Feds To FINE Schools Who Don't Follow Michelle's Lunch Rules...

Do you have children? If so what sort of food do you feed them?
He's only 15 months. eggs for breakfast, he loves cauliflower and broccoli and brussel sprouts and sweet potatoes. clementines and bananas are favorites.
he's an odd one, we have to give him his protein first because if he doesn't eat the meat first he'll just keep asking for vegetables.

Well according to the Michelle Obama lunches approach to feeding children, they'd have a fit at what you're feeding him, because according to them you're feeding him all the "wrong" things.
lol. you can back that up I'm sure

Yes I can by just looking at all available pictures of the Michelle Obama lunches, I've already posted four in this thread to give illustration, there are many more available.
so no, you can't

The pictures. Of course you cannot possibly agree with anyone in this thread about this.
He's only 15 months. eggs for breakfast, he loves cauliflower and broccoli and brussel sprouts and sweet potatoes. clementines and bananas are favorites.
he's an odd one, we have to give him his protein first because if he doesn't eat the meat first he'll just keep asking for vegetables.

Well according to the Michelle Obama lunches approach to feeding children, they'd have a fit at what you're feeding him, because according to them you're feeding him all the "wrong" things.
lol. you can back that up I'm sure

Yes I can by just looking at all available pictures of the Michelle Obama lunches, I've already posted four in this thread to give illustration, there are many more available.
so no, you can't

The pictures. Of course you cannot possibly agree with anyone in this thread about this.
I personally go to my son's school and none of the pics are a true representation of actual circumstances which exist..
Well according to the Michelle Obama lunches approach to feeding children, they'd have a fit at what you're feeding him, because according to them you're feeding him all the "wrong" things.
lol. you can back that up I'm sure

Yes I can by just looking at all available pictures of the Michelle Obama lunches, I've already posted four in this thread to give illustration, there are many more available.
so no, you can't

The pictures. Of course you cannot possibly agree with anyone in this thread about this.
I personally go to my son's school and none of the pics are a true representation of actual circumstances which exist..

Well those sort of pictures are all around the Internets.
lol. you can back that up I'm sure

Yes I can by just looking at all available pictures of the Michelle Obama lunches, I've already posted four in this thread to give illustration, there are many more available.
so no, you can't

The pictures. Of course you cannot possibly agree with anyone in this thread about this.
I personally go to my son's school and none of the pics are a true representation of actual circumstances which exist..

Well those sort of pictures are all around the Internets.
So are bad people pretending to be innocent...
Yes I can by just looking at all available pictures of the Michelle Obama lunches, I've already posted four in this thread to give illustration, there are many more available.
so no, you can't

The pictures. Of course you cannot possibly agree with anyone in this thread about this.
I personally go to my son's school and none of the pics are a true representation of actual circumstances which exist..

Well those sort of pictures are all around the Internets.
So are bad people pretending to be innocent...

so no, you can't

The pictures. Of course you cannot possibly agree with anyone in this thread about this.
I personally go to my son's school and none of the pics are a true representation of actual circumstances which exist..

Well those sort of pictures are all around the Internets.
So are bad people pretending to be innocent...

The internet, like the National Enquirer has a reputation of being loaded with bullshit..
Stop providing government meals at schools...let the parents who think the government is overreaching provide their kids their own meals. Problem solved.

Hey! See how simple that was!?! Now, the next step is to get rid of the DOE and the NEA and return the public schools BACK to local governments!! See, it really is simple to rid ourselves of the communists!!
I have no problem with parents feeding their own kids....and if some don't? Oh well.
Feds to Fine Schools for Not Following Michelle Obama’s Lunch Rules
Feds to Fine Schools for Not Following Michelle Obama’s Lunch Rules

The federal government is taking steps to fine schools that do not comply with first lady Michelle Obama’s school lunch rules.

Ok, enough is ENOUGH - time to put this bi@tch, her entire 'Royal Family', and EVERY 1st Lady or 1st Lady-to-be out their in their place:

Michelle, honey, YOU ARE NOT AN ELECTED OFFICIAL. No one voted for you, YOU are a 'PLUS 1' at this 'party'. Your role is mainly CEREMONIAL. You can plan parties and dignitary visits at the WH, but you don't have the authority to do SHITE, especially like mandating what lunches are served in schools across America...so do us a favor and


Michelle Obama needs to LEARN HER PLACE and butt the hell out of the public education system. If 'Mama' Michelle wants to join her daughter's PTA and get involved there, go for it. She does not work for the Federal Dept of Education, she is not an elected official, she Constitutionally has no REAL power, especially the power to have schools monetarily punished if they choose to ignore the 1st LADY'S OPINION-DRIVEN AGENDA.

This is sort of like Nancy Reagan coming up with the Anti-Drug policy of 'Just Say No' then having schools fined for not holding drug testing in school.
Nothing upsets you RWrs more than a threat to your access to junk food 24/7.
Junkfood is anything the federal government says is good for you, fucking control freaks. LOL
See? He's getting upset....very upset.
lol. you can back that up I'm sure

Yes I can by just looking at all available pictures of the Michelle Obama lunches, I've already posted four in this thread to give illustration, there are many more available.
so no, you can't

The pictures. Of course you cannot possibly agree with anyone in this thread about this.
I personally go to my son's school and none of the pics are a true representation of actual circumstances which exist..

Well those sort of pictures are all around the Internets.
nothing false or misleading has ever been on the internet.
That's not what the program does.

