Feds Can't Enforce Net Neutrality

I need to research this subject more, but I bet the same people will be railing against "the libruls!" if it turns out that one of their political groups convinced the ISP's to slow down conservative sites.

thats what they dont understand.
Take USMB and Hannity. Pretend USMB is run by the left. Well lets say Comcast is left leaning and decided that anyone who wants to go over to Hannity will have to wait longer for the pages to load while over here the pages load like you are on a T1 connection.

This is what you get with reactionaries with very little understanding of what the issue is.

No, what you don't understand is that I, literally, do not care if one group tries to slow down a site I like. The only thing I am worried about is the government trying to fix the problem, because I can figure out how to get around any restrictions any company tries to implement, the only thing I can't get around is the government breaking the internet in the name of trying to fix it.

It is because I actually understand the issues, the same one you keep telling me I don't get. The problem is not net neutrality, it is lack of competition. Regulating the internet is not going to magically increase the numbers of ISPs.

Instead fo telling me I don't know what the issues are I suggest you actually learn what the issues are. Treat the problem, not the symptom.'

Losing Net Neutrality Is The Symptom, Not The Problem: Now Is The Time To Focus On Real Competition | Techdirt

the fix is the regulation in place now that has everything running as is. Number of ISP's dont matter when you have the correct regulation in place. "free market" isnt an answer.

No i am rather confident you dont understand the issue at all.
uh no, they want to remove the old regulations. Jesus christ go educate yourself on the issue for once. This is why Verizon stated/argued that the regulations are a 1st amendment violation.

You should maybe go find another subject because this is out of your league.

I posted an article that explained why the FCC is wrong, and how they could fix it. You, being a self declared expert, decided that I didn't know what I am talking about, and ignored the simple solution.

FCC isnt wrong. Deregulating is the bad choice in this.

The FCC is wrong because they refuse to classify the companies they want to regulate as common carriers. All it would take is a simple action, and every single problem you have will disappear.

Alternatively, and even better, we need to deregulate the barriers to creating competition. Open up access to right of ways and allow some real competition to explode.

But, please, keep telling me I don't understand the issues.
The current Pay TV situation? What pay TV situation am I supposed to be faced with again? Do you have any idea how easy it is to watch whatever you want when you want?

you are joking right or being dense

Actually, I am totally flabbergasted that people blame the cable companies for studios that insist on living in the 20th century rather than adapting to the modern world. Talk about low information voters and not understanding the issue, I could go on for hours just exposing the tip of your ignorance.

it would seem you cant, because you cant even grasp this issue at all.
thats what they dont understand.
Take USMB and Hannity. Pretend USMB is run by the left. Well lets say Comcast is left leaning and decided that anyone who wants to go over to Hannity will have to wait longer for the pages to load while over here the pages load like you are on a T1 connection.

This is what you get with reactionaries with very little understanding of what the issue is.

No, what you don't understand is that I, literally, do not care if one group tries to slow down a site I like. The only thing I am worried about is the government trying to fix the problem, because I can figure out how to get around any restrictions any company tries to implement, the only thing I can't get around is the government breaking the internet in the name of trying to fix it.

It is because I actually understand the issues, the same one you keep telling me I don't get. The problem is not net neutrality, it is lack of competition. Regulating the internet is not going to magically increase the numbers of ISPs.

Instead fo telling me I don't know what the issues are I suggest you actually learn what the issues are. Treat the problem, not the symptom.'

Losing Net Neutrality Is The Symptom, Not The Problem: Now Is The Time To Focus On Real Competition | Techdirt

the fix is the regulation in place now that has everything running as is. Number of ISP's dont matter when you have the correct regulation in place. "free market" isnt an answer.

No i am rather confident you dont understand the issue at all.

Wow, look at that, I presented two different alternatives that actually address the problem, and you insist that the only possible solution is the one you like.

Color me not surprised.
you are joking right or being dense

Actually, I am totally flabbergasted that people blame the cable companies for studios that insist on living in the 20th century rather than adapting to the modern world. Talk about low information voters and not understanding the issue, I could go on for hours just exposing the tip of your ignorance.

it would seem you cant, because you cant even grasp this issue at all.

You keep using those words, I don't think they mean what you think they mean.
I posted an article that explained why the FCC is wrong, and how they could fix it. You, being a self declared expert, decided that I didn't know what I am talking about, and ignored the simple solution.

FCC isnt wrong. Deregulating is the bad choice in this.

The FCC is wrong because they refuse to classify the companies they want to regulate as common carriers. All it would take is a simple action, and every single problem you have will disappear.

Alternatively, and even better, we need to deregulate the barriers to creating competition. Open up access to right of ways and allow some real competition to explode.

But, please, keep telling me I don't understand the issues.

or leave it as is and call it a day.
Actually, I am totally flabbergasted that people blame the cable companies for studios that insist on living in the 20th century rather than adapting to the modern world. Talk about low information voters and not understanding the issue, I could go on for hours just exposing the tip of your ignorance.

it would seem you cant, because you cant even grasp this issue at all.

