Feds and Militias stand off over cattle seizures.

I don't believe the Court Order allowed for this. The BLM will be held accountable.

Report: BLM Feds Slaughtered Cattle During Bundy Siege

Federal agency could face charges for abuse of animals

Photo evidence suggests BLM federal agents shot cattle dead during actions targeting Cliven Bundy, a clear violation of a court order which could see the federal agency and those it hired to carry out the operation face criminal charges.

Everywhere you turn, Government is there harassing and stealing. What a sad Country we've become. When will the People say enough is enough?
Bullshit. There was nothing in your post about "Watch this happen" or that is was a prediction or even sarcasm.

You lied. Thus my name for you is accurate.

Whatever makes you Goose Steppers feel better. I know you're all chomping at the bit waiting for your beloved Big Brother to murder this crazed 'Cult Leader/Militia Boogeyman/Racist Terrorist.' You Authority-Worshipper nutters make me sick. Shame on you.

Why would you support someone freeloading off of the government?
The rule of law per the Constitution has been set.
Why support someone that breaks the law?

Funny you should mention that ...

Rather than pushing new laws through a divided Congress to enact his agenda, Obama is relying on federal agencies to ignore, or at least not defend, laws that some of his important supporters — like Hispanic voters and the gay community — don’t like.

“If the president says we’re not going to enforce the law, there’s really nothing anyone can do about it,” University of Pennsylvania constitutional law professor Kermit Roosevelt said. “It’s clearly a political calculation.”

A White House official said the strategy is the result of a stalemate in Washington.

“We work to achieve our policy goals in the most effective and appropriate way possible,” the official said. “Often times, Congress has blocked efforts (ie [No Child Left Behind] and DREAM) and we look to pursue other appropriate means of achieving our policy goals. Sometimes this makes for less-than-ideal policy situations — such as the action we took on immigration — but the president isn’t going to be stonewalled by politics, he will pursue whatever means available to do business on behalf of American people.”

Read more: Obama?s policy strategy: Ignore laws - Steve Friess - POLITICO.com
Obama?s policy strategy: Ignore laws - Steve Friess - POLITICO.com

Is that your final answer??
Why would you support someone freeloading off of the government?
Why would you support a government that's freeloading off of the people?
Free loading yes (it does go both ways), but funny how our government picks and chooses it's wars to fight in these situations in which they decide to get all up on their high horses over. They (the government) are taking from one by force in this nation (taxing exceedingly great and beyond what is right anymore), and they are giving it to another for whom doesn't deserve it or didn't earn it. The government probably hasn't enforced the Cliven order for so long now, because it was guilty minded and the guilty mind wouldn't let it enforce it. However, now that there may be a special need for it to do so or it was told that a need has arisen in which warranted it to do so, then it was on like Donky Kong.

He who is without sin, then let him cast the first stone right ? Could our government cast that stone at Cliven, really ? Think about what our government is doing and what it has been caught doing just looking back now. Hurts just as much when we think about them and what they have done in the past, as it does thinking about Clivens possible wrong also doesn't it ?
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Whatever makes you Goose Steppers feel better. I know you're all chomping at the bit waiting for your beloved Big Brother to murder this crazed 'Cult Leader/Militia Boogeyman/Racist Terrorist.' You Authority-Worshipper nutters make me sick. Shame on you.

Why would you support someone freeloading off of the government?
The rule of law per the Constitution has been set.
Why support someone that breaks the law?

Funny you should mention that ...

Rather than pushing new laws through a divided Congress to enact his agenda, Obama is relying on federal agencies to ignore, or at least not defend, laws that some of his important supporters — like Hispanic voters and the gay community — don’t like.

“If the president says we’re not going to enforce the law, there’s really nothing anyone can do about it,” University of Pennsylvania constitutional law professor Kermit Roosevelt said. “It’s clearly a political calculation.”

A White House official said the strategy is the result of a stalemate in Washington.

“We work to achieve our policy goals in the most effective and appropriate way possible,” the official said. “Often times, Congress has blocked efforts (ie [No Child Left Behind] and DREAM) and we look to pursue other appropriate means of achieving our policy goals. Sometimes this makes for less-than-ideal policy situations — such as the action we took on immigration — but the president isn’t going to be stonewalled by politics, he will pursue whatever means available to do business on behalf of American people.”

