Feds Can't Enforce Net Neutrality

Just for fun, let's try another analogy: the Mafia (which may or may not exist). One of the more powerful families, the Verizona family, controls packet deliveries in your neighborhood, and you pay them a considerable fee for their messenger service. You sometimes pay other fees to various packet suppliers, but those were always separate transactions outside the purview of Verizona's messenger service. You've been getting your regular fixes of packets without a problem, and up until now, the packet messengers haven't cared what was in the packets or where they came from.

But now the head of the Verizona family wants to increase his income, let's say because Senators are becoming pricier, a perfectly reasonable expense in his business. Rather than raising your delivery service fees directly, he comes up with an innovative plan to charge the packet manufacturing kingpin (whose codename is HuFlix) for the privilege of selling packets in your neighborhood. Don Verizona makes it clear to HuFlix that without the extra "protection" payments, the packets might very well get lost or meet with an unfortunate accident in the dangerous internet neighborhood he controls. Only these protection fees will keep the packets safe.

Perhaps it all started when Don Verizona noticed how deep HuFlix's pockets had become and how few alternate delivery routes were available.

A readers uses the Mafia to explain net neutrality
WE need more government!

Government should tell us what speed our ISP should be

so you are against a free flowing internet...Got it.

I need to research this subject more, but I bet the same people will be railing against "the libruls!" if it turns out that one of their political groups convinced the ISP's to slow down conservative sites.

thats what they dont understand.
Take USMB and Hannity. Pretend USMB is run by the left. Well lets say Comcast is left leaning and decided that anyone who wants to go over to Hannity will have to wait longer for the pages to load while over here the pages load like you are on a T1 connection.

This is what you get with reactionaries with very little understanding of what the issue is.
they..want..to..remove.. the..regulation....

You know what the whole topic is about. :cuckoo:

They actually want to stop the new regulations, not remove the old ones. The old ones are the ones that allow them to steal from idiots who think the government cares about them, but thanks for playing.

Consumers have stake in net neutrality defeat

Pay to play and those that cant pay, too bad. Meaning that we'll be able to see certain website faster than others. Keeping up with the Kardashians anyone? Hey where'd those blogs go?

Sorta like your phones data plan. Doesnt everyone love those?


But everyone doesnt agree

Not everyone is convinced that consumers will see a lot of change on home broadband service, or that they would bear the brunt alone. "People are really concerned about the concept of quality of service and ISPs blocking things," says Dan Bowman, chief technology officer of networking company Sandvine. "We think that the court of public opinion protects from that occurring."
Basically the protection the public has against this happening is hope. Hope the public doesnt get lulled into sleep like they did with Cable. Hope that Companies will pay attention. Trust.

More likely, it is major networking companies such as Cogent and Level 3 that provide connectivity for ISPs (the AT&Ts and Verizons of the world) and content providers (Netflixes and Amazons) that will seek to adjust deals on each end of the equation, Bowman says.

For an ISP to tell a residential customer "that 'if you pay more, it will be less bad' is a hard message to sell," Bowman says.
HARD SELL...but look at cable. Cant get away from it.

The current Pay TV situation? What pay TV situation am I supposed to be faced with again? Do you have any idea how easy it is to watch whatever you want when you want?
they..want..to..remove.. the..regulation....

You know what the whole topic is about. :cuckoo:

They actually want to stop the new regulations, not remove the old ones. The old ones are the ones that allow them to steal from idiots who think the government cares about them, but thanks for playing.

uh no, they want to remove the old regulations. Jesus christ go educate yourself on the issue for once. This is why Verizon stated/argued that the regulations are a 1st amendment violation.

You should maybe go find another subject because this is out of your league.

I posted an article that explained why the FCC is wrong, and how they could fix it. You, being a self declared expert, decided that I didn't know what I am talking about, and ignored the simple solution.
so you are against a free flowing internet...Got it.

I fully support a free flowing internet, why the fuck do you think I want to keep the government out of the picture?

No you don't. If you did support a "free flowing internet" you'd be in support of Net Neutrality. But you're a clueless hack who doesn't understand jack shit about this topic.

Because no one can possibly be right unless they agree with massive government control.
Maybe I am not understanding. If I want to start an ISP that does not load music or video, but am faced with regulation requiring me to treat all sites equally, am I not forced to now load music and video? I'm sorry if I didn't get it.

Well you couldnt start one but currently all sites must be offered at the same speeds. I understand your arguement where you want it crafted to your preference but think of it this way. Just because you go to the Buffet doesnt mean you have to eat everything there. Everything is ready for you and others IF you want it you can try it, if not have only what you like. That is what the internet is right now.

The opposite is this: You go to the Buffet but the Shimp guy didnt pay as much to the resturant as the chicken guy. Now when you see the buffet you have a shit load of chicken but a long line of people who have to wait for shrimp or pay extra to bring the shrimp to them. One day you go to the buffet and would like to try the shrimp. Sorry wait in line or pay more.

