Feds To FINE Schools Who Don't Follow Michelle's Lunch Rules...

I agree with you. That USDA stuff was fine, as far as I am concerned, and I agree I'd almost like to see the DOE out of business, except that it does "level the playing field" for poor and rural, sparsely populated states and school districts, I'm told. Don't know how that works; I have never actually understood why they got their nose into it to begin with.

Actually, the only thing the DOE does is support teacher unions. I would LOVE to see everyone of them disbanded.
Shows what I know. Where DOES all this red tape and regulatory nonsense come from, then? They give the states money the states can't afford to refuse and it comes with all this garbage. That much I know to be true. So where does it come from?

Lady - you're probably as old (sorry) as I am. Tell me - do YOU remember teacher unions in the 50s? I didn't think so. The department of education began the "idea" of teacher representation. They support it whole-heartedly. Now - when teachers don't like the curriculum that a particular state or local jurisdiction has - they simply threaten to "strike" or stage a "walkout" and it is changed. The days of parents and teachers deciding what will or will not be taught is long over. Welcome to the USSR in public schools. Remove the Department of Education and every Teacher Union - and you will return to public schools that are the envy of the world - not the laughing stock.
Randall, I'm more interested in an answer to my other question. Actually, as a teacher, I understand both sides of the union issue. School districts are famous for taking advantage of the fact that experienced teachers make more $ than newbies and will get away with overloading classes, firing teachers because they are about to cost the district too much--they do it to new teachers who haven't got tenure yet, anyway. As a teacher, I've bought my own supplies, taught without enough text books to go around, all kinds of happy horseshit. And I never even thought of grieving it to the union. Teaching has always been hard. You expect it. However, without a union, things would be worse, and it would affect student achievement eventually.
I've got to run, but I look forward to knowing where all this education red tape comes from, if you know.

Well, hell, that's easy. Where does ALL "red-tape" come from? Any entity that says "government" on the side of the building. Oh, and (as a layman) I believe that tenure is the worst thing to EVER happen to school.

As a layman, there is about a 99.9% chance that your idea of tenure is incorrect.
Actually, the only thing the DOE does is support teacher unions. I would LOVE to see everyone of them disbanded.
Shows what I know. Where DOES all this red tape and regulatory nonsense come from, then? They give the states money the states can't afford to refuse and it comes with all this garbage. That much I know to be true. So where does it come from?

Lady - you're probably as old (sorry) as I am. Tell me - do YOU remember teacher unions in the 50s? I didn't think so. The department of education began the "idea" of teacher representation. They support it whole-heartedly. Now - when teachers don't like the curriculum that a particular state or local jurisdiction has - they simply threaten to "strike" or stage a "walkout" and it is changed. The days of parents and teachers deciding what will or will not be taught is long over. Welcome to the USSR in public schools. Remove the Department of Education and every Teacher Union - and you will return to public schools that are the envy of the world - not the laughing stock.
Randall, I'm more interested in an answer to my other question. Actually, as a teacher, I understand both sides of the union issue. School districts are famous for taking advantage of the fact that experienced teachers make more $ than newbies and will get away with overloading classes, firing teachers because they are about to cost the district too much--they do it to new teachers who haven't got tenure yet, anyway. As a teacher, I've bought my own supplies, taught without enough text books to go around, all kinds of happy horseshit. And I never even thought of grieving it to the union. Teaching has always been hard. You expect it. However, without a union, things would be worse, and it would affect student achievement eventually.
I've got to run, but I look forward to knowing where all this education red tape comes from, if you know.

Well, hell, that's easy. Where does ALL "red-tape" come from? Any entity that says "government" on the side of the building. Oh, and (as a layman) I believe that tenure is the worst thing to EVER happen to school.

As a layman, there is about a 99.9% chance that your idea of tenure is incorrect.

As a college graduate, seeing the lazy, unemployable "professors" that sat on their fat asses, I believe I have enough understanding of the term "tenure". It means fat asses that have tenure are nearly impossible to fire for spreading their bullshit to the minds of impressionable children.

Does that apply to you?
Look, no one is saying that there shouldn't be school lunches (and even breakfast). No one is saying that. However, take the DOE completely out of it. Back in the "dark ages" when I was in school, the lunch program was handled by the USDA (there was no BS department of education).

Most states had complete control over the lunch programs (and were reimbursed by the USDA). Now? The federal government (as in most cases) has insuinated themselves between the parent and the child.

