure down. How much is going toward ensuring we have clean water, for example.

How much is going toward ensuring my food isn't toxic?

Please detail how much is wasteful or unnecessary.

Thank you.
Go read the underlying data and keep in mind that "wasteful" and "unnecessary" can be highly subjective.
No. You are the one whining about the cost of regulations. So break that figure down.

You piss drinkers imply it is all wasteful. Now it is time for you to prove it.
It's amazing how popular straw men are around here, perhaps you should go read what I actually posted in response to the OP instead of what the voices in your noggin told you I posted.

The underlying data has been pointed out in this thread and yet that's not enough for you, you want others to formulate your argument for you too... unreal. :rolleyes:
No one is fooled. You rubes whine about the cost of regulations, with the clear implication it is all unnecessary or wasteful. You blast out a completely hyperbolic figure and then whine when asked to break it down between well-spent money and ill-spent money.

Now, as we chip away at that figure, you are caught with salmonella-free egg on your idiot faces.

I'm for smart regulation, not no regulation. And smart regulation costs money.

Dumb regulation, like Voter ID, needs to go away.

OK another one!
So Obama and your ilk call for "more gun laws"!
Dummy! If there are more laws will they be enforced as the current laws AREN"T???
What the f...k good is MORE laws if existing laws are enforced? 34% decline in convictions!
WHY? What good is more laws if they existing laws aren't enforced?

Obviously y
It's a one sided view, NOT a true analysis....

you have what businesses think regulations "cost" them, but there is no comparison analysis of what it would cost all of us without any of the regulations....

As Example: What if there were no EPA, and businesses poluted like crazy....how many lives would be lost? How much would it cost us in Medicaid and Medicare expense for all those additional people with cancers or breathing problems, how much would our drinking water cost due to the shortages of additional clean water that the rules and regs gave us?

or if were a true free market with no regs, where monopolies could be the norm and what this would cost us in the price of goods with the lack of competition...

etc etc etc etc....

So basically, I call BULL CRAP on the op.

Obviously you can't make a decision without the government telling you it is OK!
Case in point. Do you think any business will continue to sell a product if the consumer KNOWS there is a problem ! Are you saying you are so dependent you
can't make a decision to buy without the stamp of approval by the FDA/OSHA/etc......?
If I didn't have a government regulation saying I have to pay for schools I could save $4000 a year
Obviously y
It's a one sided view, NOT a true analysis....

you have what businesses think regulations "cost" them, but there is no comparison analysis of what it would cost all of us without any of the regulations....

As Example: What if there were no EPA, and businesses poluted like crazy....how many lives would be lost? How much would it cost us in Medicaid and Medicare expense for all those additional people with cancers or breathing problems, how much would our drinking water cost due to the shortages of additional clean water that the rules and regs gave us?

or if were a true free market with no regs, where monopolies could be the norm and what this would cost us in the price of goods with the lack of competition...

etc etc etc etc....

So basically, I call BULL CRAP on the op.

Obviously you can't make a decision without the government telling you it is OK!
Case in point. Do you think any business will continue to sell a product if the consumer KNOWS there is a problem ! Are you saying you are so dependent you
can't make a decision to buy without the stamp of approval by the FDA/OSHA/etc......?
you are one naive individual...

What would it cost the average family without all of these regulations?

We need to know this, so we can compare and make a sound judgement on whether the supposed $15k is actually more harmful to our pockets, or not....

your op article fails to address this....thus, it is a useless article.
I'm sure there are many places in the world with far fewer government regulations. I don't know why these people don't just move to those places,

since they're so certain their lives would be so much better.

Probably for the same reason that you folks that want to defend every square inch of the regulatory state don't move to North Korea; Giv
$15,000 for regulations.

Please break this figure down. How much is going toward ensuring we have clean water, for example.

How much is going toward ensuring my food isn't toxic?

Please detail how much is wasteful or unnecessary.

