FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

why don't they spend all this energy on helping the people who survived the event?
this one wont even venture into who he thinks did it
unlike the other troofers that claim the infamous "they" did it

I'm methodical and cannot be led astray by those without evidence having independent verification.

I first work to figure out what has happened. Thne how, then who. You support the perpetrators strategy of keeping everybody ignorant of the design so they will not realise the cause of death is invalid, which supports the secret methods of mass murder.
the design of those buildings was well known
it is not secret
you are WRONG in your assumptions and theories
To say that knowing the analysis of collapse cannot be correct subverts due process. It is a deprivation of equal protection of law for the 3,000 victims and every American, whether they recognize it or not

You are belittling the victims by focusing not on them, but on a false conspiracy. What purpose would the government have for killing off so many of it's own?

finding the criminals responsible for murder is honoring the victims and their family's and the answer to your second question can be found in the pnac document...stating the need for another pearl harbour to gain popular support for invasions in the middle east
and we know who did it
this one wont even venture into who he thinks did it
unlike the other troofers that claim the infamous "they" did it

I'm methodical and cannot be led astray by those without evidence having independent verification.

I first work to figure out what has happened. Thne how, then who. You support the perpetrators strategy of keeping everybody ignorant of the design so they will not realise the cause of death is invalid, which supports the secret methods of mass murder.
the design of those buildings was well known
it is not secret
you are WRONG in your assumptions and theories

I'm pretty young still. I want you to do me a favor. Find out this jerk's name. When he dies, I'm going to make it a point to go to his grave and take a piss on it. I know its not classy and I'll be arrested but frankly, I don't care. Sometimes you have to answer absolute disgusting people with an absolutely disgusting act. I may take a dump there too and REALLY get my money's worth.
The photos that show the pools of molten metal prove explosives were used.
Since when do "explosives" melt steel?

BOTH explosives and thermite were used.the fact that you bother listening and reading the posts of that Moron Ditzcon and believing HIS posts just shows how easy you are to be brainwashed by lies and propaganda.the fact that you selectively only quoted PART of my post proves you only selectively read parts of my posts since like Ditzcon,you only see what you WANT to see.
Selectively only quoted?! I quoted the part of your post that was complete idiocy. Nowhere in the rest of your quote do you further explain what you meant by "The photos that show the pools of molten metal prove explosives were used." So I pointed out your mistake that EXPLOSIVES do not create MOLTEN METAL. Couple that with the fact that THERMITE is not an EXPLOSIVE, that makes your statement incorrect. You and eots make claims that you know the properties of steel, but have been proven in just a couple of posts that you do not. Perfect example here:
To even begin to weaken the steel support columns the fires need to get to temps of at LEAST 2700.

You have quoted the temperature that steel begins to MELT. Do you and eots know the difference between MELTING and WEAKENING? I don't believe so after a quote like that. This type of mistake just supports the fact that your end result of you believing that 9/11 was a conspiracy is based on ERRORS. Which makes it incorrect.

Why is it that you and eots both ignored the evidence about temperatures of steel? Are you that arrogant that you cannot admit when you are wrong?

Now another point that I brought up. Can you tell me that the "pools of molten metal" were, beyond a shadow of doubt, not pools of ALUMINUM? You do know that the perimeter columns on the outside of the towers were clad with ALUMINUM right? Wnad that the melting point of ALUMINUM is 1220F and that office fires can reach or exceed temperatures higher than 1300F?
Since when do "explosives" melt steel?

BOTH explosives and thermite were used.the fact that you bother listening and reading the posts of that Moron Ditzcon and believing HIS posts just shows how easy you are to be brainwashed by lies and propaganda.the fact that you selectively only quoted PART of my post proves you only selectively read parts of my posts since like Ditzcon,you only see what you WANT to see.
Selectively only quoted?! I quoted the part of your post that was complete idiocy. Nowhere in the rest of your quote do you further explain what you meant by "The photos that show the pools of molten metal prove explosives were used." So I pointed out your mistake that EXPLOSIVES do not create MOLTEN METAL. Couple that with the fact that THERMITE is not an EXPLOSIVE, that makes your statement incorrect. You and eots make claims that you know the properties of steel, but have been proven in just a couple of posts that you do not. Perfect example here:
To even begin to weaken the steel support columns the fires need to get to temps of at LEAST 2700.

