Fedgov vs Apple : In re Iphone "backdoor"

Because, again, that is compelling Apple to do the governments work for them and is a blatant attack on rights. The government does not have the power demand that you do the their work for them.
Sorry if I didn't make it clear. I was suggesting that Apple voluntarily do it a certain way, since Apple is as anxious to defeat the terrorists as everyone else is.

If the govt wants Apple to turn over the key (or whatever) that can decrypt that phone, and maybe get modified to decrypt others, Apple tells them to pound sand. And Apple then starts a bunch of public announcements saying, "We offered to decrypt that terrorists' phone and hand the govt the complete records it contained. And the govt turned us down! If the govt doesn't want those complete records, what DO they want???"
It may be nice for them to do so from a security standpoint but I am thinking that they are enjoying the positive press they are getting over this far to damn much. There certainly is a some sentiment that the stonewalling they are doing is bad but in the end the narrative that people are going to remember is that even the government cannot hack Apple's phones.
the actual order:

As a remedy, the FBI has asked for Apple to perform the following actions on their behalf:

[Provide] the FBI with a signed iPhone Software file, recovery bundle, or other Software Image File (“SIF”) that can be loaded onto the SUBJECT DEVICE. The SIF will load and run from Random Access Memory (“RAM”) and will not modify the iOS on the actual phone, the user data partition or system partition on the device’s flash memory. The SIF will be coded by Apple with a unique identifier of the phone so that the SIF would only load and execute on the SUBJECT DEVICE. The SIF will be loaded via Device Firmware Upgrade (“DFU”) mode, recovery mode, or other applicable mode available to the FBI. Once active on the SUBJECT DEVICE, the SIF will accomplish the three functions specified in paragraph 2. The SIF will be loaded on the SUBJECT DEVICE at either a government facility, or alternatively, at an Apple facility; if the latter, Apple shall provide the government with remote access to the SUBJECT DEVICE through a computer allowed the government to conduct passcode recovery analysis.

Again in plain English, the FBI wants Apple to create a special version of iOS that only works on the one iPhone they have recovered. This customized version of iOS (*ahem* FBiOS) will ignore passcode entry delays, will not erase the device after any number of incorrect attempts, and will allow the FBI to hook up an external device to facilitate guessing the passcode. The FBI will send Apple the recovered iPhone so that this customized version of iOS never physically leaves the Apple campus.

Apple can comply with the FBI court order

Apple vs. the FBI: An Explanation of the Legal Issues

Fedgov vs Apple : In re Iphone "backdoor"

Seriously..........Trail Of Bits Blog???

And what happens if Apple is forced into doing this, it exposes all I-phones such as mine, there are countless cases of fraud, identity theft, and scams, and Apple loses it's customers as well as it's reputation? Then after all that, they find the phone that they developed this technology for had nothing of value anyway????

Would people on your side of this issue be happy then???
a world without countless cases of fraud, identity theft, and scams sounds so dreamy :uhoh3:
a world without countless cases of fraud, identity theft, and scams sounds so dreamy :uhoh3:

Apple Gives the Finger to the Feds


a world without countless cases of fraud, identity theft, and scams sounds so dreamy :uhoh3:
What is even more dreamy is a world where the government does not force you into servitude to create a product they want because they are to lazy to do it themselves.

But hey, its the government right - they don't need to have any limitations on their power as long as they tell you they really want to do something they should.
where do Apple corps loyalties reeeeally lie..? :eusa_think:

why do they protect terrorist info and thumb their nose at a warrant in the name of freedum?

paranoia will destroy ya! and it goes like this........... ^

Shut the fuck up.

Loyalty to their stockholders.

They have a right not to be drafted into the FBI's "war on terror".

When you have evidence that the San Bernardino affair was a terrorist attack and not a false flag operation repost

Have you gotten away from the orderlies again?
To be specific, there currently does not exist any software which can penetrate the terrorist's Apple phone.