You keep using those words, I don't think they mean what you think they mean.

look more magic!
No, what you don't understand is that I, literally, do not care if one group tries to slow down a site I like. The only thing I am worried about is the government trying to fix the problem, because I can figure out how to get around any restrictions any company tries to implement, the only thing I can't get around is the government breaking the internet in the name of trying to fix it.

It is because I actually understand the issues, the same one you keep telling me I don't get. The problem is not net neutrality, it is lack of competition. Regulating the internet is not going to magically increase the numbers of ISPs.

Instead fo telling me I don't know what the issues are I suggest you actually learn what the issues are. Treat the problem, not the symptom.'

Losing Net Neutrality Is The Symptom, Not The Problem: Now Is The Time To Focus On Real Competition | Techdirt

the fix is the regulation in place now that has everything running as is. Number of ISP's dont matter when you have the correct regulation in place. "free market" isnt an answer.

No i am rather confident you dont understand the issue at all.

Wow, look at that, I presented two different alternatives that actually address the problem, and you insist that the only possible solution is the one you like.

Color me not surprised.
i like the internet the way its set up now.
the fix is the regulation in place now that has everything running as is. Number of ISP's dont matter when you have the correct regulation in place. "free market" isnt an answer.

No i am rather confident you dont understand the issue at all.

Wow, look at that, I presented two different alternatives that actually address the problem, and you insist that the only possible solution is the one you like.

Color me not surprised.
i like the internet the way its set up now.

That means you like it without the net neutrality regulations you claim it needs, yet you still want the government to fix it.

On top of that, you think I am stupid because I am pointing this out to you.
I need to research this subject more, but I bet the same people will be railing against "the libruls!" if it turns out that one of their political groups convinced the ISP's to slow down conservative sites.

thats what they dont understand.
Take USMB and Hannity. Pretend USMB is run by the left. Well lets say Comcast is left leaning and decided that anyone who wants to go over to Hannity will have to wait longer for the pages to load while over here the pages load like you are on a T1 connection.

This is what you get with reactionaries with very little understanding of what the issue is.

No, what you don't understand is that I, literally, do not care if one group tries to slow down a site I like. The only thing I am worried about is the government trying to fix the problem, because I can figure out how to get around any restrictions any company tries to implement, the only thing I can't get around is the government breaking the internet in the name of trying to fix it.

It is because I actually understand the issues, the same one you keep telling me I don't get. The problem is not net neutrality, it is lack of competition. Regulating the internet is not going to magically increase the numbers of ISPs.

Instead fo telling me I don't know what the issues are I suggest you actually learn what the issues are. Treat the problem, not the symptom.'

Losing Net Neutrality Is The Symptom, Not The Problem: Now Is The Time To Focus On Real Competition | Techdirt

Wait do you think that killing net neutrality will somehow increase ISP competition???
I think that horse is already out of the barn. I do not believe you will be able to restrict in that way without the consumer being aware. If consumers want an ISP that restricts nothing, that demand will be filled. It is too big of a market to go unfilled. There are already laws agajnst price fixing and racketeering.
I think that horse is already out of the barn. I do not believe you will be able to restrict in that way without the consumer being aware. If consumers want an ISP that restricts nothing, that demand will be filled. It is too big of a market to go unfilled. There are already laws agajnst price fixing and racketeering.

Do you have any idea what it takes to create a new ISP?

There won't be any up starts breaking in to the market. This is the problem.
thats what they dont understand.
Take USMB and Hannity. Pretend USMB is run by the left. Well lets say Comcast is left leaning and decided that anyone who wants to go over to Hannity will have to wait longer for the pages to load while over here the pages load like you are on a T1 connection.

This is what you get with reactionaries with very little understanding of what the issue is.

No, what you don't understand is that I, literally, do not care if one group tries to slow down a site I like. The only thing I am worried about is the government trying to fix the problem, because I can figure out how to get around any restrictions any company tries to implement, the only thing I can't get around is the government breaking the internet in the name of trying to fix it.

It is because I actually understand the issues, the same one you keep telling me I don't get. The problem is not net neutrality, it is lack of competition. Regulating the internet is not going to magically increase the numbers of ISPs.

Instead fo telling me I don't know what the issues are I suggest you actually learn what the issues are. Treat the problem, not the symptom.'

Losing Net Neutrality Is The Symptom, Not The Problem: Now Is The Time To Focus On Real Competition | Techdirt

Wait do you think that killing net neutrality will somehow increase ISP competition???

yes he does. thats how insane this is
Has nothing to do with agenda when it comes to hops and ISP peering.. it could have to do with 2 companies feuding...

Quite frankly, it is the ISP's traffic gateway.. if they wish to not peer with another connection or to not add bandwidth, so be it... if they do so, it will lose them business, but it is their freedom and choice...