Jesus - no one wants their child or children to go hungry. The problem arises when we allow the Feds to come into and impose their "will" upon the parent. Strict dietary control, strict compliance with a "First ladies BS" and it has been PROVEN that the vast majority of children throw away more than they eat. They DO NOT like the available selections. Waste in the school lunch program has gone UP - not down.
I agree with you. That USDA stuff was fine, as far as I am concerned, and I agree I'd almost like to see the DOE out of business, except that it does "level the playing field" for poor and rural, sparsely populated states and school districts, I'm told. Don't know how that works; I have never actually understood why they got their nose into it to begin with.

Actually, the only thing the DOE does is support teacher unions. I would LOVE to see everyone of them disbanded.
Shows what I know. Where DOES all this red tape and regulatory nonsense come from, then? They give the states money the states can't afford to refuse and it comes with all this garbage. That much I know to be true. So where does it come from?

Lady - you're probably as old (sorry) as I am. Tell me - do YOU remember teacher unions in the 50s? I didn't think so. The department of education began the "idea" of teacher representation. They support it whole-heartedly. Now - when teachers don't like the curriculum that a particular state or local jurisdiction has - they simply threaten to "strike" or stage a "walkout" and it is changed. The days of parents and teachers deciding what will or will not be taught is long over. Welcome to the USSR in public schools. Remove the Department of Education and every Teacher Union - and you will return to public schools that are the envy of the world - not the laughing stock.

Oh come off it! Why are you spouting this bullshit? Teachers unions predate the Education Department by more than a century!

Please educate yourself on this topic! You are embarrassing yourself!

Really? So, are you a steward for your local hall? I figured as much. Well, thank you so much for making the finest public school system the world has ever seen into the joke of the world.
God I love seeing the ignorance of the Oblama haters.....
Congress passed the law, not Michele.....

Why are the lunches associated with Michelle Obama then?
To make it a slur...ignorance, character assassination,,,sensationalism......

Okay, you know within the next hour I'm going to bed, I just don't want to be dreaming about Michelle Obama's lunches :eek-52:
Wake up Lucy.

Michelle made us all breakfast.
I agree with you. That USDA stuff was fine, as far as I am concerned, and I agree I'd almost like to see the DOE out of business, except that it does "level the playing field" for poor and rural, sparsely populated states and school districts, I'm told. Don't know how that works; I have never actually understood why they got their nose into it to begin with.

Actually, the only thing the DOE does is support teacher unions. I would LOVE to see everyone of them disbanded.
Shows what I know. Where DOES all this red tape and regulatory nonsense come from, then? They give the states money the states can't afford to refuse and it comes with all this garbage. That much I know to be true. So where does it come from?

Lady - you're probably as old (sorry) as I am. Tell me - do YOU remember teacher unions in the 50s? I didn't think so. The department of education began the "idea" of teacher representation. They support it whole-heartedly. Now - when teachers don't like the curriculum that a particular state or local jurisdiction has - they simply threaten to "strike" or stage a "walkout" and it is changed. The days of parents and teachers deciding what will or will not be taught is long over. Welcome to the USSR in public schools. Remove the Department of Education and every Teacher Union - and you will return to public schools that are the envy of the world - not the laughing stock.

Oh come off it! Why are you spouting this bullshit? Teachers unions predate the Education Department by more than a century!

Please educate yourself on this topic! You are embarrassing yourself!

Really? So, are you a steward for your local hall? I figured as much. Well, thank you so much for making the finest public school system the world has ever seen into the joke of the world.
The education system is fine, it's the kids and parents that are unstable....of unmotivated..
God I love seeing the ignorance of the Oblama haters.....
Congress passed the law, not Michele.....

Why are the lunches associated with Michelle Obama then?
To make it a slur...ignorance, character assassination,,,sensationalism......

Okay, you know within the next hour I'm going to bed, I just don't want to be dreaming about Michelle Obama's lunches :eek-52:
Wake up Lucy.

Michelle made us all breakfast.
When was the last time you went to a local public school and had breakfast or lunch with teachers or admin?
God I love seeing the ignorance of the Oblama haters.....
Congress passed the law, not Michele.....

Why are the lunches associated with Michelle Obama then?
To make it a slur...ignorance, character assassination,,,sensationalism......

Okay, you know within the next hour I'm going to bed, I just don't want to be dreaming about Michelle Obama's lunches :eek-52:
Wake up Lucy.

Michelle made us all breakfast.
When was the last time you went to a local public school and had breakfast or lunch with teachers or admin?
First. I was joking with Lucy.

Second. I have breakfast every morning with a teacher and she agrees with me. This doesn't include all of the food being served. In fact, much of what I see and read about public schools is overblown hyperbole.

I don't have to go to a public school to know what is being taught or to know what food they are being served.

