Federal Rules and Regulations cost average household $15,000 a year.

According to the Competitive Enterprise Institute
Dioxin is good for you. :cuckoo:

CEI is famous for their tobacco disinformation campaign.
How stupid do you have to be to believe anything the Koch funded think tank and lobby group says?

That's the spirit! when you cannot rebut the argument with reason and evidence; attempt to discredit the source. :rolleyes:
No evidence was given on how the $14,976 number was fabricated, so it stands on the credibility, or lack thereof, of the source.
Yes that is generally the case for those that are too intellectually lazy to go out find and read the underlying data that was used to draw the conclusions presented. After all it's SO hard to find information on the Internet, much easier to just attack the source and spare yourself the agony of attempting to formulate a reasoned counter-argument.

https://cei.org/sites/default/files/10,000 Commandments 2015 - 05-12-2015.pdf

According to the Competitive Enterprise Institute, covering the cost of federal regulations costs American families close to $15,000 of their average income.
“Can you imagine what your family could do with an additional $14,974 for groceries, gasoline, and savings?

So their position is that ALL regulations should disappear.

That's insane.
According to the Competitive Enterprise Institute
Dioxin is good for you. :cuckoo:

CEI is famous for their tobacco disinformation campaign.
How stupid do you have to be to believe anything the Koch funded think tank and lobby group says?

That's the spirit! when you cannot rebut the argument with reason and evidence; attempt to discredit the source. :rolleyes:
No evidence was given on how the $14,976 number was fabricated, so it stands on the credibility, or lack thereof, of the source.
Yes that is generally the case for those that are too intellectually lazy to go out find and read the underlying data that was used to draw the conclusions presented. After all it's SO hard to find information on the Internet, much easier to just attack the source and spare yourself the agony of attempting to formulate a reasoned counter-argument.

https://cei.org/sites/default/files/10,000 Commandments 2015 - 05-12-2015.pdf


why bother? you and your pretentious self will be here "attempting" to do whatever it is you're here for ...jesterfox :laugh2:
According to the Competitive Enterprise Institute
Dioxin is good for you. :cuckoo:

CEI is famous for their tobacco disinformation campaign.
How stupid do you have to be to believe anything the Koch funded think tank and lobby group says?

That's the spirit! when you cannot rebut the argument with reason and evidence; attempt to discredit the source. :rolleyes:
No evidence was given on how the $14,976 number was fabricated, so it stands on the credibility, or lack thereof, of the source.
Yes that is generally the case for those that are too intellectually lazy to go out find and read the underlying data that was used to draw the conclusions presented. After all it's SO hard to find information on the Internet, much easier to just attack the source and spare yourself the agony of attempting to formulate a reasoned counter-argument.

https://cei.org/sites/default/files/10,000 Commandments 2015 - 05-12-2015.pdf

You obviously didn't read your own link or you would have posted a pull quote showing exactly how all their $ amounts were derived.

According to the Competitive Enterprise Institute, covering the cost of federal regulations costs American families close to $15,000 of their average income.
“Can you imagine what your family could do with an additional $14,974 for groceries, gasoline, and savings?

So their position is that ALL regulations should disappear.

That's insane.
I agree. However this country is a mess when it comes to the regulatory environment. The vast majority of rules come from unelected bureaucrats of dubious expertise.
why bother? you and your pretentious self will be here "attempting" to do whatever it is you're here for ...jesterfox :laugh2:
Thanks much appreciated, glad to see that whatever it is that I was "attempting" to do is working.

Now if you wouldn't mind, please step a few more feet to the left, you're blocking my view of relevance.

"It is better to be high-spirited even though one makes more mistakes, than to be narrow-minded and all to prudent." -- Vincent Van Gogh
So I guess if municipalities were allowed to dump their sewage and garbage in the nearest river they could shut down their waste water treatment plants, their recycling/waste disposal operations,

and save millions.
It should be noted that under the umbrella of "the cost of regulations", the propaganda outlets include the Department of Homeland Security.