You have quoted the temperature that steel begins to MELT. Do you and eots know the difference between MELTING and WEAKENING? I don't believe so after a quote like that. This type of mistake just supports the fact that your end result of you believing that 9/11 was a conspiracy is based on ERRORS. Which makes it incorrect.

Why is it that you and eots both ignored the evidence about temperatures of steel? Are you that arrogant that you cannot admit when you are wrong?

Now another point that I brought up. Can you tell me that the "pools of molten metal" were, beyond a shadow of doubt, not pools of ALUMINUM? You do know that the perimeter columns on the outside of the towers were clad with ALUMINUM right? Wnad that the melting point of ALUMINUM is 1220F and that office fires can reach or exceed temperatures higher than 1300F?

Well, you have to understand that those two are brain damaged.

And since the NIST wants you to think that steel or iron melts at a certain temperature, they are "in on it" so it has to be wrong.
BOTH explosives and thermite were used.the fact that you bother listening and reading the posts of that Moron Ditzcon and believing HIS posts just shows how easy you are to be brainwashed by lies and propaganda.the fact that you selectively only quoted PART of my post proves you only selectively read parts of my posts since like Ditzcon,you only see what you WANT to see.
Selectively only quoted?! I quoted the part of your post that was complete idiocy. Nowhere in the rest of your quote do you further explain what you meant by "The photos that show the pools of molten metal prove explosives were used." So I pointed out your mistake that EXPLOSIVES do not create MOLTEN METAL. Couple that with the fact that THERMITE is not an EXPLOSIVE, that makes your statement incorrect. You and eots make claims that you know the properties of steel, but have been proven in just a couple of posts that you do not. Perfect example here:
To even begin to weaken the steel support columns the fires need to get to temps of at LEAST 2700.

You have quoted the temperature that steel begins to MELT. Do you and eots know the difference between MELTING and WEAKENING? I don't believe so after a quote like that. This type of mistake just supports the fact that your end result of you believing that 9/11 was a conspiracy is based on ERRORS. Which makes it incorrect.

Why is it that you and eots both ignored the evidence about temperatures of steel? Are you that arrogant that you cannot admit when you are wrong?

Now another point that I brought up. Can you tell me that the "pools of molten metal" were, beyond a shadow of doubt, not pools of ALUMINUM? You do know that the perimeter columns on the outside of the towers were clad with ALUMINUM right? Wnad that the melting point of ALUMINUM is 1220F and that office fires can reach or exceed temperatures higher than 1300F?

Well, you have to understand that those two are brain damaged.

And since the NIST wants you to think that steel or iron melts at a certain temperature, they are "in on it" so it has to be wrong.

And this is what I don't get with conspiracy people. Why do they argue SO hard about their points and evidence being right, but when one of those facts or piece of evidence is proven to be completely wrong, they ignore it. Case in point above about the temperatures dealing with steel. Completely wrong. But will they admit that or drop it from their arguments? Nope. They just keep recycling it.

Just as with Chris here in this thread.

He admits that he can produce a scaled drawing and fit everything in his core that was present at the lobby level, but refuses to do so.

Why? Wouldn't an honest person who really is seeking the truth, be inclined to address all doubts about his theory? I mean really. It's a legitimate error that needs to be addressed. If his core doesn't physically fit what was there, then all his claims are false. I think that's what he is afraid of. Wasting all these years on something that couldn't possibly have existed.

It's so easy. And he won't do it because he "doesn't want to supply that to a wimp"? Really?

If Chris REALLY wanted the truth, he should work WITH his opponents to not only prove them wrong, but to find out the truth about his theory. Anyone who does not explore all questions and errors is fooling themselves, which he seems to have been doing for years.
mind controlled by the mass media to give programed double think responses to the issue of 9/11
except he disagrees with your every point
have you noticed that?
he claims a non-existent 12' concrete wall in the towers core
he never says WHO he suspects

I am very practical. Investigation proceeds as follows and it properly cannot be led around by the likes with no evdence and no reason.

