Feds will use lethal force to break up protests by citizens in Murrieta

Stand on the sidewalks and protest, that is your right, but blocking the buses is not. I would arrest the lot of them, if necessary. That is the risk you take when you break the law in civil disobedience.

Oh yes it is....You don't get to decide what type of protest is acceptable just because you are on the side of the law breakers.
There is no law in place which states a bus load of illegal immigrants is free to move about the country.

Yeah, there certainly is.

Claims like that blow me away. It's illegal to block any traffic, let alone official government buses. The fact that you don't like the buses doesn't magically make it legal to stop them.

That's like claiming pacifists would be legally allowed to blockade military bases.
Pass a GD Immigration bill that will add trillions to the economy, choose reality with deserving illegals, and pass a good SS ID card so this doesn't happen AGAIN. Racist stupidity just doesn't accomplish anything.Mega rich greedy idiot Pubs love cheap labor and could give a shytte about you chumps, hater dupes...

Add trillions to the economy?
Trillions of what? Surely you are not referring to dollars?
Who the fuck is going to support these kids? You?
HA!..You people would not lift a finger.

Over ten years, the savings and additions to our economy would be over a trillion dollars- try reading something that's not bs Pub propaganda, fool.

They already are supported by liberal policies, as are you in an emergency- it's called civilization...now pass a jobs act, no more phony crises, and get feck out off the way of the recovery.:cuckoo::eusa_liar::eusa_whistle::
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If you doubt it look what they did in Ruby Ridge and Waco during the former liberal democrat administration.
If you doubt it look what they did in Ruby Ridge and Waco during the former liberal democrat administration.

...Yup, the ignorant, fundamentalist, and/or conspiracy nuts really get ginned up by the Pubs and their bs propaganda during Dem administrations...The GOP is a disgrace....:eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::::cuckoo::cuckoo::eusa_whistle:
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Blocking the buses is everyone's right.

If you set up roadblocks and refrain from violence then you're within the law.

However, if the government decides to attack peaceful protesters then they are breaking the law according to the constitution.

No roadblock, in violation of police order, is a criminal act.

Those who do that and do not disperse are criminals.

Crossing the border illegally is also illegal. If nothing else this thread shows how the liberal left, you included, love t o be the bully.

We have seen for a long time how much the deluded far right, including you, think you have power outside of the law and or common sense.

Follow the law, podjo.
Jones tells the RW's exactly what they want to hear, and there's a flood of exactly what RW's want to hear on this board.

You decide.

IMO Jones is a carnival barker and RW's are carnival clowns.
The far right clearly has no answer to the problem.

Which is: secure border, business reform, immigration path.
Not the path that is needed. And it is running down your chin again. :lol:

That is the problem with the far wacky right: they are AJ clones to the max. Er, clowns.
Not the path that is needed. And it is running down your chin again. :lol:

That is the problem with the far wacky right: they are AJ clones to the max. Er, clowns.

(smile)So you didn't REALLY mean "Follow the law", you meant "Follow whatever law" you agreed with.

Jake you are yesterday's pussy.
Not the path that is needed. And it is running down your chin again. :lol:

That is the problem with the far wacky right: they are AJ clones to the max. Er, clowns.

(smile)So you didn't REALLY mean "Follow the law", you meant "Follow whatever law" you agreed with. Jake you are yesterday's pussy.

You see your job ending soon, I can tell. That always' get you in a mood, but your industry brought on yourself.

Now to the OP: the current law is not working and cannot work.

The political back of the far right is breaking and will be completely broken after the election.

Then we can do real immigration reform.

You guys had your chance, and (heh heh) you blew it.
Not the path that is needed. And it is running down your chin again. :lol:

That is the problem with the far wacky right: they are AJ clones to the max. Er, clowns.

(smile)So you didn't REALLY mean "Follow the law", you meant "Follow whatever law" you agreed with.

Jake you are yesterday's pussy.
And the self-avowed racist joins the bs RW screamathon....:lol:
Not the path that is needed. And it is running down your chin again. :lol:

That is the problem with the far wacky right: they are AJ clones to the max. Er, clowns.

(smile)So you didn't REALLY mean "Follow the law", you meant "Follow whatever law" you agreed with. Jake you are yesterday's pussy.

You see your job ending soon, I can tell. That always' get you in a mood, but your industry brought on yourself.

Now to the OP: the current law is not working and cannot work.

The political back of the far right is breaking and will be completely broken after the election.

Then we can do real immigration reform.

You guys had your chance, and (heh heh) you blew it.

LOL, I'm still clearing 6 grand a month but carry on.

In 4 weeks I'll be in Mazatlan......it's all already paid for , two fishing trips....everything.

Look, I know that irks you.

How many of these colored folks you invited into your own home?


