Feds will use lethal force to break up protests by citizens in Murrieta

AMAZING how the Obama administration can find enough armed agents to stop LEGAL citizens.....:evil:

yeah they always have room for that

also odd during the layoff of fed employees during the shutdown

found no shortages of employees to close down

the parks and such
Get rid of a bunch of right wing anti American terrorists...that would be a great thing all in itself. Then the "Feds" could move over to Nevada and clean out those white trash Bundy goons, too...

Makes me smile just thinking about it.

Yeah man, the government should have rolled on those damn occupiers. Should have taken Sherman tanks and ran their loud mouth asses over. At least with those folks, unlike Bundy, they were engaging in trespass and civil disobedience. Remember the one that took a dump on a cop car? Should have ended up with a bullet in the ass.

Uppity Native Americans demanding rights? Ever hear of Wounded Knee?

Not sure why violence is always the answer for some especially the liberal left. I think it is connected to gun control. They want to be able to roll in on people peacefully living their lives and shoot them up without a risk of anyone shooting back, Ruby Ridge, Waco.

BTW what effect has Bundy had on your life that you wish him dead?
Get rid of a bunch of right wing anti American terrorists...that would be a great thing all in itself. Then the "Feds" could move over to Nevada and clean out those white trash Bundy goons, too...

Makes me smile just thinking about it.

probably gives a hardon/orgasm too

:lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :up:

some people on this board is damn scary...right or left this kind of stuff to me is stupid
How about this. What if the Congress did pass an new immigration bill. Within that bill it stated that all those who are illegal in the US today can become citizens. But in order to do so they must return to their land of origin and wait their turn just like all immigrants had to wait. Then if they want to come to the US they show they have some means of support other then the US government.

If that were to pass would the left be happy? If anything other then amnesty or the dream act is passed will the left be happy? HELL NO! Their way or the highway that is why Washington is deadlocked the damn left won't budge on anything.

Freewill, either the GOP understands that it cannot get the Senate this fall and stands a good chance of losing everything in 2016, or it changes its stance with Hispanics and immigrants.

As with everything you liberal democrats stand for it is political. Never mind what I posted is exactly correct. The left won't budge that is the problem. We have immigration laws now which we could very well enforce but the liberal left sees a poor man revolution where they can maintain power without giving a crap about what they do to the middle class.

You are right though it is way to late. The 47 percent is may just be to large to overcome. But even if 3 million illegals flooded the border and were given the vote if Americans got off their duff and actually voted then the illegals wouldn't make a difference.

What will win for your democrats is what always wins, false promises and division as your post so certainly show.

The usual "liberal, liberal, liberal" mantra; this is a crisis, and no, the US cannot accept thousands streaming over the border. As the President called for two billion for the onslaught, he was ignored by Congress, now in recess. Gov. Perry wants 500 million just for reimbursement. Write those in Congress, I did, and expect an expensive solution; minors have certain exemptions. Amendments to the current laws are required.
probably gives a hardon/orgasm too

:lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :up:

some people on this board is damn scary...right or left this kind of stuff to me is stupid

Stupid like this ?

Lets Roll people before it's too late
pass this around


Posted by Harry Riley on December 20, 2013 at 9:19pm in American Spring
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Freewill, either the GOP understands that it cannot get the Senate this fall and stands a good chance of losing everything in 2016, or it changes its stance with Hispanics and immigrants.

As with everything you liberal democrats stand for it is political. Never mind what I posted is exactly correct. The left won't budge that is the problem. We have immigration laws now which we could very well enforce but the liberal left sees a poor man revolution where they can maintain power without giving a crap about what they do to the middle class.

You are right though it is way to late. The 47 percent is may just be to large to overcome. But even if 3 million illegals flooded the border and were given the vote if Americans got off their duff and actually voted then the illegals wouldn't make a difference.

What will win for your democrats is what always wins, false promises and division as your post so certainly show.

