FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

Demolition, the truth of 9-11 and the WTC

Chris. What about this quote from your site in March of 2005 concerning the description of BOTH towers. Not just WTC1. Followed by a picture you used show what there were supposedly like.


Christophera said:
The twin towers had a rectangular cast concrete core structure formed by 4 rectangular cells. By watching a documentary in 1990 about the construction of the towers I learned the details needed to analyze what has happened and what photos show us.


Where's all the discussion on your older of the "Cape Canaveral" base? The radically redesigned core of WTC2? According to the quote above, you "analyzed" and "learned the details" of what the photos show us. How did you miss the fact that the cores were radically different?

Hey Chris.

How come at this forum, you say the towers were "mostly identical"???? Now you say they are "radically different"????



i know that one!!

because he is a complete JACKASS!! :lol:
Gee, 3,000 murdered and the agents cannot recognize violations of law depriving the public of plans of the buildings. They also cannot support with independent verifications the core FEMA said existed.

No wonder all you can notice is petty crap that doesn't matter. The towers had a concrete core. They were diffferent in ways that do do not matter to agents because those differences only matter for those that use truth. Agents do not do that.
Gee, 3,000 murdered and the agents cannot recognize violations of law depriving the public of plans of the buildings. They also cannot support with independent verifications the core FEMA said existed.

No wonder all you can notice is petty crap that doesn't matter. The towers had a concrete core. They were diffferent in ways that do do not matter to agents because those differences only matter for those that use truth. Agents do not do that.
still showing what a dipshit you are
we recognize that YOU violated the law
Gee, 3,000 murdered and the agents cannot recognize violations of law depriving the public of plans of the buildings. They also cannot support with independent verifications the core FEMA said existed.

No wonder all you can notice is petty crap that doesn't matter. The towers had a concrete core. They were diffferent in ways that do do not matter to agents because those differences only matter for those that use truth. Agents do not do that.
still showing what a dipshit you are
we recognize that YOU violated the law

dipshit dot com .... :clap2: too funny ! :lol:
Gee, 3,000 murdered and the agents cannot recognize violations of law depriving the public of plans of the buildings. They also cannot support with independent verifications the core FEMA said existed.

No wonder all you can notice is petty crap that doesn't matter. The towers had a concrete core. They were diffferent in ways that do do not matter to agents because those differences only matter for those that use truth. Agents do not do that.
still showing what a dipshit you are
we recognize that YOU violated the law

dipshit dot com .... :clap2: too funny ! :lol:
yeah, i should see if thats available, buy it, put it on my host and post a photo of him as the index.html
I used to modify his algoxy links to alpoxy .. when I was a mod at LetsRoll .. took him ages to figure out why they didn't work. I guess the dyslexia kicked in .. it was hilarious!! :lol:
Gee, 3,000 murdered and the agents cannot recognize violations of law depriving the public of plans of the buildings. They also cannot support with independent verifications the core FEMA said existed.

No wonder all you can notice is petty crap that doesn't matter. The towers had a concrete core. They were diffferent in ways that do do not matter to agents because those differences only matter for those that use truth. Agents do not do that.

there is no law that says the public should have access to the building plans of the twin towers, jackass!! :cuckoo:

the 19 hijackers murdered 3000 people. even if we arent agents we recognize that. the fact that you are a disinfo agent trying to make money of their murder is despicable.
Gee, 3,000 murdered and the agents cannot recognize violations of law depriving the public of plans of the buildings. They also cannot support with independent verifications the core FEMA said existed.

No wonder all you can notice is petty crap that doesn't matter. The towers had a concrete core. They were diffferent in ways that do do not matter to agents because those differences only matter for those that use truth. Agents do not do that.

there is no law that says the public should have access to the building plans of the twin towers, jackass!! :cuckoo:

the 19 hijackers murdered 3000 people. even if we arent agents we recognize that. the fact that you are a disinfo agent trying to make money of their murder is despicable.

the fact that you are a disinfo agent trying to make money of their murder is despicable.

Aint dat da truth?
Gee, 3,000 murdered and the agents cannot recognize violations of law depriving the public of plans of the buildings. They also cannot support with independent verifications the core FEMA said existed.

