Felons Voting In Maryland Primary Today. Both Democrats Running Say It's Okay

If you have paid your debt to society you should have your voting/gun rights restored.
You're fucking nuts.

Obama is busy taking gun rights away from veterans, hundreds of thousands of them . What debt do they have to pay?

And you're an overly-dramatic pussy.

And yes, I am aware of the VA stripping gun rights of veterans and I find it to be bullshit. That is why I support Rand Paul's legislation concerning this issue: https://www.paul.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/Protecting Gun Rights and Due Process Act1.pdf
I'm just telling the truth. People who do time in prison usually don't have good sense or good priorities. This is why Democrats want them to be able to vote.....along with people who are uneducated and illiterate. Democrat voters are often barely able to read and write or not interested enough in the process to be informed. That’s why voting for the first black or first woman appeals to them. They don't even understand the issues. A thug's only concern once he gets out of prison is being able to survive....because their options are so few. So the party that promises them welfare, housing, foodstamps, and free prescription drugs gets their vote. My brother is one of them, and he's always been a Democrat.

What a load of blind partisan bullshit. :lol:
I don't think you should lose your right to vote if you're incarcerated, felony or not. You don't lose the fundamental right to marry, why should you lose the fundamental right to vote?

Part of the problem is that voting is not actually treated as a fundamental right. It's treated as more akin to a privilege in our system. That history persists to this day. Look at how many idiots around here still talk about basing voting rights on how much you pay in taxes.

Historically, disenfranchisement subsequent to felony convictions was associated with the notion of felony infamy implying a lack of credibility or honesty. A convicted felon was not allowed to vote, they were not considered competent for jury duty, they weren't allowed to testify as witnesses, etc.
Right, so felons should get their gun rights back too then? We would turn this country around in a heartbeat if we limited voting to property owners, with military being an exception. There are too many parasites with no invested interest sucking off of others.

Yeah well, if buttholes like you would pay our men & women in the military a living wage you wouldn't have to offer up exemptions in your idiotic world.
Wrong dumbfuck. I don't pay their salary and they can and do own homes. I work in many. Many don't however, because they move very frequently. Had you ever served you would have known.
A drug offense is little different from violent crime, because drug trafficking often involves violent crimes, often murder.

And you aren't much different than persistent vegetative state, except that those people have a little more brain activity.

The right to vote is the most important of our rights. When we restrict the right to vote, we restrict the very essence of our nation's liberty.
Wow.....that sounds so groovy. The second amendment is a basic freedom yet you on the left want to restrict it any way possible because you feel that Americans aren't smart enough to use them wisely. I feel the same way about voting rights. If you don't restrict the privilege in some way, people tend to abuse it.
What stops us from voting multiple times? Laws that restrict our right to vote.

Rapists and murderers are voting today in the Maryland Primary.

I don't understand why Democrats feel that one of the rights they lost when they were convicted of a felony should be reinstated, but not all of them. Why don't they get their rights to own guns back too? Jesus, the damage criminals can do with the vote is much worse than what they can do with a gun.

Democrats have been busy behind the scenes on this issue since the Clinton Administration. As of March 10 Maryland felons got the right to vote as soon as they are released from prison. It appears this is why Obama has been letting out thousands of them all over the country. http://www.ncsl.org/research/elections-and-campaigns/felon-voting-rights.aspx

I'm waiting for the first liberal to call me an idiot for not knowing this was going on all along.

Felons in Vermont and Maine, including those behind bars, have never been denied the right to vote since those states were founded more than 180 years ago, but neither state keeps data on the number of inmates who vote.
Vermont, Maine allow felon votes

I never thought much about it, but when I worked in a prison a few years ago, at election time we made sure inmates who wished to vote were registered and the voting officials came and allowed them to vote by absentee ballot. I never found that strange. That right has always been extended to everyone in jail or prison: the murderers and pedophiles and DUI offenders and thieves. If you live here, even if you are incarcerated here, you are affected by the laws made by our leaders. So you should have a say in who those leaders are.
I don't know who most of the guys voted for (it's not considered polite to ask) but I'm guessing most of them this year would vote for Trump, based on their general attitudes of being socially disenfranchised in general.
On Fox last night, The Five was discussing the issue and I was surprised that some of them feel violent criminals should be exempted from voting rights forever. To me, that seems like a purely emotional reaction. If you are never going to give a convicted murderer rights of society, keep him locked up for life. Don't let him out to struggle through the rest of life fighting for a job, a place to live, and even the right to vote.