I was understanding your position to be that there is no valid reason for one site to load slower on one provider over the other. Simple customization is about American as you can get. I use some things more than others and I prioritize some things over others. As an individual, why can't I choose a package that fits my needs. In my world, you'd find a provider that places no restrictions other than first come first serve. I would find a provider that limits music and video so I can argue on the internet without annoyance. In your world, we all get to have it your way.
Currently you can customize all you want. You have access to EVERYTHING. You only access things you see as a priority. Things change and you may pick up a new hobby sometime in the future. You can change your priority and still access that new information without requesting any changes. Think data packages for cell phones.

If you craft something specifically for you thats great. Once that changes tho you'll have to call the ISP provider and change it. Will it have 2 year contract?

If I put up the money and take all the risk, why can't I restrict those files? Only people like me would even use the service.
Now look at this from the other end. What could happen if this was the case? Will it restrict sites that dont match their political ideology? What will the package levels look like? If you dont want video, great! What happens if you want to look at a video? Extra charge? Blocked?

Currently there is no penalty

You trust the same government that insists on treating liberal groups differently than conservative groups to make sure political sites are treated equally?
They actually want to stop the new regulations, not remove the old ones. The old ones are the ones that allow them to steal from idiots who think the government cares about them, but thanks for playing.

Consumers have stake in net neutrality defeat

Pay to play and those that cant pay, too bad. Meaning that we'll be able to see certain website faster than others. Keeping up with the Kardashians anyone? Hey where'd those blogs go?

Sorta like your phones data plan. Doesnt everyone love those?


But everyone doesnt agree

Basically the protection the public has against this happening is hope. Hope the public doesnt get lulled into sleep like they did with Cable. Hope that Companies will pay attention. Trust.

More likely, it is major networking companies such as Cogent and Level 3 that provide connectivity for ISPs (the AT&Ts and Verizons of the world) and content providers (Netflixes and Amazons) that will seek to adjust deals on each end of the equation, Bowman says.

For an ISP to tell a residential customer "that 'if you pay more, it will be less bad' is a hard message to sell," Bowman says.
HARD SELL...but look at cable. Cant get away from it.

The current Pay TV situation? What pay TV situation am I supposed to be faced with again? Do you have any idea how easy it is to watch whatever you want when you want?

You have a lot of questions and no points. When you find the answer and ready to discuss I'll be right here
I fully support a free flowing internet, why the fuck do you think I want to keep the government out of the picture?

No you don't. If you did support a "free flowing internet" you'd be in support of Net Neutrality. But you're a clueless hack who doesn't understand jack shit about this topic.

Because no one can possibly be right unless they agree with massive government control.

LOL, "massive government control".

What was wrong with the way the internet worked before last week in your opinion?
Maybe I am not understanding. If I want to start an ISP that does not load music or video, but am faced with regulation requiring me to treat all sites equally, am I not forced to now load music and video? I'm sorry if I didn't get it.

Well you couldnt start one but currently all sites must be offered at the same speeds. I understand your arguement where you want it crafted to your preference but think of it this way. Just because you go to the Buffet doesnt mean you have to eat everything there. Everything is ready for you and others IF you want it you can try it, if not have only what you like. That is what the internet is right now.

The opposite is this: You go to the Buffet but the Shimp guy didnt pay as much to the resturant as the chicken guy. Now when you see the buffet you have a shit load of chicken but a long line of people who have to wait for shrimp or pay extra to bring the shrimp to them. One day you go to the buffet and would like to try the shrimp. Sorry wait in line or pay more.

Currently you can customize all you want. You have access to EVERYTHING. You only access things you see as a priority. Things change and you may pick up a new hobby sometime in the future. You can change your priority and still access that new information without requesting any changes. Think data packages for cell phones.

If you craft something specifically for you thats great. Once that changes tho you'll have to call the ISP provider and change it. Will it have 2 year contract?

If I put up the money and take all the risk, why can't I restrict those files? Only people like me would even use the service.
Now look at this from the other end. What could happen if this was the case? Will it restrict sites that dont match their political ideology? What will the package levels look like? If you dont want video, great! What happens if you want to look at a video? Extra charge? Blocked?

Currently there is no penalty

You trust the same government that insists on treating liberal groups differently than conservative groups to make sure political sites are treated equally?

It's worked up until now, has it not?
Maybe I am not understanding. If I want to start an ISP that does not load music or video, but am faced with regulation requiring me to treat all sites equally, am I not forced to now load music and video? I'm sorry if I didn't get it.

