Feds To FINE Schools Who Don't Follow Michelle's Lunch Rules...

I owned a pre school years back., age 2 thru K. Had 75 kids. Trying healthy foods didn't work. What works is pork and beans and weiners, macaroni and cheese, spaghetti etc. Once a month, brought in Mc Dog food happy meals, I called them crappy meals but kids eat that stuff. Carrot sticks or celery sticks ok for snacks. I know some of those kids who are adults now. They look pretty healthy to me. Full stomachs are always better than healthy foods that end up in the trash can and kids with empty stomachs.

LOL.....my daughter went to a great local pre-school for 2 years- they had a cook on staff- and they served the kids relatively healthy meals- vegetables or fruit with each lunch- and the kids did eat healthier.

It gets harder when kids get older.

You make it seem like we should make no effort at all to provide healthy food to our kids. There is a middle ground where more healthy food is available and kids get enough to eat.

Of course if we just load up the food with enough salt and sugar- they will eat it- and we end up where we are today with teen obesity rates soaring.
Oh, so schools previously served only sugar!!? Wow! I had no idea!

Sarcasm, people.
Hmmm...promoting education, vs controlling and restricting food to children.

YEAH! It's EXACTLY the same thing!!!!

Wait...the government is providing these meals, yes or no?

You don't think the entity providing them should have a say over the content?

One promotes reading, one promotes healthy eating habits. Both have value.
The government is TAKING my money, buying their mandated lunch, trying to force schools to force my kids to eat it, then are threatening to take MORE of my money if the schools don't comply with Michelle's mandate.

Since it is MY money being used to purchase and provide these meals, I should have a bigger say in what my kids eat / are fed than Michelle Obama.
Not only that but the entire mission statement is fucked...they claim we need to better serve poor kids, who aren't fed at home...and yet they claim that the way to do that is to feed them FEWER calories???

In what alternate universe does fewer calories reduce hunger?
go on an all sugar diet. see how good you feel.
sugar fat and salt. that about covered it.

the point was that calorie count alone is a poor way to measure nutrition.
I owned a pre school years back., age 2 thru K. Had 75 kids. Trying healthy foods didn't work. What works is pork and beans and weiners, macaroni and cheese, spaghetti etc. Once a month, brought in Mc Dog food happy meals, I called them crappy meals but kids eat that stuff. Carrot sticks or celery sticks ok for snacks. I know some of those kids who are adults now so I guess we didn't harm them too much since they look pretty healthy to me. Full stomachs are always better than healthy foods that end up in the trash can and kids with empty stomachs.
it is not an either/or proposition.
Well according to the Michelle Obama lunches approach to feeding children, they'd have a fit at what you're feeding him, because according to them you're feeding him all the "wrong" things.
lol. you can back that up I'm sure

Yes I can by just looking at all available pictures of the Michelle Obama lunches, I've already posted four in this thread to give illustration, there are many more available.
so no, you can't

The pictures. Of course you cannot possibly agree with anyone in this thread about this.
I personally go to my son's school and none of the pics are a true representation of actual circumstances which exist..
I personally go to my kids' school, and did when they were suffering under the federal program, and it was absolutely 100 percent accurate. They were feeding them GARBAGE.
Oh, so schools previously served only sugar!!? Wow! I had no idea!

Sarcasm, people.
Wait...the government is providing these meals, yes or no?

You don't think the entity providing them should have a say over the content?

One promotes reading, one promotes healthy eating habits. Both have value.
The government is TAKING my money, buying their mandated lunch, trying to force schools to force my kids to eat it, then are threatening to take MORE of my money if the schools don't comply with Michelle's mandate.

Since it is MY money being used to purchase and provide these meals, I should have a bigger say in what my kids eat / are fed than Michelle Obama.
Not only that but the entire mission statement is fucked...they claim we need to better serve poor kids, who aren't fed at home...and yet they claim that the way to do that is to feed them FEWER calories???

In what alternate universe does fewer calories reduce hunger?
go on an all sugar diet. see how good you feel.
sugar fat and salt. that about covered it.

the point was that calorie count alone is a poor way to measure nutrition.