Being the owners of the source code, Apple might be able to write such software, but then it would be able to not just hack into the terrorist's phone, it would be able to open EVERY Apple phone.

Apple does not want that kind of software created. It would be like creating a supervirus, and the government claiming, "We're just gonna kill this one bad guy with it."

The solution would seem to be quite simple: while trying to get into the phone, "accidentally" trigger the full data wipe. Whoops!
There are two issues. First the terrorist had a right to an expectation of privacy to areas we all expect privacy - our homes, our cars as we go about daily life, what we say in private conversations on our phones, for example. Once the gummit has a rational reason to believe we are committing crimes in our homes, cars or on phones, traditionally it can get a warrant to discover what we are up to. The terrorist gave up her right to privacy concerning phone calls back in Dec. So, this has absolutely no comparison to Snowden.

The second issue is Apple's right. Apple sells a product that has as one feature an ability to defeat the gummit's ability to see what's in it, that is who called and any data stored on it. The purchaser, the terrorist, no longer has any claim to privacy. Where does Apple derive any right to not allow the gummit access to that PARTICULAR phone? Seriously. I'm asking. Is it just that Apple thinks if it allows access then it's products will not be as appealing to purchasers?
This is not about Apple accessing a dead terrorist's phone. This is about Apple being made to make EVERY Apple phone hackable.

The government wants Apple to put a back door in EVERY phone. And back doors can be hacked, not just by the government.

I don't think that's exactly it. Apple seems to be saying once we build a back door, it'll get out and anyone can have their phone hacked. I'm not a software guy, but the question seems to be .... assuming Apple takes the phone and opens it w/o the 4 digit password, and gives the phone to the FBI, can the FBI reverse engineer it to have the hack?

The FBI and the IPhone: How Apple's Security Features Have Locked Investigators Out

Probably. One thing people miss: doing this would put EVERY iPhone (and probably iPad) one disgruntled Apple employee away from being compromised!
You have a totalitarian mindset. It's scary how much you trust the government.

it's scary how much you'd rather trust soulless irresponsible corporations...

due process produced a warrant which the encryption corporation (Apple this time) is defying based on paranoia.

Valerie I think Apple wants this to go all the way up to the Supreme Court, which is it's right. I can't imagine they'd violate the order of the Court.

I actually hope they WOULD...by way of the entire board skipping the country and telling the FBI to sit on it and rotate!
Progressive career politicians and their federal government are to blame... They have zero credibility on the issue

Wow! You conservatives can't even take credit for your own bullshit .

This is patriot act type bullshit in action . And we know the conservatives are the driving force .

No, that is an out-and-out LIE. The PATRIOT Act was a thoroughly BIPARTISAN bit of tyranny!
Like Giulianni says...quote an instance where the government violated a private citizens rights.

You're joking, right?

Easy peasey!

Supreme Court Rules Government Violated Privacy Rights in GPS Tracking Case
Like Giulianni says...quote an instance where the government violated a private citizens rights.

You're joking, right?

Easy peasey!

Supreme Court Rules Government Violated Privacy Rights in GPS Tracking Case
I'll give you the Libtard response. "The ACLU ?! Pulllleeeesss!"
The Supreme Court ruled, tard.

I have also provided thousands of other examples.

I don't know how much brain damage it takes to bleev the NSA has not violated the privacy of Americans this late in the game, but it has to be substantial.
Tell that to Guliani...ill take his expertise over yours every day if the week.
It's not my expertise, dumbass. I provided the SUPREME COURT!!!

Along with other authorities.

Goddam, this willful stupidity is a marvel to behold.

He is like a 4-year-old, covering his ears and shrieking, LA-LA-LA-LA-LA-LA! I CAN'T HEAR YOU! LA-LA-LA-LA-LA!
After Britain declared war on Germany on 3 September 1939, British codebreaking operations were moved from London to Bletchley Park. This country house was near the then small railway town of Bletchley, half-way between Oxford and Cambridge.

