Feds will use lethal force to break up protests by citizens in Murrieta

The far right and libertarian power have been broken.

You are helpless and hopeless.

The American Revolution was fought by 2.7% of the population; what do you think 10-20% of the population with 300,000,000 modern firearms can do? The US can't even fights the Afghans using stone age modifications to their firearms and home-made ammunition that often jams.
Wow, what kind of madness is going on??? Murrieta residents don't want the illegal people invading and harming them with disease, violence and huge costs. It's an invasion of foreign people that the govt. insists on dumping in a city that can't and don't want to support. The government is illegally participating in human and child trafficking, this should be stopped immediately but Obama must be really mad because the citizens fought back so now I hope and pray the govt. doesn't cause harm to the citizens of Murrieta.

» Feds Plan Riot Cops to Push Through Illegals in California Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

“We’re being told that federal Marshals or ICE will be here in the next few days and that they are bringing riot gear,” Murrieta resident John Henry said. “They’re apparently going to be blocking off the street with concrete blockades so that no vehicles can get through. The River County Sheriff’s Department showed up last night and brought huge watch tower that shoots up into the air 35 feet.”

The government rerouted the buses to San Diego when the protesters blocked access last week. The feds claim the demonstrators pose a threat to the illegals.

“The Department of Homeland security said that because of security concerns, it will not publicize immigrant transfers among border patrol,” CBS News reported on Saturday.

Let them fire the first shot.

Every single "ICE" officer is a traitor to this country and should be treated accordingly! Along with everyone in Washington!

United States Code at 18 U.S.C. § 2381
states "whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war
against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort
within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned!

They're burning our flag in hatred as well.

"Our government... teaches the whole people by its example. If the government becomes the lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy." -- Justice Louis D Brandeis (SCOTUS)
And you believe Alex Jones, the conspiracy theorist? You know, supporters of the Second Amendment are so Pro-Gun aren't they? Well don't lose sight of the fact that officers of the law carry and use guns too as part of their gear in order to control rowdy crowds like those trying to stop the buses with the refugee children. No one should therefore object to their use of guns in situations that warrant it in order to keep the peace. Let that be a warning to residents of Murrieta and other places that further demonstrations like these will not be tolerated if they become overly disruptive of what the government has been charged to do.

Those hateful and ignorant people have brought it all out on themselves by standing in front of buses and trying to play hard politics with this issue. The law has tolerated them for a bit but now it's time to bring in the Feds, the Big Guys, to show them that they Cannot and Will Not stand in the way of these buses and their mission to deliver the children where they have been assigned to any longer. Hopefully there will not be any casualties but if there are, those eccentric people will have no one to blame but themselves in the end for being disruptive and disobedient of the law.

Heil Fucking Hitl..., ahhhhh, Hussein Ubama

i am not too surprised to read two traitorous notes displaying their hatred of America and American values and traditions.
Stand on the sidewalks and protest, that is your right, but blocking the buses is not.

That's for a Jury of our Peers to decide, not you.

After you're arrested that can be true. Jury Nullification - they could decided to ignore the law, but the laws about blocking traffic, which is illegal, are already on the books. That is the law the police are going to be enforcing in this case, that and interfering with a Federal Agency and its officers I suspect.

:fu:......, TRAITOR !!
"we know BO orchestrated this immigrant children 'crisis' to push Congress into passiing his immigration bill..."
I'm not saying that President Obama is not going to use the kid's crossing the border as a means of applying pressure; but don't all politicians do that. Oh, wait! It must be all right if you agree with the person that does it; but it's wrong for a person you hate and disagree with.
I can understand your disagreeing with him, I can't understand the hate part. The hate campaign started as he entered the WH. It didn't take long before every problem in the world was his fault.
If you can prove a rational explanation I'm sure that many would like to hear it. Having social programs does not make a government socialist, So you may want to define Socialism or at least look it up first. I know you are going to say he wants a Socialist or Communistic form of government and as hard as it must be to accept hearing this, your wrong.
This could very well be the tipping point, or the crossing of the "line in the sand".

Over 300 MILLION firearms in this country, Mr. Obama. Remember that. Don't disregard this fact.


