Felons Are Democrats

Just so everyone knows.....the Kessler fact-check simply quibbled over the term felon....not the data.

" The study is a survey of party registration of ex-felons, not people in jail."
Ted Cruz’s Four-Pinocchio claim that ‘the overwhelming majority of violent criminals are Democrats’

In short....everything in the OP is correct.

No, Glenn Kessler also discussed the data and how it was manipulated by Ted Cruz. Wrong again PC.

I'm never wrong, you dunce.

I eviscerated you twice in this thread alone.

More where that came from, too.

You've been disproved in every single thread you have ever posted. All one has to do is merely check to see that it's a true statement.
Are you basing that on this Glenn Kessler?

"In his lying fact check, Washington Post fact-checker Glenn Kessler writes, “There is absolutely no evidence of the celebration cited by Trump.” Except, of course, for all the proof listed here and a contemporaneous report in his own left-wing newspaper. A report, I should add, that Kessler did not include his initial fact check. Either this Hillary Guardian tried to cover up the Washington Post report, or he just didn’t look hard enough for evidence backing Trump’s claim.

This appeared in the Washington Post on September 18, 2001:

In Jersey City, within hours of two jetliners’ plowing into the World Trade Center, law enforcement authorities detained and questioned a number of people who were allegedly seen celebrating the attacks and holding tailgate-style parties on rooftops while they watched the devastation on the other side of the river.

The report was never retracted by the Washington Post."
9 Pieces of Documentation that Vindicate Trump's Claim of 9/11 Muslim Celebrations - Breitbart

Stuck your foot in your mouth again, huh?

Gads, you must have a big mouth for all those feet.

Haha, the same Glenn Kessler that wrote a book about his experiences with Condoleeza Rice. Must suck to be you and have to criticize a right wing writer who honestly reports the news. Only an idiot would agree with Trump that thousands were cheering the fall of the Twin towers.

So.....the Liberal argument has shrunk from "there were none!!!!!" to 'well....it might not have been thousands...(sob)"

Welcome to Ouch-town, bro…Population: you

There was nothing like what Donald Trump said there was period.

Watch me sink your boat.....again:

"9 Pieces of Documentation that Vindicate Trump’s Claim of 9/11 Muslim Celebrations


9 Pieces of Documentation that Vindicate Trump's Claim of 9/11 Muslim Celebrations - Breitbart

C'mon....let's hear you whine!

Let's see the video Trump was talking about PC. You can't produce it because it doesn't exist. Wrong again as usual.

(video) Dan Rather on David Letterman, 1 Week After 9/11 -
Felons are Democrats?

So are Korean-Americans. What's your point?

Vocabulary lesson of the day:

  1. 1.
    a person who has been convicted of a felony.
    synonyms: convict, crook, criminal, outlaw; More
  2. cruel; wicked.
    "the felon undermining hand of dark corruption"
As per the latest study, another synonym should be "Democrat"

  1. 1.
    of or relating to North or South Korea or its people or language.
  1. 1.
    a native or inhabitant of North or South Korea, or a person of Korean descent.
  2. 2.
    the language of Korea, which has has its own writing system and may be distantly related to Japanese. Google

60% of Korean-Americans identify as Democrats. 77% of Korean-Americans voted for Obama in 2012.

What does that say about the kind of people the Democratic party attracts, since that is the theme of your thread?

But Political Chic is North Korean.
Just so everyone knows.....the Kessler fact-check simply quibbled over the term felon....not the data.

" The study is a survey of party registration of ex-felons, not people in jail."
Ted Cruz’s Four-Pinocchio claim that ‘the overwhelming majority of violent criminals are Democrats’

In short....everything in the OP is correct.

No, Glenn Kessler also discussed the data and how it was manipulated by Ted Cruz. Wrong again PC.

I'm never wrong, you dunce.

I eviscerated you twice in this thread alone.

More where that came from, too.

You've been disproved in every single thread you have ever posted. All one has to do is merely check to see that it's a true statement.

