Feds To FINE Schools Who Don't Follow Michelle's Lunch Rules...

Typical Leftist Obamabot, don't blame Michelle Obama, blame the local school district or just blame anyone as long as it's not Michelle Obama.

What if the local school district is Democratic run? Oh well, just blame GWB or Ronald Reagan or something :rolleyes-41:
there are ways to meet the guidelines while providing good lunches. if the school is choosing not to do that, that's on the school. take it up with the district.

My 3 year-old today for lunch, I gave him a piece of salmon, he had white rice and broccoli, the broccoli impossible to mash up, so it was chopped into small pieces and he also had a piece of cake and he had apple juice.

In that, a balanced lunch, it was substantial and contained the right nutrients.

Sounds good to me! A well-rounded lunch.

Food, the correct balanced food is crucially important for all children, if children aren't fed the right food with the right nutrients it's going to affect their brains also. So these children fed the crap that's Michelle Obama's lunches, I'm not sure they're even going to be able to concentrate in the classroom properly, they'll probably get lethargic as their brains are being deprived of the nutrients they need.

It's a very serious issue, feeding children that are growing.

Seriously, if that food (pictured) is truly what is served - I would dish it can it faster than crap through a goose. If "teacher" didn't like what I brought - we would, indeed, have a problem.

Hey so tomorrow for dinner, I just decide we'll have Jägerschnitzel :smile:
You fat mouth- breathers cant take care of yourselves, much less your spawn so you forced the hand of Big Govt you fool

Someone has to fight all the wars Republicans start

Why obesity is a national security threat - CNN.com

Retired Generals Fear That Kids Are Too Fat for War

gawd but OP is an butt hurt rw hacktard :banghead:
When driving through any ghetto you'll notice 2 things. Crack smokers are skinny & everyone else is fat off the government cheese.
All Democrat voters of course

Well, in all honesty, growing up in Kentucky, I saw quite a number of toothless, shoeless white folks standing in line for "dat gubmit cheese" :)
Yes, well the government is good at shutting down industry and development... thus forcing people into line for handouts, and thus dependent upon them for EVERYTHING. You shut down logging, farming, ranching, mining, fishing industries...you get a lot of people who are forced into the cheese line. And if they complain they are painted as ignorant and stupid...which of course is the ultimate federal goal for all people except a select handful...
Like I said - he only enforces laws the HE chooses. School lunches? Really?

For the love of God - I don't know how in God's name we survived in the 50s.....what, with PB&J and chicken noodle soup. And those horrible "chili lunch" days...and then there were the days of pimento cheese sandwiches with kook-aid to drink....oh, the humanity!!! How the hell was I able to live into my 70s???

Your dear leader might want to concentrate on things that are a "tad" more important to the American people, don't you think?
Obesity and high blood pressure are kind of important, but I think the problem is that most schools don't cook their own food anymore. It's all frozen convenience foods because they're saving money on lunch ladies' salaries. It's sad. Our lunch ladies served food they cooked. Real potatoes and apples and all the mystery meat in gravy you could wish for. No matter how poor it is, it's better than prepackaged frozen food. It's all about costs, I'm afraid.

Curious, though. When did it become the federal government's job to (in essence) raise our kids? Again, with all the problems this country is facing, don't you think their time could be better spent?

Let's let Mom and Dad decide what is "best" for THEIR kids, shall we?
I'm fine with stopping the school lunch program or letting the PTA decide what's on their kids' menus. Some parents will feed their kid breakfast and pack them a good lunch every day, but it won't happen for all kids. A lot of kids will come to school hungry and stay hungry all day. You can say "Let parents decide" until you're blue in the face, but the reality is, a lot of kids won't eat. No matter how much you want that to be different.
My mother's first teaching job was in a one room school house during WWII. Even in that itty bitty community, she had to pack extra sandwiches and pretend she couldn't eat it all so the kids would feel okay with her sharing with them. Some of them had nothing. Or maybe half a raw potato.
We've got kids whose drug addict parents are still in bed when they leave for school. We've got kids who live in a house where the cupboard is bare half the time and there's nothing to send.
Breakfast and lunch provided by school is a really good idea, in my opinion. Now we just have to be willing to pay the $$$ for decent food for the kids to eat. Not stuff reheated from frozen and shipped across town from a central defrosting kitchen. Gross.