Well you couldnt start one but currently all sites must be offered at the same speeds. I understand your arguement where you want it crafted to your preference but think of it this way. Just because you go to the Buffet doesnt mean you have to eat everything there. Everything is ready for you and others IF you want it you can try it, if not have only what you like. That is what the internet is right now.

The opposite is this: You go to the Buffet but the Shimp guy didnt pay as much to the resturant as the chicken guy. Now when you see the buffet you have a shit load of chicken but a long line of people who have to wait for shrimp or pay extra to bring the shrimp to them. One day you go to the buffet and would like to try the shrimp. Sorry wait in line or pay more.

Currently you can customize all you want. You have access to EVERYTHING. You only access things you see as a priority. Things change and you may pick up a new hobby sometime in the future. You can change your priority and still access that new information without requesting any changes. Think data packages for cell phones.

If you craft something specifically for you thats great. Once that changes tho you'll have to call the ISP provider and change it. Will it have 2 year contract?

If I put up the money and take all the risk, why can't I restrict those files? Only people like me would even use the service.
Now look at this from the other end. What could happen if this was the case? Will it restrict sites that dont match their political ideology? What will the package levels look like? If you dont want video, great! What happens if you want to look at a video? Extra charge? Blocked?

Currently there is no penalty

You trust the same government that insists on treating liberal groups differently than conservative groups to make sure political sites are treated equally?

Again, this has nothing to do with govt controlling anything. This has to do with the "liberal media" having control making sure political sites are treated equally.
so you are against a free flowing internet...Got it.

I need to research this subject more, but I bet the same people will be railing against "the libruls!" if it turns out that one of their political groups convinced the ISP's to slow down conservative sites.

thats what they dont understand.
Take USMB and Hannity. Pretend USMB is run by the left. Well lets say Comcast is left leaning and decided that anyone who wants to go over to Hannity will have to wait longer for the pages to load while over here the pages load like you are on a T1 connection.

This is what you get with reactionaries with very little understanding of what the issue is.

No, what you don't understand is that I, literally, do not care if one group tries to slow down a site I like. The only thing I am worried about is the government trying to fix the problem, because I can figure out how to get around any restrictions any company tries to implement, the only thing I can't get around is the government breaking the internet in the name of trying to fix it.

It is because I actually understand the issues, the same one you keep telling me I don't get. The problem is not net neutrality, it is lack of competition. Regulating the internet is not going to magically increase the numbers of ISPs.

Instead fo telling me I don't know what the issues are I suggest you actually learn what the issues are. Treat the problem, not the symptom.'

Losing Net Neutrality Is The Symptom, Not The Problem: Now Is The Time To Focus On Real Competition | Techdirt
Consumers have stake in net neutrality defeat

Pay to play and those that cant pay, too bad. Meaning that we'll be able to see certain website faster than others. Keeping up with the Kardashians anyone? Hey where'd those blogs go?

Sorta like your phones data plan. Doesnt everyone love those?


But everyone doesnt agree

Basically the protection the public has against this happening is hope. Hope the public doesnt get lulled into sleep like they did with Cable. Hope that Companies will pay attention. Trust.

HARD SELL...but look at cable. Cant get away from it.

The current Pay TV situation? What pay TV situation am I supposed to be faced with again? Do you have any idea how easy it is to watch whatever you want when you want?

You have a lot of questions and no points. When you find the answer and ready to discuss I'll be right here

I don't have any points?

My point is really simple, asshole, anyone that doesn't like the way their cable works can thank the government that gave cable companies a monopoly.
No you don't. If you did support a "free flowing internet" you'd be in support of Net Neutrality. But you're a clueless hack who doesn't understand jack shit about this topic.

Because no one can possibly be right unless they agree with massive government control.

LOL, "massive government control".

What was wrong with the way the internet worked before last week in your opinion?

For one thing, the lack of Megaupload.
Well you couldnt start one but currently all sites must be offered at the same speeds. I understand your arguement where you want it crafted to your preference but think of it this way. Just because you go to the Buffet doesnt mean you have to eat everything there. Everything is ready for you and others IF you want it you can try it, if not have only what you like. That is what the internet is right now.

The opposite is this: You go to the Buffet but the Shimp guy didnt pay as much to the resturant as the chicken guy. Now when you see the buffet you have a shit load of chicken but a long line of people who have to wait for shrimp or pay extra to bring the shrimp to them. One day you go to the buffet and would like to try the shrimp. Sorry wait in line or pay more.

Currently you can customize all you want. You have access to EVERYTHING. You only access things you see as a priority. Things change and you may pick up a new hobby sometime in the future. You can change your priority and still access that new information without requesting any changes. Think data packages for cell phones.

If you craft something specifically for you thats great. Once that changes tho you'll have to call the ISP provider and change it. Will it have 2 year contract?

Now look at this from the other end. What could happen if this was the case? Will it restrict sites that dont match their political ideology? What will the package levels look like? If you dont want video, great! What happens if you want to look at a video? Extra charge? Blocked?