1) What happened
2) How was it done
3) Who did it.

toto moron tries to get the cart in front of the horse, for people working to understand, to obfusucate and keep the means of mass murder secret.

We are so far from 1), we don't even know what it happened to.

Except that you are not trying hard to understand. You are not interested in understanding. You are trying to propagate a pre-conceived worldview.
except he disagrees with your every point
have you noticed that?
he claims a non-existent 12' concrete wall in the towers core
he never says WHO he suspects

I am very practical. Investigation proceeds as follows and it properly cannot be led around by the likes with no evidence and no reason.

1) What happened
2) How was it done
3) Who did it.

toto moron tries to get the cart in front of the horse, for people working to understand, to obfusucate and keep the means of mass murder secret.

We are so far from 1), we don't even know what it happened to.

Except that you are not trying hard to understand. You are not interested in understanding. You are trying to propagate a pre-conceived worldview.

Did you copy that from the "nwo agent handbook of psyops perspectives" and just reverse the context?

Here is my logic.

You evade addressing what this image does show, and does not show with any reasoning.


Or why what FEMA diagrams here,


Is not seen in the top image. Or, why it is not seen here.


I understand that very long steel structures have a great deal of flex and that is why the Steel Tacoma Narrrows Bridge flexed and collapsed in 42 MPH wind

And that a steel reinforced cast concrete tube can resist the torsion that we see destroy the bridge in oscillation.


The preconcieved world view includes Constitutional rights which you ignore and the perps that direct you seek to destroy. You know, "liberty and justice for all."
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I'm methodical and cannot be led astray by those without evidence having independent verification.

Methodical my ass!

Chris, have you ever, whether you have shared it with other people or not, drawn out a scaled plan of your core and try to see if what actually existed in it COULD have fit inside?

I mean seriously. If you decide to draw it out and it comes down to the fact that it doesn't work, what are you going to do? Every single one of your claims is based on the fact that a concrete core existed. You have your head so far up your own ass with this theory that you wouldn't be able to pull it out.

The simple fact that 12 express elevators, side by side, inside your 120' dimension of your core, do not fit inside. You need at least 6 20' wide elevator bays to make it work. That's already up to your 120' inside dimension.

The sad part is that you are afraid to pursue things that may lead to your theory's decimation because you have so much of your credibility tied into it. It you are proven false, then ALL your claims, photo interpretation, expert descriptions, etc. turn out to be nothing more than bunk. You will look like a MAJOR fool. Een more than you do now.

You lie and say it's for the constitution and for the American people. Bullshit. It's only for your own goals/purpose and the fact that if you admit you are wrong now, you'll have to go back to your miserable, lonely life because the little internet fame you have now will disappear.
Your core isn't physically possible. It can't surround all that was inside. Here is a scaled drawing using your own core dimensions. I know the type and size of the express elevators. This information was not gathered from the so called "fake blueprints". You can't prove this drawing wrong.
How did the gypsum planking survive the explosion which you claimed pulverized a 12' thick concrete wall? The gypsum planking is inside the red rectangle in the following photo. Your wall was BEHIND it. How did it survive when your wall is gone? Obviously the "explosion" happened. Must be SUPER-GYPSUM-PLANKING!!!!!
How did the gypsum planking survive the explosion which you claimed pulverized a 12' thick concrete wall? The gypsum planking is inside the red rectangle in the following photo. Your wall was BEHIND it. How did it survive when your wall is gone? Obviously the "explosion" happened. Must be SUPER-GYPSUM-PLANKING!!!!!

Yea, very super. Too super. It's a piece of 3/4 or 1" steel plate used as a dam in the concrete forms. That is why it has that color and that is why it survived.

Do you really think people are stupid enough to believe a piece of drywall standing on edge supported by heavy steel structure is going to survive the crash of hundreds of thousands of tons of structural steel over it?


