FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

The bottom right image of PANEL 2 is the exact same moment as the cherry picked images of the agents supporting the FEMA deception.

Is that column on the right inside the core? Why yes it is. Does it have buttplates showing? Nope. Is it a photo from 9/11? Yup.

It is therefore, using your own criteria, a core column. No buttplates, inside the core, still standing on 9/11.

You lose again.
That momemt is the only time where elevator guide rail support steel is seen in the destruction of either tower, and only a few along the north core wall are visible.

there's no such thing as "elevator guide rail support steel".

its something you completely made up. you have NOTHING to support your claim. :cuckoo:

the spire was the center two rows of the STEEL CORE COLUMNS.
The bottom right image of PANEL 2 is the exact same moment as the cherry picked images of the agents supporting the FEMA deception.

Hey jackass.

If that is a large chunk of concrete wall falling into the core as you claim, where are the cross members that were supposedly formed into the concrete when the wall was poured? You know. The cross members that connected the interior box columns to your elevator guide rail support steel. I see no cross members protruding from the chunk. There should be a bunch of 5' foot length protrusions sticking out. It you can see 6" diameter rebar, you should be able to see that.

Another question. How did that concrete wall chunk wall fall away as a whole piece and leave surrounding interior box columns, cross members, and elevator gyuide rail support steel still standing? Did the concrete wall chunk phase out and pass through the steel beams and columns and then reform into a solid mass once it was clear of them?

How could there that been a "concrete" chuck when your explosive coated rebar supposedly pulverized everything?
That momemt is the only time where elevator guide rail support steel is seen in the destruction of either tower, and only a few along the north core wall are visible.

there's no such thing as "elevator guide rail support steel".

its something you completely made up. you have NOTHING to support your claim. :cuckoo:

the spire was the center two rows of the STEEL CORE COLUMNS.

Hey Fizz.

This seems to be the crux of Chris' argument. He claims that there is no "interior box columns" on the inside of the core and that any columns shown in the core is "elevator guide rail support steel".

Chris has set forth the following defining criteria, based on his own opinions and no supporting evidence, of what an "interior box column" is and what an "elevator guide rail support column is". What is that criteria. Get ready!!!!

Elevator guide rail support columns have "butt plates".

That's it.

So this photo shows no buttplates, which means that the column to the right is a core column.
gummojack, you are the one claiming the steel with the concrete is falling into the core. Since it is seen with the core wall and interior box columns in the background, I logically conclude the steel and concrete are falling outside the core.

The piece connecting the elevator guide rail support steel through the concrete is not a brace. It is a simple connection. A brace is free standing in space. That piece is cast into the concrete wall.

Because the wall is broken and the concrete falls with the steel, it is safe to assume there is one there and the concrete surrounds it. The connection IS between the interio box column and the guide rail support steel so it also connects the guide support to the concrete.

The west concrete core wall of WTC 1.


I just want to commend you guys for your dedication in beating chris daily like you do..

But I also want to point out that now, the only people even reading his tripe is us.... I suppose we could consider him like Muhammad Ali.. Not in the sense he is so smart or so charismatic or athletic. More in the sense he has realized there is no such thing as bad press, and by that same token there is no such thing as bad page views, bad visits to his site, or bad arguments on a web forum which leads to the other two things happening...

Okay.... I am done being a killjoy.... Let the carnage resume....
I just want to commend you guys for your dedication in beating chris daily like you do..

But I also want to point out that now, the only people even reading his tripe is us.... I suppose we could consider him like Muhammad Ali.. Not in the sense he is so smart or so charismatic or athletic. More in the sense he has realized there is no such thing as bad press, and by that same token there is no such thing as bad page views, bad visits to his site, or bad arguments on a web forum which leads to the other two things happening...

Okay.... I am done being a killjoy.... Let the carnage resume....

i find it amusing that when confronted by such overwhelming evidence from so many different sources that he still clings to his already debunked shit and his lies. in my wildest dreams i could never come up with some of the shit he makes up.
I just thought of something Chris. Something that confirms you are nothing but a liar and con-artist.

You claim that your concrete core of WTC2 was radically different than that of WTC1. That is was redesigned in order for the express elevators to be on the outside of the core, one bank of 12 express elevators on one side and a bank of 11 on the opposite side. That makes your core smaller by about 40' for the short sides making the WTC2 core about 60' from outside wall to outside wall, down from 104' for WTC1's core. So 60' MINUS another 24' (2 walls at 12' thick) making that 36' of interior open space in your WTC2 core. Now. You claim that there were two hallways running in both directions of the core for a total of 4 hallways. There were 24 local elevators in the center of that core.

1. How in the fuck did they fit 24 local elevators and 2 hallways into a 36' wide space???? Not to mention the "guide rail support columns, ducting, stairwells, etc.

2. How come the steel structure NEVER CHANGES between the construction photos of WTC1 and WTC2 even though the concrete core was RADICALLY redesigned?

