Federal Rules and Regulations cost average household $15,000 a year.

According to the Competitive Enterprise Institute, covering the cost of federal regulations costs American families close to $15,000 of their average income.
“Can you imagine what your family could do with an additional $14,974 for groceries, gasoline, and savings?

So their position is that ALL regulations should disappear.

That's insane.
Jesus Christ.
You moon bats are addicted to the straw man argument.
Everyone keeps describing the declining income of Americans.

Here is one major reason!

According to the Competitive Enterprise Institute, covering the cost of federal regulations costs American families close to $15,000 of their average income.
“Can you imagine what your family could do with an additional $14,974 for groceries, gasoline, and savings? Congress owes it to the American people to carefully scrutinize the regulatory process to ensure regulations work for the people,” Lankford’s report notes. “We can balance responsible regulations with cost-effective solutions that work for families.”

While in the past year Obama signed 224 bills into law, he also published 3,554 final rules. “This means that for every law passed by Congress, the federal government created 16 new rules,” according to the report.

These 3,554 regulations impose significant costs on the American economy. The National Association of Manufacturers calculated the total cost of federal regulations in 2012 to be a staggering $2.028 trillion (11 percent of the U.S. gross domestic product). If our $2 trillion federal regulatory cost were a country, it would be the ninth-largest in the world.
Obama's 3,554 Rules and Regulations Cost Households $15,000 - Breitbart

Let's do away with the regulations. All in favor raise your hand.


Is what has happened in Flint, Michigan an example of the results America will experience under the GOP and their desire to eliminate the EPA and regulations protecting our drinking water?
Did Michigan officials hide the truth about lead in Flint?
Did Michigan officials hide truth about lead in Flint? - CNN.com
And what ther hell does Flint's water supply which has been tainted for decades, have to do with anything?

We as a society owe it to each other to clean such up. Wouldn't you agree? Or do you like the india model of doing things.

You must like pollution, shitty food and crappy water. I find it well worth it to live in a first world you piece of shit.

People are such pieces of shit, that the government needs to pass around 40,000 new laws and regulations every year just to help us from dying in the streets.

Pretty soon, they will need to pass twice that. I about 20 years, who knows, maybe they will just build a wall around us with guards posted around the wall and call it a day.

Basically anyone could be arrested for breaking a law they did not even know existed.
What the hell do we need 40,000 new laws and regulations for every year.
It should be a law that to pass a new law and old one must first be removed from the books,
According to the Competitive Enterprise Institute
Dioxin is good for you. :cuckoo:

CEI is famous for their tobacco disinformation campaign.
How stupid do you have to be to believe anything the Koch funded think tank and lobby group says?

That's the spirit! when you cannot rebut the argument with reason and evidence; attempt to discredit the source. :rolleyes:
No evidence was given on how the $14,976 number was fabricated, so it stands on the credibility, or lack thereof, of the source.
Yes that is generally the case for those that are too intellectually lazy to go out find and read the underlying data that was used to draw the conclusions presented. After all it's SO hard to find information on the Internet, much easier to just attack the source and spare yourself the agony of attempting to formulate a reasoned counter-argument.

https://cei.org/sites/default/files/10,000 Commandments 2015 - 05-12-2015.pdf


why bother? you and your pretentious self will be here "attempting" to do whatever it is you're here for ...jesterfox :laugh2:
Yes. Support the narrative at all costs. Never acknowledge any data that may call the narrative into question.
Everyone keeps describing the declining income of Americans.

Here is one major reason!

According to the Competitive Enterprise Institute, covering the cost of federal regulations costs American families close to $15,000 of their average income.
“Can you imagine what your family could do with an additional $14,974 for groceries, gasoline, and savings? Congress owes it to the American people to carefully scrutinize the regulatory process to ensure regulations work for the people,” Lankford’s report notes. “We can balance responsible regulations with cost-effective solutions that work for families.”

While in the past year Obama signed 224 bills into law, he also published 3,554 final rules. “This means that for every law passed by Congress, the federal government created 16 new rules,” according to the report.

These 3,554 regulations impose significant costs on the American economy. The National Association of Manufacturers calculated the total cost of federal regulations in 2012 to be a staggering $2.028 trillion (11 percent of the U.S. gross domestic product). If our $2 trillion federal regulatory cost were a country, it would be the ninth-largest in the world.
Obama's 3,554 Rules and Regulations Cost Households $15,000 - Breitbart

Let's do away with the regulations. All in favor raise your hand.


Is what has happened in Flint, Michigan an example of the results America will experience under the GOP and their desire to eliminate the EPA and regulations protecting our drinking water?
Did Michigan officials hide the truth about lead in Flint?
Did Michigan officials hide truth about lead in Flint? - CNN.com
And what ther hell does Flint's water supply which has been tainted for decades, have to do with anything?

