FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

It is credibile that all of the agents are sock puppets, 'cause that is what agents do. Me, I just post until people figure it out, gain some courage and post. That is what has happened and it is going to be happening a lot more. The FEMA deception is exposed because you were completely unable to prove the FEMA lie. This core is NEVER seen on 9-11.

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dipshit, there are NO agents here
you just post stupid shit and everyone else is telling you its stupid shit
More effort to support that people pay attention to your false social group of agents and forget evidence.

Independently verified evidence of the concrete core.

Robertson is verified by Oxford, verifying Domel who describes a concrete core verified by the image of WTC 2 core, verifying the top of WTC 2 core falling onto WTC 3, the WTC 1 rebar, just after the WTC 1 west core wall is seen in an end view, then, the WTC 1 east shear wall toppling, consistent with interior box columns silhouetted on WTC 1 north core wall, consistent with ground zero showing the WTC 1 north concrete core base wall, 12 foot thick, all supported as clarification of the many confused statements that do mention concrete in the core including the latest revised NIST analysis of free fall by Bazant et. al 6/21/2007, which actually provides an equivalent amount of high explosives needed to create the rate of fall they are attempting to justify with physics. It doesn't work, but at least they won't go down in history as totally supporting the deceptions.
More effort to support that people pay attention to your false social group of agents and forget evidence.
dipshit, your paranoid delusions are NOT evidence , verified or otherwise
and there is no "false solcial group" as you call us, it is a very REAL social group of SANE people telling you you are INSANE
If that was the case, you could easily do it again. Because you don't, it's clear you cannot post an image of the FEMA core from 9-11.

I can post one of an empty core and rebar.


No, those are not core columns agent. Too small. is much larger. Rebar.
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If that was the case, you could easily do it again. Because you don't, it's clear you cannot post an image of the FEMA core from 9-11.

I can post one of an empty core and rebar.


No, those are not core columns agent. Too small.
Steel structure​
is much larger. Rebar.
those are core columns
and they only LOOK small because of the DISTANCE you fucking MORON

The column on the right is inside your core. It's still standing on 9/11 and no buttplates are seen. That makes it a core column according to your criteria.

And you misrepresentations of Aman Zafars images are noted. You show a zoom of the north side of WTC 1 with an elevator guide rails support steel toppling into the core and call it a "core column". What BS.

PANEL 5 clearly shows a butt plate on elevator guide rail support steel near the center of the core.


NO WAY can a butt plate be used to join sections of "core columns".

No, it is not a pad eye for lifting. Those are always on the side for vertical members because the end is to joined with another section.

This is the core of WTC 2. A robust concrete tube. No steel core columns can be seen.

totally fucking delusional
you post photos showing STEEL CORE COLUMNS but you delusionally call them something they are NOT
gummie, where is the core of steel columns you rarely assert, never with evidence from 9-11?


This is about the core, not about elevators.

Wrong Chris.

It is about the elevators and it's a MAJOR screw up on your part. My elevators COMPLETELY disprove your core because the elevators and their existence make your core a physical impossibility.

Let's look at the facts Chris.

You have change your story more times than I can remember whenever someone comes up with proof that your core was non-existent. Your changes to your story are NEVER EVER backed with proof from anyone but yourself. The descriptions you make of photos are only from YOU. Nobody of any credibility ever backs you. You always use blurry, distant photos so you can make shit up.

Perfect example. You always believed that both tower cores had no access to the express elevators from outside the core at the lobby level. That is until I proved you wrong. You then admitted that there was access, but only in WTC2. Then you came up with a crazy story about why the cores were different.

Where is your proof of this? Where did you get the information that the cores were different and WHY they were different? Obviously you got it from someone because you thought all the elevators were inside the core? You balked at providing the information.

I have asked you to provide a scaled drawing of WTC1 and you can't do that. You have been asked to present your photo descriptions to Domel and Robertson yet you won't. You prefer to hide behind assumptions created by you alone and won;t confirm anything.

I would love nothing more than to debate you on this issue in a public forum and let the people decide. You'd lose every time.

Why would you lose? Because you have NOTHING to back your claims except your own words. Nothing meshes in your theory. You constantly admit mistakes.

What about WTC2 Chris? Have that drawing done yet that you said you were working on? ANYTHING?

The reason your theory is bogus is because you can't answer tough questions about it. You get your ass handed to you on a daily basis and your only reply is to post the same garbage over and over.

You'll never get anyone to believe you because my evidence is sound while yours is all speculation.

I've asked you before. Provide a scaled drawing of how you think the lobby level core layout looked like with everything in it. If you can make it fit, I'll leave you alone forever and never post anything your core again.

What have you got to lose coward? If your core theory is as water tight as you seem to think, you'd have NO problem with doing a scaled drawing. What's holding you back from doing this?

The column on the right is inside your core. It's still standing on 9/11 and no buttplates are seen. That makes it a core column according to your criteria.


I can see the floor truss attachments on the left side of the core column in the photo above. The column on the right is STILL standing on 9/11. I see no butt plates. You even said yourself that the columns against the core didn't need them dumbass.

The inner concrete form had slots to hold the elevator guide rail support steel that were agains the concrete core wall, so no alignment was needed for them.

That makes them WELDED together. That makes them CORE COLUMNS.

You see Chris, the only thing you use to differentiate a core box column from elevator guide rail support steel is the butttplates used to align/join the columns together. You just admitted that the columns next to the core didn't use buttplates as they didn't need to be aligned.

Again, that makes them welded.

You lose again.
gumjob still hasn't stated which tower he has pictured.

WTC had a different concrete core design, stronger than WTC 1, which is why it is seen here as it is.


gummy presents itself as a sincere truth seeker. Has never stated why it is here. Just trying to make sure common sense posting is being done rather that the completely unaccountable agent behavior you exhibit.

So were the express elevators inside or outside the core of WTC2?

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