3. How come you can never provide the evidence that the core of WTC2 was redesigned AFTER WTC1 was started because of renting issues? Did you make that up?
gummojack, you are the one claiming the steel with the concrete is falling into the core. Since it is seen with the core wall and interior box columns in the background, I logically conclude the steel and concrete are falling outside the core.

The piece connecting the elevator guide rail support steel through the concrete is not a brace. It is a simple connection. A brace is free standing in space. That piece is cast into the concrete wall.

Because the wall is broken and the concrete falls with the steel, it is safe to assume there is one there and the concrete surrounds it. The connection IS between the interio box column and the guide rail support steel so it also connects the guide support to the concrete.

The west concrete core wall of WTC 1.



Why do we not see pieces of steel that was jutting out from your chunk of concrete that encased it? You wall tapered remember? that means that there would have been horizontal members exposed and jutting out of the concrete. That was about a 15' long horizontal member. You wall was 12' at it's base. there would have been at least 3' or more sticking out.

Where is the steel that should be jutting out of that chunk? I see none.
The piece connecting the elevator guide rail support steel through the concrete is not a brace. It is a simple connection. A brace is free standing in space. That piece is cast into the concrete wall.

Bullshit. It's a member that is connected to both columns and therefore transfers loads among them.

What type of connection was this "simple connection"?

huh huh huh ....He said "member".....:lol::lol::lol::lol:

Sorry ill try and behave now.... couldn't help it a beavis and butthead moment came over me....
The piece connecting the elevator guide rail support steel through the concrete is not a brace. It is a simple connection. A brace is free standing in space. That piece is cast into the concrete wall.

Bullshit. It's a member that is connected to both columns and therefore transfers loads among them.

What type of connection was this "simple connection"?

huh huh huh ....He said "member".....:lol::lol::lol::lol:

Sorry ill try and behave now.... couldn't help it a beavis and butthead moment came over me....

The piece connecting the elevator guide rail support steel through the concrete is not a brace. It is a simple connection. A brace is free standing in space. That piece is cast into the concrete wall.

Bullshit. It's a member that is connected to both columns and therefore transfers loads among them.

What type of connection was this "simple connection"?
and you notice on that photo, not a single "butt plate"
i dont believe what he is calling "butt plates" were that at all
what it looks like is a piece that is attached to the end of steel to lift it into place
and they DO make things for that as my Dad used to haul just such kinds of steel
they were made for the sole purpose of lift the steel into place and then removed for the next beam to be put in
Hey Chris. This next quote is from your site. You are describing the detonations and explosives of WTC2.

Christophera said:
The cutting charges are immediately outside the concrete core and are detonating with the floors they are associated with.

If the core of WTC2 was radically different and had the 24 express elevator outside the core on either side as you now claim, how could the "cutting chargers associated with the floors" be immediately outside the core if the was a bank of elevators in between?

You see Chris. You can't even keep your site up to date with all the lies you've told. Fact is, you ALWAYS argued that the tower cores were only slightly different, but still in the same location. When I proved (and you admitted i was correct) to you that there was access to the elevators from outside the core at the lobby level, you changed your story to then say the tower cores were different in order to compensate for you being totally incorrect.

Problem is Chris, you have so many old sites and have changed your story over a bunch of forums, that you can't keep everything up to date with your latest bullshit. It REALLY starting to show.
The piece connecting the elevator guide rail support steel through the concrete is not a brace. It is a simple connection. A brace is free standing in space. That piece is cast into the concrete wall.

Bullshit. It's a member that is connected to both columns and therefore transfers loads among them.

What type of connection was this "simple connection"?
and you notice on that photo, not a single "butt plate"
i dont believe what he is calling "butt plates" were that at all
what it looks like is a piece that is attached to the end of steel to lift it into place
and they DO make things for that as my Dad used to haul just such kinds of steel
they were made for the sole purpose of lift the steel into place and then removed for the next beam to be put in

I agree. Some type of "lug".
Here is an internet archive link to Chris' old website.
Demolition, the truth of 9-11

The third picture down says "Actual Core of the Towers".

Towers. Plural.

What changed Chris that you now say that they were radically different even though you supposedly saw videos that discussed the cores?


Another quote from that old site:
Christophera said:
The twin towers had a rectangular cast concrete core structure formed by 4 rectangular elements. I saw a documentary in 1990 about the construction of the towers that detailed this aspect in every way.

Funny how you say this documentary detailed everything, but yet you keep changing your story. Did they edit that documentary ever few years and change it? Is that why you keep fucking things up in your theory?
Last edited:
Here is an internet archive link to Chris' old website.
Demolition, the truth of 9-11

The third picture down says "Actual Core of the Towers".

Towers. Plural.

What changed Chris that you now say that they were radically different even though you supposedly saw videos that discussed the cores?


Another quote from that old site:
Christophera said:
The twin towers had a rectangular cast concrete core structure formed by 4 rectangular elements. I saw a documentary in 1990 about the construction of the towers that detailed this aspect in every way.

Funny how you say this documentary detailed everything, but yet you keep changing your story. Did they edit that documentary ever few years and change it? Is that why you keep fucking things up in your theory?
he is a massive liar
all he wants is to push his website to make money and sell his bullshit book

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