Look, no one is saying that there shouldn't be school lunches (and even breakfast). No one is saying that. However, take the DOE completely out of it. Back in the "dark ages" when I was in school, the lunch program was handled by the USDA (there was no BS department of education).

Most states had complete control over the lunch programs (and were reimbursed by the USDA). Now? The federal government (as in most cases) has insuinated themselves between the parent and the child.

Jesus - no one wants their child or children to go hungry. The problem arises when we allow the Feds to come into and impose their "will" upon the parent. Strict dietary control, strict compliance with a "First ladies BS" and it has been PROVEN that the vast majority of children throw away more than they eat. They DO NOT like the available selections. Waste in the school lunch program has gone UP - not down.

Guess what? I grew in a school that didn't have a cafeteria, period, much less a lunch program. Guess what? Nobody died!


see, this is what i mean... everyone should be miserable because you walked in the snow barefoot to school, uphill both ways.

Obesity and high blood pressure are kind of important, but I think the problem is that most schools don't cook their own food anymore. It's all frozen convenience foods because they're saving money on lunch ladies' salaries. It's sad. Our lunch ladies served food they cooked. Real potatoes and apples and all the mystery meat in gravy you could wish for. No matter how poor it is, it's better than prepackaged frozen food. It's all about costs, I'm afraid.

Curious, though. When did it become the federal government's job to (in essence) raise our kids? Again, with all the problems this country is facing, don't you think their time could be better spent?

Let's let Mom and Dad decide what is "best" for THEIR kids, shall we?
I'm fine with stopping the school lunch program or letting the PTA decide what's on their kids' menus. Some parents will feed their kid breakfast and pack them a good lunch every day, but it won't happen for all kids. A lot of kids will come to school hungry and stay hungry all day. You can say "Let parents decide" until you're blue in the face, but the reality is, a lot of kids won't eat. No matter how much you want that to be different.
My mother's first teaching job was in a one room school house during WWII. Even in that itty bitty community, she had to pack extra sandwiches and pretend she couldn't eat it all so the kids would feel okay with her sharing with them. Some of them had nothing. Or maybe half a raw potato.
We've got kids whose drug addict parents are still in bed when they leave for school. We've got kids who live in a house where the cupboard is bare half the time and there's nothing to send.
Breakfast and lunch provided by school is a really good idea, in my opinion. Now we just have to be willing to pay the $$$ for decent food for the kids to eat. Not stuff reheated from frozen and shipped across town from a central defrosting kitchen. Gross.

Look, no one is saying that there shouldn't be school lunches (and even breakfast). No one is saying that. However, take the DOE completely out of it. Back in the "dark ages" when I was in school, the lunch program was handled by the USDA (there was no BS department of education).

Most states had complete control over the lunch programs (and were reimbursed by the USDA). Now? The federal government (as in most cases) has insuinated themselves between the parent and the child.

Jesus - no one wants their child or children to go hungry. The problem arises when we allow the Feds to come into and impose their "will" upon the parent. Strict dietary control, strict compliance with a "First ladies BS" and it has been PROVEN that the vast majority of children throw away more than they eat. They DO NOT like the available selections. Waste in the school lunch program has gone UP - not down.

Guess what? I grew in a school that didn't have a cafeteria, period, much less a lunch program. Guess what? Nobody died!


see, this is what i mean... everyone should be miserable because you walked in the snow barefoot to school, uphill both ways.


Nope. Just you and those like you. Hell, you guys like being miserable anyway, right Herr Kommisar?
I have two grade school-age daughters I send them with a lunch Everyday.... No fucking First Lady's are gonna tell me what to send my kids for lunch.
there are ways to meet the guidelines while providing good lunches. if the school is choosing not to do that, that's on the school. take it up with the district.

My 3 year-old today for lunch, I gave him a piece of salmon, he had white rice and broccoli, the broccoli impossible to mash up, so it was chopped into small pieces and he also had a piece of cake and he had apple juice.