No wonder all you can notice is petty crap that doesn't matter. The towers had a concrete core. They were diffferent in ways that do do not matter to agents because those differences only matter for those that use truth. Agents do not do that.

watch this video


then speak to those that built the towers, read their depositions, research, the building plans are in the public domain, you just have to look for them jackass
You guys make fun of chris all you want, but when I catch that bastard Sasquatch aka Bigfoot, I will take those plans silverstein gave him back... And THEN we will see who is laughing last!!!!
FEMA .. is the Federal Emergency Management Agency according to my references.

The primary purpose of FEMA is to coordinate the response to a disaster that has occurred in the United States and that overwhelms the resources of local and state authorities. The governor of the state in which the disaster occurs must declare a state of emergency and formally request from the president that FEMA and the federal government respond to the disaster.

NIST .. is the National Institute of Standards and Technology

Chris claims, that FEMA which is a response agency to disaster which overwhelms local capabilities, purposely deceived NIST in terms of the structure of the twin towers.

Really !!

I actually don't see what FEMA did in terms of Chris's argument, since they were in no position to provide essential data to NIST.. nor were they required to do so.

They (FEMA) are a Federal reactionary agency in times of local inadequacies.

In my view they would instruct NIST to conduct an investigation into the disaster according to the appropriate methodology of NIST and it's standards, which remain independent of FEMA and/or any other agency.

They did that .. there was no deception from FEMA regarding the structure of the WTC towers.

Christophera is simply a shit stirring asshole with no clues about administration within the public services of the USA.. in particular those agencies he denigrates.

FEMA .. is the Federal Emergency Management Agency according to my references.

The primary purpose of FEMA is to coordinate the response to a disaster that has occurred in the United States and that overwhelms the resources of local and state authorities. The governor of the state in which the disaster occurs must declare a state of emergency and formally request from the president that FEMA and the federal government respond to the disaster.

NIST .. is the National Institute of Standards and Technology

Chris claims, that FEMA which is a response agency to disaster which overwhelms local capabilities, purposely deceived NIST in terms of the structure of the twin towers.

Really !!

I actually don't see what FEMA did in terms of Chris's argument, since they were in no position to provide essential data to NIST.. nor were they required to do so.

They (FEMA) are a Federal reactionary agency in times of local inadequacies.

In my view they would instruct NIST to conduct an investigation into the disaster according to the appropriate methodology of NIST and it's standards, which remain independent of FEMA and/or any other agency.

They did that .. there was no deception from FEMA regarding the structure of the WTC towers.

Christophera is simply a shit stirring asshole with no clues about administration within the public services of the USA.. in particular those agencies he denigrates.

it should be fairly obvious to anyone with a functional brain, that Christopher A Brown is a totally delusional dipshit
No wonder all you can notice is petty crap that doesn't matter.

Petty crap?! You make shit up at every turn. You lie to try and keep your theory going. I have shown evidence of that in the previous threads. You never address the mistakes.

The towers had a concrete core.


They were diffferent in ways that do do not matter

You have been proven to be lying about this. You used to think they were the same, almost identical, and NOW you claim they are radically different. Why? Because you were shown a HUGE mistake in your theory so you changed your tune to cover it up.

You're a lowlife.
I just want to commend you guys for your dedication in beating chris daily like you do..

But I also want to point out that now, the only people even reading his tripe is us.... I suppose we could consider him like Muhammad Ali.. Not in the sense he is so smart or so charismatic or athletic. More in the sense he has realized there is no such thing as bad press, and by that same token there is no such thing as bad page views, bad visits to his site, or bad arguments on a web forum which leads to the other two things happening...

Okay.... I am done being a killjoy.... Let the carnage resume....

He has to be brought to task for his lies and distortions, and the fact that he is profiteering off of death and destruction.

If it wasn't for the sad fact that 3000 people died that day, I would view spanking Chrissy as a kind of arcade game. Something along the lines of "Whack A Goof". Every time he pops up, hit him.
So let's see Chris. You consider all the stuff we point out as petty crap, yet let's look at a few things about you and your theory.

1. Your main piece of evidence is a documentary that you can't find and that nobody else has, claiming that it was removed from the government.

