Fedgov vs Apple : In re Iphone "backdoor"

Edward Joseph "Ed" Snowden is an American computer professional, former CIA employee, and former government contractor who leaked classified information from the U.S. National Security Agency in 2013. Wikipedia

The legislation authorizing the spying was signed into law the first time in July 2008 and the ACLU immediately brought suit.

...a program that Congress eventually legalized in 2008 and again in 2012.

Supreme Court Thwarts Challenge to Warrantless Surveillance

snowden is a self aggrandizing moron who betrayed an oath to his country and breached our national security.

Apple is nothing more than grandstanding on the world stage to appeal to idiots who hold him up as some sort of hero.


Fedgov vs Apple is not about national security

It is about the arrogance of government bureaucrats when the Constitution is no longer in effect

The fuck around in the internal affairs of other nations and WE THE PEOPLE pay the consequences.

3000 lives destroyed on 09/11

Billions in property damage


"Patriot" Act

Now Apple and encryption technology will be destroyed so the sons of bitches can act like American Lives Don't matter.

Go apple !

This makes for a GOP candidate quandary . They are so pro patriot aft and cry "terror" at every turn .

Do they go the terror route or privacy/freedom?
In case you haven't noticed it was a democratic administration that asked Apple to put in a back door
This really does create an interesting undertone though - all I see here is the left arguing against freedom here. It seems that this is not creating a quandary for the right but rather creating one for the left between freedom and increasing government powers...
A tech area lawyer for the ACLU said on NPR, as I was commuting, that it was absurd to think the NSA can't crack a phone. I'm ignorant of the tech, but I had that same thought.
And it is absurd. This is not really about the phone - this is about ensuring and finally enshrining the power to compel third parties to act as government agents and forcing them to crack devises for them.
Edward Joseph "Ed" Snowden is an American computer professional, former CIA employee, and former government contractor who leaked classified information from the U.S. National Security Agency in 2013. Wikipedia

The legislation authorizing the spying was signed into law the first time in July 2008 and the ACLU immediately brought suit.

...a program that Congress eventually legalized in 2008 and again in 2012.

Supreme Court Thwarts Challenge to Warrantless Surveillance

snowden is a self aggrandizing moron who betrayed an oath to his country and breached our national security.

Apple is nothing more than grandstanding on the world stage to appeal to idiots who hold him up as some sort of hero.


Fedgov vs Apple is not about national security

It is about the arrogance of government bureaucrats when the Constitution is no longer in effect

The fuck around in the internal affairs of other nations and WE THE PEOPLE pay the consequences.

3000 lives destroyed on 09/11

Billions in property damage


"Patriot" Act

Now Apple and encryption technology will be destroyed so the sons of bitches can act like American Lives Don't matter.


oh the drama... i laugh at the fear mongering, seriously...

people are acting like the code is an atomic bomb..ooh it's so dangerous the world will come to an end as we know it. a lot of self aggrandizing and paranoid delusions going around... it's ridiculous.

like i said, plain and simple, i call bullshit.. no one gives a shit what's on your precious phone!

we simply can't give corporations the power of creating untouchable enclaves for malicious communications.

there is a rational answer to this and i have faith the courts will find a way, within bounds of our 4th amendment.
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Go apple !

This makes for a GOP candidate quandary . They are so pro patriot aft and cry "terror" at every turn .

Do they go the terror route or privacy/freedom?
In case you haven't noticed it was a democratic administration that asked Apple to put in a back door
This really does create an interesting undertone though - all I see here is the left arguing against freedom here. It seems that this is not creating a quandary for the right but rather creating one for the left between freedom and increasing government powers...

Actually, Trump and Cruz want Apple to comply with the "court" Order.

In these US of A ONLY the Libertarians support freedom.

why can't Apple cooperate and retrieve the info without giving away the code..?
Because that is not how encryption works. To break in they would have to fundamentally break their own local encryption. Once that's done, it can't be undone and it would be universal.

I know a lot of folks don't get this, but here's the facts. Once an encryption scheme is broken, that is it. Game over for all computers using that encryption scheme. Even the existence of a way to break the scheme means that it will be found or stolen. When Mathematicians and Cyber-Security experts build an encryption scheme, in order for it to be worth anything they themselves can't be able to break into it without the proper credentials. That is the ultimate issue here.