In that, a balanced lunch, it was substantial and contained the right nutrients.

Sounds good to me! A well-rounded lunch.

Food, the correct balanced food is crucially important for all children, if children aren't fed the right food with the right nutrients it's going to affect their brains also. So these children fed the crap that's Michelle Obama's lunches, I'm not sure they're even going to be able to concentrate in the classroom properly, they'll probably get lethargic as their brains are being deprived of the nutrients they need.

It's a very serious issue, feeding children that are growing.

Seriously, if that food (pictured) is truly what is served - I would dish it can it faster than crap through a goose. If "teacher" didn't like what I brought - we would, indeed, have a problem.

Hey so tomorrow for dinner, I just decide we'll have Jägerschnitzel :smile:

Ach so!!!
Curious, though. When did it become the federal government's job to (in essence) raise our kids? Again, with all the problems this country is facing, don't you think their time could be better spent?

Let's let Mom and Dad decide what is "best" for THEIR kids, shall we?
I'm fine with stopping the school lunch program or letting the PTA decide what's on their kids' menus. Some parents will feed their kid breakfast and pack them a good lunch every day, but it won't happen for all kids. A lot of kids will come to school hungry and stay hungry all day. You can say "Let parents decide" until you're blue in the face, but the reality is, a lot of kids won't eat. No matter how much you want that to be different.
My mother's first teaching job was in a one room school house during WWII. Even in that itty bitty community, she had to pack extra sandwiches and pretend she couldn't eat it all so the kids would feel okay with her sharing with them. Some of them had nothing. Or maybe half a raw potato.
We've got kids whose drug addict parents are still in bed when they leave for school. We've got kids who live in a house where the cupboard is bare half the time and there's nothing to send.
Breakfast and lunch provided by school is a really good idea, in my opinion. Now we just have to be willing to pay the $$$ for decent food for the kids to eat. Not stuff reheated from frozen and shipped across town from a central defrosting kitchen. Gross.

Look, no one is saying that there shouldn't be school lunches (and even breakfast). No one is saying that. However, take the DOE completely out of it. Back in the "dark ages" when I was in school, the lunch program was handled by the USDA (there was no BS department of education).

Most states had complete control over the lunch programs (and were reimbursed by the USDA). Now? The federal government (as in most cases) has insuinated themselves between the parent and the child.

Jesus - no one wants their child or children to go hungry. The problem arises when we allow the Feds to come into and impose their "will" upon the parent. Strict dietary control, strict compliance with a "First ladies BS" and it has been PROVEN that the vast majority of children throw away more than they eat. They DO NOT like the available selections. Waste in the school lunch program has gone UP - not down.

Guess what? I grew in a school that didn't have a cafeteria, period, much less a lunch program. Guess what? Nobody died!


see, this is what i mean... everyone should be miserable because you walked in the snow barefoot to school, uphill both ways.


Nope. Just you and those like you. Hell, you guys like being miserable anyway, right Herr Kommisar?

what are you blathering about?

i've never been miserable in my life.

and it's not like her being miserable give her any character.... or you for that matter.
Feds to Fine Schools for Not Following Michelle Obama’s Lunch Rules
Feds to Fine Schools for Not Following Michelle Obama’s Lunch Rules

The federal government is taking steps to fine schools that do not comply with first lady Michelle Obama’s school lunch rules.

Ok, enough is ENOUGH - time to put this bi@tch, her entire 'Royal Family', and EVERY 1st Lady or 1st Lady-to-be out their in their place:

Michelle, honey, YOU ARE NOT AN ELECTED OFFICIAL. No one voted for you, YOU are a 'PLUS 1' at this 'party'. Your role is mainly CEREMONIAL. You can plan parties and dignitary visits at the WH, but you don't have the authority to do SHITE, especially like mandating what lunches are served in schools across America...so do us a favor and


Michelle Obama needs to LEARN HER PLACE and butt the hell out of the public education system. If 'Mama' Michelle wants to join her daughter's PTA and get involved there, go for it. She does not work for the Federal Dept of Education, she is not an elected official, she Constitutionally has no REAL power, especially the power to have schools monetarily punished if they choose to ignore the 1st LADY'S OPINION-DRIVEN AGENDA.