Free market.. better than the totalitarian style of control you keep calling for

you keep thinking this when your net is slowed down to crawl.
Lose of business are you kidding me? when every ISP is doing it you will have no choice if you want to get on the internet.

I knew you guys would defend this because the dirty "regulation" word is being used. You people are as just as dangerous as these ISP providers.

Just go ahead and say it, they'er racists. :eusa_whistle:
Good grief, it's amazing how some panic when government doesn't have control over something. What to do? Libs are in a panic. How horrible would it be if they couldn't copy and paste the daily talking points as quickly? I think we'll survive.

Ask yourself, "Can I trust my cable provider to be fair?" they were suing for the right to be as unfair as they want and to squeeze more money from us and by god you guys took their side over the American consumer, how screwed up is that?

My cable provides exactly what I pay for. If they do not, I will either cancel their contract, and grab another ISP, or enforce their contract through the court.

So yes, I trust them to be fair, because I have both the Free Market to enforce it, and the Government to enforce their contract.

Put the Government in control, and I no longer have the Free Market force, nor can I enforce the Government's contract, since they will claim Sovereign Immunity.
thats what they dont understand.
Take USMB and Hannity. Pretend USMB is run by the left. Well lets say Comcast is left leaning and decided that anyone who wants to go over to Hannity will have to wait longer for the pages to load while over here the pages load like you are on a T1 connection.

This is what you get with reactionaries with very little understanding of what the issue is.

No, what you don't understand is that I, literally, do not care if one group tries to slow down a site I like. The only thing I am worried about is the government trying to fix the problem, because I can figure out how to get around any restrictions any company tries to implement, the only thing I can't get around is the government breaking the internet in the name of trying to fix it.

It is because I actually understand the issues, the same one you keep telling me I don't get. The problem is not net neutrality, it is lack of competition. Regulating the internet is not going to magically increase the numbers of ISPs.

Instead fo telling me I don't know what the issues are I suggest you actually learn what the issues are. Treat the problem, not the symptom.'

Losing Net Neutrality Is The Symptom, Not The Problem: Now Is The Time To Focus On Real Competition | Techdirt

Wait do you think that killing net neutrality will somehow increase ISP competition???

Did you even read the article I linked?

Never mind, the answer is obvious.
I think that horse is already out of the barn. I do not believe you will be able to restrict in that way without the consumer being aware. If consumers want an ISP that restricts nothing, that demand will be filled. It is too big of a market to go unfilled. There are already laws agajnst price fixing and racketeering.

Do you have any idea what it takes to create a new ISP?

There won't be any up starts breaking in to the market. This is the problem.

Do you have any idea why it works that way.

Hint, think government.
I think that horse is already out of the barn. I do not believe you will be able to restrict in that way without the consumer being aware. If consumers want an ISP that restricts nothing, that demand will be filled. It is too big of a market to go unfilled. There are already laws agajnst price fixing and racketeering.

Do you have any idea what it takes to create a new ISP?

There won't be any up starts breaking in to the market. This is the problem.

Do you have any idea why it works that way.

Hint, think government.

In aware that government created this mess by creating the monopolies we have today. Killing net neutrality is not going to make the situation better,
No, what you don't understand is that I, literally, do not care if one group tries to slow down a site I like. The only thing I am worried about is the government trying to fix the problem, because I can figure out how to get around any restrictions any company tries to implement, the only thing I can't get around is the government breaking the internet in the name of trying to fix it.

It is because I actually understand the issues, the same one you keep telling me I don't get. The problem is not net neutrality, it is lack of competition. Regulating the internet is not going to magically increase the numbers of ISPs.

Instead fo telling me I don't know what the issues are I suggest you actually learn what the issues are. Treat the problem, not the symptom.'

Losing Net Neutrality Is The Symptom, Not The Problem: Now Is The Time To Focus On Real Competition | Techdirt

Wait do you think that killing net neutrality will somehow increase ISP competition???

Did you even read the article I linked?

Never mind, the answer is obvious.

I read it but I actually doubt you read it because I have a real hard time believing a corporate shill such as yourself would ever support a government supported option.
Good grief, it's amazing how some panic when government doesn't have control over something. What to do? Libs are in a panic. How horrible would it be if they couldn't copy and paste the daily talking points as quickly? I think we'll survive.

Ask yourself, "Can I trust my cable provider to be fair?" they were suing for the right to be as unfair as they want and to squeeze more money from us and by god you guys took their side over the American consumer, how screwed up is that?

My cable provides exactly what I pay for. If they do not, I will either cancel their contract, and grab another ISP, or enforce their contract through the court.

So yes, I trust them to be fair, because I have both the Free Market to enforce it, and the Government to enforce their contract.

Put the Government in control, and I no longer have the Free Market force, nor can I enforce the Government's contract, since they will claim Sovereign Immunity.

Lol... grab another ISP he says. Ummmm no you won't and just that statement alone proves how clueless you are.

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