Feds Raid California ‘Maternity Hotels’ for Birth Tourists

They’ll let just anybody into this country... That’s how they get votes

But we allow people like the Duggars to replicate like cockroaches. Go figure. This is how they get votes.
"we allow american citizens to"
Holy shit
Well. We do nothing to restrict these people, who then expect us to support them in their habits and all their screwing just because they were born here, and then we are forced to pay for their bedroom habits. If Joe Bob Duggar wants to screw so much, why should any of us pay for his slobbery?

The Duggars support their own family. What do you think you pay for?
The country that takes the most advantage of birth tourism is China. Now why would China want an army made up of those born in America, with all the rights and privileges of American citizenship but military loyalty to China.

An invasion of "Americans" that the left will say is just as American as anyone born and raised here.

*Another* conspiracy, Tipsy? The people doing this are very well to do. Its something their elites and upper middle class are doing as a status symbol, to avoid fines associated with having more than 2 children or so that their kids can go to US colleges at resident rates.

This has exactly dick to do with 'military loyalty'.
They’ll let just anybody into this country... That’s how they get votes

But we allow people like the Duggars to replicate like cockroaches. Go figure. This is how they get votes.
"we allow american citizens to"
Holy shit
Well. We do nothing to restrict these people, who then expect us to support them in their habits and all their screwing just because they were born here, and then we are forced to pay for their bedroom habits. If Joe Bob Duggar wants to screw so much, why should any of us pay for his slobbery?

The Duggars support their own family. What do you think you pay for?

Roads, public works, water works, the fact that the local public schools would have to educate every one of Joe Bob's physical emanations if his Screwship so desired. Even if he didn't, his sexual emanations still use air, water, highways, burgeoning infrastructure costs. His pathetic emanation Josh, has just as pathetically laid his "wife" for the fifth time! These whores better not ever let their "wives" and children end up on the public dole or end up working as waitresses or such when their wives are no longer able to live with these scumbags. Too many women who have married too young and uneducated and been constantly impregnated by the whores they married have had to flee these arrangements along with all the kids they were saddled with while way to young, only to be taken in by social services.
The country that takes the most advantage of birth tourism is China. Now why would China want an army made up of those born in America, with all the rights and privileges of American citizenship but military loyalty to China.

An invasion of "Americans" that the left will say is just as American as anyone born and raised here.

*Another* conspiracy, Tipsy? The people doing this are very well to do. Its something their elites and upper middle class are doing as a status symbol, to avoid fines associated with having more than 2 children or so that their kids can go to US colleges at resident rates.

This has exactly dick to do with 'military loyalty'.

You are dreaming, really dreaming. This is a tactic paid for and encouraged by the Chinese government. They are building a military composed of American citizens. What do you think you are going to do about it? Nothing.

You do know that we pay for the medical care for having these children. These children are birthed courtesy of the American tax payer. It has been so successful in China, that Russians are doing the same thing.

Born in the US, raised in China or Russia as patriots and then - what? Come here and want french fries?
This is because we have the insane policy of "birthright citizenship". Congress never wrote a law creating this idiotic policy - FEDERAL JUDGES DID, even though the constitution says only congress can write laws!!

Feds Raid California 'Maternity Hotels' for Birth Tourists

jan 9 2017Southern California apartment complexes that doubled as "maternity hotels" for Chinese women who want made-in-America babies were raided early Tuesday, capping an unprecedented federal sting operation, officials said.

NBC News was on the scene as Homeland Security agents swept into The Carlyle, a luxury property in Irvine, California, which housed pregnant women and new moms who allegedly forked over $40,000 to $80,000 to give birth in the United States.

None of the women were arrested; they are being treated as material witnesses, and paramedics were on hand in case any of them went into labor during the sweep.

Instead, the investigation was aimed at ringleaders who pocketed hundreds of thousands of dollars tax-free to help Chinese nationals obtain visas and then pamper them until they delivered in an American hospital at a discount, court papers show.

"It's not necessarily illegal to come here to have the baby, but if you lie about your reasons for coming here, that's visa fraud," said Claude Arnold, special agent in charge of Homeland Security Investigations for Los Angeles.

I don't think you've read the 14th amendment. Here's the first sentence of it:

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside."

That's why people born here are citizens....because the constitution says they are.