Currently there is no penalty

You trust the same government that insists on treating liberal groups differently than conservative groups to make sure political sites are treated equally?

It's worked up until now, has it not?

That depends on how you define works, doesn't it?
They actually want to stop the new regulations, not remove the old ones. The old ones are the ones that allow them to steal from idiots who think the government cares about them, but thanks for playing.

Consumers have stake in net neutrality defeat

Pay to play and those that cant pay, too bad. Meaning that we'll be able to see certain website faster than others. Keeping up with the Kardashians anyone? Hey where'd those blogs go?

Sorta like your phones data plan. Doesnt everyone love those?


But everyone doesnt agree

Basically the protection the public has against this happening is hope. Hope the public doesnt get lulled into sleep like they did with Cable. Hope that Companies will pay attention. Trust.

More likely, it is major networking companies such as Cogent and Level 3 that provide connectivity for ISPs (the AT&Ts and Verizons of the world) and content providers (Netflixes and Amazons) that will seek to adjust deals on each end of the equation, Bowman says.

For an ISP to tell a residential customer "that 'if you pay more, it will be less bad' is a hard message to sell," Bowman says.
HARD SELL...but look at cable. Cant get away from it.

The current Pay TV situation? What pay TV situation am I supposed to be faced with again? Do you have any idea how easy it is to watch whatever you want when you want?

you are joking right or being dense
Well you couldnt start one but currently all sites must be offered at the same speeds. I understand your arguement where you want it crafted to your preference but think of it this way. Just because you go to the Buffet doesnt mean you have to eat everything there. Everything is ready for you and others IF you want it you can try it, if not have only what you like. That is what the internet is right now.

The opposite is this: You go to the Buffet but the Shimp guy didnt pay as much to the resturant as the chicken guy. Now when you see the buffet you have a shit load of chicken but a long line of people who have to wait for shrimp or pay extra to bring the shrimp to them. One day you go to the buffet and would like to try the shrimp. Sorry wait in line or pay more.

Currently you can customize all you want. You have access to EVERYTHING. You only access things you see as a priority. Things change and you may pick up a new hobby sometime in the future. You can change your priority and still access that new information without requesting any changes. Think data packages for cell phones.

If you craft something specifically for you thats great. Once that changes tho you'll have to call the ISP provider and change it. Will it have 2 year contract?

Now look at this from the other end. What could happen if this was the case? Will it restrict sites that dont match their political ideology? What will the package levels look like? If you dont want video, great! What happens if you want to look at a video? Extra charge? Blocked?

Currently there is no penalty

You trust the same government that insists on treating liberal groups differently than conservative groups to make sure political sites are treated equally?

Again, this has nothing to do with govt controlling anything. This has to do with the "liberal media" having control making sure political sites are treated equally.

One more time, if the "Liberal media" wants to try and control my access to anything I want to read on the internet, tell them to let loose the dogs of war.
They actually want to stop the new regulations, not remove the old ones. The old ones are the ones that allow them to steal from idiots who think the government cares about them, but thanks for playing.

uh no, they want to remove the old regulations. Jesus christ go educate yourself on the issue for once. This is why Verizon stated/argued that the regulations are a 1st amendment violation.

You should maybe go find another subject because this is out of your league.

I posted an article that explained why the FCC is wrong, and how they could fix it. You, being a self declared expert, decided that I didn't know what I am talking about, and ignored the simple solution.

FCC isnt wrong. Deregulating is the bad choice in this.
I fully support a free flowing internet, why the fuck do you think I want to keep the government out of the picture?

No you don't. If you did support a "free flowing internet" you'd be in support of Net Neutrality. But you're a clueless hack who doesn't understand jack shit about this topic.

Because no one can possibly be right unless they agree with massive government control.

great because this isnt happening...we need a magic forum for you, since you like to create arguments out of thin air
Consumers have stake in net neutrality defeat

Pay to play and those that cant pay, too bad. Meaning that we'll be able to see certain website faster than others. Keeping up with the Kardashians anyone? Hey where'd those blogs go?

Sorta like your phones data plan. Doesnt everyone love those?


But everyone doesnt agree

Basically the protection the public has against this happening is hope. Hope the public doesnt get lulled into sleep like they did with Cable. Hope that Companies will pay attention. Trust.

HARD SELL...but look at cable. Cant get away from it.

The current Pay TV situation? What pay TV situation am I supposed to be faced with again? Do you have any idea how easy it is to watch whatever you want when you want?

you are joking right or being dense

Actually, I am totally flabbergasted that people blame the cable companies for studios that insist on living in the 20th century rather than adapting to the modern world. Talk about low information voters and not understanding the issue, I could go on for hours just exposing the tip of your ignorance.

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