The usual "liberal, liberal, liberal" mantra; this is a crisis, and no, the US cannot accept thousands streaming over the border. As the President called for two billion for the onslaught, he was ignored by Congress, now in recess. Gov. Perry wants 500 million just for reimbursement. Write those in Congress, I did, and expect an expensive solution; minors have certain exemptions. Amendments to the current laws are required.

Name your opinion of an amendment that will change anything going on at the border. We do have a humanitarian disaster created by non-enforcement of the laws we already have. Apparently the proposed alternative is to make that which is now illegal, legal. How would that stop one child from being forced across the border?
:lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :up:

some people on this board is damn scary...right or left this kind of stuff to me is stupid

Stupid like this ?

Lets Roll people before it's too late
pass this around


Posted by Harry Riley on December 20, 2013 at 9:19pm in American Spring
View Discussions


Yeah man, the government should roll up on those who don't understand sarcasm.
Wow, what kind of madness is going on??? Murrieta residents don't want the illegal people invading and harming them with disease, violence and huge costs. It's an invasion of foreign people that the govt. insists on dumping in a city that can't and don't want to support. The government is illegally participating in human and child trafficking, this should be stopped immediately but Obama must be really mad because the citizens fought back so now I hope and pray the govt. doesn't cause harm to the citizens of Murrieta.

» Feds Plan Riot Cops to Push Through Illegals in California Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

“We’re being told that federal Marshals or ICE will be here in the next few days and that they are bringing riot gear,” Murrieta resident John Henry said. “They’re apparently going to be blocking off the street with concrete blockades so that no vehicles can get through. The River County Sheriff’s Department showed up last night and brought huge watch tower that shoots up into the air 35 feet.”

The government rerouted the buses to San Diego when the protesters blocked access last week. The feds claim the demonstrators pose a threat to the illegals.

“The Department of Homeland security said that because of security concerns, it will not publicize immigrant transfers among border patrol,” CBS News reported on Saturday.

Let them fire the first shot.

Every single "ICE" officer is a traitor to this country and should be treated accordingly! Along with everyone in Washington!

United States Code at 18 U.S.C. § 2381
states "whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war
against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort
within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned!

They're burning our flag in hatred as well.

"Our government... teaches the whole people by its example. If the government becomes the lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy." -- Justice Louis D Brandeis (SCOTUS)
And you believe Alex Jones, the conspiracy theorist? You know, supporters of the Second Amendment are so Pro-Gun aren't they? Well don't lose sight of the fact that officers of the law carry and use guns too as part of their gear in order to control rowdy crowds like those trying to stop the buses with the refugee children. No one should therefore object to their use of guns in situations that warrant it in order to keep the peace. Let that be a warning to residents of Murrieta and other places that further demonstrations like these will not be tolerated if they become overly disruptive of what the government has been charged to do.

Those hateful and ignorant people have brought it all out on themselves by standing in front of buses and trying to play hard politics with this issue. The law has tolerated them for a bit but now it's time to bring in the Feds, the Big Guys, to show them that they Cannot and Will Not stand in the way of these buses and their mission to deliver the children where they have been assigned to any longer. Hopefully there will not be any casualties but if there are, those eccentric people will have no one to blame but themselves in the end for being disruptive and disobedient of the law.

Alex Jones is a bullshit artist. I can at least agree there.

However your "mentality" disgusts me beyond words.

I can image tools like you saying:

a bed wetting liberal in 1939 Germany said:
"Well the jews didn't register and show up at their relocation point, so now the government has to get tough and drag them out of their hiding places.... Heil Hitler!!"

If it wasn't for sick, mindless, servile scum sucking parasitic sacks of shit like you, millions of people would not have been victims of left wing governments mass murders. Sowhen I wish people like you had been sucked out of the womb and down into the sewer where you belong, I whole heartedly mean exactly that. You motherfucking sociopaths are genetic garbage.
What a paragraph, my thin skinned friend. :lol:. You are on the run.

Enjoy your time, because the money will dry up soon for you. And then what will you? When the money runs out, and you can't go fishing for what you really want.