You might as well give up on that one. Keeping the means of mass murder secret is not that easy.
How did the gypsum planking survive the explosion which you claimed pulverized a 12' thick concrete wall? The gypsum planking is inside the red rectangle in the following photo. Your wall was BEHIND it. How did it survive when your wall is gone? Obviously the "explosion" happened. Must be SUPER-GYPSUM-PLANKING!!!!!

Yea, very super. Too super. It's a piece of 3/4 or 1" steel plate used as a dam in the concrete forms. That is why it has that color and that is why it survived.

Do you really think people are stupid enough to believe a piece of drywall standing on edge supported by heavy steel structure is going to survive the crash of hundreds of thousands of tons of structural steel over it?


You might as well give up on that one. Keeping the means of mass murder secret is not that easy.

Wrong. Gypsum planking used to surround the elevator shafts that were in the location you think your core was. It's the SAME gypsum planking the the red arrows point to that surrounded the stairwell there.

The lengths you go to in order to lie to people is astounding.
How did the gypsum planking survive the explosion which you claimed pulverized a 12' thick concrete wall? The gypsum planking is inside the red rectangle in the following photo. Your wall was BEHIND it. How did it survive when your wall is gone? Obviously the "explosion" happened. Must be SUPER-GYPSUM-PLANKING!!!!!

Yea, very super. Too super. It's a piece of 3/4 or 1" steel plate used as a dam in the concrete forms. That is why it has that color and that is why it survived.

Do you really think people are stupid enough to believe a piece of drywall standing on edge supported by heavy steel structure is going to survive the crash of hundreds of thousands of tons of structural steel over it?


You might as well give up on that one. Keeping the means of mass murder secret is not that easy.

Wrong. Gypsum planking used to surround the elevator shafts that were in the location you think your core was. It's the SAME gypsum planking the the red arrows point to that surrounded the stairwell there.

The lengths you go to in order to lie to people is astounding.

Gypsum will not survive the crash of steel intact. Both must be steel. The only reason the stairway exists is because the concrete core base wall on the other side is still standing to absorb the load and impact.


Seeing as you have no image from 9-11 showing the supposed steel core columns, it is understood that any kind of lie you might tell to continue the deception, you will tell in order to keep the secret methods of mass murder from being exposed.

It is a steel reinforced cast concrete tube and this is rebar from the walls standing after the structural steel of the spire fell.

Here's another great "little white lie" Chris likes to try and pass on. He claims the following "I" beam in the partial picture below is "hand drawn" in which helps prove that the drawings are fake.

What Chris DOESN'T understand is that the "I" beam itself is actually the dark, heavy "I". The hand drawn outline IS hand drawn, but done so to represent the fireproofing on the beam.

It's how fireproofing was drawn onto mylar/paper/cloth blueprints.
Here's another great "little white lie" Chris likes to try and pass on. He claims the following "I" beam in the partial picture below is "hand drawn" in which helps prove that the drawings are fake.

What Chris DOESN'T understand is that the "I" beam itself is actually the dark, heavy "I". The hand drawn outline IS hand drawn, but done so to represent the fireproofing on the beam.

It's how fireproofing was drawn onto mylar/paper/cloth blueprints.

Your ignorance of drafting materials give you away. No wonder silversteins digitally altered plans are such a mess.

Only vellum was used then. Letter guides were always used on final plans of any structure of public prominance.

Nothing is ever drawn onto a blueprint unless it is construction notes by builders onsite, blueprints are only reproductions. Linen hasn't been used since the 1930's. Mylar was used in 1960's for ink.

WTF does this traitor get his info? Check out the digital anomalie placed in the revision table on the left. The revision table was added digitally to the scanned blueprints. They screwed up and used an automated method to manipulate and place the modified initials to make the appearance of different people reviewing the plans. Note the way the date is written, 7-01-67. People did not put the zero in, generally until after 2000. Can we believe a lettering guide was not used in the title block on the final plans for the tallest buildings in the world of the day built with rockefeller $?


Here is the anomalie enlarged.


gam is a part of a conspiracy to decieve America and destroy the US Constitution.
Here's another great "little white lie" Chris likes to try and pass on. He claims the following "I" beam in the partial picture below is "hand drawn" in which helps prove that the drawings are fake.