If the Feds want to break in, they can spend the capital to try to break in. It won't be cheap or easy or fast. But I see no reason to ask Apple to go to that expense or fundamentally break their own business model.
"which could be used to violate the privacy of every citizen who owns personal effects"

could be.. potentially... like so many other things they could potentially do...
No, no potenitally. Will be. The history of Cryptology shows that as soon as a weakness is found in an encryption scheme the scheme itself is shortly rendered useless. Why do you think no one uses Enigma machines anymore?
Apple CEO is being a grandstanding drama queen in creating the code in the first place, and now acting as if our government hadn't always had the capabilities they now fabricate such dramatic fear over... like omfg the fascists might get the code <gasp> and then and then and then we're all doooomed! such seriously twisted paranoia beyond the extreme and thru the looking glass imo. gmafb

and again snowden did not reveal anything we didn't already have other means to know.

he is no hero..he's a simple minded self aggrandizing traitor...
i'm really hoping this whole things turns out to be much like DOMA...

meaning they're only propping it up just so they can properly shoot it down once and for all.
I believe the Fed govt can't force Apple to create and give them a key that will un-encrypt all Apple phones.

They can (with a warrant, which they have) compel Apple to tell them what's in that terrorists' phone.

Why doesn't Apple say something like this?

"We want to catch and defeat these terrorists as much as you do. So we'll tell you what we'll do. You hand us that terrorists' phone, and one of your technical guys can come with it to watch everything we'll do. We'll set up a sealed room that WiFi signals can't penetrate, and have no electronic connections in or out of the room.

"We'll put several high-powered computers in there, and have three of our most experienced encryption people work on this phone. Your technical guy can go with them to observe everything, and he can ask them all the questions he wants. But he cannot make any notes or recordings. If they need more software or tables or whatever, they will bring them into the room on media such as flash drives, DVD-ROMS, etc. But nothing that is brought into the room, will ever be brought out again, except the people and the terrorists' phone itself. After a few days, or maybe a week or two, they will come out and hand you complete records of EVERYTHING that is in that phone.

"And immediately after they do that, all the computers, media, and everything else in the room, will be destroyed. And we'll send you the bill for the people's time, the cost of the equipment, etc.

"Then we will be able to tell all our customers truthfully, that there is NO software or program in existence that can decrypt their Apple phone, because it was all destroyed immediately after we decrypted that one terrorists' phone. None of the people who did it (or the govt technician who watched it done) have any notes or records of what they did. They have the thoughts in their heads, of course, but they won't be able to decrypt any other phone unless they go through the entire software-development effort again.

"We are NOT giving the government ANYTHING they could possibly use to decrypt any phone, anywhere. We are giving them only the contents of that one terrorists' phone."

"And if they capture another terrorists' phone next year and get a warrant to decrypt it, we will set up the room again and go through the entire effort again, re-inventing the wheel, and then destroy the system, software, and records immediately afterward.

"That's the deal. Take it or leave it."
the actual order:

As a remedy, the FBI has asked for Apple to perform the following actions on their behalf:

[Provide] the FBI with a signed iPhone Software file, recovery bundle, or other Software Image File (“SIF”) that can be loaded onto the SUBJECT DEVICE. The SIF will load and run from Random Access Memory (“RAM”) and will not modify the iOS on the actual phone, the user data partition or system partition on the device’s flash memory. The SIF will be coded by Apple with a unique identifier of the phone so that the SIF would only load and execute on the SUBJECT DEVICE. The SIF will be loaded via Device Firmware Upgrade (“DFU”) mode, recovery mode, or other applicable mode available to the FBI. Once active on the SUBJECT DEVICE, the SIF will accomplish the three functions specified in paragraph 2. The SIF will be loaded on the SUBJECT DEVICE at either a government facility, or alternatively, at an Apple facility; if the latter, Apple shall provide the government with remote access to the SUBJECT DEVICE through a computer allowed the government to conduct passcode recovery analysis.

Again in plain English, the FBI wants Apple to create a special version of iOS that only works on the one iPhone they have recovered. This customized version of iOS (*ahem* FBiOS) will ignore passcode entry delays, will not erase the device after any number of incorrect attempts, and will allow the FBI to hook up an external device to facilitate guessing the passcode. The FBI will send Apple the recovered iPhone so that this customized version of iOS never physically leaves the Apple campus.

Apple can comply with the FBI court order

Apple vs. the FBI: An Explanation of the Legal Issues

[URL="http://www.usmessageboard.com/posts/13548473/"]Fedgov vs Apple : In re Iphone "backdoor"[/URL]
Apple CEO is being a grandstanding drama queen in creating the code in the first place, and now acting as if our government hadn't always had the capabilities they now fabricate such dramatic fear over... like omfg the fascists might get the code <gasp> and then and then and then we're all doooomed! such seriously twisted paranoia beyond the extreme and thru the looking glass imo. gmafb

and again snowden did not reveal anything we didn't already have other means to know.

he is no hero..he's a simple minded self aggrandizing traitor...