Everything to do with intelligence was dominated by the technicalities of the Enigma cipher machine, the key to German communications.

Alan Turing's wartime life was spent mainly in the Huts erected in the grounds of Bletchley Park, where the technical work of codebreaking was done.


This is where, in March 1940, the machine that defeated the Enigma was first installed.

Most German communications were enciphered on the Enigma cipher machine. It was based on rotors whose movement produced ever-changing alphabetic substitutions.

In its military use, the basic machine was greatly enhanced by a plugboard, visible on the front of the machine.

The ciphers it produced were supposed to be unbreakable even by someone in possession of the machine. Ideas of great logical ingenuity were needed to defeat it.

Alan Turing Scrapbook - The Enigma War

What in the name of Jesus Christ and a pair of fuzzy dice does this have to do with the thread?
Tim Cook: Apple Won't Create 'Backdoor' to Help FBI Access San Bernardino Shooter's iPhone

Cook concludes Apple's open letter by saying the company's opposition to the order is not an action they took lightly and that they challenge the request "with the deepest respect for democracy and a love for our country." Ultimately, Apple fears these demands would "undermine the very freedoms and liberty our government is meant to protect."

Contumacious applauds Mr. Tim Cook.

What the government is asking for will destroy Apple.

Under the old Constitution (1787-1935) Apple had rights protected by the 4 and 5th Amendments. It also had a right to Judicial Review.

That is no longer available. Mr Cook is own his own.

An Article III Judge would have demanded that the government stop meddling in the internal affairs of other nations.

A scumbag spineless impostor pretending to be a judge will simply comply with the FBI's request.

.For shame.

If I could help get people who assisted in someone murdering his co-workers and waging war on the American people, I'd do it in a heartbeat.

There is no freedom in being dead. You have so many better issues of government atrocities to focus on. The Constitution is there to protect the innocent, not the guilty.

Thomas Jefferson: "strict observance of the written law is doubtless one of the high duties of a good citizen, but it is not the highest. The laws of necessity, of self-preservation, of saving our country when in danger, are of higher obligation. To lose our country by a scrupulous adherence to the written law, would be to lose the law itself, with life, liberty, property and all those who are enjoying them with us; thus absurdly sacrificing the ends to the means."

The Constitution wasn't a suicide pact
where do Apple corps loyalties reeeeally lie..? :eusa_think:

why do they protect terrorist info and thumb their nose at a warrant in the name of freedum?

paranoia will destroy ya! and it goes like this........... ^

Shut the fuck up.

Loyalty to their stockholders.

They have a right not to be drafted into the FBI's "war on terror".

When you have evidence that the San Bernardino affair was a terrorist attack and not a false flag operation repost

Have you gotten away from the orderlies again?

OK, was it hard to admit that you have no fucking idea what happened in San Bernardino?

That because you are a naive motherfucker everyone must be one.

Candycorn thinks that Apple should unlock the guy's phone or assist the government in any way possible. If it takes a large amount of engineering time to do so, the FBI should reimburse Apple for that time.

The argument seems to be that if they did this once, the genie would be let out of the box and wiz-bang-wow, I could unlock my assistant's phone in a matter of moments....

Somehow, the 2-300 songs I purchased from I-tunes are not winding up on any one else's phone for free and Apple is able to send me that one file that contains the music I listen to when I work out or am driving in the car. But it cannot send one "key" to this guy's I-Phone that will help the feds unlock it?

Sounds fishy to me.

But the technological aspects of these products is beyond my comprehension....perhaps there are other barriers that the engineers cannot surpass.

I doubt that is the case as well.
There should be no corporation with the government whatsoever...