Thank you.
Go read the underlying data and keep in mind that "wasteful" and "unnecessary" can be highly subjective.
No. You are the one whining about the cost of regulations. So break that figure down.

You piss drinkers imply it is all wasteful. Now it is time for you to prove it.
It's amazing how popular straw men are around here, perhaps you should go read what I actually posted in response to the OP instead of what the voices in your noggin told you I posted.

The underlying data has been pointed out in this thread and yet that's not enough for you, you want others to formulate your argument for you too... unreal. :rolleyes:
No one is fooled. You rubes whine about the cost of regulations, with the clear implication it is all unnecessary or wasteful. You blast out a completely hyperbolic figure and then whine when asked to break it down between well-spent money and ill-spent money.

Now, as we chip away at that figure, you are caught with salmonella-free egg on your idiot faces.

I'm for smart regulation, not no regulation. And smart regulation costs money.

Dumb regulation, like Voter ID, needs to go away.

OK another one!
So Obama and your ilk call for "more gun laws"!

Nope. I do not call for "more gun laws". You have the wrong guy.

I have consistently stated that all the laws the Left is calling for would not have stopped a single mass shooting or terrorist incident on our soil which has occurred.
I'm sure there are many places in the world with far fewer government regulations. I don't know why these people don't just move to those places,

since they're so certain their lives would be so much better.

Probably for the same reason that you folks that want to defend every square inch of the regulatory state don't move to North Korea; Giv
$15,000 for regulations.

Please break this figure down. How much is going toward ensuring we have clean water, for example.

How much is going toward ensuring my food isn't toxic?

Please detail how much is wasteful or unnecessary.

Thank you.
Go read the underlying data and keep in mind that "wasteful" and "unnecessary" can be highly subjective.
No. You are the one whining about the cost of regulations. So break that figure down.

You piss drinkers imply it is all wasteful. Now it is time for you to prove it.
It's amazing how popular straw men are around here, perhaps you should go read what I actually posted in response to the OP instead of what the voices in your noggin told you I posted.

The underlying data has been pointed out in this thread and yet that's not enough for you, you want others to formulate your argument for you too... unreal. :rolleyes:
No one is fooled. You rubes whine about the cost of regulations, with the clear implication it is all unnecessary or wasteful. You blast out a completely hyperbolic figure and then whine when asked to break it down between well-spent money and ill-spent money.

Now, as we chip away at that figure, you are caught with salmonella-free egg on your idiot faces.

I'm for smart regulation, not no regulation. And smart regulation costs money.

Dumb regulation, like Voter ID, needs to go away.

OK another one!

I am not asking for one. I am quite plainly asking you to tell us the exact portion of the $15,000 you hyperbolized which is ill spent.

Stop evading.
I'm sure there are many places in the world with far fewer government regulations. I don't know why these people don't just move to those places,

since they're so certain their lives would be so much better.

Probably for the same reason that you folks that want to defend every square inch of the regulatory state don't move to North Korea; Giv
Go read the underlying data and keep in mind that "wasteful" and "unnecessary" can be highly subjective.
No. You are the one whining about the cost of regulations. So break that figure down.

You piss drinkers imply it is all wasteful. Now it is time for you to prove it.
It's amazing how popular straw men are around here, perhaps you should go read what I actually posted in response to the OP instead of what the voices in your noggin told you I posted.

The underlying data has been pointed out in this thread and yet that's not enough for you, you want others to formulate your argument for you too... unreal. :rolleyes:
No one is fooled. You rubes whine about the cost of regulations, with the clear implication it is all unnecessary or wasteful. You blast out a completely hyperbolic figure and then whine when asked to break it down between well-spent money and ill-spent money.

Now, as we chip away at that figure, you are caught with salmonella-free egg on your idiot faces.

I'm for smart regulation, not no regulation. And smart regulation costs money.

Dumb regulation, like Voter ID, needs to go away.

OK another one!