In states like Virginia, they ADMIT their laws were implemented to disenfranchise black voters. If they want to correct that, I should think everyone would be glad for it.

I'm interested in knowing, besides purely emotional arguments that we don't like murderers, why those who have served their time and have been returned to society should NOT be allowed to vote. It isn't like we allow murderers and drug dealers to run for office. Why should their vote be detrimental to democracy?
If you have paid your debt to society you should have your voting/gun rights restored.
You're fucking nuts.

Obama is busy taking gun rights away from veterans, hundreds of thousands of them . What debt do they have to pay?

And you're an overly-dramatic pussy.

And yes, I am aware of the VA stripping gun rights of veterans and I find it to be bullshit. That is why I support Rand Paul's legislation concerning this issue: https://www.paul.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/Protecting Gun Rights and Due Process Act1.pdf
I'm just telling the truth. People who do time in prison usually don't have good sense or good priorities. This is why Democrats want them to be able to vote.....along with people who are uneducated and illiterate. Democrat voters are often barely able to read and write or not interested enough in the process to be informed. That’s why voting for the first black or first woman appeals to them. They don't even understand the issues. A thug's only concern once he gets out of prison is being able to survive....because their options are so few. So the party that promises them welfare, housing, foodstamps, and free prescription drugs gets their vote. My brother is one of them, and he's always been a Democrat.

What a load of blind partisan bullshit. :lol:
Nope. It's the truth.

What makes you think that every person in America has only good intentions when it comes to voting? Many of you freaks think Trump voters are irresponsible.
Felons traditionally haven't been able to vote because they demonstrated a severe lack of judgment.

Actually, no. That's not the case at all. You're a fucking idiot who doesn't know what the fuck you are talking about, but you want to pretend to sit on a high horse and wallow in your righteous indignation.

Disenfranchisement of felons is historically linked to the associated infamy of the common law felonies. Those were murder, rape, manslaughter, robbery, sodomy, larceny, arson, mayhem, and burglary. A felony was considered a crime so severe that it warranted the seizure of everything that a person owned. As Blackstone described it: "FELONY, in the general acceptation of our English law, comprises every species of crime, which occasioned at common law the forfeiture of lands or goods. This most frequently happens in those crimes, for which a capital punishment either is or was liable to be inflicted: for those felonies, which are called clergyable, or to which the benefit of clergy extends, were anciently punished with death in all lay, or unlearned, offenders; though now by the statute-law that punishment is for the first offense universally remitted." source

Convicted felons were considered inherently dishonest. A convicted felon was not competent to serve on a jury. They were not competent to testify in court as a witness. Their voting rights were denied based on this same alleged inherent dishonesty.

The problem is that we have extended the label of felony for no reason other than to add punitive weight to victimless crimes. We have legislatively created felonies out of things that do not rightfully fit the classical definition. Meanwhile, half brain dead morons like yourself think you're somehow superior to other people and make up mindless bullshit to justify your ignorance and prejudice.
Right, so felons should get their gun rights back too then? We would turn this country around in a heartbeat if we limited voting to property owners, with military being an exception. There are too many parasites with no invested interest sucking off of others.

I love that you think that simply owning property means you are invested in the country. lol. Should the elderly that reside in assisted living centers be denied the vote? People that rent apartments? Your idea is as silly as it is dangerous.

Rapists and murderers are voting today in the Maryland Primary.

I don't understand why Democrats feel that one of the rights they lost when they were convicted of a felony should be reinstated, but not all of them. Why don't they get their rights to own guns back too? Jesus, the damage criminals can do with the vote is much worse than what they can do with a gun.

Democrats have been busy behind the scenes on this issue since the Clinton Administration. As of March 10 Maryland felons got the right to vote as soon as they are released from prison. It appears this is why Obama has been letting out thousands of them all over the country. http://www.ncsl.org/research/elections-and-campaigns/felon-voting-rights.aspx

I'm waiting for the first liberal to call me an idiot for not knowing this was going on all along.

Only a progressive would think this is OK, fucking bleeding hearts. LOL
Wow.....that sounds so groovy. The second amendment is a basic freedom yet you on the left want to restrict it any way possible because you feel that Americans aren't smart enough to use them wisely. I feel the same way about voting rights. If you don't restrict the privilege in some way, people tend to abuse it.
What stops us from voting multiple times? Laws that restrict our right to vote.