Read more: Obama?s policy strategy: Ignore laws - Steve Friess - POLITICO.com
Obama?s policy strategy: Ignore laws - Steve Friess - POLITICO.com

Is that your final answer??
Why would you support someone freeloading off of the government?
Why would you support a government that's freeloading off of the people?
Free loading yes (it does go both ways), but funny how our government picks and chooses it's wars to fight in these situations in which they decide to get all up on their high horses over.
Illegal immigration means nothing to this bunch, targeting political enemies via the IRS means nothing. But letting cows eat shrub in a desert won't be tolerated. They are completely bass akwards.
I don't believe the Court Order allowed for this. The BLM will be held accountable.

Report: BLM Feds Slaughtered Cattle During Bundy Siege

Federal agency could face charges for abuse of animals

Photo evidence suggests BLM federal agents shot cattle dead during actions targeting Cliven Bundy, a clear violation of a court order which could see the federal agency and those it hired to carry out the operation face criminal charges.


LOL, the court order was what was BEING SERVED on Bundy.
And even though I believe it was overkill what are marshalls to do when they show up to serve simple process on someone and there are armed militia meth head with no teeth by the dozens there.
What you claim happened with the animals is a SEPARATE MATTER.
Why would you support someone freeloading off of the government?
Why would you support a government that's freeloading off of the people?
Free loading yes (it does go both ways), but funny how our government picks and chooses it's wars to fight in these situations in which they decide to get all up on their high horses over. They (the government) are taking from one by force in this nation (taxing exceedingly great and beyond what is right anymore), and they are giving it to another for whom doesn't deserve it or didn't earn it. The government probably hasn't enforced the Cliven order for so long now, because it was guilty minded and the guilty mind wouldn't let it enforce it. However, now that there may be a special need for it to do so or it was told that a need has arisen in which warranted it to do so, then it was on like Donky Kong.

He who is without sin, then let him cast the first stone right ? Could our government cast that stone at Cliven, really ? Think about what our government is doing and what it has been caught doing just looking back now. Hurts just as much when we think about them and what they have done in the past, as it does thinking about Clivens possible wrong also doesn't it ?

True but all Bundy had to do was get his cattle off of property that legally he was not supposed to have them on.
Why does he get a free pass?
Why would you support a government that's freeloading off of the people?
Free loading yes (it does go both ways), but funny how our government picks and chooses it's wars to fight in these situations in which they decide to get all up on their high horses over. They (the government) are taking from one by force in this nation (taxing exceedingly great and beyond what is right anymore), and they are giving it to another for whom doesn't deserve it or didn't earn it. The government probably hasn't enforced the Cliven order for so long now, because it was guilty minded and the guilty mind wouldn't let it enforce it. However, now that there may be a special need for it to do so or it was told that a need has arisen in which warranted it to do so, then it was on like Donky Kong.

He who is without sin, then let him cast the first stone right ? Could our government cast that stone at Cliven, really ? Think about what our government is doing and what it has been caught doing just looking back now. Hurts just as much when we think about them and what they have done in the past, as it does thinking about Clivens possible wrong also doesn't it ?

True but all Bundy had to do was get his cattle off of property that legally he was not supposed to have them on.
Why does he get a free pass?

He did not get a free pass. He has to pay for the use of government land.

He chose not to pay and will suffer the consequences. Those consequences should not include armed federal agents attacking him. It should all be settled in the courts.

As some have pointed out, all the government had to do was put a lien on the property and collect the debt when the time comes.
Free loading yes (it does go both ways), but funny how our government picks and chooses it's wars to fight in these situations in which they decide to get all up on their high horses over. They (the government) are taking from one by force in this nation (taxing exceedingly great and beyond what is right anymore), and they are giving it to another for whom doesn't deserve it or didn't earn it. The government probably hasn't enforced the Cliven order for so long now, because it was guilty minded and the guilty mind wouldn't let it enforce it. However, now that there may be a special need for it to do so or it was told that a need has arisen in which warranted it to do so, then it was on like Donky Kong.

He who is without sin, then let him cast the first stone right ? Could our government cast that stone at Cliven, really ? Think about what our government is doing and what it has been caught doing just looking back now. Hurts just as much when we think about them and what they have done in the past, as it does thinking about Clivens possible wrong also doesn't it ?

True but all Bundy had to do was get his cattle off of property that legally he was not supposed to have them on.
Why does he get a free pass?