We as a society owe it to each other to clean such up. Wouldn't you agree? Or do you like the india model of doing things.
No. I reject the use of the term "society".....This is the problem of the government of Flint and all past officials who stood idly by while this was going on. They gleefully accepted the tax dollars paid by the auto business which of course was responsible for dumping the toxic swill that created the problems that exist today.
In effect, the City of Flint and all those who were charged with the responsibility of safeguarding the citizens are the ones to blame.
India is half a world away. So is China. I find it ironic that you left wingers will scream your heads beet red claiming this country is absent of any regulations that prohibit pollution when you are silent on the world's biggest and most notorious violators of planet Earth.

You must like pollution, shitty food and crappy water. I find it well worth it to live in a first world you piece of shit.

People are such pieces of shit, that the government needs to pass around 40,000 new laws and regulations every year just to help us from dying in the streets.

Pretty soon, they will need to pass twice that. I about 20 years, who knows, maybe they will just build a wall around us with guards posted around the wall and call it a day.

Basically anyone could be arrested for breaking a law they did not even know existed.
What the hell do we need 40,000 new laws and regulations for every year.
It should be a law that to pass a new law and old one must first be removed from the books,
This is law and order liberalism. When a crime is required, create one. When criminals are needed, create them.
Again the statistics

Carter Total 29,388 Average per year 7,347
Ronald Reagan-42,693-8 years Average per year 5,336
George HW Bush-17,619-4 years Ave. 4,404
Bill Clinton-42,619-8years Ave. 5,327
George W Bush-31,634-8 years Ave. 3,954
Barrack Obama-25,377-6 years Ave. 4,229

So Carter averaged the highest, followed Reagan, then Clinton, Obama, HWB then GWB.
And more importantly answering your first question it is a CUMULATIVE amount of regulations... NOT just Obama's but Obama keeps
adding more and more. NO ONE says it is just Obama's fault even though he will end up as the worst offender!

Answered your 2nd comment. Cumulative. They don't go away!

Your 3rd point.. People complain about these 200,000 regulations from the Federal government alone as well as the hundreds of thousands local rules and regulations! How many duplicate efforts to comply with Federal/state/etc. do employers have to make?
Billions of hours .
Crews’ report cites the work of economists Nicole V. Crain and W. Mark Crain, whose study of the net cost of regulations determined that in 2009 federal regulation cost businesses and consumers $1.75 trillion, or nearly 12% of America’s 2009 GDP.
As a comparison, in the same year, corporate pre-tax profits for all businesses totaled about $ 1.46 trillion.

The Hidden Cost of Regulation | FreedomWorks

After a wait of more than 80 days, EPA finally published the official version of the Clean Power Plan. As AAF detailed here, the agency expects coal generation to decline by 48 percent. The $8.4 billion in compliance costs will help to close more than 60 power plants across the nation. By postponing the initial compliance date by two years, regulatory costs declined slightly, but paperwork more than doubled, compared to the proposed version. AAF’s map tracks which states will have the easiest and most difficult path to compliance.
On the heels of the Clean Power Plan, EPA also published a measure to reduce costs and paperwork. As AAF reviewed here, by updating its National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) to electronic reporting, the agency expects to save the economy $156 million during the next ten years and almost 200,000 paperwork hours.


Since passage, based on total lifetime costs of the regulations, the Affordable Care Act has imposed costs of $47.9 billion in state and private-sector burdens and 165.9 million annual paperwork hours.

A quintet of agencies finalized a rule establishing margin and capital requirements for swaps. Amazingly, the cost estimates range from a manageable $672 million annually to an otherworldly $46 billion, “depending on the specific initial margin estimate and incremental funding cost that is used to compute the estimate.” AAF used the more central figure of $5.2 billion in total costs. Still, it now stands as the most expensive Dodd-Frank rule on record.
$17.4 Billion in Regulatory Costs | Week in Regulation

Well this becomes a problem. And what are people going to do? 95% of people who vote will go and vote for the these two parties again. Oh joy.

One thing, however, is that sometimes these regulations actually help to stabilize the economy, meaning more money is produced because there is more security and faith in the system. What you have shown doesn't appear to be the whole story. I'm not an expert in this kind of thing either. So, I'll have to say there are blanks in knowledge and information.

Here is the problem defined by this study group.
under contract with the SBA -- number SBAHQ-08-M-0466 Release Date: September 2010

The annual cost of federal regulations in the United States increased to more than $1.75 trillion in 2008.
Had every U.S. household paid an equal share of the federal regulatory burden, each would have owed $15,586 in 2008. By comparison, the federal regulatory burden exceeds by 50 percent private spending on health care, which equaled $10,500 per household in 2008.
While all citizens and businesses pay some portion of these costs, the distribution of the burden of regulations is quite uneven.
The portion of regulatory costs that falls initially on businesses was $8,086 per employee in 2008.
Small businesses, defined as firms employing fewer than 20 employees, bear the largest burden of federal regulations.
As of 2008, small businesses face an annual regulatory cost of $10,585 per employee, which is 36 percent higher than the regulatory cost facing large firms (defined as firms with 500 or more employees).

https://www.sba.gov/sites/default/files/The Impact of Regulatory Costs on Small Firms (Full).pdf

This was done BEFORE Obama! But did this halt the growth of regulations by Obama? NO!
Nearly 4,000 regulations are squirming their way through the federal bureaucracy in the last year of Barack Obama’s presidency — many costing industry more than $100 million — in a mad dash by the White House to push through government actions affecting everything from furnaces to gun sales to Guantánamo.