Thank you for demonstrating your persistent vegetative state. Neither am I "on the left" nor do I support restrictions on gun rights. Hell, I'm one of the lunatics who thinks that every protest should happen on the steps of the capital building with everyone carrying AR15s.

Try again, dumbass.
If you have paid your debt to society you should have your voting/gun rights restored.
You're fucking nuts.

Obama is busy taking gun rights away from veterans, hundreds of thousands of them . What debt do they have to pay?

And you're an overly-dramatic pussy.

And yes, I am aware of the VA stripping gun rights of veterans and I find it to be bullshit. That is why I support Rand Paul's legislation concerning this issue: https://www.paul.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/Protecting Gun Rights and Due Process Act1.pdf
I'm just telling the truth. People who do time in prison usually don't have good sense or good priorities. This is why Democrats want them to be able to vote.....along with people who are uneducated and illiterate. Democrat voters are often barely able to read and write or not interested enough in the process to be informed. That’s why voting for the first black or first woman appeals to them. They don't even understand the issues. A thug's only concern once he gets out of prison is being able to survive....because their options are so few. So the party that promises them welfare, housing, foodstamps, and free prescription drugs gets their vote. My brother is one of them, and he's always been a Democrat.

What a load of blind partisan bullshit. :lol:
Nope. It's the truth.

What makes you think that every person in America has only good intentions when it comes to voting? Many of you freaks think Trump voters are irresponsible.

No, it is a load of self-serving nonsense you believe b/c it buttresses your partisan bullshit.

What makes you think that I think every person that votes has good intentions? I think most people that do vote does so to serve their own self-interest. I've never said Trump voters are irresponsible. Not once. Is this the part of the discussion where you make a bunch of shit up about me and rail aganist it? I didn't think you would employ that tactic so quickly, but I am hardly shocked.
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Felons traditionally haven't been able to vote because they demonstrated a severe lack of judgment. This of course, bothers liberals very little. The more uninformed or corrupt the voter is the more power they have.
I don't think that's true, ice. In the south, maybe this does affect the black vote more, but you should be aware that most people in prison have never voted, and even when given the chance (as they are where I live) very few do. They may not be smart, but they know the system is corrupt and the deck is stacked against us.
It's one of the many ways progressives gerrymander voting, they let just anybody vote... Lol
Felons traditionally haven't been able to vote because they demonstrated a severe lack of judgment. This of course, bothers liberals very little. The more uninformed or corrupt the voter is the more power they have.
I don't think that's true, ice. In the south, maybe this does affect the black vote more, but you should be aware that most people in prison have never voted, and even when given the chance (as they are where I live) very few do. They may not be smart, but they know the system is corrupt and the deck is stacked against us.
What isn't true? I didn't say anything about race and felons have used bad judgment and libs don't care. Point out the specific error.

Rapists and murderers are voting today in the Maryland Primary.

I don't understand why Democrats feel that one of the rights they lost when they were convicted of a felony should be reinstated, but not all of them. Why don't they get their rights to own guns back too? Jesus, the damage criminals can do with the vote is much worse than what they can do with a gun.

Democrats have been busy behind the scenes on this issue since the Clinton Administration. As of March 10 Maryland felons got the right to vote as soon as they are released from prison. It appears this is why Obama has been letting out thousands of them all over the country. http://www.ncsl.org/research/elections-and-campaigns/felon-voting-rights.aspx

I'm waiting for the first liberal to call me an idiot for not knowing this was going on all along.

Only a progressive would think this is OK, fucking bleeding hearts. LOL
Come to any of our local bars, or local piers, and call everyone bleeding heart progressives. I'd love to see it.

Rapists and murderers are voting today in the Maryland Primary.

I don't understand why Democrats feel that one of the rights they lost when they were convicted of a felony should be reinstated, but not all of them. Why don't they get their rights to own guns back too? Jesus, the damage criminals can do with the vote is much worse than what they can do with a gun.

Democrats have been busy behind the scenes on this issue since the Clinton Administration. As of March 10 Maryland felons got the right to vote as soon as they are released from prison. It appears this is why Obama has been letting out thousands of them all over the country. http://www.ncsl.org/research/elections-and-campaigns/felon-voting-rights.aspx

I'm waiting for the first liberal to call me an idiot for not knowing this was going on all along.

