Feel-good News


Sep 23, 2010
Janet Napolitano moved on to bigger things, and a lot more money, while Kathleen Sebelius is finally taking some heat. It’s feel-good news to be sure, but there is not a chance she will resign:

Calling for Kathleen Sebelius’ resignation, Sen. Pat Roberts heads further right
October 11

Calling for Kathleen Sebelius’ resignation, Sen. Pat Roberts heads further right - KansasCity.com

Janet Napolitano and Kathleen Sebelius, in the same photograph was always too much to bear. I never could understand how anyone could look at those two:


and not be reminded of these two:


Eric Holder rounds out the horror:


Kathleen Sebelius’ began her con job months ago:

Get Covered America is the long-anticipated propaganda campaign launched by Enroll America, a “nonpartisan” organization whose ostensible mission is to help the uninsured navigate the exchanges. In reality, Enroll America is an Obama administration front group funded with money extorted from the insurance industry. The story is by now familiar. Congress declined to fund an advertising campaign for Obamacare, so HHS Commissar Sebelius initiated “stakeholder conversations about the… health care law.” In other words, she contacted the insurers she regulates and suggested that the exchanges would be pay-to-play operations.

Thus, Enroll America is typical of the day-to-day skullduggery that defines the Obama regime. It’s not exactly shocking to find that Sebelius or any of her accomplices in this most corrupt of presidential administrations has behaved unethically.


. . . why do we need Enroll America to round up and herd people through the exchanges? The answer to that question has long been obvious to those of us who bothered to do our homework — America’s uninsured problem was largely a work of fiction. The fabled uninsured entered the public consciousness when the advocates of socialized medicine realized their claim that government could provide health care more efficiently than could the private sector was not getting much traction with the general public. Only soi dissant progressives were naïve enough to believe that fantasy.

Get Shafted America!
By David Catron on 6.24.13 @ 6:09AM
New propaganda campaign exposes a central lie behind the push for Obamacare.

The American Spectator : Get Shafted America!

Think about it this way. The proprietor and an armed government bureaucrat are standing in the doorway of every store as you walk by. The proprietor has the legal authority to drag you into his store and force you to purchase whatever he is selling. Resist, or haggle about the price, and the armed bureaucrat has the legal authority to club you senseless, take your money, or sign your name to a credit card.

The cruelty hidden in the Affordable Care Act goes far beyond forcing Americans to enrich the butchers who will flock to the healthcare industry via the public trough. Unlike Nazi Germany where the horrors were hidden away in concentration camps, ACA cruelty will be openly spread throughout 50 states.

Cruelty done to patients is built into socialized medicine. Every hate-filled, envious, parasite in the healthcare industry will get even for every imagined slight they endured before they were seated at the public trough. Every immigrant given authority in healthcare will become petty dictators punishing Americans for being American.

The excerpts from an article by Elise Viebeck begged the question: If Hillarycare II is so wonderful why does it have to be advertised?

The White House is working to recruit Hollywood celebrities to help promote ObamaCare, a top celebrity political adviser told The Hill.

The ACA is no longer an unknown product as the pitchman suggested:

"Just like any good product, when people are aware of the many benefits it provides, there will be increased demand."

Today, Americans know the ACA and they do not like what they learned about the product since Nutty Nancy said:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=hV-05TLiiLU]Pelosi: "We Have to Pass the Bill So That You Can Find Out What Is In It" - YouTube[/ame]​

I wonder if the Frisco B.S. artist realizes that advertising paid for with tax dollars is another fog of controversy so thick it cannot be cut with a machete.

This next excerpt tickled me.

"I think the White House is very wise to identify partners to help market the Affordable Care Act," Neilson said Tuesday.

White House recruiting Hollywood stars for ObamaCare rollout
By Elise Viebeck - 06/25/13 10:29 AM ET

White House recruiting Hollywood stars for ObamaCare rollout - The Hill's Healthwatch

Bottom line: It's a sales campaign touting the benefits of snake oil:


Janet Napolitano moved on to bigger things, and a lot more money, while Kathleen Sebelius is finally taking some heat. It’s feel-good news to be sure, but there is not a chance she will resign:

She ain’t going to be fired either:

White House press secretary Jay Carney told the assembled media on Tuesday that despite the horrific rollout of the federal government’s Obamacare healthcare exchange website, Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius would not be fired.

WH: Sebelius Has Obama's 'Full Confidence'

WH: Sebelius Has Obama's 'Full Confidence'

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