Lighten up MG.
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Actually, the only thing the DOE does is support teacher unions. I would LOVE to see everyone of them disbanded.
Shows what I know. Where DOES all this red tape and regulatory nonsense come from, then? They give the states money the states can't afford to refuse and it comes with all this garbage. That much I know to be true. So where does it come from?

Lady - you're probably as old (sorry) as I am. Tell me - do YOU remember teacher unions in the 50s? I didn't think so. The department of education began the "idea" of teacher representation. They support it whole-heartedly. Now - when teachers don't like the curriculum that a particular state or local jurisdiction has - they simply threaten to "strike" or stage a "walkout" and it is changed. The days of parents and teachers deciding what will or will not be taught is long over. Welcome to the USSR in public schools. Remove the Department of Education and every Teacher Union - and you will return to public schools that are the envy of the world - not the laughing stock.

Oh come off it! Why are you spouting this bullshit? Teachers unions predate the Education Department by more than a century!

Please educate yourself on this topic! You are embarrassing yourself!

Really? So, are you a steward for your local hall? I figured as much. Well, thank you so much for making the finest public school system the world has ever seen into the joke of the world.
The education system is fine, it's the kids and parents that are unstable....of unmotivated..

Oh, absolutely. It's ALWAYS the parents and the kids' fault. The "education system" as you put it has went from one of the best on the planet to a laughing stock. How do you suppose that happened? Must have been those terrible parents, right?

Get a grip will you?
Hardening of the arteries and high blood pressure?

Butter has regained it's superiority over margarine according to the "experts" for the time-being. And I don't believe salt's recent reputation of causing high BP either...expect salt to make a rebound like butter did.
There is nothing wrong with salting your food IF you prepare food from scratch

It's all the processed shit that has high sodium levels

When I cook I keep a ramekin full of coarse Kosher salt on the counter and use it liberally and my BP is just fine
They've found that all the anti-salt rhetoric is horseshit anyway. If you have a problem with water retention, you can reduce your salt intake. But all the anti-salt literature is bullshit, they've found. Just another weird fad that had no basis in real science.
Hardening of the arteries and high blood pressure?

Butter has regained it's superiority over margarine according to the "experts" for the time-being. And I don't believe salt's recent reputation of causing high BP either...expect salt to make a rebound like butter did.
There is nothing wrong with salting your food IF you prepare food from scratch

It's all the processed shit that has high sodium levels

When I cook I keep a ramekin full of coarse Kosher salt on the counter and use it liberally and my BP is just fine
They've found that all the anti-salt rhetoric is horseshit anyway. If you have a problem with water retention, you can reduce your salt intake. But all the anti-salt literature is bullshit, they've found. Just another weird fad that had no basis in real science.

It's funny, but when I was a kid - I used salt like it was going out of business. I guess that between the weather and constant sports - I needed it. However, now, at 72 - I RARELY add salt to anything. But I do agree - all this "eat this - don't eat that" rhetoric is nonsense. We've already seen the "scientists" change their minds multiple times about eggs, red meat and the like.

Eat what you want - just do it in moderation.
Shows what I know. Where DOES all this red tape and regulatory nonsense come from, then? They give the states money the states can't afford to refuse and it comes with all this garbage. That much I know to be true. So where does it come from?

Lady - you're probably as old (sorry) as I am. Tell me - do YOU remember teacher unions in the 50s? I didn't think so. The department of education began the "idea" of teacher representation. They support it whole-heartedly. Now - when teachers don't like the curriculum that a particular state or local jurisdiction has - they simply threaten to "strike" or stage a "walkout" and it is changed. The days of parents and teachers deciding what will or will not be taught is long over. Welcome to the USSR in public schools. Remove the Department of Education and every Teacher Union - and you will return to public schools that are the envy of the world - not the laughing stock.

Oh come off it! Why are you spouting this bullshit? Teachers unions predate the Education Department by more than a century!

Please educate yourself on this topic! You are embarrassing yourself!

Really? So, are you a steward for your local hall? I figured as much. Well, thank you so much for making the finest public school system the world has ever seen into the joke of the world.
The education system is fine, it's the kids and parents that are unstable....of unmotivated..

Oh, absolutely. It's ALWAYS the parents and the kids' fault. The "education system" as you put it has went from one of the best on the planet to a laughing stock. How do you suppose that happened? Must have been those terrible parents, right?

Get a grip will you?
present your data
Hardening of the arteries and high blood pressure?