Agreed. But here is what the fed should do:

Offer a two million dollar reward to any citizen that can break the code. Bet somebody would find a way to do it in two weeks. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

You don't think people have tried? More to the point: you don't think APPLE has tried?
where do Apple corps loyalties reeeeally lie..? :eusa_think:

why do they protect terrorist info and thumb their nose at a warrant in the name of freedum?

paranoia will destroy ya! and it goes like this........... ^

Shut the fuck up.

Loyalty to their stockholders.

They have a right not to be drafted into the FBI's "war on terror".

When you have evidence that the San Bernardino affair was a terrorist attack and not a false flag operation repost

Have you gotten away from the orderlies again?

OK, was it hard to admit that you have no fucking idea what happened in San Bernardino?

That because you are a naive motherfucker everyone must be one.

Roll, roll, roll the joint
Pass it down the line
Take a toke and hold the smoke
Feel it blow your mind!

You are smokin' some GOOD shit today!
Tim Cook: Apple Won't Create 'Backdoor' to Help FBI Access San Bernardino Shooter's iPhone

Cook concludes Apple's open letter by saying the company's opposition to the order is not an action they took lightly and that they challenge the request "with the deepest respect for democracy and a love for our country." Ultimately, Apple fears these demands would "undermine the very freedoms and liberty our government is meant to protect."

Contumacious applauds Mr. Tim Cook.

What the government is asking for will destroy Apple.

Under the old Constitution (1787-1935) Apple had rights protected by the 4 and 5th Amendments. It also had a right to Judicial Review.

That is no longer available. Mr Cook is own his own.

An Article III Judge would have demanded that the government stop meddling in the internal affairs of other nations.

A scumbag spineless impostor pretending to be a judge will simply comply with the FBI's request.

.For shame.

If I could help get people who assisted in someone murdering his co-workers and waging war on the American people, I'd do it in a heartbeat.

There is no freedom in being dead. You have so many better issues of government atrocities to focus on. The Constitution is there to protect the innocent, not the guilty.

Thomas Jefferson: "strict observance of the written law is doubtless one of the high duties of a good citizen, but it is not the highest. The laws of necessity, of self-preservation, of saving our country when in danger, are of higher obligation. To lose our country by a scrupulous adherence to the written law, would be to lose the law itself, with life, liberty, property and all those who are enjoying them with us; thus absurdly sacrificing the ends to the means."

The Constitution wasn't a suicide pact

The Constitution wasn't a suicide pact

That cliche does not apply in these proceedings in any way shape or form

1) Congress has NO authority to meddle in the internal affairs of other nations, specifically, it has no authority to created "terrorists", actually avengers

2- You have no idea what happened in San Bernardino ; the incident occurred in a government building , lots of police cruises with dashcams yet they have failed or refused to share any videos with the populace - that in my book is fucked up - they are concealing something

3- the executive branch has no authority to concoct scam simply because they don't like encryption - the motherfuckers actually believe that they have authority to spy on us ; since we are now a banana republic I'm certain the government will destroy Apple -- but I'm also certain that the blackmarket will compensate by creating encryption not subject to any government's jurisdiction

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where do Apple corps loyalties reeeeally lie..? :eusa_think:

why do they protect terrorist info and thumb their nose at a warrant in the name of freedum?

paranoia will destroy ya! and it goes like this........... ^

Shut the fuck up.

Loyalty to their stockholders.

They have a right not to be drafted into the FBI's "war on terror".

When you have evidence that the San Bernardino affair was a terrorist attack and not a false flag operation repost

Have you gotten away from the orderlies again?

OK, was it hard to admit that you have no fucking idea what happened in San Bernardino?

That because you are a naive motherfucker everyone must be one.

Roll, roll, roll the joint
Pass it down the line
Take a toke and hold the smoke
Feel it blow your mind!

You are smokin' some GOOD shit today!

Take the gullible test, I double dare you

When liberturdian scum and dimocrap scum team up, insanity always prevails.

Toss the butt-ranger Cook in Prison for obstruction.

Problem solved

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