FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

yeah, no evidence of steel in the core

yeah, no evidence of steel in the core


OMG, ......... the agent has started the "misrepresent the construction photo routine", as if I did not address it in the beginning as "The Deceptive action of the infiltrated truth movement in support of FEMA".


You are clueless and may not be able to describe what any of the steel in the photos you post are.

This cannot be anything but concrete. Structural steel will always have protruding frameworks in collapse.

yeah, no evidence of steel in the core


OMG, ......... the agent has started the "misrepresent the construction photo routine", as if I did not address it in the beginning as "The Deceptive action of the infiltrated truth movement in support of FEMA".


You are clueless and may not be able to describe what any of the steel in the photos you post are.

This cannot be anything but concrete. Structural steel will always have protruding frameworks in collapse.

like hell it cant
it could be any number of reasons why the light doesnt pass through
part of it could be(but not exclusively) the wallboard that surrounded the core
yeah, no evidence of steel in the core


OMG, ......... the agent has started the "misrepresent the construction photo routine", as if I did not address it in the beginning as "The Deceptive action of the infiltrated truth movement in support of FEMA".


You are clueless and may not be able to describe what any of the steel in the photos you post are.

This cannot be anything but concrete. Structural steel will always have protruding frameworks in collapse.

like hell it cant
it could be any number of reasons why the light doesnt pass through
part of it could be(but not exclusively) the wallboard that surrounded the core

In that case you had better answer a simple question related to your ability to idenitfy what steel looks like, as has been asked already.


Do you actually think that wall board is going to be there if the elevator guide rails buckled and fell?

OMG, ......... the agent has started the "misrepresent the construction photo routine", as if I did not address it in the beginning as "The Deceptive action of the infiltrated truth movement in support of FEMA".


You are clueless and may not be able to describe what any of the steel in the photos you post are.

This cannot be anything but concrete. Structural steel will always have protruding frameworks in collapse.

like hell it cant
it could be any number of reasons why the light doesnt pass through
part of it could be(but not exclusively) the wallboard that surrounded the core

In that case you had better answer a simple question related to your ability to idenitfy what steel looks like, as has been asked already.


Do you actually think that wall board is going to be there if the elevator guide rails buckled and fell?

i guess you missed that photo that showed parts of the wallboard still intact

you are a complete fucking idiot
like hell it cant
it could be any number of reasons why the light doesnt pass through
part of it could be(but not exclusively) the wallboard that surrounded the core

In that case you had better answer a simple question related to your ability to idenitfy what steel looks like, as has been asked already.


Do you actually think that wall board is going to be there if the elevator guide rails buckled and fell?

i guess you missed that photo that showed parts of the wallboard still intact

you are a complete fucking idiot

If you think drywall at the third floor can withstand the impacts of 100's of 1000's of tons of steel from 107 floors over it, you are delusional.

Since no one can post an image of the supposed steel core columns in the core area, it is clear that it was all too weak and fell, something a core in 110 story building cannot do because if it did that, the building wouldn't stand.

So, .......... you don't have a leg to stand on.

Here is a piece of the core from the top of WTC 2 core falling onto WTC 3. The brownish surface behind the perimeter columns is concrete stained from condensation.

How did the gypsum planking survive the explosion which you claimed pulverized a 12' thick concrete wall? The gypsum planking is inside the red rectangle in the following photo. Your wall was BEHIND it. How did it survive when your wall is gone? Obviously the "explosion" happened. Must be SUPER-GYPSUM-PLANKING!!!!!
proof that wallboard DID in fact survive
How did the gypsum planking survive the explosion which you claimed pulverized a 12' thick concrete wall? The gypsum planking is inside the red rectangle in the following photo. Your wall was BEHIND it. How did it survive when your wall is gone? Obviously the "explosion" happened. Must be SUPER-GYPSUM-PLANKING!!!!!
proof that wallboard DID in fact survive

Not acceptable because it's not logical.

This is logically concrete,


because no steel is seen in the core behind and it looks/acts like a concrete wall under those conditions. Concrete stains the interior box column and adjacent elevator guide rail support steel on the left.

Here's gams mispelling on the same image to locate the structural elements.


Stop supporting that the methods of mass murder remain secret it empowers the infiltrators of government and endangers the Constitution.

Allow citizens to have naturally progressive discussion without unreasonable harassment. Your act is an interference with practice of free speech.
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you re the one supporting the mass muderers by supposing that something other than what we KNOW happened happened
you re the one supporting the mass muderers by supposing that something other than what we KNOW happened happened

You would pretend and like people to believe that is the case, as would the perpetrators of mass murder by secrete means. The fact is, you want people to believe it happened to something other than what really existed to hide that "secret way". Plain and simple.

That is why the circumstancial evidence showing layers of illegal empowerment to the deception is so important to note. The ex mayor took the WTC documents, and such packages always contain the buildings plans, with vital copies in the building itself. Then courts refused to uphold fedderal freedom of information laws making your half assed lying a little more credible, to those who won't or can't engage critical thinking with some recognition of building materials and common logic.

The official "cause of death" is invalidated and an inquiry must be undertaken by the head law enforcement of NY state to determine if there was a deception.
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How did the gypsum planking survive the explosion which you claimed pulverized a 12' thick concrete wall? The gypsum planking is inside the red rectangle in the following photo. Your wall was BEHIND it. How did it survive when your wall is gone? Obviously the "explosion" happened. Must be SUPER-GYPSUM-PLANKING!!!!!
proof that wallboard DID in fact survive

Not acceptable because it's not logical.