View attachment 60037

Now it would be one thing if Obama was running an efficient operation... BUT so far every thing is show a great amount of ineptitude and gross failures!

Hey! Where's the per household numbers?
So, well over 200,000 thousand regulations (your chart includes ALL regulations throughout US's history), it costs businesses that little? Yet, under one year's 3554 regulations, has cost each households $15,000? Really?

No wonder you people are dependent on the government!
You obviously can't seem to comprehend numbers! "200,000 thousand regulations" You telling me there are 200 million????

That was an obvious type.
Why do you NOT answer my repeated questions to you? You just keep on avoiding how according to your OP, 3554 regulations, passed by the GOP held congress and them signed by Obama, cost each household $15,000 but all previous regulations since this countries inception don't play into your equation. There were approximately 200,000 regulation in the last 50 years and tens of thousands of regulations before that. If one years regulations cost households $15,000, how much have all regulations cost households? $200,000?, $500,000?
Your OP is pure bullshit.

"Obvious type"? What is a "type"? See you are so use to 30 second sound bites/headlines, 140 character tweets you can't take a few seconds and
check your typing!
NOT ONE person has said ONE year of regulations cost households $15,000! YOU are a lying sack when you say that!
MY thread said "Federal Rules and Regulations" ...NOT you dummy one year's worth... but the cumulative of over 1 million per the following:
The number of specific regulatory restrictions listed in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) topped one million in 2010.
Twenty Years of Non-Stop Regulation
The experts NOT me you idiot conclude again for the FACT:
The total estimated burden is now up to $1.8 trillion per year, or roughly half the size of the federal budget. With 117 million households that works out to the
total of $15,384 per household burden to pay for administering these rules and regulations.
Yes, I unintentionally did not list Carter (1977-1980) or Ford's last year (1976).
The comment that Obama hates businesses, is total partisanship and also a very popular unfounded talking point. Businesses have enjoyed record profits since 2010, if Obama was so anti-business, these record profits wouldn't of happened. I want to point out, that I am no fan of Obama (never voted for the guy), I am however, anti-extreme right and left though.
Back to the topic. The Dems and GOP have two different philosophies regarding business. I agree that the GOP is MORE pro business than the Dems. The Dems are more pro-consumer and more pro-worker.
Now, I find the Breibart article, just plain unbelievable. One year of 3554 new regulations cost households $15,000? And the other approximately 200,000 regulation since the mid 70's didn't cost the households anything? If one year cost households $15,000, it is not unimaginable to say other years may have cost households 10% annually of what Obama's one year of regulations, which would be $1,500 per year or $60,000 over 40 years.
The article by Breibart does not make any logical sense at all.

Obama IS anti-business is spite of it you are right record profits! BUT consider the gross handicapping that business have had!
Why are you so anti-business? These businesses want to expand but every time they try they are knocked by Obama.
Seriously how can a business keep up with the rules and regulations and the cost of Obamacare? Simple. They reduce hours below the 40 hours i.e. full time.
Who suffers? Americans not working full time. That's why today Walmart announced closing 100s of stores because sales were down. Sales at all retailers were down.
Retail Sales in U.S. Decrease to End Weakest Year Since 2009

Retail Sales in U.S. Decrease to End Weakest Year Since 2009

WRONG again and again...

It is NOT ONE year of 3,554 new regulations but one costs to the average family of nearly 200,000 REGULATIONS starting with Carter!
These regulations are still in force. So again you haven't obviously read the article that Breibart is pointing to.

It came from this source:
Ten Thousand Commandments 2015 | Competitive Enterprise Institute

Highlights of the 2015 edition include:
  • Federal regulation and intervention cost American consumers and businesses an estimated $1.88 trillion in 2014 in lost economic productivity and higher prices.
  • If U.S. federal regulation was a country, it would be the world’s 10th largest economy, ranking behind Russia and ahead of India.
  • Economy-wide regulatory costs amount to an average of $14,976 per household – around 29 percent of an average family budget of $51,100. Although not paid directly by individuals, this “cost” of regulation exceeds the amount an average family spends on health care, food and transportation.
  • The “Unconstitutionality Index” is the ratio of regulations issued by unelected agency officials compared to legislation enacted by Congress in a given year. In 2014, agencies issued 16 new regulations for every law—that’s 3,554 new regulations compared to 224 new laws.
  • Many Americans complain about taxes, but regulatory compliance costs exceed what the IRS is expected to collect in both individual and corporate income taxes for last year—by more than $160 billion.
  • Some 60 federal departments, agencies and commissions have 3,415 regulations in development at various stages in the pipeline. The top six federal rulemaking agencies account for 48 percent of all federal regulations. These are the Departments of the Treasury, Commerce, Interior, Health and Human Services and Transportation and the Environmental Protection Agency.
  • The 2014 Federal Register contains 77,687 pages, the sixth highest page count in its history.
Among the six all-time-high Federal Register total page counts, five occurred under President Obama.