There is one exception: Children born to foreign diplomats posted in the US are not considered US citizens.

There are more than that. If an invading army was occupying US territory any of their children would not be US citizens either. As they wouldn't be subject to US law.

Illegal immigrants are most definitely subject to US law. And consequently their children are US citizens at birth.
Anyone "invading" coming here illegally or with the intent of having a child that is a US citizen for divisive purposes can be considered an invader.

Exactly that. A "foreign invader".
They’ll let just anybody into this country... That’s how they get votes

But we allow people like the Duggars to replicate like cockroaches. Go figure. This is how they get votes.
"we allow american citizens to"
Holy shit
Well. We do nothing to restrict these people, who then expect us to support them in their habits and all their screwing just because they were born here, and then we are forced to pay for their bedroom habits. If Joe Bob Duggar wants to screw so much, why should any of us pay for his slobbery?

The Duggars support their own family. What do you think you pay for?

Roads, public works, water works, the fact that the local public schools would have to educate every one of Joe Bob's physical emanations if his Screwship so desired. Even if he didn't, his sexual emanations still use air, water, highways, burgeoning infrastructure costs. His pathetic emanation Josh, has just as pathetically laid his "wife" for the fifth time! These whores better not ever let their "wives" and children end up on the public dole or end up working as waitresses or such when their wives are no longer able to live with these scumbags. Too many women who have married too young and uneducated and been constantly impregnated by the whores they married have had to flee these arrangements along with all the kids they were saddled with while way to young, only to be taken in by social services.

Ohh AIR. Now I don't blame you for getting pissed off because those people breathe AIR.
My gawd. Another moron who doesn't understand the difference between legal jurisdiction and political jurisdiction. !! Where do you idiots come from?

Laughing......there's no mention of 'political' jurisdiction. Just jurisdiction. Illegal immigrants are most definitely subject to the jurisdiction of US law. If they run a red light or assault someone or write a bad check, they can be arrested like anyone else.

Of course illegals are under legal jurisdiction of america. The authors of the 14a took that for granted. That's why when they said jurisdiction they meant political jurisdiction. THINK
.You are an idiot. "Jurisdiction" means political jurisdiction not legal jurisdiction. A child born in america to a non-citizen automatically inherits the citizenship of the mother and that is the child's political jurisdiction. THINK
Show us that distinction in the law.
You can't. The 14th never mentions 'political jurisdiction'. You do, citing yourself. And you're nobody.

It doesn't mention legal jurisdiction either because to the authors it was obvious they were referring to political jurisdiction. THINK, you miserable wretch.
You are dreaming, really dreaming. This is a tactic paid for and encouraged by the Chinese government. They are building a military composed of American citizens. What do you think you are going to do about it? Nothing.

That's right. These chinese birth tourists are not just going to bankrupt us. Their kids will grow up here to be chinese agents.
The 14th amendment trumps the laws of congress on who is a US citizen. If you want to change birthright citizenship, you'll need an amendment.

HAHAHA. Again i have caught you in a brazen lie. The 14A says "Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.". So congress can clarify what is meant here. No need for an amendment.

You can neither think nor read. All mexico-firsters are like that.
[A lot of people have been trying to get a convention together to address not only that issue but other issues that have been used to abuse the laws that cheaters have been using to cover their own scummy asses.
If they don't have enough to get the amendment heard, they certainly don't have enough to get it ratified. As the threshold for the former is 2/3rds. For the latter, 3/4ths.

HAHAHA. You don't know the difference between the american congress and the various state congresses.
This is because we have the insane policy of "birthright citizenship". Congress never wrote a law creating this idiotic policy - FEDERAL JUDGES DID, even though the constitution says only congress can write laws!!

Feds Raid California 'Maternity Hotels' for Birth Tourists

jan 9 2017Southern California apartment complexes that doubled as "maternity hotels" for Chinese women who want made-in-America babies were raided early Tuesday, capping an unprecedented federal sting operation, officials said.

NBC News was on the scene as Homeland Security agents swept into The Carlyle, a luxury property in Irvine, California, which housed pregnant women and new moms who allegedly forked over $40,000 to $80,000 to give birth in the United States.

None of the women were arrested; they are being treated as material witnesses, and paramedics were on hand in case any of them went into labor during the sweep.