"You've been disproved in every single thread you have ever posted. All one has to do is merely check to see that it's a true statement."

I sure hope everyone does!!!

They'll see just what they see in this thread.
Haha, the same Glenn Kessler that wrote a book about his experiences with Condoleeza Rice. Must suck to be you and have to criticize a right wing writer who honestly reports the news. Only an idiot would agree with Trump that thousands were cheering the fall of the Twin towers.

So.....the Liberal argument has shrunk from "there were none!!!!!" to 'well....it might not have been thousands...(sob)"

Welcome to Ouch-town, bro…Population: you

There was nothing like what Donald Trump said there was period.

Watch me sink your boat.....again:

"9 Pieces of Documentation that Vindicate Trump’s Claim of 9/11 Muslim Celebrations


9 Pieces of Documentation that Vindicate Trump's Claim of 9/11 Muslim Celebrations - Breitbart

C'mon....let's hear you whine!

Let's see the video Trump was talking about PC. You can't produce it because it doesn't exist. Wrong again as usual.

(video) Dan Rather on David Letterman, 1 Week After 9/11 -

Dan Rather the guy who was fired from CBS for making up stories about George Bush? Hahahahahaha
Vulgarity is the give-away.....
Whining is a dead give away a Wing Nut bitch got caught lying...Fuck you try to lie and mislead and I have to stay polite ...Fuck you

Yet another update, Nov. 25: Jim Dwyer of The New York Times interviewed John J. Farmer Jr., at the time the New Jersey attorney general and the state’s chief law enforcement officer, and he emphatically said Trump was wrong. He said at the time he was worried about possible riots, especially because of a rumor that Muslims were dancing on the rooftops and in the streets of Jersey City and Paterson, but none of the tips turned out. “The word came back quickly from Jersey City, later from Paterson,” he said. “False report. Never happened.”
The mayor of Jersey City, which has 15,000 Muslims, quickly tweeted that Trump’s comments were false:

Steven Fulop@StevenFulop
Either @realDonaldTrump has memory issues or willfully distorts the truth, either of which should be concerning for the Republican Party

10:55 AM - 22 Nov 2015
Just as studies show Democrats are far more willing to embrace socialism than either independents or Republicans....

....here's one more 'shocker:'

"Jail survey: 7 in 10 felons register as Democrats

....most convicts register Democratic, a key reason in why liberal lawmakers and governors are eager for them to get back into the voting booth after their release.

... in some states, felons register Democratic by more than six-to-one. In New York, for example, 61.5 percent of convicts are Democrats, just 9 percent Republican. They also cited a study that found 73 percent of convicts who turn out for presidential elections would vote Democrat.

the following Democrat-to-Republican breakdown in felon party registration patterns:

– New York: 61.5 percent register Democratic, 9 percent register Republican

– New Mexico: 51.9 percent Democratic, 10.2 percent Republican

– North Carolina: 54.6 percent Democratic, 10.2 percent Republican" Jail survey: 7 in 10 felons register as Democrats
In other news, water is wet.

and rightwingnut loons are delusional
Only one reason Democrats want felons to vote.
Felons are Democrats?

So are Korean-Americans. What's your point?

Vocabulary lesson of the day:

  1. 1.
    a person who has been convicted of a felony.
    synonyms: convict, crook, criminal, outlaw; More
  2. cruel; wicked.
    "the felon undermining hand of dark corruption"
As per the latest study, another synonym should be "Democrat"

  1. 1.
    of or relating to North or South Korea or its people or language.
  1. 1.
    a native or inhabitant of North or South Korea, or a person of Korean descent.
  2. 2.
    the language of Korea, which has has its own writing system and may be distantly related to Japanese. Google

60% of Korean-Americans identify as Democrats. 77% of Korean-Americans voted for Obama in 2012.

What does that say about the kind of people the Democratic party attracts, since that is the theme of your thread?

But Political Chic is North Korean.


This is what I reduce you fools to.

Gads, I'm powerful!!!!!
Felons are Democrats?