You guys crack me up. Cries of revolution everyday. So when are you going to roll? Less talk, more action.

do you know anything about history ? when the fucking king started screwing over the colonists it took them several years to fight king george's army.
what do you know about the "Seven Years War ?

or this:
The Revolutionary War - AP U.S. History Topic Outlines - Study Notes

after you do some research, get back to me and i'll fill you in on the "rest of the story".
Here is a foolish comment: "we know BO orchestrated this immigrant children 'crisis' to push Congress into passiing his immigration bill..."

You know nothing of the sort. :lol:

Fakey before you even get started just STFU.. You're demonstrably stupid.

This from the one who was whining and crying and telling the Board mgt what to do with her membership and postings. :lol:

LGS, no one knowledgeable is concerned with your comments in the least about this situation

You have demonstrated for years you have no grasp of American culture and rights.

None of you bozos nothing anything of the sort about BHO and the crisis as suggested.
How about this. What if the Congress did pass an new immigration bill. Within that bill it stated that all those who are illegal in the US today can become citizens. But in order to do so they must return to their land of origin and wait their turn just like all immigrants had to wait. Then if they want to come to the US they show they have some means of support other then the US government.

If that were to pass would the left be happy? If anything other then amnesty or the dream act is passed will the left be happy? HELL NO! Their way or the highway that is why Washington is deadlocked the damn left won't budge on anything.

Freewill, either the GOP understands that it cannot get the Senate this fall and stands a good chance of losing everything in 2016, or it changes its stance with Hispanics and immigrants.
The far right and libertarian power have been broken.

You are helpless and hopeless.

The American Revolution was fought by 2.7% of the population; what do you think 10-20% of the population with 300,000,000 modern firearms can do? The US can't even fights the Afghans using stone age modifications to their firearms and home-made ammunition that often jams.[/QUOTE

It was fought by 25 to 30% of the population, opposed by 15%, and everyone else was neutral.

You will manage at the most perhaps 20000 or 30000 sillies like yourself, no more.]
That's for a Jury of our Peers to decide, not you.

After you're arrested that can be true. Jury Nullification - they could decided to ignore the law, but the laws about blocking traffic, which is illegal, are already on the books. That is the law the police are going to be enforcing in this case, that and interfering with a Federal Agency and its officers I suspect.

:fu:......, TRAITOR !!

Yup, that's what you folks are on the far, far right.
Is anyone surprised some would be for this, as long as it's against their Fellow countrymen and women
Get rid of a bunch of right wing anti American terrorists...that would be a great thing all in itself. Then the "Feds" could move over to Nevada and clean out those white trash Bundy goons, too...

Makes me smile just thinking about it.
Get rid of a bunch of right wing anti American terrorists...that would be a great thing all in itself. Then the "Feds" could move over to Nevada and clean out those white trash Bundy goons, too...

Makes me smile just thinking about it.

probably gives a hardon/orgasm too
Here is a foolish comment: "we know BO orchestrated this immigrant children 'crisis' to push Congress into passiing his immigration bill..."

You know nothing of the sort. :lol:

It's not hard to imagine.

They've been processing these kids in secret for years.

Why is that?

I've been hearing about this for months. Only recently has it become public.

Because they've discovered staying was so easy now they're flooding the borders, so this is all Obama's doing.
Oh, for pete's sake, Mud, I did not realize that you are a conspiracist.
How about this. What if the Congress did pass an new immigration bill. Within that bill it stated that all those who are illegal in the US today can become citizens. But in order to do so they must return to their land of origin and wait their turn just like all immigrants had to wait. Then if they want to come to the US they show they have some means of support other then the US government.

If that were to pass would the left be happy? If anything other then amnesty or the dream act is passed will the left be happy? HELL NO! Their way or the highway that is why Washington is deadlocked the damn left won't budge on anything.

Freewill, either the GOP understands that it cannot get the Senate this fall and stands a good chance of losing everything in 2016, or it changes its stance with Hispanics and immigrants.

As with everything you liberal democrats stand for it is political. Never mind what I posted is exactly correct. The left won't budge that is the problem. We have immigration laws now which we could very well enforce but the liberal left sees a poor man revolution where they can maintain power without giving a crap about what they do to the middle class.

You are right though it is way to late. The 47 percent is may just be to large to overcome. But even if 3 million illegals flooded the border and were given the vote if Americans got off their duff and actually voted then the illegals wouldn't make a difference.

What will win for your democrats is what always wins, false promises and division as your post so certainly show.

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