You like to use the term paranoia a great deal even though , as the typical fucktard, you have no idea what it means

  1. a mental condition characterized by delusions of persecution,

persistent annoyance or harassment

So tell me dingle berry

Are the folks at Apple deluded that they are being persecuted or is it a FACT that they are being persecuted?

.Isn't it a fact that the FBI has recruited former federal prosecutor Sheri Pym who is now pretending to be a federal judge in order to compel Apple to destroy encryption?

hey, i left a flame for you in the 4F this morning... :itsok:

Frivolous Friday Flame Fest...

defenders of Apple corp would be here but they're holed up in their bunkers with their bit coins in their dark wallets, texting each other encrypted messages of impending delusional doom from the evil us government...


^ utterly convinced the sheeple just don't understand the dangers...
the actual order:

As a remedy, the FBI has asked for Apple to perform the following actions on their behalf:

[Provide] the FBI with a signed iPhone Software file, recovery bundle, or other Software Image File (“SIF”) that can be loaded onto the SUBJECT DEVICE. The SIF will load and run from Random Access Memory (“RAM”) and will not modify the iOS on the actual phone, the user data partition or system partition on the device’s flash memory. The SIF will be coded by Apple with a unique identifier of the phone so that the SIF would only load and execute on the SUBJECT DEVICE. The SIF will be loaded via Device Firmware Upgrade (“DFU”) mode, recovery mode, or other applicable mode available to the FBI. Once active on the SUBJECT DEVICE, the SIF will accomplish the three functions specified in paragraph 2. The SIF will be loaded on the SUBJECT DEVICE at either a government facility, or alternatively, at an Apple facility; if the latter, Apple shall provide the government with remote access to the SUBJECT DEVICE through a computer allowed the government to conduct passcode recovery analysis.

Again in plain English, the FBI wants Apple to create a special version of iOS that only works on the one iPhone they have recovered. This customized version of iOS (*ahem* FBiOS) will ignore passcode entry delays, will not erase the device after any number of incorrect attempts, and will allow the FBI to hook up an external device to facilitate guessing the passcode. The FBI will send Apple the recovered iPhone so that this customized version of iOS never physically leaves the Apple campus.

Apple can comply with the FBI court order

Apple vs. the FBI: An Explanation of the Legal Issues

[URL='http://www.usmessageboard.com/posts/13548473/']Fedgov vs Apple : In re Iphone "backdoor"[/URL]
http://[URL="http://www.usmessagebo...dgov vs Apple : In re Iphone "backdoor"[/URL]
This “bundle” the govt is ordering Apple to provide, doesn’t currently exist. And the govt knows that, of course.

So the govt is actually commanding Apple to do work for them, create a completely new product, and to turn over the results of that work (the software bundle, not just the contents of the iPhone) to them, the govt.

I thought forcing people to work for you whether they like it or not, was banned by the 13th amendment?
This is the camel's nose in the tent. The FBI has a lot of phones which they need hacked. They've had them for a while.

They picked the most emotionally charged case they could find to drive a wedge into our privacy rights.

Don't be fooled into thinking this is just about one terrorist's phone.
This. Freaking this. The Feds have been looking for a test case for a while now. It's been on the radar for a while now. They used terrorism, LIKE THEY ALWAYS DO, to try to justify what would be an incredible erosion of personal liberty. This action would also compel Apple to inherently and fundamentally break their encryption in a permanent way. No way Apple should comply.
I believe the Fed govt can't force Apple to create and give them a key that will un-encrypt all Apple phones.

They can (with a warrant, which they have) compel Apple to tell them what's in that terrorists' phone.

Why doesn't Apple say something like this?

"We want to catch and defeat these terrorists as much as you do. So we'll tell you what we'll do. You hand us that terrorists' phone, and one of your technical guys can come with it to watch everything we'll do. We'll set up a sealed room that WiFi signals can't penetrate, and have no electronic connections in or out of the room.

"We'll put several high-powered computers in there, and have three of our most experienced encryption people work on this phone. Your technical guy can go with them to observe everything, and he can ask them all the questions he wants. But he cannot make any notes or recordings. If they need more software or tables or whatever, they will bring them into the room on media such as flash drives, DVD-ROMS, etc. But nothing that is brought into the room, will ever be brought out again, except the people and the terrorists' phone itself. After a few days, or maybe a week or two, they will come out and hand you complete records of EVERYTHING that is in that phone.