2. You admitted to many mistakes in your photo analysis of the foundation photo.

3. You changed your story about the 17'/12' thickness of the core wall.

4. You fucked up about your claim that there was absolutely no express elevator access from outside the concrete core at the lobby level. You believed this claim for YEARS until I proved you wrong. You even admitted that you were incorrect.

5. You were shown a photo of an express elevator shaft and claimed that you could see the roof of the WTC tower at the top. Turns out it was the bottom of an elevator that was descending.

6. You scaled a photo of the mezzanine floor and came up with 31' between perimeter columns and the marble encased concrete core. Then you provide me with a scaled lobby drawing (one level below the mezzanine) in which you say the space is 25' and not 31'. Here are those two pictures.
The black circle is the 25' dimension.

Below, the yellow 31' and 8' dimensions are your annotations. Mine a

Why the 6' difference? It's because you changed your story when people found mistakes and got caught making shit up again.

7. You first claimed the spaces I showed you of the express elevator access were merely granite facades between the columns on the lobby level. Then you said they were marble. Then you admitted that they were elevator doors

8. The dimensions of you core will not allow for all the local elevators, stairwells, hallways, etc. You've been told this many times, but ignore it.

9. Your "3'x7'" service hallway is nothing more than a missing/destroyed gypsum plank.

10. You claim there were cross members encased in the concrete core wall between the perimeter core columns and the guide rail supports yet we see no protruding members in any of the concrete chunks you think you see.

11. You fucked up your 3" diameter rebar claim and are now calling it 6" diameter.

12. You originally claimed that the towers were almost identical. Now they are radically different.

13. You claim there are buttplates when they are "lugs" on the side of what you claim are elevator guide rail support steel.

There is MUCH more than this Chris. And yet you want to pin the deaths of 3,000 people using your mistake ridden theory? After 8 years, your STILL admitting to mistakes and contradictions. Not a very solid theory. Makes a better fantasy novel.

For someone who saw a "DETAILED DOCUMENTARY", you sure screwed up a bunch of stuff.

How did you screw this up so bad Chris?

You keep repeating that you saw a very detailed documentary about the towers and their core construction. That documentary is supposedly where you have gotten most of your information.

Answer me this. If this documentary was so detailed about the cores, how can you have made such a HUGE mistake in stating first that the core of the towers were similar on your site years ago http://concretecore.741.com/:
Christophera said:
These were fact I learned from a documentary called "Construction of the Twin Towers" in 1990 about the construction of the north tower. This aired on PBS channel 28 in southern California. Yamsaki's decision making process was outlined and rejected core designs identified.

Both the WTC 1 & WTC 2 towers had a rectangular cast concrete core structure formed into rectangular cells that had elevators and stairways in them.

Now you claim they were radically different and the the cores were redesigned.

What happened? Are you making this shit up or what? If the redesign was mentioned in the documentary, why have always held true that the towers were almost all the same until recently?

It appears the agents have no evidence at all that can be verified showing steel core columns in the core. They have no official plans and they cannot show steel core columns in the core area on 9-11.

Ironically, they will not recognize the violations of law that deprives all of us of the building plans for the Twin towers.

gumit insists that my memory of the "Engineering and Construction of the Twin Towers" should be perfect. gumit fails to recognize that the difference between a concrete core and a concrete core of a different design, of nearly the same dimensions, but additional features, is NOTHING compared to the difference between a core of supposed steel core columns and a concrete core.

Based in that erroneous assumption, gumit attempts to justify an indignant objection. Nonsense!

If gumjobber had one image of the supposed steel core columns clearly in the core area, it would be different. gummer does not have that. No agent does. The steel core columns did not exist.

The core of the Twin Towers was concrete

gumit fails to recognize that the difference between a concrete core and a concrete core of a different design, of nearly the same dimensions, but additional features,

That's a fucking lie dickhead.

Your two cores differed GREATLY according to you. You call a 40' difference in width "nearly the same dimensions"?

We're supposed to believe a guy who can't remember a damn thing correctly and uses those patchy memories as evidence for you to accuse people of murdering 3,000 people?

Chris, you're the laughing stock of the truth movement. You haven't convinced anyone in 8 years.


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