  • The George W. Bush administration averaged 62 major regulations annually over eight years, while the Obama administration has averaged 81 major regulations annually over six years.
Those comments are from 17 years of collecting data regarding government regulations.
Look at their staff: Staff | Competitive Enterprise Institute

So these people are NOT producing an agenda driven but FACT driven effort.

Firstly, how many of these regulations are Obama's regulations? He might sign them in, but isn't it CONGRESS that makes this legislation in the first place in most cases?

Secondly, how many of these regulations have been in place a long time?

Thirdly, people complaining about regulations, but at the same time support high military spending, don't complain about the extra cost of having dollar bills instead of dollar coins, don't complain about health care costing twice as much as other first world countries, mainly because of insurance companies and doctors on the take, and so on.....

Again the statistics

Carter Total 29,388 Average per year 7,347
Ronald Reagan-42,693-8 years Average per year 5,336
George HW Bush-17,619-4 years Ave. 4,404
Bill Clinton-42,619-8years Ave. 5,327
George W Bush-31,634-8 years Ave. 3,954
Barrack Obama-25,377-6 years Ave. 4,229

So Carter averaged the highest, followed Reagan, then Clinton, Obama, HWB then GWB.
And more importantly answering your first question it is a CUMULATIVE amount of regulations... NOT just Obama's but Obama keeps
adding more and more. NO ONE says it is just Obama's fault even though he will end up as the worst offender!

Answered your 2nd comment. Cumulative. They don't go away!

Your 3rd point.. People complain about these 200,000 regulations from the Federal government alone as well as the hundreds of thousands local rules and regulations! How many duplicate efforts to comply with Federal/state/etc. do employers have to make?
Billions of hours .
Crews’ report cites the work of economists Nicole V. Crain and W. Mark Crain, whose study of the net cost of regulations determined that in 2009 federal regulation cost businesses and consumers $1.75 trillion, or nearly 12% of America’s 2009 GDP.
As a comparison, in the same year, corporate pre-tax profits for all businesses totaled about $ 1.46 trillion.

The Hidden Cost of Regulation | FreedomWorks

After a wait of more than 80 days, EPA finally published the official version of the Clean Power Plan. As AAF detailed here, the agency expects coal generation to decline by 48 percent. The $8.4 billion in compliance costs will help to close more than 60 power plants across the nation. By postponing the initial compliance date by two years, regulatory costs declined slightly, but paperwork more than doubled, compared to the proposed version. AAF’s map tracks which states will have the easiest and most difficult path to compliance.
On the heels of the Clean Power Plan, EPA also published a measure to reduce costs and paperwork. As AAF reviewed here, by updating its National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) to electronic reporting, the agency expects to save the economy $156 million during the next ten years and almost 200,000 paperwork hours.


Since passage, based on total lifetime costs of the regulations, the Affordable Care Act has imposed costs of $47.9 billion in state and private-sector burdens and 165.9 million annual paperwork hours.

A quintet of agencies finalized a rule establishing margin and capital requirements for swaps. Amazingly, the cost estimates range from a manageable $672 million annually to an otherworldly $46 billion, “depending on the specific initial margin estimate and incremental funding cost that is used to compute the estimate.” AAF used the more central figure of $5.2 billion in total costs. Still, it now stands as the most expensive Dodd-Frank rule on record.
$17.4 Billion in Regulatory Costs | Week in Regulation

Well this becomes a problem. And what are people going to do? 95% of people who vote will go and vote for the these two parties again. Oh joy.

One thing, however, is that sometimes these regulations actually help to stabilize the economy, meaning more money is produced because there is more security and faith in the system. What you have shown doesn't appear to be the whole story. I'm not an expert in this kind of thing either. So, I'll have to say there are blanks in knowledge and information.

Here is the problem defined by this study group.
under contract with the SBA -- number SBAHQ-08-M-0466 Release Date: September 2010

The annual cost of federal regulations in the United States increased to more than $1.75 trillion in 2008.
Had every U.S. household paid an equal share of the federal regulatory burden, each would have owed $15,586 in 2008. By comparison, the federal regulatory burden exceeds by 50 percent private spending on health care, which equaled $10,500 per household in 2008.
While all citizens and businesses pay some portion of these costs, the distribution of the burden of regulations is quite uneven.
The portion of regulatory costs that falls initially on businesses was $8,086 per employee in 2008.
Small businesses, defined as firms employing fewer than 20 employees, bear the largest burden of federal regulations.
As of 2008, small businesses face an annual regulatory cost of $10,585 per employee, which is 36 percent higher than the regulatory cost facing large firms (defined as firms with 500 or more employees).

https://www.sba.gov/sites/default/files/The Impact of Regulatory Costs on Small Firms (Full).pdf

This was done BEFORE Obama! But did this halt the growth of regulations by Obama? NO!
Nearly 4,000 regulations are squirming their way through the federal bureaucracy in the last year of Barack Obama’s presidency — many costing industry more than $100 million — in a mad dash by the White House to push through government actions affecting everything from furnaces to gun sales to Guantánamo.