Only a progressive would think this is OK, fucking bleeding hearts. LOL
Come to any of our local bars, or local piers, and call everyone bleeding heart progressives. I'd love to see it.
Felons traditionally haven't been able to vote because they demonstrated a severe lack of judgment. This of course, bothers liberals very little. The more uninformed or corrupt the voter is the more power they have.
I don't think that's true, ice. In the south, maybe this does affect the black vote more, but you should be aware that most people in prison have never voted, and even when given the chance (as they are where I live) very few do. They may not be smart, but they know the system is corrupt and the deck is stacked against us.
What isn't true? I didn't say anything about race and felons have used bad judgment and libs don't care. Point out the specific error.
I just don't agree with the "bad judgment" theory. That only felons have bad judgment? They're the only ones who have been caught. There is no judgment test prior to voting, and just because you and I haven't been arrested doesn't mean we have good judgment.
Felons traditionally haven't been able to vote because they demonstrated a severe lack of judgment.

Actually, no. That's not the case at all. You're a fucking idiot who doesn't know what the fuck you are talking about, but you want to pretend to sit on a high horse and wallow in your righteous indignation.

Disenfranchisement of felons is historically linked to the associated infamy of the common law felonies. Those were murder, rape, manslaughter, robbery, sodomy, larceny, arson, mayhem, and burglary. A felony was considered a crime so severe that it warranted the seizure of everything that a person owned. As Blackstone described it: "FELONY, in the general acceptation of our English law, comprises every species of crime, which occasioned at common law the forfeiture of lands or goods. This most frequently happens in those crimes, for which a capital punishment either is or was liable to be inflicted: for those felonies, which are called clergyable, or to which the benefit of clergy extends, were anciently punished with death in all lay, or unlearned, offenders; though now by the statute-law that punishment is for the first offense universally remitted." source

Convicted felons were considered inherently dishonest. A convicted felon was not competent to serve on a jury. They were not competent to testify in court as a witness. Their voting rights were denied based on this same alleged inherent dishonesty.

The problem is that we have extended the label of felony for no reason other than to add punitive weight to victimless crimes. We have legislatively created felonies out of things that do not rightfully fit the classical definition. Meanwhile, half brain dead morons like yourself think you're somehow superior to other people and make up mindless bullshit to justify your ignorance and prejudice.
Stuff your head back in your high horse's ass where is belongs. You don't get to decide what victimless crime means. Every crime has a victim. Got caught selling dope? Society is the victim. It ain't your call. besides that nothing you said refutes what I said.

Like mentioned before, you are like a fart in the bathtub.
Felons traditionally haven't been able to vote because they demonstrated a severe lack of judgment.

Actually, no. That's not the case at all. You're a fucking idiot who doesn't know what the fuck you are talking about, but you want to pretend to sit on a high horse and wallow in your righteous indignation.

Disenfranchisement of felons is historically linked to the associated infamy of the common law felonies. Those were murder, rape, manslaughter, robbery, sodomy, larceny, arson, mayhem, and burglary. A felony was considered a crime so severe that it warranted the seizure of everything that a person owned. As Blackstone described it: "FELONY, in the general acceptation of our English law, comprises every species of crime, which occasioned at common law the forfeiture of lands or goods. This most frequently happens in those crimes, for which a capital punishment either is or was liable to be inflicted: for those felonies, which are called clergyable, or to which the benefit of clergy extends, were anciently punished with death in all lay, or unlearned, offenders; though now by the statute-law that punishment is for the first offense universally remitted." source

Convicted felons were considered inherently dishonest. A convicted felon was not competent to serve on a jury. They were not competent to testify in court as a witness. Their voting rights were denied based on this same alleged inherent dishonesty.

The problem is that we have extended the label of felony for no reason other than to add punitive weight to victimless crimes. We have legislatively created felonies out of things that do not rightfully fit the classical definition. Meanwhile, half brain dead morons like yourself think you're somehow superior to other people and make up mindless bullshit to justify your ignorance and prejudice.
Stuff your head back in your high horse's ass where is belongs. You don't get to decide what victimless crime means. Every crime has a victim. Got caught selling dope? Society is the victim. It ain't your call. besides that nothing you said refutes what I said.

Like mentioned before, you are like a fart in the bathtub.


Translation: You've been spanked once again with intelligence far beyond your own. So you're reduced to a hissy and sucking your thumb.

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