When you are talking about calorie depletion, which is the definition of HUNGER, then calorie count is the most important way to measure nutrition because you are trying to give them enough calories at school so that they will not starve if they eat nothing else all day.

You don't do that by giving them 4 crackers, a couple of tablepoons of slop, and a couple of cauliflower florets.
I owned a pre school years back., age 2 thru K. Had 75 kids. Trying healthy foods didn't work. What works is pork and beans and weiners, macaroni and cheese, spaghetti etc. Once a month, brought in Mc Dog food happy meals, I called them crappy meals but kids eat that stuff. Carrot sticks or celery sticks ok for snacks. I know some of those kids who are adults now. They look pretty healthy to me. Full stomachs are always better than healthy foods that end up in the trash can and kids with empty stomachs.

LOL.....my daughter went to a great local pre-school for 2 years- they had a cook on staff- and they served the kids relatively healthy meals- vegetables or fruit with each lunch- and the kids did eat healthier.

It gets harder when kids get older.

You make it seem like we should make no effort at all to provide healthy food to our kids. There is a middle ground where more healthy food is available and kids get enough to eat.

Of course if we just load up the food with enough salt and sugar- they will eat it- and we end up where we are today with teen obesity rates soaring.

I had an inner city school, kept rates low, $65 a week and $70 a week with lunch. No money in budget for a cook and really healthy tasty meals. Obesity rates? Look at any 7-11 after school and what kids are loading up on. Also, kids don't work now, from what I can see. I haven't seen a teenager wash a car or mow a lawn in decades. They're mostly all staring at a phone or i pad or something.
I owned a pre school years back., age 2 thru K. Had 75 kids. Trying healthy foods didn't work. What works is pork and beans and weiners, macaroni and cheese, spaghetti etc. Once a month, brought in Mc Dog food happy meals, I called them crappy meals but kids eat that stuff. Carrot sticks or celery sticks ok for snacks. I know some of those kids who are adults now. They look pretty healthy to me. Full stomachs are always better than healthy foods that end up in the trash can and kids with empty stomachs.

LOL.....my daughter went to a great local pre-school for 2 years- they had a cook on staff- and they served the kids relatively healthy meals- vegetables or fruit with each lunch- and the kids did eat healthier.

It gets harder when kids get older.

You make it seem like we should make no effort at all to provide healthy food to our kids. There is a middle ground where more healthy food is available and kids get enough to eat.

Of course if we just load up the food with enough salt and sugar- they will eat it- and we end up where we are today with teen obesity rates soaring.

I had an inner city school, kept rates low, $65 a week and $70 a week with lunch. No money in budget for a cook and really healthy tasty meals. Obesity rates? Look at any 7-11 after school and what kids are loading up on. Also, kids don't work now, from what I can see. I haven't seen a teenager wash a car or mow a lawn in decades. They're mostly all staring at a phone or i pad or something.
Oh look, anti-child rhetoric.

If everybody is obese, then the feds are lying when they say HUNGER is a problem with our kids.

If they aren't, then they are LYING when they say obesity is an issue.
That Sorry sack of shit Michelle Obama should have no say on lunches you fuck nut... Lol
did you say the same thing when barbara bush pushed literacy? was she a sorry sack of shit for that?
Hmmm...promoting education, vs controlling and restricting food to children.

YEAH! It's EXACTLY the same thing!!!!
yeah. promoting healthy eating. crazy. how dare she be so uppity

"promoting healthy eating."

How is "healthy eating" feeding children slop and lunches that aren't substantial and cannot contain the full nutrients that growing children need?

Wait- are you talking about what Michelle Obama is promoting- or are you talking about the program the OP wrote about which a bill passed by Congress- or are you talking about what the voices in your head tell you about?

Michelle Obama is promoting healthy eating- and I can see why this would irritate you
Eat Healthy | Let's Move!

In 2012, we accomplished a critical step on the road to deliver healthier food to our nation’s school children when the U.S. Department of Agriculture released new rules that will boost the nutritional quality of the meals eaten by school children every day. The rules represent the first major revision of school meal standards in more than 15 years and make sure our kids' lunches and breakfasts will have more whole grains, vegetables, and fruits, and less fat and sodium and set sensible calorie limits based on the age of children being served.

