FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

The steel in stans photo is steel toppling from the line of the interior box columns or immediately inside the concrete wall.

Horse shit Chris .. they are in the core area and on 9/11 and check the plans for the numbers imbecile.

Go on .. then come back and tell me that the plans were altered to match the photograph during collapse.




The steel is toppling from the north core wall or the west, NOT THE CORE.


If the camera were turned to the right it would see an empty core like is seen here.

Massive core columns in the core area after collapse.


No concrete core ... seen in the core area after collapse. Bloody invisicrete is impossible to see. Useless stuff IMO.

Stann :lol:
Why didn't you post an image of steel core columns?

Those concrete cores were constructed differently than the Twins. The Twins were made like WTC 7's new core. After the steel was in place.

STRUCTUREmag: Concrete Construction at 7 World Trade Center

Having chosen the system, Tishman Construction compared the pros and cons of constructing either the concrete core or structural steel first. An additional factor to be considered, as noted by Allan Paull, was the fact that the labor union in New York City does not allow concrete construction to be performed above steel workers. The steel-first approach was chosen based on the following advantages: expedited construction of the mechanical/electrical work, simplified building hoist, simplified crane logistics, expedited curtain wall construction, and a reduced overall construction schedule and cost.
yeah, construction techniques in 2009 vs 1968
you really are too fucking stupid

Your attention please!!!!

I have come to the realization that christophera is right.... I have done some extensive research and uncovered new evidence that proves beyond a doubt that the core of the WTC was in fact a concrete structure....

I have testimony from an eye witness that states he was given the stolen blueprints by Silverstein himself, and told to "get rid of it"... THis witness happened to be an expert at hiding and eluding investigators for decades, and I believe his testimony to be beyond all refutation..

I know what you are thinking... No Way!!! But to you all I say yes way! For I have a picture of the witness I took myself holding the very documents I speak of...

Now the pic was taken of him running away. it seems he is very shy and frightened of most people. But I believe the evidence is without question....


Yes that's right... Silverstein gave the stolen blueprints to Bigfoot. I also have good reason to believe Bigfoot has the unedited documentary chris spoke of as well.... So he is hereby exonerated.... I am so very sorry I doubted you christophera....:lol::lol::lol::lol:
The concrete core is not a theory. It is fact. The information I have on it is not perfect.

a fact? :lol::lol::lol:

keeping clicking your heels together with your eyes closed and repeating "there really is a concrete core. there really is a concrete core. there really is a concrete core." and it might eventually come true.

View attachment 10187

That is so funny well done Fizz !!
Robertson is verified by Oxford, verifying Domel who describes a concrete core verified by the image of


WTC 2 core, verifying the top of WTC 2 core falling onto WTC 3, the WTC 1 rebar, just after the WTC 1 west core wall is seen in an end view, then, the WTC 1 east shear wall toppling, consistent with interior box columns silhouetted on WTC 1 north core wall, consistent with ground zero showing the WTC 1 north concrete core base wall, 12 foot thick, all supported as clarification of the many confused statements that do mention concrete in the core including the latest revised NIST contracted analysis of free fall by Bazant et. al 6/21/2007, which actually provides an equivalent amount of high explosives needed to create the rate of fall they are attempting to justify with physics. It doesn't work, but at least they won't go down in history as totally supporting the deceptions.
The concrete core is not a theory. It is fact. The information I have on it is not perfect.

So you just admitted to everyone that your concrete core is based on incorrect information?!


I'm going to keep posting this quote every time you post your "not perfect" information.
stans columns are shown to be either outside the core or the first elevator support steel.

Hey dumbass. Based on your own criteria, you just proved that those columns in the photo are CORE COLUMNS.

1. The column on the right does not have buttplates joining them together
2. They are shown to be still standing on 9/11

There you have it Chris. Your core columns INSIDE the core.

stans columns are shown to be either outside the core or the first elevator support steel.


The column on the right is both INSIDE the core and does not have any buttplates. According to Chris, this makes the column on the right a CORE COLUMN.

Case closed.
Agent gummo is desparate. Pretending that I've said that butt plates are used everywhere in the elevator guide rail support steel, nonsense. They are not. They are used sporatically to align the support steel and the images from construction show they are not used on all joints. Simply butt welding with a single pass was the common method.

Notice the agents are cherry picking one image in an attempt to show "steel core columns". The reason for this is there were no steel core columns and all 9-11 images show an empty core. This is another image from the exact same moment.


That momemt is the only time where elevator guide rail support steel is seen in the destruction of either tower, and only a few along the north core wall are visible.

Concrete is visible in the majority of shots that do show core structure.


Most often the core is empty.


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