I am not asking for one. I am quite plainly asking you to tell us the exact portion of the $15,000 you hyperbolized which is ill spent.

Stop evading.
Are you trying to regulate this thread?

What would it cost the average family without all of these regulations?
That's not the objective of the study, the conclusion that is drawn from it is that the regulatory process requires review and reform without such there is no way to quantify the cost-benefit and unintended consequences of any given regulation.

We need to know this, so we can compare and make a sound judgement on whether the supposed $15k is actually more harmful to our pockets, or not....
How are you going to determine this without a detailed review of every regulation in the FCR and how are going to maintain it for future regulations under the current system of "write it, book it and then forget about it until it becomes a political issue"?

your op article fails to address this....thus, it is a useless article.
It's only "useless" if your objective is to defend every square millimeter of the regulatory regime without regard to the specifics and overall efficiency of it.

This is something I noticed about hyper-partisans; when their party is in power the federal government can do no wrong, when their party is out of power the federal government can do no right, it's a ludicrous state of mind that frankly disqualifies those that are infected by it as members of any intelligent species (and no I'm not saying that you are one of those that is infected).
Obviously y
It's a one sided view, NOT a true analysis....

you have what businesses think regulations "cost" them, but there is no comparison analysis of what it would cost all of us without any of the regulations....

As Example: What if there were no EPA, and businesses poluted like crazy....how many lives would be lost? How much would it cost us in Medicaid and Medicare expense for all those additional people with cancers or breathing problems, how much would our drinking water cost due to the shortages of additional clean water that the rules and regs gave us?

or if were a true free market with no regs, where monopolies could be the norm and what this would cost us in the price of goods with the lack of competition...

etc etc etc etc....

So basically, I call BULL CRAP on the op.

Obviously you can't make a decision without the government telling you it is OK!
Case in point. Do you think any business will continue to sell a product if the consumer KNOWS there is a problem ! Are you saying you are so dependent you
can't make a decision to buy without the stamp of approval by the FDA/OSHA/etc......?
Obviously your thread premise has failed.
Screen Shot 2016-01-14 at 1.17.35 PM.png
Obviously y
It's a one sided view, NOT a true analysis....

you have what businesses think regulations "cost" them, but there is no comparison analysis of what it would cost all of us without any of the regulations....

As Example: What if there were no EPA, and businesses poluted like crazy....how many lives would be lost? How much would it cost us in Medicaid and Medicare expense for all those additional people with cancers or breathing problems, how much would our drinking water cost due to the shortages of additional clean water that the rules and regs gave us?

or if were a true free market with no regs, where monopolies could be the norm and what this would cost us in the price of goods with the lack of competition...

etc etc etc etc....

So basically, I call BULL CRAP on the op.

Obviously you can't make a decision without the government telling you it is OK!
Case in point. Do you think any business will continue to sell a product if the consumer KNOWS there is a problem ! Are you saying you are so dependent you
can't make a decision to buy without the stamp of approval by the FDA/OSHA/etc......?
you are one naive individual...

What would it cost the average family without all of these regulations?

We need to know this, so we can compare and make a sound judgement on whether the supposed $15k is actually more harmful to our pockets, or not....

your op article fails to address this....thus, it is a useless article.

So common sense is absent in your world right?
Why not a cop on every street corner? You do realize everyday every American including you break at least ONE rule or regulation or law !
You probably drive over the speed limit. You broke the law.
Did you spit on the ground? You broke the law.
Common sense and education can reduce the laws,regulations.
Ultimately people like you depend on rules and regulations to tell you what common sense should tell you but you haven't one iota of common sense!
YOU are like these people that seem to ignore the laws of physics and ultimate end up in the emergency room!
And then idiots like you doing stupid things like this wonder why health care costs skyrocket!
Want a rule or regulation for this??? Again common sense in idiots like you and the below exhibit Darwin's law of selection!
Screen Shot 2016-01-14 at 1.13.45 PM.png

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