View attachment 60037

Now it would be one thing if Obama was running an efficient operation... BUT so far every thing is show a great amount of ineptitude and gross failures!

Why would Obama run an efficient operation, no one does, Congress doesn't and they're the main ones responsible for this, they're the one with the most continuity, Presidents have to leave after 8 years.

This is a government problem, and voters who don't bother to care.

However, govt regulation isn't always bad. Also, just saying it costs a business this much per employee doesn't tell me much about whether a business makes money out of this regulation in the first place, with which to then spend giving it back to the govt.
That's all well and good when we didn't have an administration that has ardently worked to reduce American productivity..i.e. how ACA is forcing companies to change the concept of "full-time".

The 2010 health law requires large employers to offer health insurance to anyone working “full-time,” which the law defines as 30 hours a week.
In the interest of an informed debate, we've compiled a list of job actions with strong proof that ObamaCare's employer mandate is behind cuts to work hours or staffing levels.
As of September 5th, our ObamaCare scorecard included 450 employers with more than 100 school districts among them.
Recently, IBD explained that a big minimum wage hike alongside the employer mandate would add to pressure on employers to cut workers to part-time, complicating the goal of reducing inequality.
ObamaCare Employer Mandate: A List Of Cuts To Work Hours, Jobs

BEFORE the recession, Richard Clark’s cleaning company in Florida had 200 employees, about half of them working full time.
These days it has about 150, with 80% part-time. The downturn explains some of this.
But Mr Clark also blames Barack Obama’s health reform...
Mr Clark says he is "very careful with the threshold". To keep his full-time workforce below the magic number of 50, he is relying more on part-timers. He is not alone. More than one in ten firms surveyed by Mercer, a consultancy--and one in five retail and hospitality companies--say they will cut workers’ hours because of Obamacare. A hundred part-timers can flip as many burgers as 50 full-timers, and the former will soon be much cheaper.
Here's What Economists Are Saying About The Claim That Obamacare Is Causing More Jobs To Be Part Time
No matter how many times this lie is debunked, the Right keep on parroting it.

When the ACA passed in 2010 there were 9,233,000 working PT who wanted FT work. Now there are 6,022,000, a DECREASE of over 3 million.
The number has steadily declined EVERY year since the ACA was passed.

So you're saying that all those 3M or so people are now working full time?

None of them have left the workforce altogether?

The workforce participation rate has declined steadily since 2008 and is at a 30 year low
Caught lying, you fall back to the meaningless LPR to desperate try to deflect from your lie.

Over the same period FT employment INCREASED from 111,162,000 to 122,603,000 an increase of over 11.5 million.
What did I lie about?
And there it is, the Reagan Rationalization for lying. If you pretend to be too stupid to know you are lying, then you are not a liar no matter how many lies you tell.

So you can't play dumb, you lied about the ACA and PT jobs, as if you didn't know.

Please quote where I said anything about the ACA or part time jobs

I asked you a simple question about your so called 3M less people who were working PT jobs and if they all really got FT jobs or merely stopped being counted because they left the workforce altogether

It seems you don't have to play dumb because you are obviously incapable of distinguishing who said what or to whom you are talking to at all for that matter
Auto deaths keep dropping even though there are more cars than ever . Why? Cause of safety regs.

True an airbag adds to the cost of the car, they also save thousands of lives every week .

No all regs are bad .

They reduce freedom, that is the end effect.

The Fraud of Seat-Belt Laws
Seat-Belt Laws Infringe a Person's Constitutional Rights
Sunday, September 01, 2002
The Fraud of Seat-Belt Laws | William J. Holdorf

Such action by seat-belt law supporters shows the insidious nature of such laws, and supporters continue to lobby for stricter enforcement and heavier penalties. Even the U.S. Supreme Court in 2001 added its own flavor of tyranny by ruling it was legal for a Texas police officer to arrest, handcuff, and jail a woman, and impound her car, for not buckling up herself and her children.5 Our nation, founded on freedom, certainly has come a long way from Patrick Henry’s cry, “Give me liberty or give me death,” to “Click it or ticket.”

Travel is a right. Driving is a privilege. And basic safety requirements for driving are perfectly reasonable.

When do you start pushing to ban motorcycles?
Right after sneaker regulations and bicycle regulations are passed I'm sure.
Auto deaths keep dropping even though there are more cars than ever . Why? Cause of safety regs.

True an airbag adds to the cost of the car, they also save thousands of lives every week .

No all regs are bad .
gee. Thanks Captain Obvious.
Once again, no one in their right mind would want to live in a world absent of government or private sector oversight.
Yet, you people on the knee jerk left are presenting this very argument.

