Feds will use lethal force to break up protests by citizens in Murrieta

If it turned into a riot complete with burning the border patrol facility to the ground you can bet something would cause the feds to take notice. It's not true that violence helps nothing. Sometimes violence is the only thing that helps. It is the collective voice of the people screaming ENOUGH.

The Feds have taken notice, and they're going to start throwing people in jail if they break the law.

Wear nice underwear, there might be a strip-search...

In major riots everyone is always released. Spread the rebellion and give the feds something to think about. Can this spark something greater that throwing a few people in jail. I hope so.

That reasoning sounds as goofy as the lefties in the 1960s.
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Wow, what kind of madness is going on??? Murrieta residents don't want the illegal people invading and harming them with disease, violence and huge costs. It's an invasion of foreign people that the govt. insists on dumping in a city that can't and don't want to support. The government is illegally participating in human and child trafficking, ..........

You've got it backwards. Federal law states that children coming into the country illegally must be first taken into federal custody to ascertain if they are victims of human traffickers.
The citizens of Murrieta have the right to protest but they can't stop the process and interfere.

Sorry if Alex Jones doesn't understand the law, either. [[[rolling eyes]]]

U.S. Laws on Trafficking in Persons
U.S. Laws and Legislation on Trafficking in Persons
The Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000 (P.L. 106-386), the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2003 (H.R. 2620), the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2005 (H.R. 972), and the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008 (H.R. 7311) provide the tools to combat trafficking in persons both worldwide and domestically. The Acts authorized the establishment of G/TIP and the President's Interagency Task Force to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons to assist in the coordination of anti-trafficking efforts.

-03/07/13 Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2013 (Title XII of the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013)
-01/01/08 William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008
-01/10/06 Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2005
-01/07/03 Prosecutorial Remedies and Other Tools To End the Exploitation of Children Today Act of 2003 (PROTECT Act)
-01/07/03 Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2003
-01/07/03 U.S. Leadership on HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria Act of 2003 [230 Kb]
-10/28/00 Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000
The Feds have taken notice, and they're going to start throwing people in jail if they break the law.

Wear nice underwear, there might be a strip-search...

In major riots everyone is always released. Spread the rebellion and give the feds something to think about. Can this spark something greater that throwing a few people in jail.

I hope so.
With the attention span of the American people, not a chance. This isn't even news, until somebody gets killed...

I wonder if all those fun guys from Cliven Bundy's ranch are arriving to help out. They don't have anything else to do.
The government is illegally participating in human and child trafficking, ..... is a deliberate falsehood.
The government is illegally participating in human and child trafficking, ..... is a deliberate falsehood.

I've posted the link to federal human trafficking laws about 4-5 times now on this board. I guess it needs its own thread. Legally since 2000 children crossing the border cannot be turned back into their own country until it can be confirmed they are not being sold, like drugs, to a buyer.
Watching McLaughlin- maybe for the first time, the border COULD be secured- with drones....

Kats- violence is NEVER a good idea. Like with Bundy, there are few actual protesters, not many incredible loudmouth ignorant brainwashed whack jobs- and every time they talk they LOSE support.

Boehner should allow a vote. The TP GOP is a disgrace.
Stand on the sidewalks and protest, that is your right, but blocking the buses is not. I would arrest the lot of them, if necessary. That is the risk you take when you break the law in civil disobedience.

Would you arrest them and then bus them to be housed in some other town?

This is a humanitarian disaster and Obama should be on trial for letting it happen.
Watching McLaughlin- maybe for the first time, the border COULD be secured- with drones....

Kats- violence is NEVER a good idea. Like with Bundy, there are few actual protesters, not many incredible loudmouth ignorant brainwashed whack jobs- and every time they talk they LOSE support.

Boehner should allow a vote. The TP GOP is a disgrace.

What difference would a vote make?
If it turned into a riot complete with burning the border patrol facility to the ground you can bet something would cause the feds to take notice. It's not true that violence helps nothing. Sometimes violence is the only thing that helps. It is the collective voice of the people screaming ENOUGH.

The Feds have taken notice, and they're going to start throwing people in jail if they break the law.

Wear nice underwear, there might be a strip-search...

Except of course those crossing the border illegally.
Stand on the sidewalks and protest, that is your right, but blocking the buses is not. I would arrest the lot of them, if necessary. That is the risk you take when you break the law in civil disobedience.

Oh yes it is....You don't get to decide what type of protest is acceptable just because you are on the side of the law breakers.
There is no law in place which states a bus load of illegal immigrants is free to move about the country.
Stand on the sidewalks and protest, that is your right, but blocking the buses is not. I would arrest the lot of them, if necessary. That is the risk you take when you break the law in civil disobedience.

Blocking the buses is everyone's right.

If you set up roadblocks and refrain from violence then you're within the law.

However, if the government decides to attack peaceful protesters then they are breaking the law according to the constitution.

No roadblock, in violation of police order, is a criminal act.

Those who do that and do not disperse are criminals.

Crossing the border illegally is also illegal. If nothing else this thread shows how the liberal left, you included, love t o be the bully.
Watching McLaughlin- maybe for the first time, the border COULD be secured- with drones....

Kats- violence is NEVER a good idea. Like with Bundy, there are few actual protesters, not many incredible loudmouth ignorant brainwashed whack jobs- and every time they talk they LOSE support.

Boehner should allow a vote. The TP GOP is a disgrace.

What difference would a vote make?