LOL, keep dreaming. Very shortly I'll be catching Bass and Marlin ;) Then guess what? It will be open enrollment again ;)

Oh, so you are being co-opted by the government? :lol:

That means your pay is going down over the next three years.

That's good.

Poor Fakey, on your BEST day you could never rile me :)
What will win for your democrats is what always wins, false promises and division as your post so certainly show.

And as usual you far right reactionary wing nuts will defeat my Republican Party in the elections as is always the case: lying to the mainstream that is so easily revealed, making unkeepable promises to the crazy social cons, winking to the neo-cons, and punishing women.
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After you're arrested that can be true. Jury Nullification - they could decided to ignore the law, but the laws about blocking traffic, which is illegal, are already on the books. That is the law the police are going to be enforcing in this case, that and interfering with a Federal Agency and its officers I suspect.

They won't use deadly force, this doesn't add up to that. If however one of these morons gets run over, so be it, they were warned.

You are quite the Barry lap dog aren't you? Puppets, such as yourself , are the very essence of why this country is under seige by radical domestic forces. You, and others like you, remind me of another country and another time in history when people blindly followed a tyrant and walked in lockstep to his every despicable, insane policy, and his insatiable thirst for power and dominance.

Puppets describe the reactionary racist far right drones that simply goose step to AJ and RB and the rest of the goon loons.

The government has the law, the facilities, the infrastructure, and the weaponry to make sure what happens is what its official want to happen.
Jake. How in the hell does someone accumulate 75,000 posts? Don't you have a frigging life? There is a big, wonderful world above and apart from this board you know.
Jake. How in the hell does someone accumulate 75,000 posts? Don't you have a frigging life? There is a big, wonderful world above and apart from this board you know.

Obviously not for him. I doubt he can even walk up the basement stairs any longer.

And you believe Alex Jones, the conspiracy theorist? You know, supporters of the Second Amendment are so Pro-Gun aren't they?

Woah, are you claiming that the Feds haven't threatened to use violent force? Are you claiming Alex Jones invented this story?


Dueling immigration rallies in Calif. town; 6 arrested

SOURCE: Feds to Bring in Riot Squad Against Illegal Immigration Protesters

How do cops arrest anyone w/o some degree of force? Let's cut to the chase, you just think these folks are justified in breaking the law to prevent Immigration and NOT Deportation for housing the illegal immigrants in a facility the feds have every power to use.
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They won't use deadly force, this doesn't add up to that. If however one of these morons gets run over, so be it, they were warned.

You are quite the Barry lap dog aren't you? Puppets, such as yourself , are the very essence of why this country is under seige by radical domestic forces. You, and others like you, remind me of another country and another time in history when people blindly followed a tyrant and walked in lockstep to his every despicable, insane policy, and his insatiable thirst for power and dominance.



If not for mindless drones like these dipshit bed wetting moonbat parasites men like hitler, mao, pol pot, stalin... just to name the most notorious leftwing butchers, could not possibly have achieved the power to wipe out the millions they have.

Here we sit on the brink of losing our republic to a smarmy pseudointellectual subhuman mongrel, and these idiots will defend his every action with deflection, lies, and irrational blathering. I truly hope our next president is either a true conservative that rolls back liberal bullshit. No slow it down or "compromise" with nefarious democrook scumbags, but reverse the leftist trend our country is headed in.

Failing that we need a modern American Augusto Pinochet to exile or if necessary kill off a few million of these parasitic genetic disasters, or we're going to be the next nation that experiences the systematic murder of tens of millions of innocent people in concentration style prisons and soviet gulags.

We can give them the choice to leave freely, go find a socialist utopia elsewhere or die. It's not a chance any of the victims of the left ever got.

It's also why I not only support liberals getting abortions, but I advocate it. Every time a liberal dies, 10 lives are saved. I've really begun to hate them that much.

As long as it not THEIR towns..what do give a shit?

they can then come on here and beat their scrawny chest like screeching apes..

I think they won't be happy until a few people DIE over this
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I think you leftists should back up the cops and federal government thugs you admire so much. Join the party and get in on the action. What are you afraid of?

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