There have always been rules and regulations in any "civilized" society.
But most civilized society members ALSO were taught personal responsibility.
This lack of teaching common sense, i.e. don't drive 40mph in a 20mph school zone because you can't stop a car fast enough to miss a darting kid.
Common sense.
Auto deaths keep dropping even though there are more cars than ever . Why? Cause of safety regs.

True an airbag adds to the cost of the car, they also save thousands of lives every week .

No all regs are bad .

They reduce freedom, that is the end effect.

The Fraud of Seat-Belt Laws
Seat-Belt Laws Infringe a Person's Constitutional Rights
Sunday, September 01, 2002
The Fraud of Seat-Belt Laws | William J. Holdorf

Such action by seat-belt law supporters shows the insidious nature of such laws, and supporters continue to lobby for stricter enforcement and heavier penalties. Even the U.S. Supreme Court in 2001 added its own flavor of tyranny by ruling it was legal for a Texas police officer to arrest, handcuff, and jail a woman, and impound her car, for not buckling up herself and her children.5 Our nation, founded on freedom, certainly has come a long way from Patrick Henry’s cry, “Give me liberty or give me death,” to “Click it or ticket.”

Travel is a right. Driving is a privilege. And basic safety requirements for driving are perfectly reasonable.

When do you start pushing to ban motorcycles?
Right after sneaker regulations and bicycle regulations are passed I'm sure.

And when have I pushed bans on motorcycles?

If you believe I have, quote me. If you can't, then that's a lovely strawman you knocked down. And my original argument remains pristinely unrefuted or even addressed:

"Travel is a right. Driving is a privilege. And basic safety requirements for driving are perfectly reasonable"

You must like pollution, shitty food and crappy water. I find it well worth it to live in a first world you piece of shit.

Yeah, that's it... we want to drink polluted water, eat rancid food and breath infected air... because we're impervious to such things.

You liberals are so fucking retarded.
Auto deaths keep dropping even though there are more cars than ever . Why? Cause of safety regs.

True an airbag adds to the cost of the car, they also save thousands of lives every week .

No all regs are bad .
gee. Thanks Captain Obvious.
Once again, no one in their right mind would want to live in a world absent of government or private sector oversight.
Yet, you people on the knee jerk left are presenting this very argument.

There have always been rules and regulations in any "civilized" society.
But most civilized society members ALSO were taught personal responsibility.
This lack of teaching common sense, i.e. don't drive 40mph in a 20mph school zone because you can't stop a car fast enough to miss a darting kid.
Common sense.

How would u know its a school zones wh/o regs requiring signs to be posted?
Auto deaths keep dropping even though there are more cars than ever . Why? Cause of safety regs.

True an airbag adds to the cost of the car, they also save thousands of lives every week .

No all regs are bad .
gee. Thanks Captain Obvious.
Once again, no one in their right mind would want to live in a world absent of government or private sector oversight.
Yet, you people on the knee jerk left are presenting this very argument.

There have always been rules and regulations in any "civilized" society.
But most civilized society members ALSO were taught personal responsibility.
This lack of teaching common sense, i.e. don't drive 40mph in a 20mph school zone because you can't stop a car fast enough to miss a darting kid.
Common sense.

How would u know its a school zones wh/o regs requiring signs to be posted?
YOU missed the point. The signs are to inform you just as a business puts out a sign. The sign is not the law. The law is travel at 20mph... but idiots
drive 40mph when there is no cop. Regardless of the sign. The regulation doesn't keep the idiots from driving 40mph. They just don't get caught.
But of course you don't see the distinction do you.

You must like pollution, shitty food and crappy water. I find it well worth it to live in a first world you piece of shit.

Sad to see that you, an alleged adult, find it impossible discriminate between good and bad, finding it necessary for government to appoint a personal nannie to ensure your safety.


But, strangely, sorta cute!
Okay, this is a put up or shut up post. I started a threat on the Federal Register but nobody seemed to pay attention to it. So, here is a SMALL PORTION of the items in the Jan 25, 2016 issue - without all the stuff that is included in each item.


National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE) Wireless Medical Infusion Pumps Use Case for the Health Care Sector

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases; Notice of Closed Meetings

Request for Nominations of Candidates for EPA's Science Advisory Board 2016-2018 Scientific and Technological Achievement Awards Committee

Announcing the Award of a Single-Source Program Expansion Supplement Grant to the Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum in Oakland, CA

Sanctions Lifting Actions Taken Pursuant to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action
To comply with the Presidential Memorandum entitled ``Preparing for the Implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action of July 14, 2015'' issued on October 18, 2015 and to give effect to the United States commitment under Section 4.8.1 of Annex II and Section 17.3 of Annex V of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), the Secretary of State has taken action pursuant to Section 9(b
by State Department /