So are Korean-Americans. What's your point?

Vocabulary lesson of the day:

  1. 1.
    a person who has been convicted of a felony.
    synonyms: convict, crook, criminal, outlaw; More
  2. cruel; wicked.
    "the felon undermining hand of dark corruption"
As per the latest study, another synonym should be "Democrat"

  1. 1.
    of or relating to North or South Korea or its people or language.
  1. 1.
    a native or inhabitant of North or South Korea, or a person of Korean descent.
  2. 2.
    the language of Korea, which has has its own writing system and may be distantly related to Japanese. Google

60% of Korean-Americans identify as Democrats. 77% of Korean-Americans voted for Obama in 2012.

What does that say about the kind of people the Democratic party attracts, since that is the theme of your thread?

But Political Chic is North Korean.

Maybe but her posting has certainly gone south since she got here.
Just as studies show Democrats are far more willing to embrace socialism than either independents or Republicans....

....here's one more 'shocker:'

"Jail survey: 7 in 10 felons register as Democrats

....most convicts register Democratic, a key reason in why liberal lawmakers and governors are eager for them to get back into the voting booth after their release.

... in some states, felons register Democratic by more than six-to-one. In New York, for example, 61.5 percent of convicts are Democrats, just 9 percent Republican. They also cited a study that found 73 percent of convicts who turn out for presidential elections would vote Democrat.

the following Democrat-to-Republican breakdown in felon party registration patterns:

– New York: 61.5 percent register Democratic, 9 percent register Republican

– New Mexico: 51.9 percent Democratic, 10.2 percent Republican

– North Carolina: 54.6 percent Democratic, 10.2 percent Republican" Jail survey: 7 in 10 felons register as Democrats
In other news, water is wet.

and rightwingnut loons are delusional
Only one reason Democrats want felons to vote.

And they do.

"Currently jailed felons are only allowed to vote in Maine and Vermont. Democrats would like to change state laws so all currently jailed inmates even those with felony records can vote including those out on parole and awaiting release from prison. With 5.8 million convicts that is a lot of votes.

Democrats also know that 80 percent of all felons polled would vote democrat so now we can see the reason behind the push for prisoner rights.

Democrats point to the laws in other countries like Canada, Denmark and Israel that allow most convicted criminals even those who are serving prison sentences the right to vote. Democrats also are saying the law banning prisoners the right to vote disenfranchises African Americans the most who make up 40 percent of felons in the United States. In a Huffington Post interview, The Sentencing Project calls the law into question and says, “This is a fundamental question of democracy”.

Victim rights advocates call the push by democrats “insulting” and a “slap in the face to all victims of crime”. This issue will not be decided in time for this election, but democrats say they will continue to fight for a prisoner’s right to vote in all local and national elections."
So.....the Liberal argument has shrunk from "there were none!!!!!" to 'well....it might not have been thousands...(sob)"

Welcome to Ouch-town, bro…Population: you

There was nothing like what Donald Trump said there was period.

Watch me sink your boat.....again:

"9 Pieces of Documentation that Vindicate Trump’s Claim of 9/11 Muslim Celebrations


9 Pieces of Documentation that Vindicate Trump's Claim of 9/11 Muslim Celebrations - Breitbart

C'mon....let's hear you whine!

Let's see the video Trump was talking about PC. You can't produce it because it doesn't exist. Wrong again as usual.

(video) Dan Rather on David Letterman, 1 Week After 9/11 -

Dan Rather the guy who was fired from CBS for making up stories about George Bush? Hahahahahaha


You're too stupid to realize that you just proved the thread's premise!!!!!
Felons are Democrats?

So are Korean-Americans. What's your point?

Vocabulary lesson of the day:

  1. 1.
    a person who has been convicted of a felony.
    synonyms: convict, crook, criminal, outlaw; More
  2. cruel; wicked.
    "the felon undermining hand of dark corruption"
As per the latest study, another synonym should be "Democrat"

  1. 1.
    of or relating to North or South Korea or its people or language.
  1. 1.
    a native or inhabitant of North or South Korea, or a person of Korean descent.
  2. 2.
    the language of Korea, which has has its own writing system and may be distantly related to Japanese. Google

60% of Korean-Americans identify as Democrats. 77% of Korean-Americans voted for Obama in 2012.

