FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

This letter is about the violation of laws. Because of complicity in high places this violation of law was allowed which disables the truth movement.


NYCLU's letter to Robert Freeman, Executive Director, New York State Department of State, Committee on Open Government

Re: Advisory Opinion concerning a Contract between the City of New York and the Rudolph W. Giuliani Center for Urban Affairs Inc.

Dear Mr. Freeman:

Pursuant to section 89(1)(b)(ii) of the New York Public Officers Law, we seek an advisory opinion from the Committee on Open Government on the following issues.

We request the Committee to review the attached contract, dated December 24, 2001, between the City of New York and the Rudolph W. Giuliani Center for Urban Affairs Inc. (the “Contract”). Pursuant to the terms of the Contract, all of the records of the Giuliani mayoralty were transferred out of the direct custody and control of the New York City Department of Records and Information Services and the Municipal Archives (“DORIS”) to a private warehouse facility storage space controlled by the Rudolph W. Giuliani Center for Urban Affairs Inc.

We request that you issue an advisory opinion as to whether the procedural and substantive provisions set forth in the Contract violate New York State’s Freedom of Information Law.

In addition to the more obvious provisions of the Contract, such as that set forth in Article I(M), which purports to authorize Mr. Giuliani to claim unilaterally a “personal interest or right” in a document and to thereby withhold disclosure of the document, we also request that you consider whether the actions of DORIS in transmitting the records of the Giuliani mayoralty to custody of the Giuliani Center without the compilation of a more detailed list than that appended to the Contract as Attachment A constitutes a violation of section 87(3)(c) of the Public Officer Law.

The facts, as we understand them, surrounding the execution of the Contract and the subsequent transfer of the records of the Giuliani mayoralty are as follows. On or about December 24, 2001, Commissioner George Rios, on behalf of the City of New York and/or the Department of Records and Information Services of the City of New York, entered into a contract with the Rudolph W. Giuliani Center for Urban Affairs Inc., signed by Saul Cohen, President, concerning the records of the mayoralty of Rudolph Giuliani. The records are said to comprise some 2000 boxes and include appointment books, cabinet meeting audiotapes, e-mails, telephone logs, advance and briefing memos, correspondence, transition materials, and private schedules, as well as Mr. Giuliani’s departmental, travel, event, subject, and Gracie Mansion files. Giuliani's "World Trade Center files" and "Millennium Project files," together with 6000 files of photographs, 1000 audiotapes, and 15,000 videotapes, are also reported to be a part of the records covered by the contract. In addition, the records include those of his chief of staff and every deputy mayor, together with their chiefs of staff. Finally, gifts such as plaques, awards, personalized clothing, and other items presented to the mayor and deputy mayors, as well as World Trade Center-related materials are alleged to be included as part of the records. All of these items were reported to have been delivered from the control of the City to a warehouse storage facility in Long Island City at the end of December 2001. We are unaware that DORIS has compiled a more detailed list of the records transferred than that appended to the Contract as Attachment A.

We thank the Committee for its prompt attention to our request. Should you have any questions with reference to our request, please feel free to contact us.

Very truly yours,

Donna Lieberman Arthur Eisenberg Beth Haroules
This letter is about the violation of laws. Because of complicity in high places this violation of law was allowed which disables the truth movement.

then how come the NYCLU no longer has this one their OWN site?
if it is still a valid complaint
and, their complaint does not make it a violation of the law
The WTC documents were not copied and returned.

THe NYCLU only took the matter off their website after about 5 years.

What you really mean, acting in service to treason, is,

Why is this still a free country? Why is the Constitution still being discussed? Us agents don't have any evidence for steel core columns, so why is the FEMA deception still an issue after 9 years when guilini too the WTC documents?
The WTC documents were not copied and returned.

THe NYCLU only took the matter off their website after about 5 years.

What you really mean, acting in service to treason, is,

Why is this still a free country? Why is the Constitution still being discussed? Us agents don't have any evidence for steel core columns, so why is the FEMA deception still an issue after 9 years when guilini too the WTC documents?
and why do you suppose the NYCLU took it off their site 5 years ago?
The FEMA deception has people working at wtc7.net and with gage referring to the altered plans from silverstein.

A verifiable Connection

Strange Bedfellows: AE911Truth, the Drone Industry, and Dwain Deets American Everyman

So many "loose changes" came together for me by reading that page.

Gage connected to Hoffman connected to Deets Connected to Roberts and more.

Examination of the plans described in the beginning of the 1990 documentary as preliminary drawings made by Robertson to present the Tower concept to Minoru Yamasaki. Yamasaki vetoed Robertson's design because steel has too much flex in the proportions of the Twins.
Closer examination found that the revision tables had been photoshopped into the scanned blueprints. Anomalies, not artifacts because they are sized and positioned.

This is a screen shot from a .TIFF filed of the 104th floor core floor plan, the first torrent down load of the 600mb archived file I downloaded. Note the crisp resolution in the zoom.


I used that info as part of an analysis of the plans in 2007 and made web pages with the results.

The faked WTC 1 plans
The faked WTC 1 plans
The FEMA deception has people working at wtc7.net and with gage referring to the altered plans from silverstein.

A verifiable Connection

Strange Bedfellows: AE911Truth, the Drone Industry, and Dwain Deets American Everyman

So many "loose changes" came together for me by reading that page.

Gage connected to Hoffman connected to Deets Connected to Roberts and more.

Examination of the plans described in the beginning of the 1990 documentary as preliminary drawings made by Robertson to present the Tower concept to Minoru Yamasaki. Yamasaki vetoed Robertson's design because steel has too much flex in the proportions of the Twins.
Closer examination found that the revision tables had been photoshopped into the scanned blueprints. Anomalies, not artifacts because they are sized and positioned.

This is a screen shot from a .TIFF filed of the 104th floor core floor plan, the first torrent down load of the 600mb archived file I downloaded. Note the crisp resolution in the zoom.


I used that info as part of an analysis of the plans in 2007 and made web pages with the results.

The faked WTC 1 plans
The faked WTC 1 plans

more delusional bullshit
As if one pixel wide spaces and lines were possible from a scan of a pencil drawing at the scale of what the revision table is.


The plans being used by the truth movement are obsolete and do not repreesnt what was built (silverstein plans shown inaccurate).
Your refusal to recognize a violation of law enabling misprision of felony and treason marks you as an agent of the infiltrators.

The ex mayor took all of the WTC documents and there is absolutely no proof to your fellow agents claim that the WTC documents were returned.

You are a member of a false social group working to conceal treason.

This boy is not going to be happy with you and your infiltrating masters when he figures out why he grew up without a father.

Your refusal to recognize a violation of law enabling misprision of felony and treason marks you as an agent of the infiltrators.

The ex mayor took all of the WTC documents and there is absolutely no proof to your fellow agents claim that the WTC documents were returned.

You are a member of a false social group working to conceal treason.

This boy is not going to be happy with you and your infiltrating masters when he figures out why he grew up without a father.

you're fucking out of your mind.

explain to us again how you are the "chosen one" to lead us all out of hypnosis. that should be good for a few laughs too.:lol:

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