Feds will use lethal force to break up protests by citizens in Murrieta

Not the path that is needed. And it is running down your chin again. :lol:

That is the problem with the far wacky right: they are AJ clones to the max. Er, clowns.

(smile)So you didn't REALLY mean "Follow the law", you meant "Follow whatever law" you agreed with.

Jake you are yesterday's pussy.
And the self-avowed racist joins the bs RW screamathon....:lol:

:lol: Yeah, antyroo is so easy to rile. Read above.
You see your job ending soon, I can tell. That always' get you in a mood, but your industry brought on yourself.

Now to the OP: the current law is not working and cannot work.

The political back of the far right is breaking and will be completely broken after the election.

Then we can do real immigration reform.

You guys had your chance, and (heh heh) you blew it.

LOL, I'm still clearing 6 grand a month but carry on. In 4 weeks I'll be in Mazatlan......it's all already paid for , two fishing trips....everything. Look, I know that irks you. How many of these colored folks you invited into your own home? None. See you are all talk Jake, always have been,that's why you are so thin skinned. You've never accomplished a thing in your life, not once. The women you've cared about have always walked away from you.
There has never been one you've been able to satisfy, not one. It must be very hard not ever knowing if your kids are well.....yours.

What a paragraph, my thin skinned friend. :lol:. You are on the run.

Enjoy your time, because the money will dry up soon for you. And then what will you? When the money runs out, and you can't go fishing for what you really want.

LOL, keep dreaming.

Very shortly I'll be catching Bass and Marlin ;)

Then guess what?

It will be open enrollment again ;)
Stand on the sidewalks and protest, that is your right, but blocking the buses is not. I would arrest the lot of them, if necessary. That is the risk you take when you break the law in civil disobedience.

Where was that attitude when the Occupooper protesters were shitting all over the streets and harassing adults and children trying to pass by? When some of them were arrested and even sprayed with pepper spray, the left was outraged. The left ignored it when there were countless assaults, rapes and a murder among those violent protesters.

I support these protesters and they have a damn good argument against allowing the government to trample our federal immigration laws. We have those laws to protect our citizens and this latest stunt of transporting disease-ridden illegals on public transportation into cities unprepared to deal with them is just wrong. This latest influx of illegals was orchestrated by Obama and this is something that should be protested. Civil disobedience is called for when the government is this corrupt.

Now they will use force - lethal force - to deal with these enemies of the state. The Obama administration must think an instant death sentence is a fair punishment for disagreeing with their breaking federal laws.
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Stand on the sidewalks and protest, that is your right, but blocking the buses is not. I would arrest the lot of them, if necessary. That is the risk you take when you break the law in civil disobedience.

Where was that attitude when the Occupooper protesters were shitting all over the streets and harassing adults and children trying to pass by? When some of them were arrested and even sprayed with pepper spray, the left was outraged. The left ignored it when there were countless assaults, rapes and a murder among those violent protesters.

I support these protesters and they have a damn good argument against allowing the government to trample our federal immigration laws. We have those laws to protect our citizens and this latest stunt of transporting disease-ridden illegals on public transportation into cities unprepared to deal with them is just wrong. This latest influx of illegals was orchestrated by Obama and this is something that should be protested. Civil disobedience is called for when the government is this corrupt.

Now they will use force - lethal force - to deal with these enemies of the state. The Obama administration must think an instant death sentence is a fair punishment for disagreeing with their breaking federal laws.

This^^^^^ I've asked the same thing numerous times when the resident BiatchKooks fire off regarding the Tea Party assembling. The OCW aka Mad Shitters fall in line with the leftist mantra of- destroy, burn, defecate, and then whine about it all.
LOL, I'm still clearing 6 grand a month but carry on. In 4 weeks I'll be in Mazatlan......it's all already paid for , two fishing trips....everything. Look, I know that irks you. How many of these colored folks you invited into your own home? None. See you are all talk Jake, always have been,that's why you are so thin skinned. You've never accomplished a thing in your life, not once. The women you've cared about have always walked away from you.
There has never been one you've been able to satisfy, not one. It must be very hard not ever knowing if your kids are well.....yours.

What a paragraph, my thin skinned friend. :lol:. You are on the run.

Enjoy your time, because the money will dry up soon for you. And then what will you? When the money runs out, and you can't go fishing for what you really want.

LOL, keep dreaming. Very shortly I'll be catching Bass and Marlin ;) Then guess what? It will be open enrollment again ;)

Oh, so you are being co-opted by the government? :lol:

That means your pay is going down over the next three years.

That's good.
Stand on the sidewalks and protest, that is your right, but blocking the buses is not. I would arrest the lot of them, if necessary. That is the risk you take when you break the law in civil disobedience.

Where was that attitude when the Occupooper protesters were shitting all over the streets and harassing adults and children trying to pass by? When some of them were arrested and even sprayed with pepper spray, the left was outraged. The left ignored it when there were countless assaults, rapes and a murder among those violent protesters.

I support these protesters and they have a damn good argument against allowing the government to trample our federal immigration laws. We have those laws to protect our citizens and this latest stunt of transporting disease-ridden illegals on public transportation into cities unprepared to deal with them is just wrong. This latest influx of illegals was orchestrated by Obama and this is something that should be protested. Civil disobedience is called for when the government is this corrupt.

Now they will use force - lethal force - to deal with these enemies of the state. The Obama administration must think an instant death sentence is a fair punishment for disagreeing with their breaking federal laws.

This^^^^^ I've asked the same thing numerous times when the resident BiatchKooks fire off regarding the Tea Party assembling. The OCW aka Mad Shitters fall in line with the leftist mantra of- destroy, burn, defecate, and then whine about it all.