He did not get a free pass. He has to pay for the use of government land.

He chose not to pay and will suffer the consequences. Those consequences should not include armed federal agents attacking him. It should all be settled in the courts.

As some have pointed out, all the government had to do was put a lien on the property and collect the debt when the time comes.

Were the cowboys hampered during the roundup on the Bundys property or on federal lands? Did Federal agents go out of their way to harass the Bundys? Or did the Bundys come looking for a fight on what they consider their rightful property?
True but all Bundy had to do was get his cattle off of property that legally he was not supposed to have them on.
Why does he get a free pass?

He did not get a free pass. He has to pay for the use of government land.

He chose not to pay and will suffer the consequences. Those consequences should not include armed federal agents attacking him. It should all be settled in the courts.

As some have pointed out, all the government had to do was put a lien on the property and collect the debt when the time comes.

Were the cowboys hampered during the roundup on the Bundys property or on federal lands? Did Federal agents go out of their way to harass the Bundys? Or did the Bundys come looking for a fight on what they consider their rightful property?

the cattle are the rightful property of the bundys
Were the cowboys hampered during the roundup on the Bundys property or on federal lands? Did Federal agents go out of their way to harass the Bundys? Or did the Bundys come looking for a fight on what they consider their rightful property?
Looks like the feds were spoiling for a fight but only if it was unarmed resistance. Regardless, Dirty Harry has called them domestic terrorists so expect a drone strike next time around.
Free loading yes (it does go both ways), but funny how our government picks and chooses it's wars to fight in these situations in which they decide to get all up on their high horses over. They (the government) are taking from one by force in this nation (taxing exceedingly great and beyond what is right anymore), and they are giving it to another for whom doesn't deserve it or didn't earn it. The government probably hasn't enforced the Cliven order for so long now, because it was guilty minded and the guilty mind wouldn't let it enforce it. However, now that there may be a special need for it to do so or it was told that a need has arisen in which warranted it to do so, then it was on like Donky Kong.

He who is without sin, then let him cast the first stone right ? Could our government cast that stone at Cliven, really ? Think about what our government is doing and what it has been caught doing just looking back now. Hurts just as much when we think about them and what they have done in the past, as it does thinking about Clivens possible wrong also doesn't it ?

True but all Bundy had to do was get his cattle off of property that legally he was not supposed to have them on.
Why does he get a free pass?

He did not get a free pass. He has to pay for the use of government land.

He chose not to pay and will suffer the consequences. Those consequences should not include armed federal agents attacking him. It should all be settled in the courts.

As some have pointed out, all the government had to do was put a lien on the property and collect the debt when the time comes.

Uh, it has already been settled in the courts.
Where have you been?
The order was for him to comply with the RULING OF THE COURT.
LOL, a lien on his property on an order for him to vacate his cattle off of Federal land?
He did not get a free pass. He has to pay for the use of government land.

He chose not to pay and will suffer the consequences. Those consequences should not include armed federal agents attacking him. It should all be settled in the courts.

As some have pointed out, all the government had to do was put a lien on the property and collect the debt when the time comes.

Were the cowboys hampered during the roundup on the Bundys property or on federal lands? Did Federal agents go out of their way to harass the Bundys? Or did the Bundys come looking for a fight on what they consider their rightful property?

the cattle are the rightful property of the bundys

If I used the EZTag lanes on the toll system and I don't pay my bill, they will seize my property too.
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If cattle are on my land and the owner refuses to remove them then guess what the law is sports fans.
I can take whatever recourse there is under a COURT ORDER to remove the cattle from my land.
Facts sure are a bitch to those that make excuses.
Were the cowboys hampered during the roundup on the Bundys property or on federal lands? Did Federal agents go out of their way to harass the Bundys? Or did the Bundys come looking for a fight on what they consider their rightful property?
Looks like the feds were spoiling for a fight but only if it was unarmed resistance. Regardless, Dirty Harry has called them domestic terrorists so expect a drone strike next time around.

The drama! :D
The guy pointing his weapon at human beings while in a prone sniper position should be arrested and loose his right to own firearms. Those around him should have schooled him that ignoring basic gun safety rules and presenting the demonstrators as a violent threat or presenting a potential spark to violence was unacceptable behavior.
In short the guy refused to pay the grazing fees and owes a million dollars to the government.

He should have his property seized. Fuck him I pay may taxes and fees even if I don't agree with them.

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