Feds Can't Enforce Net Neutrality

Of course, when you can't respond with logic or reason, an ad hominem attack is the way to go...:cuckoo:

You didn't give out any logic..you proved nothing more than zero understanding on the subject.

I understand perfectly. By your way of thinking, the government should regulate car manufacturers to ensure every model goes at exactly the same speed. After all, we can't have someone paying for a fast car...

Again, if you so believe that all ISPs are so corrupt and inattentive to the needs of their customers, a new competitor that provides the same access speed to all will surely emerge and dominate the market. Problem solved.

I reject your collectivist approach to any and all perceived problems.

Remember when AOL, which dominated the internet, decided to implement a policy of charging people to access non AOL sites?
America doesn't restrict you. Sigh..

I can actually prove that the United States restricts access to the internet. If I do, will you stop posting here?

Never mind, I know the answer.

While you sit there sputtering about how the US government doesn't restrict the internet feel free to educate yourself with just one example of how it does.

How the feds took down the Dread Pirate Roberts | Ars Technica

drug trafficking site in the world
I stopped reading after that. Fail

I get it, you agree with the government, and that they are right to restrict internet access, even though your argument was that they actually don't.
Feds Can't Enforce Net Neutrality: What This Means For You : All Tech Considered : NPR

this isnt a good thing and sadly people will defend this ruling.

This is what Free market gets you for people always claiming that free market is the way to go. Dont start bitching when USMB starts loading slower for you via your ISP and is blocked because it doesnt jive with the ISP's political agenda.
Don't like the fact that your provider slows your traffic because you're a self-admitted dick?
Get a new provider.
-That's- the free market.

um....the regulations make it so they cant slow down my speeds.

And, if they do, you can get a refund. The law actually says that, which actually means that you already have what you are demanding the government fix.
You really don't understand the topic of net neutrality do you?

Actually, I do. What your response makes abundantly clear is that you do not understand the concept of competition and voluntary choice.

There is no competition the servers are in the hands of a few. Thats exactly the opposite of a free market.

Even if it was a true free market. What could be your reasoning to why some sites should be slower than others?

Believe it or not, you have no idea what you are talking about.
This is the same "it doesnt affect me so I dont care" republican attitude that brought us the Patriot Act.

They never think it will come back on them.
yeah, kind of reminds Me of Obamacare. Same government meddling to make things better....but that never actually happens. It just gets worse.

This is nothing like Obamacare at all...not in your wildest dreams.

Net Neutrality has NOTHING to do with Govt intrusion at all. Do you like the internet the way it is today? Then you are for Net Neutrality.

Do you want corporations deciding what sites they want to load faster than others? If yes, the question would be Why? Why be PRO- UNEQUALITY?

I actually prefer the internet the way it was before the government tried to fix it.
Feds Can't Enforce Net Neutrality: What This Means For You : All Tech Considered : NPR

this isnt a good thing and sadly people will defend this ruling.

This is what Free market gets you for people always claiming that free market is the way to go. Dont start bitching when USMB starts loading slower for you via your ISP and is blocked because it doesnt jive with the ISP's political agenda.

Am old enough to remember the web when it was still new and wholly unregulated. Was a lot better then. Once it got commercialized, everything turned to poop. Users should be very concerned about any government attempts to regulate the web or net in general. Last big change they made was removing porn from usenet. But it shows how the government can indeed control what we can access online. 1st Amendment doesn't seem to apply online and that's something we should all worry about. Porn today, political dissent tomorrow?

wow they removed porn from usenet and now you can get it free regardless. Yawn. Again Net Neutrality is about not constricting the net.
the internet right now is the ultimate free market place. Take the big search engines again. right now ( depending on your own personal speed) they all basically search at the same speed. Thus you get to pick and choose which engine is your favorite. you remove the regulations in place and this wont be the case. You could get a situation where a ISP buys out a search engine and makes sure that engine works best on their Isp while the other is sluggish.

Why can't they do that. If I open a store and refuse to sell any bread that is not my own brand, can someone demand bread neutrality? If the feds want to dictate what I sell, they should buy my store and take over the risk. Niche markets get filled, even some that surprise me with their success. I doubt such huge markets as 'conservative' and 'progressive' are going to slip through the cracks. Look how loud they both are and at the platforms they have available to them.
There isnt ONE REASON that anyone can explain why some websites should be displayed slower than others. Not ONE.

Then these same Repubs who are only anti net neutrality just because Obama wants it claim that liberals control the media. Then want those same liberals to control content speed.

I beg to differ. There are hundreds of reasons different websites should take longer to load, from bad code to massive graphics files.
You didn't give out any logic..you proved nothing more than zero understanding on the subject.

I understand perfectly. By your way of thinking, the government should regulate car manufacturers to ensure every model goes at exactly the same speed. After all, we can't have someone paying for a fast car...

Again, if you so believe that all ISPs are so corrupt and inattentive to the needs of their customers, a new competitor that provides the same access speed to all will surely emerge and dominate the market. Problem solved.

I reject your collectivist approach to any and all perceived problems.

Remember when AOL, which dominated the internet, decided to implement a policy of charging people to access non AOL sites?

Remember the result ... they no longer dominate. People stepped up and offered alternatives and consumers chose those alternatives. Why is that not good. If you had forced AOL to provide what you want them to provide, we would have FEWER alternatives, not more.