Instead, the investigation was aimed at ringleaders who pocketed hundreds of thousands of dollars tax-free to help Chinese nationals obtain visas and then pamper them until they delivered in an American hospital at a discount, court papers show.

"It's not necessarily illegal to come here to have the baby, but if you lie about your reasons for coming here, that's visa fraud," said Claude Arnold, special agent in charge of Homeland Security Investigations for Los Angeles.

I don't think you've read the 14th amendment. Here's the first sentence of it:

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside."

That's why people born here are citizens....because the constitution says they are.

The operative words are ".... and subject to the jurisdiction thereof ..." -------- foreign nationals are NOT subject to the jurisdiction of the US. It is an amazing leap of logic to assign birthright citizenship.
A discussion of the 14th Amendment contains:

The clause's meaning with regard to a child of legal immigrants was tested in United States v. Wong Kim Ark (1898).[62] The Supreme Court held that under the Fourteenth Amendment, a man born within the United States to Chinese citizens who have a permanent domicile and residence in the United States and are carrying on business in the United States—and whose parents were not employed in a diplomatic or other official capacity by a foreign power—was a citizen of the United States. Subsequent decisions have applied the principle to the children of foreign nationals of non-Chinese descent.[63] [my emphasis]

Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia

Under that interpretation, children of illegal immigrants living and working here would be awarded citizenship status - children of "citizen tourism" would not.
You know, Trump's wall wouldn't stop this. Why? Because these women are coming here on jets.

Build a taller wall?

Make Congress be more specific so the bullshit stops.

The Constitution trumps the laws of congress.

Naturalization—the idea of a foreigner becoming an equal citizen as if by nature—follows directly from America's political principles. Individuals have a natural right to emigrate from their homeland, but they may only immigrate to this country with the consent of the American people as expressed through U.S. laws. With that consent, a person of any ethnic heritage or racial background can become, in every sense, an American citizen.

What about those who are born here?

After the Civil War, the 14th Amendment (overturning, in part, Dred Scott v. Sandford, which said that no black could be a U.S. citizen) clarified the conditions of citizenship: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the States wherein they reside."

Many today assume the second half of the citizenship clause ("subject to the jurisdiction thereof") merely refers to the day-to-day laws to which we are all subject. But the original understanding referred to political allegiance. Being subject to U.S. jurisdiction meant, as then-Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee Lyman Trumbull stated, "not owing allegiance to anybody else [but] subject to the complete jurisdiction of the United States." The author of the provision, Sen. Jacob Merritt Howard of Michigan, pointed out that the jurisdiction language "will not, of course, include foreigners."


Sen. Jacob Merritt Howard
Jacob Merritt Howard was a U.S. Representative and U.S. Senator from the state of Michigan during and after the American Civil War. Wikipedia

Died:April 2, 1871, Detroit, MI

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This is because we have the insane policy of "birthright citizenship". Congress never wrote a law creating this idiotic policy - FEDERAL JUDGES DID, even though the constitution says only congress can write laws!!

Feds Raid California 'Maternity Hotels' for Birth Tourists

jan 9 2017Southern California apartment complexes that doubled as "maternity hotels" for Chinese women who want made-in-America babies were raided early Tuesday, capping an unprecedented federal sting operation, officials said.

NBC News was on the scene as Homeland Security agents swept into The Carlyle, a luxury property in Irvine, California, which housed pregnant women and new moms who allegedly forked over $40,000 to $80,000 to give birth in the United States.

None of the women were arrested; they are being treated as material witnesses, and paramedics were on hand in case any of them went into labor during the sweep.

Instead, the investigation was aimed at ringleaders who pocketed hundreds of thousands of dollars tax-free to help Chinese nationals obtain visas and then pamper them until they delivered in an American hospital at a discount, court papers show.

"It's not necessarily illegal to come here to have the baby, but if you lie about your reasons for coming here, that's visa fraud," said Claude Arnold, special agent in charge of Homeland Security Investigations for Los Angeles.

I don't think you've read the 14th amendment. Here's the first sentence of it:

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside."

That's why people born here are citizens....because the constitution says they are.

The operative words are ".... and subject to the jurisdiction thereof ..." -------- foreign nationals are NOT subject to the jurisdiction of the US. It is an amazing leap of logic to assign birthright citizenship.