Butter has regained it's superiority over margarine according to the "experts" for the time-being. And I don't believe salt's recent reputation of causing high BP either...expect salt to make a rebound like butter did.
There is nothing wrong with salting your food IF you prepare food from scratch

It's all the processed shit that has high sodium levels

When I cook I keep a ramekin full of coarse Kosher salt on the counter and use it liberally and my BP is just fine
They've found that all the anti-salt rhetoric is horseshit anyway. If you have a problem with water retention, you can reduce your salt intake. But all the anti-salt literature is bullshit, they've found. Just another weird fad that had no basis in real science.

It's funny, but when I was a kid - I used salt like it was going out of business. I guess that between the weather and constant sports - I needed it. However, now, at 72 - I RARELY add salt to anything. But I do agree - all this "eat this - don't eat that" rhetoric is nonsense. We've already seen the "scientists" change their minds multiple times about eggs, red meat and the like.

Eat what you want - just do it in moderation.
My poor grandma...when she was in her 70s, and maybe 110 lbs soaking wet, her dr went all nutty about cutting out salt and fat and everything else. She did such a good job that her electrolytes took a hit and she had a heart attack, CAUSED by removal of salt from her diet.

People are idiots. Use your head. Medical professionals are just as likely as anybody to fall for stupid fads, and pretend that it's "scientific".
My poor grandma...when she was in her 70s, and maybe 110 lbs soaking wet, her dr went all nutty about cutting out salt and fat and everything else. She did such a good job that her electrolytes took a hit and she had a heart attack, CAUSED by removal of salt from her diet.

People are idiots. Use your head. Medical professionals are just as likely as anybody to fall for stupid fads, and pretend that it's "scientific".

Anybody who doubts we came out of the sea and evolved into our current species should know our system has an identical salt content to sea water. Yet we can't drink sea water without getting sick. I agree that processed foods don't require any salting....they already have the proper amount we crave. And when I have a craving I satisfy it unless it's a cigarette.....I beat smoking by enjoying the craving without satisfying it and it finally went away. :razz:
so what about the DOE offends you?

That the federal government shouldn't involve itself in the internal affairs of the member states. It should concern itself with inter-state disputes, international affairs, and defending the states from invasion. Which is the supposed purpose for which it was established.

The states didn't establish their union because they needed it to educate their people.

The federal has every right to set rules under its general welfare authority and the commerce clause.

Your view of what the government should do does not comport with what you want it to do. Otherwise the constitution would have been three paragraphs long.

Do you think the founders were kidding when they said the government had the right to regulate all matters relating to commerce between the states or should legislate for the genera welfare of the country?

Can you show me one founder that said the federal government should "legislate" the general welfare?

When it comes to the general welfare, our Congress can "promote" it, but nowhere does it say legislate or fund it.
so what about the DOE offends you?

That the federal government shouldn't involve itself in the internal affairs of the member states. It should concern itself with inter-state disputes, international affairs, and defending the states from invasion. Which is the supposed purpose for which it was established.

The states didn't establish their union because they needed it to educate their people.

The federal has every right to set rules under its general welfare authority and the commerce clause.

Your view of what the government should do does not comport with what you want it to do. Otherwise the constitution would have been three paragraphs long.

Do you think the founders were kidding when they said the government had the right to regulate all matters relating to commerce between the states or should legislate for the genera welfare of the country?

Can you show me one founder that said the federal government should "legislate" the general welfare?

When it comes to the general welfare, our Congress can "promote" it, but nowhere does it say legislate or fund it.

Jillian is a big-government brownshirt. She doesn't give a crap about history, the concept of our Constitutional government, or the vision of the founding fathers, or the law, except as it exists to illegally restrict other people's freedom.
Why do we even have school lunch programs. We should just let mom prepare a home made meal for their kids. School lunch kind of sucks anyways.
Why do we even have school lunch programs. We should just let mom prepare a home made meal for their kids. School lunch kind of sucks anyways.
Why do we have feds meddling in education AT ALL???? They do NOT belong in our schools any more than they belong on our public lands. Get them the hell out.
Why do we have feds meddling in education AT ALL???? They do NOT belong in our schools any more than they belong on our public lands. Get them the hell out.

When the states came together to establish their union, they delegated to it a small set of very specific powers. These are enumerated in art I, section 8. If you peruse that list, nowhere will you find any power to be involved in any way in schools within the several states.
Why do we have feds meddling in education AT ALL???? They do NOT belong in our schools any more than they belong on our public lands. Get them the hell out.

When the states came together to establish their union, they delegated to it a small set of very specific powers. These are enumerated in art I, section 8. If you peruse that list, nowhere will you find any power to be involved in any way in schools within the several states.
I know it well ;)

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