What Chris DOESN'T understand is that the "I" beam itself is actually the dark, heavy "I". The hand drawn outline IS hand drawn, but done so to represent the fireproofing on the beam.

It's how fireproofing was drawn onto mylar/paper/cloth blueprints.

Your ignorance of drafting materials give you away. No wonder silversteins digitally altered plans are such a mess.


I've done more drafting/design/construction work/checking/AUTOCAD work in one year than you've probably done in your lifetime. That's a fact.

Only vellum was used then. Letter guides were always used on final plans of any structure of public prominance.

Horseshit! What a joke. You have NO clue as to what you're talking about. I knew guys whose freehand printing was BETTER than lettering guides.

Nothing is ever drawn onto a blueprint unless it is construction notes by builders onsite, blueprints are only reproductions. Linen hasn't been used since the 1930's. Mylar was used in 1960's for ink.

No shit. Really? I've dealt with all those types of media when I worked in steel mills. I MADE blueprint copies with the old ammonia machines. I've also made sepias. I worked with blueprint copies in the field when I was a construction supervisor. I used them for as/builts in order to transfer the markups and changes to the originals.

You don't want to get into a construction debate with me because you'll lose every time. You like to fool everyone with your use of big words and apparent "understanding" of construction/engineering, but you have NO clue what you are talking about. This is evident with the numerous of mistakes you've made in your "assessment" of the core of the towers.

I bet you couldn't even count your own balls and get the same number twice.

Here's another great "little white lie" Chris likes to try and pass on. He claims the following "I" beam in the partial picture below is "hand drawn" in which helps prove that the drawings are fake.

What Chris DOESN'T understand is that the "I" beam itself is actually the dark, heavy "I". The hand drawn outline IS hand drawn, but done so to represent the fireproofing on the beam.

It's how fireproofing was drawn onto mylar/paper/cloth blueprints.

Your ignorance of drafting materials give you away. No wonder silversteins digitally altered plans are such a mess.


I've done more drafting/design/construction work/checking/AUTOCAD work in one year than you've probably done in your lifetime. That's a fact.

Only vellum was used then. Letter guides were always used on final plans of any structure of public prominance.

Horseshit! What a joke. You have NO clue as to what you're talking about. I knew guys whose freehand printing was BETTER than lettering guides.

Nothing is ever drawn onto a blueprint unless it is construction notes by builders onsite, blueprints are only reproductions. Linen hasn't been used since the 1930's. Mylar was used in 1960's for ink.

No shit. Really? I've dealt with all those types of media when I worked in steel mills.

Sure you did.

But you cannot find ONE image from 9-11 showing the supposed steel core column in the core area while I find many of concrete, that also show an empty core.


Your efforts to support the secret means of mass murder are obvious. The Constitution will stand, Americans will know their rights and freedoms for a very long time. Due process will be served because people know the official story is BS, and now that they've seen you can source no evidence to support the FEMA lie, they know that the means of mass murder have been kept secret, until now.

I MADE blueprint copies with the old ammonia machines.


But you didn't draw on them did you?
I MADE blueprint copies with the old ammonia machines.


But you didn't draw on them did you?

Don't be stupid. Go back and read my post again. I had drawn on blueprints/copies when I did as-builts or markups in the field. I would bring them back to the office and transfer these changes to the originals.

So yeah I did draw on blueprints for markups.
I MADE blueprint copies with the old ammonia machines.


But you didn't draw on them did you?

Don't be stupid. Go back and read my post again. I had drawn on blueprints/copies when I did as-builts or markups in the field. I would bring them back to the office and transfer these changes to the originals.

So yeah I did draw on blueprints for markups.

As I said, ........ and you have no independently verified evidence to support the existence of steel core columns in the core of the Twin towers.

Your inability to support the FEMA deception of the core with evidence or reason indicates you are working for the perpetrators when you continue and have nothing to substantiate your assertions. Essentially the deception you seek to reinforce keeps the methods of mass murder secret.

Such behavior is disgusting and illegal.

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