They absolutely are subject to the jurisdiction of the US. Otherwise we could apply none of our laws to them. They would be immune to the very immigration laws we attempt to apply to them.

If they live under the jurisdiction of our laws, they are subject to the jurisdiction of the US.
This is because we have the insane policy of "birthright citizenship". Congress never wrote a law creating this idiotic policy - FEDERAL JUDGES DID, even though the constitution says only congress can write laws!!

Feds Raid California 'Maternity Hotels' for Birth Tourists

jan 9 2017Southern California apartment complexes that doubled as "maternity hotels" for Chinese women who want made-in-America babies were raided early Tuesday, capping an unprecedented federal sting operation, officials said.

NBC News was on the scene as Homeland Security agents swept into The Carlyle, a luxury property in Irvine, California, which housed pregnant women and new moms who allegedly forked over $40,000 to $80,000 to give birth in the United States.

None of the women were arrested; they are being treated as material witnesses, and paramedics were on hand in case any of them went into labor during the sweep.

Instead, the investigation was aimed at ringleaders who pocketed hundreds of thousands of dollars tax-free to help Chinese nationals obtain visas and then pamper them until they delivered in an American hospital at a discount, court papers show.

"It's not necessarily illegal to come here to have the baby, but if you lie about your reasons for coming here, that's visa fraud," said Claude Arnold, special agent in charge of Homeland Security Investigations for Los Angeles.

I don't think you've read the 14th amendment. Here's the first sentence of it:

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside."

That's why people born here are citizens....because the constitution says they are.

The operative words are ".... and subject to the jurisdiction thereof ..." -------- foreign nationals are NOT subject to the jurisdiction of the US. It is an amazing leap of logic to assign birthright citizenship.

They absolutely are subject to the jurisdiction of the US. Otherwise we could apply none of our laws to them. They would be immune to the very immigration laws we attempt to apply to them.

If they live under the jurisdiction of our laws, they are subject to the jurisdiction of the US.
Sorry ---- you're taking a strict legal interpretation to the word "jurisdiction" .... SCOTUS has made it clear they are NOT under our political jurisdiction, but ARE subject to our legal jurisdiction.
This is because we have the insane policy of "birthright citizenship". Congress never wrote a law creating this idiotic policy - FEDERAL JUDGES DID, even though the constitution says only congress can write laws!!

Feds Raid California 'Maternity Hotels' for Birth Tourists

jan 9 2017Southern California apartment complexes that doubled as "maternity hotels" for Chinese women who want made-in-America babies were raided early Tuesday, capping an unprecedented federal sting operation, officials said.

NBC News was on the scene as Homeland Security agents swept into The Carlyle, a luxury property in Irvine, California, which housed pregnant women and new moms who allegedly forked over $40,000 to $80,000 to give birth in the United States.

None of the women were arrested; they are being treated as material witnesses, and paramedics were on hand in case any of them went into labor during the sweep.

Instead, the investigation was aimed at ringleaders who pocketed hundreds of thousands of dollars tax-free to help Chinese nationals obtain visas and then pamper them until they delivered in an American hospital at a discount, court papers show.

"It's not necessarily illegal to come here to have the baby, but if you lie about your reasons for coming here, that's visa fraud," said Claude Arnold, special agent in charge of Homeland Security Investigations for Los Angeles.

I don't think you've read the 14th amendment. Here's the first sentence of it:

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside."

That's why people born here are citizens....because the constitution says they are.

The operative words are ".... and subject to the jurisdiction thereof ..." -------- foreign nationals are NOT subject to the jurisdiction of the US. It is an amazing leap of logic to assign birthright citizenship.

They absolutely are subject to the jurisdiction of the US. Otherwise we could apply none of our laws to them. They would be immune to the very immigration laws we attempt to apply to them.

If they live under the jurisdiction of our laws, they are subject to the jurisdiction of the US.
Sorry ---- you're taking a strict legal interpretation to the word "jurisdiction" .... SCOTUS has made it clear they are NOT under our political jurisdiction, but ARE subject to our legal jurisdiction.

The 14th amendment makes no mention of “political jurisdiction”. It mentions merely subject to the jurisdiction of the United States. Which both the courts and federal law recognize apply to “persons in the United States”.

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