Department of Homeland Security

• Computer Assisted Passenger Prescreening System, providing government access to passenger reservation information

• Passenger screening using advanced imaging technology

• Importer security filing and additional carrier requirements

• Air cargo screening and inspection of towing vessels

Including this:

Minimum standards for driver’s licenses and ID cards acceptable to federal agencies

United States Visitor and Immigrant Status Indicator Technology program, which is authorized to collect biometric data from travelers and to expand to the 50 most highly trafficked land border ports
I'm sure there are many places in the world with far fewer government regulations. I don't know why these people don't just move to those places,

since they're so certain their lives would be so much better.
So in all that whining over the cost of regulations, the rubes failed to notice it includes the cost to protect them from all those immigrants and all that fraudulent voting they are always whining about.

Last edited:

$15,000 for regulations.

Please break this figure down. How much is going toward ensuring we have clean water, for example.

How much is going toward ensuring my food isn't toxic?

Please detail how much is wasteful or unnecessary.

Thank you.
Go read the underlying data and keep in mind that "wasteful" and "unnecessary" can be highly subjective.
No. You are the one whining about the cost of regulations. So break that figure down.

You piss drinkers imply it is all wasteful. Now it is time for you to prove it.
"Ahh, well. Um. *cough* I suppose we need some of that stuff. So maybe that...uh...$15,000 was hyperbole. Ummm..."
"Federal Rules and Regulations cost average household $15,000 a year."

A more than fair price to pay for clean water and air, safe work places, and uncontaminated food.
Go read the underlying data and keep in mind that "wasteful" and "unnecessary" can be highly subjective.
Would you say Voter ID and customs and border protection are "wasteful" and "unnecessary"?

Those regulations are included in the "underlying data" which they used to add everything up to $15,000 a household.

I have been saying Voter ID is wasteful since Day One. It utterly fails to stop the types of voter fraud which actually occur. Which is why I always ask the Voter ID rubes what we used to call people who demand the government spend taxpayer dollars on completely ineffective programs. The answer to which is, "Liberals".
I'm sure there are many places in the world with far fewer government regulations. I don't know why these people don't just move to those places,

since they're so certain their lives would be so much better.

Probably for the same reason that you folks that want to defend every square inch of the regulatory state don't move to North Korea; Giv

$15,000 for regulations.

Please break this figure down. How much is going toward ensuring we have clean water, for example.

How much is going toward ensuring my food isn't toxic?

Please detail how much is wasteful or unnecessary.

Thank you.
Go read the underlying data and keep in mind that "wasteful" and "unnecessary" can be highly subjective.
No. You are the one whining about the cost of regulations. So break that figure down.

You piss drinkers imply it is all wasteful. Now it is time for you to prove it.
It's amazing how popular straw men are around here, perhaps you should go read what I actually posted in response to the OP instead of what the voices in your noggin told you I posted.

The underlying data has been pointed out in this thread and yet that's not enough for you, you want others to formulate your argument for you too... unreal. :rolleyes:
Here's another regulation the propaganda outlets list in that $15,000 breakdown:

Prevention of Salmonella enteritidis in shell eggs

We certainly can't have that kind of regulation. It's OUTRAGEOUS!!! :lol:
I'm sure there are many places in the world with far fewer government regulations. I don't know why these people don't just move to those places,

since they're so certain their lives would be so much better.

Probably for the same reason that you folks that want to defend every square inch of the regulatory state don't move to North Korea; Giv

$15,000 for regulations.

Please break this figure down. How much is going toward ensuring we have clean water, for example.

How much is going toward ensuring my food isn't toxic?

Please detail how much is wasteful or unnecessary.

Thank you.
Go read the underlying data and keep in mind that "wasteful" and "unnecessary" can be highly subjective.
No. You are the one whining about the cost of regulations. So break that figure down.

You piss drinkers imply it is all wasteful. Now it is time for you to prove it.
It's amazing how popular straw men are around here, perhaps you should go read what I actually posted in response to the OP instead of what the voices in your noggin told you I posted.

The underlying data has been pointed out in this thread and yet that's not enough for you, you want others to formulate your argument for you too... unreal. :rolleyes:
No one is fooled. You rubes whine about the cost of regulations, with the clear implication it is all unnecessary or wasteful. You blast out a completely hyperbolic figure and then whine when asked to break it down between well-spent money and ill-spent money.

Now, as we chip away at that figure, you are caught with salmonella-free egg on your idiot faces.

I'm for smart regulation, not no regulation. And smart regulation costs money.

Dumb regulation, like Voter ID, needs to go away.

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