This is sort of like Nancy Reagan coming up with the Anti-Drug policy of 'Just Say No' then having schools fined for not holding drug testing in school.

Yeah I am sure African Americans love being told that they need to learn their place.

Meanwhile- back to reality- rather than your ignorant racist rant.

From your article

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food and Nutrition Service issued a proposed rule Monday to codify parts of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, which was championed by Mrs. Obama.

And what is the "Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act"?

FACT SHEET: Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act School Meals Implementation
Congress passed the Hunger-Free Kids Act in 2010 with bipartisan support to help ensure every American child had access to the nutrition they need to grow into healthy adults.

Yes- your rant about Michelle is really your ignorant rant about a bipartisan bill passed by Congress in 2010.

With that i leave you to telling African Americans that they should learn their place and stop being so uppity
Leave it to a Liberal to pull the 'race' card.

The thread argument is over '1st Ladies', not anyone of any specific color', having the ability to extort / force schools to obey their mandates....
the first lady isn't forcing or extorting anyone to do anything
if the lunches aren't up to snuff that is the fault of the local school district. healthy lunches are not some impossibility.

Typical Leftist Obamabot, don't blame Michelle Obama, blame the local school district or just blame anyone as long as it's not Michelle Obama.

What if the local school district is Democratic run? Oh well, just blame GWB or Ronald Reagan or something :rolleyes-41:
there are ways to meet the guidelines while providing good lunches. if the school is choosing not to do that, that's on the school. take it up with the district.

My 3 year-old today for lunch, I gave him a piece of salmon, he had white rice and broccoli, the broccoli impossible to mash up, so it was chopped into small pieces and he also had a piece of cake and he had apple juice.

In that, a balanced lunch, it was substantial and contained the right nutrients.

Sounds good to me! A well-rounded lunch.

Food, the correct balanced food is crucially important for all children, if children aren't fed the right food with the right nutrients it's going to affect their brains also. So these children fed the crap that's Michelle Obama's lunches, I'm not sure they're even going to be able to concentrate in the classroom properly, they'll probably get lethargic as their brains are being deprived of the nutrients they need.

It's a very serious issue, feeding children that are growing.
You're arguing for more junk food and less nutrition and yet think your way is healthier...
Feds to Fine Schools for Not Following Michelle Obama’s Lunch Rules
Feds to Fine Schools for Not Following Michelle Obama’s Lunch Rules

The federal government is taking steps to fine schools that do not comply with first lady Michelle Obama’s school lunch rules.

Ok, enough is ENOUGH - time to put this bi@tch, her entire 'Royal Family', and EVERY 1st Lady or 1st Lady-to-be out their in their place:

Michelle, honey, YOU ARE NOT AN ELECTED OFFICIAL. No one voted for you, YOU are a 'PLUS 1' at this 'party'. Your role is mainly CEREMONIAL. You can plan parties and dignitary visits at the WH, but you don't have the authority to do SHITE, especially like mandating what lunches are served in schools across America...so do us a favor and


Michelle Obama needs to LEARN HER PLACE and butt the hell out of the public education system. If 'Mama' Michelle wants to join her daughter's PTA and get involved there, go for it. She does not work for the Federal Dept of Education, she is not an elected official, she Constitutionally has no REAL power, especially the power to have schools monetarily punished if they choose to ignore the 1st LADY'S OPINION-DRIVEN AGENDA.

This is sort of like Nancy Reagan coming up with the Anti-Drug policy of 'Just Say No' then having schools fined for not holding drug testing in school.

Yeah I am sure African Americans love being told that they need to learn their place.

Meanwhile- back to reality- rather than your ignorant racist rant.

From your article

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food and Nutrition Service issued a proposed rule Monday to codify parts of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, which was championed by Mrs. Obama.

And what is the "Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act"?

FACT SHEET: Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act School Meals Implementation
Congress passed the Hunger-Free Kids Act in 2010 with bipartisan support to help ensure every American child had access to the nutrition they need to grow into healthy adults.