Based on recommendations from the Institute of Medicine, the new school meals include these changes:

  • More whole grains, fruits, and vegetables; low-fat milk dairy products; and less sodium and fat.
  • The right portion. Menus are planned for grades K-5, 6-8 and 9-12 and will demonstrate to your child the right size portions.
  • Additional funding will be made available to schools that meet the new standards. Schools will be reimbursed an additional 6 cents for each lunch they serve in accordance with the new standards.

Principles, teachers, school nutrition workers and parents can help make schools healthier places to learn by providing quality food and teaching children about the importance of nutrition and embracing a healthy active lifestyle. Looking for ways you can get involved in the healthy changes happening in the cafeteria? Check out the following toolkits from the US Department of Agriculture's new resource for school meals, The School Day Just Got Healthier:

So tell us more about why you think that whole grains, fruits, vegetables and less sodium and fat- is 'slop' and doesn't have 'full nutrients'?

Tell us why this recommendation offends you so much?
More whole grains, fruits, and vegetables; low-fat milk dairy products; and less sodium and fat.
Except she knows nothing of healthy eating... Lol
You fat mouth- breathers cant take care of yourselves, much less your spawn so you forced the hand of Big Govt you fool

Someone has to fight all the wars Republicans start

Why obesity is a national security threat - CNN.com

Retired Generals Fear That Kids Are Too Fat for War

gawd but OP is an butt hurt rw hacktard :banghead:

Check History, Most wars were started with a Dem in office. Not a republican.

Lets see, Bay of PIGS? oh that was Kennedy.

WW1 Woodrow Wilson - Democrat

WW2 Democrat

Sending advisors to Vietnam? Kennedy

Who sent the troops there? Johnston, also Democrat

Korean WAR? Harry Truman , also a Democrat.


Bombing the shit out of Serbia? Clinton

OK who got us involved in Grenada? Reagan , alright he was a Republican.

Bush 1 and Bush 2 - we know the story but dont pretend the military industrial complex has always
been controlled by Republicans. Many many more have died under the supervision of Democrats.

And for all the talk of the twin towers being a right wing government plot to benefiy Haliburton, There has also been good talk that Roosevelt knew Pearl Harbor was going to happen before it did but did nothing so we would have the motivation to get involved in the war against Axis powers.
You fat mouth- breathers cant take care of yourselves, much less your spawn so you forced the hand of Big Govt you fool

Someone has to fight all the wars Republicans start

Why obesity is a national security threat - CNN.com

Retired Generals Fear That Kids Are Too Fat for War
You fat mouth- breathers cant take care of yourselves, much less your spawn so you forced the hand of Big Govt you fool

Someone has to fight all the wars Republicans start

Why obesity is a national security threat - CNN.com

Retired Generals Fear That Kids Are Too Fat for War

gawd but OP is an butt hurt rw hacktard :banghead:

gawd but OP is an butt hurt rw hacktard :banghead:

Kids just don't get to exercise enough, they need to be encouraged to exercize more and play games that involve running around at a young age. forcing them to eat the healthy food isnt the answer, they will just reject it. It isnt wrong to educate them on the subject and probably the parents too, who are also the product of public school systems of the past. But you cant force people
Of course it is. Ever heard of a well balanced meal? Simply serve a well balanced meal with food kids WILL eat and they will be healthy, satisfied, full, and able to listen in school.
Oh, so schools previously served only sugar!!? Wow! I had no idea!

Sarcasm, people.
Wait...the government is providing these meals, yes or no?

You don't think the entity providing them should have a say over the content?

One promotes reading, one promotes healthy eating habits. Both have value.
The government is TAKING my money, buying their mandated lunch, trying to force schools to force my kids to eat it, then are threatening to take MORE of my money if the schools don't comply with Michelle's mandate.

Since it is MY money being used to purchase and provide these meals, I should have a bigger say in what my kids eat / are fed than Michelle Obama.
Not only that but the entire mission statement is fucked...they claim we need to better serve poor kids, who aren't fed at home...and yet they claim that the way to do that is to feed them FEWER calories???