What does that say about the kind of people the Democratic party attracts, since that is the theme of your thread?

But Political Chic is North Korean.

Maybe but her posting has certainly gone south since she got here.

so have the rest of the Geese in Canada ...
There was nothing like what Donald Trump said there was period.

Watch me sink your boat.....again:

"9 Pieces of Documentation that Vindicate Trump’s Claim of 9/11 Muslim Celebrations


9 Pieces of Documentation that Vindicate Trump's Claim of 9/11 Muslim Celebrations - Breitbart

C'mon....let's hear you whine!

Let's see the video Trump was talking about PC. You can't produce it because it doesn't exist. Wrong again as usual.

(video) Dan Rather on David Letterman, 1 Week After 9/11 -

Dan Rather the guy who was fired from CBS for making up stories about George Bush? Hahahahahaha


You're too stupid to realize that you just proved the thread's premise!!!!!

LOL, you cited a source as bad as Breitbart and you want to be taken seriously LOL
Watch me sink your boat.....again:

"9 Pieces of Documentation that Vindicate Trump’s Claim of 9/11 Muslim Celebrations


9 Pieces of Documentation that Vindicate Trump's Claim of 9/11 Muslim Celebrations - Breitbart

C'mon....let's hear you whine!

Let's see the video Trump was talking about PC. You can't produce it because it doesn't exist. Wrong again as usual.

(video) Dan Rather on David Letterman, 1 Week After 9/11 -

Dan Rather the guy who was fired from CBS for making up stories about George Bush? Hahahahahaha


You're too stupid to realize that you just proved the thread's premise!!!!!

LOL, you cited a source as bad as Breitbart and you want to be taken seriously LOL

I love it!

This is all you have left?????

Breitbart is not only a fine source....but gives nine......nine.....linked, sourced, documented items....

.....including videos!!!!!

Gads, you're a moron.
Let's see the video Trump was talking about PC. You can't produce it because it doesn't exist. Wrong again as usual.

(video) Dan Rather on David Letterman, 1 Week After 9/11 -

Dan Rather the guy who was fired from CBS for making up stories about George Bush? Hahahahahaha


You're too stupid to realize that you just proved the thread's premise!!!!!

LOL, you cited a source as bad as Breitbart and you want to be taken seriously LOL

I love it!

This is all you have left?????

Breitbart is not only a fine source....but gives nine......nine.....linked, sourced, documented items....

.....including videos!!!!!

Gads, you're a moron.

Breitbart is fringe just like you. Bottom of the barrel in reporting and bottom of the barrel in thinking, just like you.

Dan Rather the guy who was fired from CBS for making up stories about George Bush? Hahahahahaha


You're too stupid to realize that you just proved the thread's premise!!!!!

LOL, you cited a source as bad as Breitbart and you want to be taken seriously LOL

I love it!

This is all you have left?????

Breitbart is not only a fine source....but gives nine......nine.....linked, sourced, documented items....

.....including videos!!!!!

Gads, you're a moron.

Breitbart is fringe just like you. Bottom of the barrel in reporting and bottom of the barrel in thinking, just like you.

... nine......nine.....linked, sourced, documented items....

.....including videos!!!!!

Gads, you're a moron.
I take it the OP's point is that since felons generally can't vote, and certainly not while incarcerated, she's saying that if they could, elections would be more lopsided than they are.

I guess. :dunno:
I take it the OP's point is that since felons generally can't vote, and certainly not while incarcerated, she's saying that if they could, elections would be more lopsided than they are.

I guess. :dunno:

Now, now....don't fib.

You know very well what the point is...and that's why it upsets you.

This, from post #51;
"Democrats also know that 80 percent of all felons polled would vote democrat..."

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