See you are all talk Jake, always have been,that's why you are so thin skinned.
You've never accomplished a thing in your life, not once.

The women you've cared about have always walked away from you.
There has never been one you've been able to satisfy, not one.

It must be very hard not ever knowing if your kids are well.....yours.
Those children are not refugees. They have been sent here by their parents to illegally take up space herein the US because there is a belief that Obama is going to allow amnesty for all illegals.
And don't think for a second that if Obama does get his way, there will not be a subsequent invasion.....By the parents of those kids.
This is all a planned incursion
They are refugees. You need to read the following story to learn why those children are being forced to come here not that it could make any difference to a prejudiced mind but it might help you to understand this situation better.

Undocumented Mother Released in San Diego Shares Story | NBC 7 San Diego
Some of you must think that the immigration problem started two decades ago, wrong, it started long before that.
Some came here for jobs, some came here for families and they were free too so for a long time. The numbers of illegals increased as the demand increased in agriculture and business. Some time find out how many were hired by construction companies, farms, the produce business and for domestic help.
For a long times illegals allowed us to have cheap food, cheap housing and cheap domestic help.
When the numbers were lower they were not a problem.
When we wanted them it was not a problem.
When the numbers increased and we didn't need or want them it became a problem.

I haven't seen a discussion on why families are sending their kid's to the USA.
I don't know if they love their kids or not.
Are they sending their kids here because they care about them?
Are they doing it so that the kids will have a roof over their heads, food in their stomachs, health care?
I'm sure some will grow up and break our laws, I'm also sure most will grow up and obey them.
What do the people protesting want us to do with them?
@ JakeStarkey


Yo baby......what it is.....you runnin from da fight bitch?
To deal with a couple of hundred nutjobs, no problem.

you do realize he has at his fingertips ALL of the formidable US Armed forces ready to do his bidding....? if they can go protect foreign borders they can certainly protect our own....so stop making up stupid excuses....

They aren't allowed to here. Learn the laws of this country.

sorry...but the DoD CAN provide our border agents with military assistance to protect our borders...

maybe you remember Operation Jump Start when Bush sent 6,000 troops to assist the border patrol...2006-2008...
in 2010 even Obama used an executive order to send 1200 troops down there....Operation Phalanx, ended 2011...
Army National Guard Operation Phalanx | Article | The United States Army

Obama needs to use his 'pen and phone' again and send several thousand more soldiers to help out....to provide all kinds of assist....ground surveillance, criminal investigative analysis, command and control, mobile communications, transportation, logistics, and training support...

he could also go to Congress and get approval for even more U.S. armed forces to stop this invasion....doubtful that'll ever happen...
obama would rather attack Americans than defend the border. Had I hope that goes around the world. It needs to be shouted from every rooftop.
(smile)So you didn't REALLY mean "Follow the law", you meant "Follow whatever law" you agreed with. Jake you are yesterday's pussy.

You see your job ending soon, I can tell. That always' get you in a mood, but your industry brought on yourself.

Now to the OP: the current law is not working and cannot work.

The political back of the far right is breaking and will be completely broken after the election.

Then we can do real immigration reform.

You guys had your chance, and (heh heh) you blew it.

LOL, I'm still clearing 6 grand a month but carry on. In 4 weeks I'll be in Mazatlan......it's all already paid for , two fishing trips....everything. Look, I know that irks you. How many of these colored folks you invited into your own home? None. See you are all talk Jake, always have been,that's why you are so thin skinned. You've never accomplished a thing in your life, not once. The women you've cared about have always walked away from you.
There has never been one you've been able to satisfy, not one. It must be very hard not ever knowing if your kids are well.....yours.

What a paragraph, my thin skinned friend. :lol:. You are on the run.

Enjoy your time, because the money will dry up soon for you. And then what will you? When the money runs out, and you can't go fishing for what you really want.
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you do realize he has at his fingertips ALL of the formidable US Armed forces ready to do his bidding....? if they can go protect foreign borders they can certainly protect our own....so stop making up stupid excuses....

They aren't allowed to here. Learn the laws of this country.

sorry...but the DoD CAN provide our border agents with military assistance to protect our borders...

maybe you remember Operation Jump Start when Bush sent 6,000 troops to assist the border patrol...2006-2008...
in 2010 even Obama used an executive order to send 1200 troops down there....Operation Phalanx, ended 2011...
Army National Guard Operation Phalanx | Article | The United States Army

Obama needs to use his 'pen and phone' again and send several thousand more soldiers to help out....to provide all kinds of assist....ground surveillance, criminal investigative analysis, command and control, mobile communications, transportation, logistics, and training support...

he could also go to Congress and get approval for even more U.S. armed forces to stop this invasion....doubtful that'll ever happen...

If the Republican majority in the House will not sign on, BHO won't do it.

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