Yes- your rant about Michelle is really your ignorant rant about a bipartisan bill passed by Congress in 2010.

With that i leave you to telling African Americans that they should learn their place and stop being so uppity
Leave it to a Liberal to pull the 'race' card.

The thread argument is over '1st Ladies', not anyone of any specific color', having the ability to extort / force schools to obey their mandates....
the first lady isn't forcing or extorting anyone to do anything

Do you have children? If so what sort of food do you feed them?
Feds to Fine Schools for Not Following Michelle Obama’s Lunch Rules
Feds to Fine Schools for Not Following Michelle Obama’s Lunch Rules

The federal government is taking steps to fine schools that do not comply with first lady Michelle Obama’s school lunch rules.

Ok, enough is ENOUGH - time to put this bi@tch, her entire 'Royal Family', and EVERY 1st Lady or 1st Lady-to-be out their in their place:

Michelle, honey, YOU ARE NOT AN ELECTED OFFICIAL. No one voted for you, YOU are a 'PLUS 1' at this 'party'. Your role is mainly CEREMONIAL. You can plan parties and dignitary visits at the WH, but you don't have the authority to do SHITE, especially like mandating what lunches are served in schools across America...so do us a favor and


Michelle Obama needs to LEARN HER PLACE and butt the hell out of the public education system. If 'Mama' Michelle wants to join her daughter's PTA and get involved there, go for it. She does not work for the Federal Dept of Education, she is not an elected official, she Constitutionally has no REAL power, especially the power to have schools monetarily punished if they choose to ignore the 1st LADY'S OPINION-DRIVEN AGENDA.

This is sort of like Nancy Reagan coming up with the Anti-Drug policy of 'Just Say No' then having schools fined for not holding drug testing in school.

Yeah I am sure African Americans love being told that they need to learn their place.

Meanwhile- back to reality- rather than your ignorant racist rant.

From your article

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food and Nutrition Service issued a proposed rule Monday to codify parts of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, which was championed by Mrs. Obama.

And what is the "Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act"?

FACT SHEET: Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act School Meals Implementation
Congress passed the Hunger-Free Kids Act in 2010 with bipartisan support to help ensure every American child had access to the nutrition they need to grow into healthy adults.

Yes- your rant about Michelle is really your ignorant rant about a bipartisan bill passed by Congress in 2010.

With that i leave you to telling African Americans that they should learn their place and stop being so uppity
Leave it to a Liberal to pull the 'race' card.

The thread argument is over '1st Ladies', not anyone of any specific color', having the ability to extort / force schools to obey their mandates....
the first lady isn't forcing or extorting anyone to do anything

Do you have children? If so what sort of food do you feed them?
He's only 15 months. eggs for breakfast, he loves cauliflower and broccoli and brussel sprouts and sweet potatoes. clementines and bananas are favorites.
he's an odd one, we have to give him his protein first because if he doesn't eat the meat first he'll just keep asking for vegetables.
Typical Leftist Obamabot, don't blame Michelle Obama, blame the local school district or just blame anyone as long as it's not Michelle Obama.

What if the local school district is Democratic run? Oh well, just blame GWB or Ronald Reagan or something :rolleyes-41:
there are ways to meet the guidelines while providing good lunches. if the school is choosing not to do that, that's on the school. take it up with the district.

My 3 year-old today for lunch, I gave him a piece of salmon, he had white rice and broccoli, the broccoli impossible to mash up, so it was chopped into small pieces and he also had a piece of cake and he had apple juice.

In that, a balanced lunch, it was substantial and contained the right nutrients.

Sounds good to me! A well-rounded lunch.

Food, the correct balanced food is crucially important for all children, if children aren't fed the right food with the right nutrients it's going to affect their brains also. So these children fed the crap that's Michelle Obama's lunches, I'm not sure they're even going to be able to concentrate in the classroom properly, they'll probably get lethargic as their brains are being deprived of the nutrients they need.

It's a very serious issue, feeding children that are growing.
You're arguing for more junk food and less nutrition and yet think your way is healthier...