This is logically concrete,


because no steel is seen in the core behind and it looks/acts like a concrete wall under those conditions. Concrete stains the interior box column and adjacent elevator guide rail support steel on the left.

Here's gams mispelling on the same image to locate the structural elements.


Stop supporting that the methods of mass murder remain secret it empowers the infiltrators of government and endangers the Constitution.

Allow citizens to have naturally progressive discussion without unreasonable harassment. Your act is an interference with practice of free speech.
No one on here has harassed you or interfered with your right to express any absurd belief you want. There are two excellent photos in recent posts of the tower cores during the steel erection phase of construction, and a good one showing a corner of a tower's core after the collapse, and there is not even a trace of any reinforced concrete walls in any of them. Stop lying about them and libeling US government employees. Btw, your avatar is fucking hilarious. You're neither a martyr or a patriot, and you don't give a crap about justice or honesty.
In that case you had better answer a simple question related to your ability to idenitfy what steel looks like, as has been asked already.


Do you actually think that wall board is going to be there if the elevator guide rails buckled and fell?

i guess you missed that photo that showed parts of the wallboard still intact

you are a complete fucking idiot

If you think drywall at the third floor can withstand the impacts of 100's of 1000's of tons of steel from 107 floors over it, you are delusional.

Since no one can post an image of the supposed steel core columns in the core area, it is clear that it was all too weak and fell, something a core in 110 story building cannot do because if it did that, the building wouldn't stand.

So, .......... you don't have a leg to stand on.

Here is a piece of the core from the top of WTC 2 core falling onto WTC 3. The brownish surface behind the perimeter columns is concrete stained from condensation.

It's hard to tell from the photo what the brownish surface is, but it's obviously from an upper floor, and was near the perimeter of the building, given that it's falling next to some perimeter column trees. How would a part of the core, well inside the building, have become part of the visible airborne debris outside, why would that "concrete" have had any discoloration from condensation, especially given its former height in the building, why would the color be so uniform, and how would a monolithic piece of this alleged concrete be separated from the "3-inch" rebar you claim reinforced it, but still be intact? Do you ever actually try to make any sense at all?
proof that wallboard DID in fact survive

Not acceptable because it's not logical.

This is logically concrete,


because no steel is seen in the core behind and it looks/acts like a concrete wall under those conditions. Concrete stains the interior box column and adjacent elevator guide rail support steel on the left.

Here's gams mispelling on the same image to locate the structural elements.


Stop supporting that the methods of mass murder remain secret it empowers the infiltrators of government and endangers the Constitution.

Allow citizens to have naturally progressive discussion without unreasonable harassment. Your act is an interference with practice of free speech.
No one on here has harassed you or interfered with your right to express any absurd belief you want.

You are pretending to be reasonable in order to interfere with citizens seeking to see that the Constitution is secure. Any time you pretend, you are interefering. Interference is your intent.

If this is not true, you will post reasonable evidence, and construction photos are not reasonable because it has been shown a number of times that what they show is not constructed strong enough to stand as a core column. And the empty core proves it.
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Not acceptable because it's not logical.

This is logically concrete,


because no steel is seen in the core behind and it looks/acts like a concrete wall under those conditions. Concrete stains the interior box column and adjacent elevator guide rail support steel on the left.

Here's gams mispelling on the same image to locate the structural elements.


Stop supporting that the methods of mass murder remain secret it empowers the infiltrators of government and endangers the Constitution.

Allow citizens to have naturally progressive discussion without unreasonable harassment. Your act is an interference with practice of free speech.
No one on here has harassed you or interfered with your right to express any absurd belief you want.

You are pretending to be reasonable in order to interfere with citizens seeking to see that the Constitution is secure. Any time you pretend, you are interefering. Interference is your intent.

If this is not true, you will post reasonable evidence, and construction photos are not reasonable because it has been shown a number of times that what they show is not constructed strong enough to stand as a core column. And the empty core proves it.
Under the transparent guise of being reasonable, you've just managed to avoid addressing every point I just made. Show some credible evidence of these alleged concrete walls in the cores, explain how explosives could separate them from the "3-inch rebar" while leaving the concrete itself relatively intact, or give it up.
No one on here has harassed you or interfered with your right to express any absurd belief you want.

You are pretending to be reasonable in order to interfere with citizens seeking to see that the Constitution is secure. Any time you pretend, you are interefering. Interference is your intent.

If this is not true, you will post reasonable evidence, and construction photos are not reasonable because it has been shown a number of times that what they show is not constructed strong enough to stand as a core column. And the empty core proves it.
Under the transparent guise of being reasonable, you've just managed to avoid addressing every point I just made. Show some credible evidence of these alleged concrete walls in the cores, explain how explosives could separate them from the "3-inch rebar" while leaving the concrete itself relatively intact, or give it up.

Actually the thread asserts there were no steel core columns, ........... and no one has provided any independently verified evidence of the FEMA steel core.

I've shown concrete surrounding the core and no reasonable person with some experience in materials recognition could say otherwise. They could also say there are no steel columns in the core, or the core is empty.

The thread is not about explaining where the concrete went, it is about showing that the steel core columns never existed and that FEAM lied.

This is a steel reinforced cast concrete core,


And that is what L.E. Robertson identified on September 13, 2001.

There were no steel core columns. It is a lie used to diminish the force of the Constitution by sabotaging the analysis of the cause of death in a mass murder.

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