"And immediately after they do that, all the computers, media, and everything else in the room, will be destroyed. And we'll send you the bill for the people's time, the cost of the equipment, etc.

"Then we will be able to tell all our customers truthfully, that there is NO software or program in existence that can decrypt their Apple phone, because it was all destroyed immediately after we decrypted that one terrorists' phone. None of the people who did it (or the govt technician who watched it done) have any notes or records of what they did. They have the thoughts in their heads, of course, but they won't be able to decrypt any other phone unless they go through the entire software-development effort again.

"We are NOT giving the government ANYTHING they could possibly use to decrypt any phone, anywhere. We are giving them only the contents of that one terrorists' phone."

"And if they capture another terrorists' phone next year and get a warrant to decrypt it, we will set up the room again and go through the entire effort again, re-inventing the wheel, and then destroy the system, software, and records immediately afterward.

"That's the deal. Take it or leave it."
Because, again, that is compelling Apple to do the governments work for them and is a blatant attack on rights. The government does not have the power demand that you do the their work for them.
I believe the Fed govt can't force Apple to create and give them a key that will un-encrypt all Apple phones.

They can (with a warrant, which they have) compel Apple to tell them what's in that terrorists' phone.

Why doesn't Apple say something like this?

"We want to catch and defeat these terrorists as much as you do. So we'll tell you what we'll do. You hand us that terrorists' phone, and one of your technical guys can come with it to watch everything we'll do. We'll set up a sealed room that WiFi signals can't penetrate, and have no electronic connections in or out of the room.

"We'll put several high-powered computers in there, and have three of our most experienced encryption people work on this phone. Your technical guy can go with them to observe everything, and he can ask them all the questions he wants. But he cannot make any notes or recordings. If they need more software or tables or whatever, they will bring them into the room on media such as flash drives, DVD-ROMS, etc. But nothing that is brought into the room, will ever be brought out again, except the people and the terrorists' phone itself. After a few days, or maybe a week or two, they will come out and hand you complete records of EVERYTHING that is in that phone.

"And immediately after they do that, all the computers, media, and everything else in the room, will be destroyed. And we'll send you the bill for the people's time, the cost of the equipment, etc.

"Then we will be able to tell all our customers truthfully, that there is NO software or program in existence that can decrypt their Apple phone, because it was all destroyed immediately after we decrypted that one terrorists' phone. None of the people who did it (or the govt technician who watched it done) have any notes or records of what they did. They have the thoughts in their heads, of course, but they won't be able to decrypt any other phone unless they go through the entire software-development effort again.

"We are NOT giving the government ANYTHING they could possibly use to decrypt any phone, anywhere. We are giving them only the contents of that one terrorists' phone."

"And if they capture another terrorists' phone next year and get a warrant to decrypt it, we will set up the room again and go through the entire effort again, re-inventing the wheel, and then destroy the system, software, and records immediately afterward.

"That's the deal. Take it or leave it."
The big issue here is that the FBI is trying to compel Apple to create a key to allow a brute force attack. To do that, Apple would have to create a way to hack a locked phone and force upon it an executable program.

The FBI can claim they want it to work for just that phone, but here's the thing: That's not actually possible. If you can build it to work for one phone then that exposes to hackers the existence of a workable hack to get into any phone. If Apple has done their job properly, you should not be able to execute code on a locked phone period. Should it prove possible to do so, then the whole game is up. Even the existence of a solution ends it all. iPhones are no longer secure and Apple inflicts possibly terminal harm to its business model. To add insult to injury, the Federal Government is asking Apple to pay for and provide the manpower to inflict the harm.

I am absolutely against this. You may think Apple is protecting Terrorists, but they aren't. They're protecting us by refusing to cooperate. If you don't think this is a serious issue, unlock your smart phone, put it on a public bench, and walk away from it. The existence of a backdoor program compromises all of us. Those in favor of doing this are welcomed to go first.
Because, again, that is compelling Apple to do the governments work for them and is a blatant attack on rights. The government does not have the power demand that you do the their work for them.
Sorry if I didn't make it clear. I was suggesting that Apple voluntarily do it a certain way, since Apple is as anxious to defeat the terrorists as everyone else is.

If the govt wants Apple to turn over the key (or whatever) that can decrypt that phone, and maybe get modified to decrypt others, Apple tells them to pound sand. And Apple then starts a bunch of public announcements saying, "We offered to decrypt that terrorists' phone and hand the govt the complete records it contained. And the govt turned us down! If the govt doesn't want those complete records, what DO they want???"

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