Everyone agrees there are enough votes to pass an immigration bill if GOP reps were allowed to vote- not reported on YOUR bs "news"...:eusa_liar::cuckoo::eusa_whistle:
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Wow, what kind of madness is going on??? Murrieta residents don't want the illegal people invading and harming them with disease, violence and huge costs. It's an invasion of foreign people that the govt. insists on dumping in a city that can't and don't want to support. The government is illegally participating in human and child trafficking, this should be stopped immediately but Obama must be really mad because the citizens fought back so now I hope and pray the govt. doesn't cause harm to the citizens of Murrieta.

» Feds Plan Riot Cops to Push Through Illegals in California Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

“We’re being told that federal Marshals or ICE will be here in the next few days and that they are bringing riot gear,” Murrieta resident John Henry said. “They’re apparently going to be blocking off the street with concrete blockades so that no vehicles can get through. The River County Sheriff’s Department showed up last night and brought huge watch tower that shoots up into the air 35 feet.”

The government rerouted the buses to San Diego when the protesters blocked access last week. The feds claim the demonstrators pose a threat to the illegals.

“The Department of Homeland security said that because of security concerns, it will not publicize immigrant transfers among border patrol,” CBS News reported on Saturday.

Let them fire the first shot.

Every single "ICE" officer is a traitor to this country and should be treated accordingly! Along with everyone in Washington!

United States Code at 18 U.S.C. § 2381
states "whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war
against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort
within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned!

They're burning our flag in hatred as well.

"Our government... teaches the whole people by its example. If the government becomes the lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy." -- Justice Louis D Brandeis (SCOTUS)
And you believe Alex Jones, the conspiracy theorist? You know, supporters of the Second Amendment are so Pro-Gun aren't they? Well don't lose sight of the fact that officers of the law carry and use guns too as part of their gear in order to control rowdy crowds like those trying to stop the buses with the refugee children. No one should therefore object to their use of guns in situations that warrant it in order to keep the peace. Let that be a warning to residents of Murrieta and other places that further demonstrations like these will not be tolerated if they become overly disruptive of what the government has been charged to do.

Those hateful and ignorant people have brought it all out on themselves by standing in front of buses and trying to play hard politics with this issue. The law has tolerated them for a bit but now it's time to bring in the Feds, the Big Guys, to show them that they Cannot and Will Not stand in the way of these buses and their mission to deliver the children where they have been assigned to any longer. Hopefully there will not be any casualties but if there are, those eccentric people will have no one to blame but themselves in the end for being disruptive and disobedient of the law.

Those children are not refugees. They have been sent here by their parents to illegally take up space herein the US because there is a belief that Obama is going to allow amnesty for all illegals.
And don't think for a second that if Obama does get his way, there will not be a subsequent invasion.....By the parents of those kids.
This is all a planned incursion
Watching McLaughlin- maybe for the first time, the border COULD be secured- with drones....

Kats- violence is NEVER a good idea. Like with Bundy, there are few actual protesters, not many incredible loudmouth ignorant brainwashed whack jobs- and every time they talk they LOSE support.

Boehner should allow a vote. The TP GOP is a disgrace.

What difference would a vote make?

Everyone agrees there are enogh votes to pass an immigration bill if GOP reps were allowed to vote- not reported on YOUR bs "news"...:eusa_liar::cuckoo::eusa_whistle:

Again, what difference would a vote make? What do you think will come of a vote? Will more or less immigrant try and cross? If we have learned anything from history if we do as the liberals say and pass amnesty with the alleged purpose of getting immigration under control the border will open wider then the dam at Johnstown. There will be no reason for anyone not to come. I hope they move some into your spare bedroom.
Blocking the buses is everyone's right.

If you set up roadblocks and refrain from violence then you're within the law.

However, if the government decides to attack peaceful protesters then they are breaking the law according to the constitution.

No roadblock, in violation of police order, is a criminal act.

Those who do that and do not disperse are criminals.

Crossing the border illegally is also illegal. If nothing else this thread shows how the liberal left, you included, love t o be the bully.

Blocking highways is illegal, ya brainwashed a-holes lol...:cuckoo::cuckoo:Screaming at children on a bus is simply a disgrace...Hater dupes!!:cuckoo::eusa_liar::eusa_whistle:
Pass a GD Immigration bill that will add trillions to the economy, choose reality with deserving illegals, and pass a good SS ID card so this doesn't happen AGAIN. Racist stupidity just doesn't accomplish anything.Mega rich greedy idiot Pubs love cheap labor and could give a shytte about you chumps, hater dupes...

Add trillions to the economy?
Trillions of what? Surely you are not referring to dollars?
Who the fuck is going to support these kids? You?
HA!..You people would not lift a finger.
What difference would a vote make?

Everyone agrees there are enogh votes to pass an immigration bill if GOP reps were allowed to vote- not reported on YOUR bs "news"...:eusa_liar::cuckoo::eusa_whistle:

Again, what difference would a vote make? What do you think will come of a vote? Will more or less immigrant try and cross? If we have learned anything from history if we do as the liberals say and pass amnesty with the alleged purpose of getting immigration under control the border will open wider then the dam at Johnstown. There will be no reason for anyone not to come. I hope they move some into your spare bedroom.

The Schumer/Lindsay Graham bill also includes provision for a good SS/ID card which would FINALLY end the Pub DEFENDED ability of illegals to pass as American, you ignorant Pub dupe- change the channel and get some actual news:cuckoo::cuckoo::eusa_liar::badgrin::
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