Whine, whine, whine.

Go ahead. Protest. Go to jail. Do not pass go. Pay way more than $200.

The far right and libertarian power have been broken.

You are helpless and hopeless.
The left ignored it when there were countless assaults, rapes and a murder among those violent protesters.
That is right-wing nonsense, and if you break the law you may very well end up in jail and you can then ask for your day in court, it matters not what your politics are. The law is the law, break it at your own peril.
They aren't allowed to here. Learn the laws of this country.

sorry...but the DoD CAN provide our border agents with military assistance to protect our borders...

maybe you remember Operation Jump Start when Bush sent 6,000 troops to assist the border patrol...2006-2008...
in 2010 even Obama used an executive order to send 1200 troops down there....Operation Phalanx, ended 2011...
Army National Guard Operation Phalanx | Article | The United States Army

Obama needs to use his 'pen and phone' again and send several thousand more soldiers to help out....to provide all kinds of assist....ground surveillance, criminal investigative analysis, command and control, mobile communications, transportation, logistics, and training support...

he could also go to Congress and get approval for even more U.S. armed forces to stop this invasion....doubtful that'll ever happen...

If the Republican majority in the House will not sign on, BHO won't do it.
don't care....

he'll just do the 'pathways' and ignore doing the border....

we remember his many other lies....so he can just stuff it...
In other words, you know the battle is over and you have lost.

It is good to know when you are beaten.
you do realize he has at his fingertips ALL of the formidable US Armed forces ready to do his bidding....? if they can go protect foreign borders they can certainly protect our own....so stop making up stupid excuses....

They aren't allowed to here. Learn the laws of this country.

sorry...but the DoD CAN provide our border agents with military assistance to protect our borders...

maybe you remember Operation Jump Start when Bush sent 6,000 troops to assist the border patrol...2006-2008...
in 2010 even Obama used an executive order to send 1200 troops down there....Operation Phalanx, ended 2011...
Army National Guard Operation Phalanx | Article | The United States Army

Obama needs to use his 'pen and phone' again and send several thousand more soldiers to help out....to provide all kinds of assist....ground surveillance, criminal investigative analysis, command and control, mobile communications, transportation, logistics, and training support...

he could also go to Congress and get approval for even more U.S. armed forces to stop this invasion....doubtful that'll ever happen...
You are allowed to use the National Guard, not the real Military. Use away...
In other words, you know the battle is over and you have lost.

It is good to know when you are beaten.

hell no....it's just warming up....

we know BO orchestrated this immigrant children 'crisis' to push Congress into passiing his immigration bill...

you guys are the ones fighting for survival at this point...
This could very well be the tipping point, or the crossing of the "line in the sand".

Over 300 MILLION firearms in this country, Mr. Obama. Remember that. Don't disregard this fact.


You guys crack me up. Cries of revolution everyday. So when are you going to roll? Less talk, more action.
This could very well be the tipping point, or the crossing of the "line in the sand".

Over 300 MILLION firearms in this country, Mr. Obama. Remember that. Don't disregard this fact.


You guys crack me up. Cries of revolution everyday. So when are you going to roll? Less talk, more action.

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Here is a foolish comment: "we know BO orchestrated this immigrant children 'crisis' to push Congress into passiing his immigration bill..."

You know nothing of the sort. :lol:
You guys crack me up. Cries of revolution everyday. So when are you going to roll? Less talk, more action.

Really. They've been "starting a revolutio" for the last five years now.

I'm tired of waiting.

Good to know that they spent their life saving on guns to overthrow the gub'mint when they don't have the balls to actually do it.
How about this. What if the Congress did pass an new immigration bill. Within that bill it stated that all those who are illegal in the US today can become citizens. But in order to do so they must return to their land of origin and wait their turn just like all immigrants had to wait. Then if they want to come to the US they show they have some means of support other then the US government.

If that were to pass would the left be happy? If anything other then amnesty or the dream act is passed will the left be happy? HELL NO! Their way or the highway that is why Washington is deadlocked the damn left won't budge on anything.
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Everyone agrees there are enogh votes to pass an immigration bill if GOP reps were allowed to vote- not reported on YOUR bs "news"...:eusa_liar::cuckoo::eusa_whistle:

Again, what difference would a vote make? What do you think will come of a vote? Will more or less immigrant try and cross? If we have learned anything from history if we do as the liberals say and pass amnesty with the alleged purpose of getting immigration under control the border will open wider then the dam at Johnstown. There will be no reason for anyone not to come. I hope they move some into your spare bedroom.

The Schumer/Lindsay Graham bill also includes provision for a good SS/ID card which would FINALLY end the Pub DEFENDED ability of illegals to pass as American, you ignorant Pub dupe- change the channel and get some actual news:cuckoo::cuckoo::eusa_liar::badgrin::

Your posts have reached the point of babbling incoherently, sorry I do not see what you have posted has anything to do with what I asked.

What difference would voting on an immigration bill make? Would it reduce the number of illegals or merely make them legal?
How about this. What if the Congress did pass an new immigration bill. Within that bill it stated that all those who are illegal in the US today can become citizens. But in order to do so they must return to their land of origin and wait their turn just like all immigrants had to wait. Then if they want to come to the US they show they have some means of support other then the US government.

If that were to pass would the left be happy? If anything other then amnesty or the dream act is passed will the left be happy? HELL NO! Their way or the highway that is why Washington is deadlocked the damn left won't budge on anything.

Hell no, and doesn't say they have to go home if they're worthy...dingbat.:lol:

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