In what alternate universe does fewer calories reduce hunger?
go on an all sugar diet. see how good you feel.
sugar fat and salt. that about covered it.

the point was that calorie count alone is a poor way to measure nutrition.
I owned a pre school years back., age 2 thru K. Had 75 kids. Trying healthy foods didn't work. What works is pork and beans and weiners, macaroni and cheese, spaghetti etc. Once a month, brought in Mc Dog food happy meals, I called them crappy meals but kids eat that stuff. Carrot sticks or celery sticks ok for snacks. I know some of those kids who are adults now so I guess we didn't harm them too much since they look pretty healthy to me. Full stomachs are always better than healthy foods that end up in the trash can and kids with empty stomachs.

Now you're talking!!
Oh, so schools previously served only sugar!!? Wow! I had no idea!

Sarcasm, people.
The government is TAKING my money, buying their mandated lunch, trying to force schools to force my kids to eat it, then are threatening to take MORE of my money if the schools don't comply with Michelle's mandate.

Since it is MY money being used to purchase and provide these meals, I should have a bigger say in what my kids eat / are fed than Michelle Obama.
Not only that but the entire mission statement is fucked...they claim we need to better serve poor kids, who aren't fed at home...and yet they claim that the way to do that is to feed them FEWER calories???

In what alternate universe does fewer calories reduce hunger?
go on an all sugar diet. see how good you feel.
sugar fat and salt. that about covered it.

the point was that calorie count alone is a poor way to measure nutrition.

When you are talking about calorie depletion, which is the definition of HUNGER,
no, it isn't
Of course it is. Ever heard of a well balanced meal? Simply serve a well balanced meal with food kids WILL eat and they will be healthy, satisfied, full, and able to listen in school.
Oh, so schools previously served only sugar!!? Wow! I had no idea!

Sarcasm, people.
The government is TAKING my money, buying their mandated lunch, trying to force schools to force my kids to eat it, then are threatening to take MORE of my money if the schools don't comply with Michelle's mandate.

Since it is MY money being used to purchase and provide these meals, I should have a bigger say in what my kids eat / are fed than Michelle Obama.
Not only that but the entire mission statement is fucked...they claim we need to better serve poor kids, who aren't fed at home...and yet they claim that the way to do that is to feed them FEWER calories???

In what alternate universe does fewer calories reduce hunger?
go on an all sugar diet. see how good you feel.
sugar fat and salt. that about covered it.

the point was that calorie count alone is a poor way to measure nutrition.
and thus the balancing guidelines...
You fat mouth- breathers cant take care of yourselves, much less your spawn so you forced the hand of Big Govt you fool

Someone has to fight all the wars Republicans start

Why obesity is a national security threat - CNN.com

Retired Generals Fear That Kids Are Too Fat for War

gawd but OP is an butt hurt rw hacktard :banghead:

Check History, Most wars were started with a Dem in office. Not a republican.

Lets see, Bay of PIGS? oh that was Kennedy.

WW1 Woodrow Wilson - Democrat

WW2 Democrat

Sending advisors to Vietnam? Kennedy

Who sent the troops there? Johnston, also Democrat

Korean WAR? Harry Truman , also a Democrat.


Bombing the shit out of Serbia? Clinton

OK who got us involved in Grenada? Reagan , alright he was a Republican.

Bush 1 and Bush 2 - we know the story but dont pretend the military industrial complex has always
been controlled by Republicans. Many many more have died under the supervision of Democrats.

And for all the talk of the twin towers being a right wing government plot to benefiy Haliburton, There has also been good talk that Roosevelt knew Pearl Harbor was going to happen before it did but did nothing so we would have the motivation to get involved in the war against Axis powers.

Funny story about Reagan and Grenada. I was working at the embassy at Moscow and we had a young SP4 there on TDY for one reason or the other and he reported to me for his Security Clearance. I noticed he had a CIB on his uniform and I said to him "Specialist - you're too damned young to have served in Viet Nam. How the hell did you get a CIB?"

He says "Chief, I sat on the beach in Grenada and helped a couple of pretty young girls aboard a boat for evac. For that, they awarded me a CIB". After I finished laughing at him, I said "really"? And he says "yes sir".

God I miss Ronnie Reagan...
The system gives Michelle a reason to butt her nose into where it should not belong.