I don't like porn, music videos, youtube and some other things. Those things eat up a lot of bandwith. Why can't I start an ISP for people like me. I get what I want faster because no one is on youtube ... people who want the same thing buy from me. We are all happy. How is that a bad thing. If you want movies and music and videos, go somewhere else. What I want to sell is the absence of those things that slow me and people like me down. That's how we get more choice and remain free.
Feds Can't Enforce Net Neutrality: What This Means For You : All Tech Considered : NPR

In a landmark ruling Tuesday, a federal appeals court has struck down key parts of the Federal Communications Commission's open-Internet rules, effectively ruling that the federal government cannot enforce net neutrality. Put more simply, it can't require that Internet service providers treat all traffic equally.

this isnt a good thing and sadly people will defend this ruling.

Excellent ruling

On Net Neutrality

Net neutrality is the idea that internet service providers should be forced by government to treat all data on the internet equally, that is, the government plays the role of enforcer by not allowing ISPs to discriminate or charge differentially by user, content, site, platform, application, type of attached equipment, and modes of communication.

The libertarian position is pretty clear cut here. Government should keep its hands off ISPs and allow them to operate any way they want. The ISPs, using their own equipment, are providing a service and should be allowed to use their equipment and provide their service in any fashion they choose without interference from the government. Thus, the court ruling is is consistent with a libertarian view

There isnt ONE REASON that anyone can explain why some websites should be displayed slower than others. Not ONE.

Then these same Repubs who are only anti net neutrality just because Obama wants it claim that liberals control the media. Then want those same liberals to control content speed.

I beg to differ. There are hundreds of reasons different websites should take longer to load, from bad code to massive graphics files.

Sure and because the website has been hacked. But you know none of those reasons have anything to do with what we're talking about.
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There isnt ONE REASON that anyone can explain why some websites should be displayed slower than others. Not ONE.

Then these same Repubs who are only anti net neutrality just because Obama wants it claim that liberals control the media. Then want those same liberals to control content speed.

I beg to differ. There are hundreds of reasons different websites should take longer to load, from bad code to massive graphics files.

Sure and because the website has been hacked. But you know none of those reasons have anything to do with what we're talking about.

It does, however, prove you wrong.

I can also prove that you actually want your ISP to restrict traffic flow based on which website your neighbors access because I love exposing hypocrites. I dare you to say I can't prove it.
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Feds Can't Enforce Net Neutrality: What This Means For You : All Tech Considered : NPR

In a landmark ruling Tuesday, a federal appeals court has struck down key parts of the Federal Communications Commission's open-Internet rules, effectively ruling that the federal government cannot enforce net neutrality. Put more simply, it can't require that Internet service providers treat all traffic equally.

this isnt a good thing and sadly people will defend this ruling.

Excellent ruling

On Net Neutrality

Net neutrality is the idea that internet service providers should be forced by government to treat all data on the internet equally, that is, the government plays the role of enforcer by not allowing ISPs to discriminate or charge differentially by user, content, site, platform, application, type of attached equipment, and modes of communication

The libertarian position is pretty clear cut here. Government should keep its hands off ISPs and allow them to operate any way they want. The ISPs, using their own equipment, are providing a service and should be allowed to use their equipment and provide their service in any fashion they choose without interference from the government. Thus, the court ruling is is consistent with a libertarian view

Why is treating all sites equally a bad thing? I notice you add the word "force" for effect I feel. Nothing is wrong with preventing ISP providers from being biased and making be equal. Remember....the liberal media will be in charge
I beg to differ. There are hundreds of reasons different websites should take longer to load, from bad code to massive graphics files.

Sure and because the website has been hacked. But you know none of those reasons have anything to do with what we're talking about.

It does, however, prove you wrong.

I can also prove that you actually want your ISP to restrict traffic flow based on which website your neighbors access because I love exposing hypocrites. I dare you to say I can't prove it.

Yes, I was wrong there are reasons why a site can be displayed slowly but you know I was referring to 2 equal sites being displayed differently. There is no reason why that should happen. Not errors in a site or a special circumstance.

You can prove something that I want. You cant prove it.
Don't like the fact that your provider slows your traffic because you're a self-admitted dick?
Get a new provider.
-That's- the free market.

um....the regulations make it so they cant slow down my speeds.

And, if they do, you can get a refund. The law actually says that, which actually means that you already have what you are demanding the government fix.

they..want..to..remove.. the..regulation....

You know what the whole topic is about. :cuckoo:
I can actually prove that the United States restricts access to the internet. If I do, will you stop posting here?

Never mind, I know the answer.

While you sit there sputtering about how the US government doesn't restrict the internet feel free to educate yourself with just one example of how it does.

How the feds took down the Dread Pirate Roberts | Ars Technica

drug trafficking site in the world
I stopped reading after that. Fail

I get it, you agree with the government, and that they are right to restrict internet access, even though your argument was that they actually don't.

It was Illegal as to what he was doing. There isnt anything to argue.
What the collectivists around here seem to miss...the very basis of freedom, that of private property.

its not private....

What those ISP companies built sure as hell is private. My, you do spew Marxist nonsense.

on public roads and such....So no its not private. Whatever marxist has to do with this is beyond me, but then again you are a retard.

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