"You're arguing for more junk food and less nutrition and yet think your way is healthier.."

Okay show everyone the post I made "arguing" for what you've just said. You can't because I never made such a post, you're talking complete horsecrap.
there are ways to meet the guidelines while providing good lunches. if the school is choosing not to do that, that's on the school. take it up with the district.

My 3 year-old today for lunch, I gave him a piece of salmon, he had white rice and broccoli, the broccoli impossible to mash up, so it was chopped into small pieces and he also had a piece of cake and he had apple juice.

In that, a balanced lunch, it was substantial and contained the right nutrients.

Sounds good to me! A well-rounded lunch.

Food, the correct balanced food is crucially important for all children, if children aren't fed the right food with the right nutrients it's going to affect their brains also. So these children fed the crap that's Michelle Obama's lunches, I'm not sure they're even going to be able to concentrate in the classroom properly, they'll probably get lethargic as their brains are being deprived of the nutrients they need.

It's a very serious issue, feeding children that are growing.
You're arguing for more junk food and less nutrition and yet think your way is healthier...

"You're arguing for more junk food and less nutrition and yet think your way is healthier.."

Okay show everyone the post I made "arguing" for what you've just said. You can't because I never made such a post, you're talking complete horsecrap.
That's what was happening before the 2010 rules, is that not what you want to go back to?
Feds to Fine Schools for Not Following Michelle Obama’s Lunch Rules
Feds to Fine Schools for Not Following Michelle Obama’s Lunch Rules

The federal government is taking steps to fine schools that do not comply with first lady Michelle Obama’s school lunch rules.

Ok, enough is ENOUGH - time to put this bi@tch, her entire 'Royal Family', and EVERY 1st Lady or 1st Lady-to-be out their in their place:

Michelle, honey, YOU ARE NOT AN ELECTED OFFICIAL. No one voted for you, YOU are a 'PLUS 1' at this 'party'. Your role is mainly CEREMONIAL. You can plan parties and dignitary visits at the WH, but you don't have the authority to do SHITE, especially like mandating what lunches are served in schools across America...so do us a favor and


Michelle Obama needs to LEARN HER PLACE and butt the hell out of the public education system. If 'Mama' Michelle wants to join her daughter's PTA and get involved there, go for it. She does not work for the Federal Dept of Education, she is not an elected official, she Constitutionally has no REAL power, especially the power to have schools monetarily punished if they choose to ignore the 1st LADY'S OPINION-DRIVEN AGENDA.

This is sort of like Nancy Reagan coming up with the Anti-Drug policy of 'Just Say No' then having schools fined for not holding drug testing in school.

Yeah I am sure African Americans love being told that they need to learn their place.

Meanwhile- back to reality- rather than your ignorant racist rant.

From your article

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food and Nutrition Service issued a proposed rule Monday to codify parts of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, which was championed by Mrs. Obama.

And what is the "Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act"?

FACT SHEET: Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act School Meals Implementation
Congress passed the Hunger-Free Kids Act in 2010 with bipartisan support to help ensure every American child had access to the nutrition they need to grow into healthy adults.

Yes- your rant about Michelle is really your ignorant rant about a bipartisan bill passed by Congress in 2010.

With that i leave you to telling African Americans that they should learn their place and stop being so uppity
Leave it to a Liberal to pull the 'race' card.

The thread argument is over '1st Ladies', not anyone of any specific color', having the ability to extort / force schools to obey their mandates....
the first lady isn't forcing or extorting anyone to do anything

Do you have children? If so what sort of food do you feed them?
He's only 15 months. eggs for breakfast, he loves cauliflower and broccoli and brussel sprouts and sweet potatoes. clementines and bananas are favorites.
he's an odd one, we have to give him his protein first because if he doesn't eat the meat first he'll just keep asking for vegetables.

Well according to the Michelle Obama lunches approach to feeding children, they'd have a fit at what you're feeding him, because according to them you're feeding him all the "wrong" things.
Yeah I am sure African Americans love being told that they need to learn their place.

Meanwhile- back to reality- rather than your ignorant racist rant.