Restructuring of National Labor Relations Board's Headquarters' Offices
This notice advises the public that the National Labor Relations Board is restructuring and realigning the location and lines of authority of certain of its Headquarters' offices in the Division of Legal Counsel reporting to the Office of the General Counsel. These administrative changes are being adopted in order to improve the delivery of services, and streamline, integrate and enhance managemen
by National Labor Re... /

Professional U.S. Scouting Organization Operations at U.S. Military Installations Overseas
This rule updates policy and outlines fiscal and logistical support the DoD may provide to qualified scouting organizations operating on U.S. military installations overseas based on Executive Order 12715, Support of Overseas Scouting Activities for Military Dependents, and pertinent statutes as discussed below. It is DoD policy to cooperate with and assist qualified scouting organizations in esta
by Defense Departmen... /

Culturally Significant Objects Imported for Exhibition Determinations: “China's First Emperor and His Terracotta Warriors” Exhibition
Notice is hereby given of the following determinations: Pursuant to the authority vested in me by the Act of October 19, 1965 (79 Stat. 985; 22 U.S.C. 2459), Executive Order 12047 of March 27, 1978, the Foreign Affairs Reform and Restructuring Act of 1998 (112 Stat. 2681, et seq.; 22 U.S.C. 6501 note, et seq.), Delegation of Authority No. 234 of October 1, 1999, Delegation of Authority No. 236-3 o
by State Department /

Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request; Simplification of Disclosure Requirements for Emerging Growth Companies and Forward Incorporation by Reference on Form S-1 for Smaller Reporting Companies
The Securities and Exchange Commission (``Commission'') has submitted the sponsored information collection request (ICR) titled, ``Simplification of Disclosure Requirements for Emerging Growth Companies and Forward Incorporation by Reference on Form S-1 for Smaller Reporting Companies,'' to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and clearance under the emergency processing procedures
by Securities and Ex... /

Environmental Management Site-Specific Advisory Board, Northern New Mexico
This notice announces a combined meeting of the Environmental Monitoring and Remediation Committee and Waste Management Committee of the Environmental Management Site-Specific Advisory Board (EM SSAB), Northern New Mexico (known locally as the Northern New Mexico Citizens' Advisory Board [NNMCAB]). The Federal Advisory Committee Act (Pub. L. 92-463, 86 Stat. 770) requires that public notice of thi
by Energy Department /

Special Local Regulations; Southern California Annual Marine Events for the San Diego Captain of the Port Zone
The Coast Guard will enforce the Hanohano Ocean Challenge special local regulations on Saturday, January 23, 2016. This event occurs in Mission Bay in San Diego, CA. These special local regulations are necessary to provide for the safety of the participants, crew, spectators, sponsor safety vessels, and general users of the waterway. During the enforcement period, persons and vessels are prohibite
by Homeland Security... /

Fourteen-Day Extension of Time To File Comments and Reply Comments
In this document, the Federal Communications Commission (Commission) finds that a limited extension in this proceeding would be beneficial to the development of a complete record on the issues, and it grants a fourteen-day extension of time for comments filed in response to the Commission's Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) in, regarding Hearing Aid Compatibility Benchmarks.
by Federal Communica... /

Notice of Open Public Meetings and Teleconferences for the National Park Service Alaska Region Subsistence Resource Commission Program
As required by the Federal Advisory Committee Act (16 U.S.C. Appendix 1-16), the National Park Service (NPS) is hereby giving notice that the Aniakchak National Monument Subsistence Resource Commission (SRC), the Cape Krusenstern National Monument SRC, the Denali National Park SRC, the Gates of the Arctic National Park SRC, the Kobuk Valley National Park SRC, the Lake Clark National Park SRC, and
by Interior Departme... /

Announcement of the Award a Single-Source Program Expansion Supplement Grant to BCFS Health and Human Services in San Antonio, TX
The Administration for Children and Families (ACF), Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), announces the award of a single-source program expansion supplement grant for $500,000. The expansion supplement grant will support the need to increase home study capacity to expedite completion of home studies for approximately 400 UCs. BCFS provides nationwide coverage of home study services to children in
by Health and Human ... /

Announcing the Award of a Single-Source Program Expansion Supplement Grant to Futures Without Violence in San Francisco, CA
The Administration for Children and Families (ACF), Administration on Children, Youth and Families (ACYF), Family and Youth Services Bureau (FYSB), Division of Family Violence Prevention and Services (DFVPS), announces the award of $370,000 as a single-source program expansion supplement to Futures Without Violence in San Francisco, CA. The award is a collaboration between ACF/ACYF/FYSB/ FVPSA, co
by Health and Human ... /

Environmental Management Site-Specific Advisory Board, Oak Ridge Reservation
This notice announces a meeting of the Environmental Management Site-Specific Advisory Board (EM SSAB), Oak Ridge Reservation. The Federal Advisory Committee Act (Pub. L. 92-463, 86 Stat. 770) requires that public notice of this meeting be announced in the Federal Register.
by Energy Department /