The whole idea that schools should provide kids lunch - free or otherwise - is nothing short of preposterous.

Kids lunch is the responsibility of the kids' parents. Pack their lunch with the food you prefer your kids to eat.

When I was a kid in war torn Europe no matter how poor we were, my parents always managed to pack a lunch, modest it might have been, and it was better than any taxpayer/government supplied and politically correct tasteless crap.

Same thing with school buses. Let the urchins walk. Is it any wonder that obesity among kids is a problem with the insane coddling they receive from ignorant do-gooder parents and "teachers"?

Not to mention trophies for "participation". Killing the desire to be good, be the best, to compete, just to be politically correct.

And, the worst offender and the greatest cause for catastrophic future failure: Teachers who have no desire to TEACH, only to survive until they are ready to vacuum in their gigantic pension, squeezed out of the taxpayers by confiscatory unions.

Don't blame Michelle Obama for being a pig. She only plays the system.

Let's bring you back to reality one step at a time!

School buses? Do you want them to walk three and a half miles to school, because that is where I would have been in high school. My students now sometimes ride a bus for 45 minutes to get to school.

Teachers may have had it easy in the past but recent changes make the idea that a teacher can rest on the ass all day long is obsolete. I have 4 formal observations each year and a surprise walk-through about every month, and sometime multiple times in a month.

Our teacher pensions take the place of social security, so they are not "gigantic" by any stretch of the imagination.

How do teacher's unions wield so much power when so very few are legally allowed to strike?

I suggest you get educated before pontificating about education.

Now, stick to critiquing the federal food guidelines.
Our girl's school has great lunches, looking at today's menu they are having skinless chicken breast, scalloped potatoes, baby carrots, yogurt and choice of milk or juice. Meanwhile the children in public schools will be eating Mooch's slop....or throwing it in the garbage

I read someplace that 70% of the vegetables bought in this country end up in the trash....good intentions, no follow-through. All veggies need to be fun to eat are a little butter and salt.

Hardening of the arteries and high blood pressure?
Feds to Fine Schools for Not Following Michelle Obama’s Lunch Rules
Feds to Fine Schools for Not Following Michelle Obama’s Lunch Rules

The federal government is taking steps to fine schools that do not comply with first lady Michelle Obama’s school lunch rules.

Ok, enough is ENOUGH - time to put this bi@tch, her entire 'Royal Family', and EVERY 1st Lady or 1st Lady-to-be out their in their place:

Michelle, honey, YOU ARE NOT AN ELECTED OFFICIAL. No one voted for you, YOU are a 'PLUS 1' at this 'party'. Your role is mainly CEREMONIAL. You can plan parties and dignitary visits at the WH, but you don't have the authority to do SHITE, especially like mandating what lunches are served in schools across America...so do us a favor and


Michelle Obama needs to LEARN HER PLACE and butt the hell out of the public education system. If 'Mama' Michelle wants to join her daughter's PTA and get involved there, go for it. She does not work for the Federal Dept of Education, she is not an elected official, she Constitutionally has no REAL power, especially the power to have schools monetarily punished if they choose to ignore the 1st LADY'S OPINION-DRIVEN AGENDA.

This is sort of like Nancy Reagan coming up with the Anti-Drug policy of 'Just Say No' then having schools fined for not holding drug testing in school.

Not any of the Union government's business. This is a state issue. Check the constitution.
lol. you can back that up I'm sure

Yes I can by just looking at all available pictures of the Michelle Obama lunches, I've already posted four in this thread to give illustration, there are many more available.
so no, you can't

The pictures. Of course you cannot possibly agree with anyone in this thread about this.
I personally go to my son's school and none of the pics are a true representation of actual circumstances which exist..
I personally go to my kids' school, and did when they were suffering under the federal program, and it was absolutely 100 percent accurate. They were feeding them GARBAGE.
Allie...are you as 100 percent accurate as when you told us that the Oregon Y'allquada cleaned up the "abandoned" buildings better than they were before they came in and occupied them?

Allie...are you as 100 percent accurate as when you posted the video from the "life long" Oregon resident of that area who had an English accent and was posting from England?

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