From your article

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food and Nutrition Service issued a proposed rule Monday to codify parts of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, which was championed by Mrs. Obama.

And what is the "Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act"?

FACT SHEET: Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act School Meals Implementation
Congress passed the Hunger-Free Kids Act in 2010 with bipartisan support to help ensure every American child had access to the nutrition they need to grow into healthy adults.

Yes- your rant about Michelle is really your ignorant rant about a bipartisan bill passed by Congress in 2010.

With that i leave you to telling African Americans that they should learn their place and stop being so uppity
Leave it to a Liberal to pull the 'race' card.

The thread argument is over '1st Ladies', not anyone of any specific color', having the ability to extort / force schools to obey their mandates....
the first lady isn't forcing or extorting anyone to do anything

Do you have children? If so what sort of food do you feed them?
He's only 15 months. eggs for breakfast, he loves cauliflower and broccoli and brussel sprouts and sweet potatoes. clementines and bananas are favorites.
he's an odd one, we have to give him his protein first because if he doesn't eat the meat first he'll just keep asking for vegetables.

Well according to the Michelle Obama lunches approach to feeding children, they'd have a fit at what you're feeding him, because according to them you're feeding him all the "wrong" things.
lol. you can back that up I'm sure
My 3 year-old today for lunch, I gave him a piece of salmon, he had white rice and broccoli, the broccoli impossible to mash up, so it was chopped into small pieces and he also had a piece of cake and he had apple juice.

In that, a balanced lunch, it was substantial and contained the right nutrients.

Sounds good to me! A well-rounded lunch.

Food, the correct balanced food is crucially important for all children, if children aren't fed the right food with the right nutrients it's going to affect their brains also. So these children fed the crap that's Michelle Obama's lunches, I'm not sure they're even going to be able to concentrate in the classroom properly, they'll probably get lethargic as their brains are being deprived of the nutrients they need.

It's a very serious issue, feeding children that are growing.
You're arguing for more junk food and less nutrition and yet think your way is healthier...

"You're arguing for more junk food and less nutrition and yet think your way is healthier.."

Okay show everyone the post I made "arguing" for what you've just said. You can't because I never made such a post, you're talking complete horsecrap.
That's what was happening before the 2010 rules, is that not what you want to go back to?

No I'm not arguing for junk food, I'm saying that ALL evidence shows the Michelle Obama lunches are leaving children hungry, because they're just not substantial enough for them.

What's wrong with say chicken, pork etc and a mixture of vegetables in appropriate proportions, then some type of fruit? Nothing, but that's not what the Michelle Obama lunches promote.
Leave it to a Liberal to pull the 'race' card.

The thread argument is over '1st Ladies', not anyone of any specific color', having the ability to extort / force schools to obey their mandates....
the first lady isn't forcing or extorting anyone to do anything

Do you have children? If so what sort of food do you feed them?
He's only 15 months. eggs for breakfast, he loves cauliflower and broccoli and brussel sprouts and sweet potatoes. clementines and bananas are favorites.
he's an odd one, we have to give him his protein first because if he doesn't eat the meat first he'll just keep asking for vegetables.

Well according to the Michelle Obama lunches approach to feeding children, they'd have a fit at what you're feeding him, because according to them you're feeding him all the "wrong" things.
lol. you can back that up I'm sure

Yes I can by just looking at all available pictures of the Michelle Obama lunches, I've already posted four in this thread to give illustration, there are many more available.
the first lady isn't forcing or extorting anyone to do anything

Do you have children? If so what sort of food do you feed them?
He's only 15 months. eggs for breakfast, he loves cauliflower and broccoli and brussel sprouts and sweet potatoes. clementines and bananas are favorites.
he's an odd one, we have to give him his protein first because if he doesn't eat the meat first he'll just keep asking for vegetables.

Well according to the Michelle Obama lunches approach to feeding children, they'd have a fit at what you're feeding him, because according to them you're feeding him all the "wrong" things.
lol. you can back that up I'm sure

Yes I can by just looking at all available pictures of the Michelle Obama lunches, I've already posted four in this thread to give illustration, there are many more available.
so no, you can't

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