So what does the program do? Earlier you said it's "promoting healthy eating", now you're saying "that's not what the program does"
the program does not feed children 'slop and lunches that aren't substantial and cannot contain the full nutrients that growing children need'

So then post some pictures in this thread of Michelle Obama's lunches....I posted two pictures earlier in this thread and nobody said "wow they look GREAT" people said they were slop and agreed not substantial.

So as you're cheerleading the lunches, post some pictures of these "brilliant" Michelle Obama lunches.
if the lunches aren't up to snuff that is the fault of the local school district. healthy lunches are not some impossibility.

Typical Leftist Obamabot, don't blame Michelle Obama, blame the local school district or just blame anyone as long as it's not Michelle Obama.

What if the local school district is Democratic run? Oh well, just blame GWB or Ronald Reagan or something :rolleyes-41:

Why would you blame Michelle Obama for
a) the lunches at your local school district or
b) a food program passed by Congress.

Now- why does it bother you so much that Michelle Obama is advocating healthier foods and lifestyles for American children?

Not that that has anything to do with the ignorant claims of the OP.
I have two grade school-age daughters I send them with a lunch Everyday.... No fucking First Lady's are gonna tell me what to send my kids for lunch.

Wow- it must make your cojones swell up three times their normal size when you write that out.....
Why is this thread still even going?

The claims of the OP attacking Michelle Obama are just the whining of a Right Wing Nut job who is too ignorant of the facts to know that it isn't Michelle Obama- the program was passed by Congress.

Of course he also needed to take the time to tell us all that our first African American First Lady doesn't know her place........
i can't get over the idiocy of some of you people.

what problem do you have with the enforcement of a duly passed law?
That Sorry sack of shit Michelle Obama should have no say on lunches you fuck nut... Lol
did you say the same thing when barbara bush pushed literacy? was she a sorry sack of shit for that?
Hmmm...promoting education, vs controlling and restricting food to children.

YEAH! It's EXACTLY the same thing!!!!
yeah. promoting healthy eating. crazy. how dare she be so uppity

"promoting healthy eating."

How is "healthy eating" feeding children slop and lunches that aren't substantial and cannot contain the full nutrients that growing children need?

Wait- are you talking about what Michelle Obama is promoting- or are you talking about the program the OP wrote about which a bill passed by Congress- or are you talking about what the voices in your head tell you about?

Michelle Obama is promoting healthy eating- and I can see why this would irritate you
Eat Healthy | Let's Move!

In 2012, we accomplished a critical step on the road to deliver healthier food to our nation’s school children when the U.S. Department of Agriculture released new rules that will boost the nutritional quality of the meals eaten by school children every day. The rules represent the first major revision of school meal standards in more than 15 years and make sure our kids' lunches and breakfasts will have more whole grains, vegetables, and fruits, and less fat and sodium and set sensible calorie limits based on the age of children being served.

Based on recommendations from the Institute of Medicine, the new school meals include these changes:

  • More whole grains, fruits, and vegetables; low-fat milk dairy products; and less sodium and fat.
  • The right portion. Menus are planned for grades K-5, 6-8 and 9-12 and will demonstrate to your child the right size portions.
  • Additional funding will be made available to schools that meet the new standards. Schools will be reimbursed an additional 6 cents for each lunch they serve in accordance with the new standards.

Principles, teachers, school nutrition workers and parents can help make schools healthier places to learn by providing quality food and teaching children about the importance of nutrition and embracing a healthy active lifestyle. Looking for ways you can get involved in the healthy changes happening in the cafeteria? Check out the following toolkits from the US Department of Agriculture's new resource for school meals, The School Day Just Got Healthier:

So tell us more about why you think that whole grains, fruits, vegetables and less sodium and fat- is 'slop' and doesn't have 'full nutrients'?

Tell us why this recommendation offends you so much?
More whole grains, fruits, and vegetables; low-fat milk dairy products; and less sodium and fat.
Did she dictate it? Push fine for not following a program she designed?
What I remember is her advocating for parental responsibility in helping their children. Not for schools to be the responsible party.
Laura Bush pushed literacy. Do we need to call her a tyrannical bitch (or worse) every time a kindergarten teacher cracks open Dr. Seuss?
Oh, so schools previously served only sugar!!? Wow! I had no idea!

Sarcasm, people.
did you say the same thing when barbara bush pushed literacy? was she a sorry sack of shit for that?
Hmmm...promoting education, vs controlling and restricting food to children.

YEAH! It's EXACTLY the same thing!!!!

Wait...the government is providing these meals, yes or no?

You don't think the entity providing them should have a say over the content?

One promotes reading, one promotes healthy eating habits. Both have value.
The government is TAKING my money, buying their mandated lunch, trying to force schools to force my kids to eat it, then are threatening to take MORE of my money if the schools don't comply with Michelle's mandate.

Since it is MY money being used to purchase and provide these meals, I should have a bigger say in what my kids eat / are fed than Michelle Obama.
Not only that but the entire mission statement is fucked...they claim we need to better serve poor kids, who aren't fed at home...and yet they claim that the way to do that is to feed them FEWER calories???

In what alternate universe does fewer calories reduce hunger?
go on an all sugar diet. see how good you feel.
I owned a pre school years back., age 2 thru K. Had 75 kids. Trying healthy foods didn't work. What works is pork and beans and weiners, macaroni and cheese, spaghetti etc. Once a month, brought in Mc Dog food happy meals, I called them crappy meals but kids eat that stuff. Carrot sticks or celery sticks ok for snacks. I know some of those kids who are adults now so I guess we didn't harm them too much since they look pretty healthy to me. Full stomachs are always better than healthy foods that end up in the trash can and kids with empty stomachs.

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