Announcement of the Award of a Single-Source Expansion Supplement Grant to PathWays PA in Philadelphia, PA
The Administration for Children and Families (ACF), Administration on Children, Youth and Families (ACYF), Family and Youth Services Bureau's (FYSB), Runaway and Homeless Youth Program, announces the award of $200,000 as a single-source expansion supplement grant to PathWays PA to support activities and services for homeless youth under the TLP grant in Philadelphia, PA.
by Health and Human ... /

Extension and Redesignation of South Sudan for Temporary Protected Status
Through this Notice, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announces that the Secretary of Homeland Security (Secretary) is extending the designation of South Sudan for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for 18 months, from May 3, 2016 through November 2, 2017, and redesignating South Sudan for TPS for 18 months, effective May 3, 2016 through November 2, 2017. The extension allows currently elig
by Homeland Security... /

60-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Home Equity Conversion Mortgage Client Session Evaluation
HUD is seeking approval from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for the information collection described below. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act, HUD is requesting comment from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose of this notice is to allow for 60 days of public comment.
by Housing and Urban... /

Small Business Size Standards: Inflation Adjustment to Monetary Based Size Standards
This rule finalizes, without change, the U.S. Small Business Administration's (SBA or Agency) June 12, 2014 interim final rule that adjusted monetary small business size standards (i.e., receipts, assets, net worth, and net income) for inflation that has occurred since the last inflation adjustment in 2008. Specifically, the interim final rule increased by 8.73 percent all industry specific moneta
by Small Business Ad... /

Reauthorization of the United States Grain Standards Act
The Department of Agriculture (USDA) Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration (GIPSA) is proposing to revise existing regulations and add new regulations under the United States Grain Standards Act (USGSA), as amended, in order to comply with amendments to the USGSA made by the Agriculture Reauthorizations Act of 2015. Specifically, this rulemaking proposes to eliminate mandatory ba
by Agriculture Depar... /

National Standards for Traffic Control Devices; the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways; Notice of Termination of Interim Approval IA-5
The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways (MUTCD) is incorporated in our regulations, approved by FHWA, and recognized as the national standard for traffic control devices used on all streets, highways, bikeways, and private roads open to public travel. This notice terminates the Interim Approval for Use of Clearview Font for Positive Contrast Legends on Guide Signs (I
by Transportation De... /

Fingerprint Submission Requirements
The National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact Council (Compact Council) approves a Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) proposal requesting access to the Interstate Identification Index (III) System on a delayed fingerprint submission basis.
by National Crime Pr... /

National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan Revisions To Align With the National Response Framework
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing revisions to the National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan. These proposed revisions align the National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan with the Department of Homeland Security's National Response Framework and National Incident Management System. The revisions also update the descriptions of fede
by Environmental Pro... /

Energy Conservation Program: Test Procedure for Pumps
On April 1, 2015, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) issued a notice of proposed rulemaking (NOPR) to establish new definitions and a new test procedure for pumps. That proposed rulemaking serves as the basis for this final rule. This final rule establishes a new test procedure for pumps, as well as associated definitions and parameters that establish the scope of applicability of the test proced
by Energy Department /

Organization and Functions; Enforcement of Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Handicap in Programs or Activities Conducted by the Farm Credit Administration; Organization of the Farm Credit Administration
The Farm Credit Administration (FCA, we, Agency or our) amended our regulations to reflect internal organization changes and to update a statutory citation for the Farm Credit Act. In accordance with the law, the effective date of the rule is no earlier than 30 days from the date of publication in the Federal Register during which either or both Houses of Congress are in session.
by Farm Credit Admin... /

Protecting and Promoting the Open Internet
The Commission, via the Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau (CGB or Bureau) temporarily extends an exemption for smaller broadband Internet access service providers from compliance with certain enhancements to the exiting transparency rule that governs the content and format of disclosures made by providers. The exemption is available to providers with 100,000 or fewer broadband connections a
by Federal Communica... /

Notice of Application for Extension of Public Land Order No. 5645, and Opportunity for Public Meeting; Alaska
The General Services Administration (GSA) has filed an application with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) requesting that the Assistant Secretary of the Interior for Land and Minerals Management extend the duration of the withdrawal created by Public Land Order (PLO) No. 5645 for an additional 20-year term. PLO No. 7336 extended PLO No. 5645, which withdrew approximately 10 acres of public land
by Interior Departme... /

Annual Update of the HHS Poverty Guidelines
This notice provides an update of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) poverty guidelines to account for last calendar year's increase in prices as measured by the Consumer Price Index.
by Health and Human ... /

Theodore Roosevelt and Holt Collier National Wildlife Refuges, Mississippi Final Comprehensive Conservation Plan and Finding of No Significant Impact for the Environmental Assessment
We, the Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), announce the availability of the final Comprehensive Conservation plan (CCP) and finding of no significant impact for the environmental assessment for Theodore Roosevelt and Holt Collier National Wildlife Refuges (NWRs), Washington and Sharkey Counties, Mississippi. In the final CCP, we describe how we will manage the two refuges for the next 15 years.
by Interior Departme... /

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