FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

Text assertions made by agents in their false social grouping working a cointelpro psyops disinformation campaign.

Concrete, no steel is seen. You are a liar.

Chris I think its safe to say that this thread will go on forever and thats because people like agents Fizzbitch,Gammy and Slackass,will continue to come on here and post their propaganda.they obviously get paid a lot of money by their handlers.Otherwise they would never keep coming back here everyday for their constant ass beatings they get here everyday in 9/11 discussions.:lol:

something thats really funny about the 9/11 apologists Ditzcon,elvis and toto-they arent agents like the above ones I mentioned,their just Bush dupes afraid of the truth about government conspiracys.something that is funny about them is I keep asking Ditzcon-since he trolls here everyday constantly,to pm his buddies toto and elvis so i can hear what they have to say about who they decided was right about the kennedy assassination.I have ditz on ignore so I ask him to pm them.see TOTO has ADMITTED that the warren commission was wrong,and knows the truth that their were more than one shooter there in dallas that day.ditzcon and elvis defend the official version,the fairy tale of the warren commission.well he wont take me up on that challenge to pm them and give me and answer because he wont admit that they are all 3 too arrogant to admit they are wrong and the other is right.funny isnt it? lol.:lol:

Toto unlike Elvis,slackass,fizzbitch,and ditzcon,HE has admitted there was more than one shooter in dallas that day.Except he says it was the mob and the mob alone that did it because as you know,he is afraid of the truth about government conspiracys and wont admit the CIA did it.The problem with Totos faulty logic that it was the mob and the mob alone that did it,is the Mob did not have the power to pull it off.They could not make the secret service stand down like they did,or control the media like it was controlled that day or set up oswald like he was.:lol:
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Chris I think its safe to say that this thread will go on forever and thats because people like agents Fizzbitch,Gammy and Slackass,will continue to come on here and post their propaganda.they obviously get paid a lot of money by their handlers.Otherwise they would never keep coming back here everyday for their constant ass beatings they get here everyday in 9/11 discussions.:lol:
and dipshits like you will continue to make claims they cant support
and delusional moron christophera will still claim there is concrete in a photo clearly showing STEEL
Your false social group is a bunch of liars working to support each others lies.

Here's you and your comrade divshit

D-posted 9-11 steel core before

D-deny and lie

D+Scanner anomalie

D-You post steel columns(?)



D-lie/posted 9-11 steel core before



D-rebar & plan links

F+D exposed


F+obvious image




F+photo lie

F+photo lie 2

F+photoshop lie

F+plans lie

F+mayor microfilm lie

F+plan lie confirm

F+buckling north tower


F+newsweek lied

F+CAB trounces liar


CAB proves it



You've posted no proof. Just like no image from 9-11 of the core you say stood.


Independently verified evidence of the concrete core.

Robertson is verified by Oxford, verifying Domel who describes a concrete core verified by the image of WTC 2 core, verifying the top of WTC 2 core falling onto WTC 3, the WTC 1 rebar, just after the WTC 1 west core wall is seen in an end view, then, the WTC 1 east shear wall toppling, consistent with interior box columns silhouetted on WTC 1 north core wall, consistent with ground zero showing the WTC 1 north concrete core base wall, 12 foot thick, all supported as clarification of the many confused statements that do mention concrete in the core including the latest revised NIST analysis of free fall by Bazant et. al 6/21/2007, which actually provides an equivalent amount of high explosives needed to create the rate of fall they are attempting to justify with physics. It doesn't work, but at least they won't go down in history as totally supporting the deceptions.
It is proof of a concrete core and your post is proof of your role in the post 9-11 psyops. Taken with the rest of yours in this thread, people notice. One posted their perceptions, . . . agent.

Concrete core ? Who knows. I have formed no opinion. I know one thing. I've only just come across the claim of a concrete core today and after reading through this thread and several hundred posts, it's easy to see a pathetic attempt to debunk Christophera's claims.

You that are attacking him are using every logical fallacy in the book. Ad hominim attacks, personal insults, character assassination, even spelling nazi whining!

Well guess what even if Stalin says a foot is 12 inchs his character, spelling, or whether he pays child support etc... has no bearing on the truth of the statement.

Divecon , how many times can you say "dipshit" you unoriginal bastard? I mean seriously 400 pages of nothing but insults . grow the fuck up. Why do you care so much? Is your life so boring you have to sit around and insult this guy for months?
Ya ... why do you care so much ? You getting paid? What's in it for you? That sure alot of effort to protect the majority view point. It makes me instantly suspicious that your going to put in so much effort to beat down a theory more obscure than Judy Wood foot of god hypothesis.

Me an agent? ROFL!
I haven't looked into Christophero's claims past a first glance. I really didn't have time because this thread is flooded with personal attacks, spelling corrections and insults.
I'm prone to believe there was a steel core as opposed to a concrete + rebar core.

It doesn't really matter which core it was when it comes to whether or not it was an inside job. Why fight for a year over a petty issue. Why degrade yourselves with inane attacks?
It makes no sense.
If there wasn't so many insults I probably wouldn't have read more than a page or 2 of this thread because it is immaterial as to the cause. The cause is the only important thing. The how why where when is interesting but big picture wise means little.

Unless you all are in love with this guy and will do anything to get his attention there is no rationale reason to put in so much effort.

I expected the agent accusation because like I said , you all are pretty unoriginal.
I'm sure if I comb the thread throughly I will fins a comparison to Hitler or the Nazi's.

Your anger is disproportionate. Your indignation is silly .
Something don't jibe.
Me an agent? ROFL!
I haven't looked into Christophero's claims past a first glance. I really didn't have time because this thread is flooded with personal attacks, spelling corrections and insults.
I'm prone to believe there was a steel core as opposed to a concrete + rebar core.

It doesn't really matter which core it was when it comes to whether or not it was an inside job. Why fight for a year over a petty issue. Why degrade yourselves with inane attacks?
It makes no sense.
If there wasn't so many insults I probably wouldn't have read more than a page or 2 of this thread because it is immaterial as to the cause. The cause is the only important thing. The how why where when is interesting but big picture wise means little.

Unless you all are in love with this guy and will do anything to get his attention there is no rationale reason to put in so much effort.

I expected the agent accusation because like I said , you all are pretty unoriginal.
I'm sure if I comb the thread throughly I will fins a comparison to Hitler or the Nazi's.

Your anger is disproportionate. Your indignation is silly .
Something don't jibe.
if you dont agree with his concrete core HOAX you are an agent
welcome to the club

NOW do you see why he gets what he gets?
Very perceptive in observing the disproportionate behaviors! Let me help with some issues intrinsic to the battle.

Me an agent? ROFL!
I haven't looked into Christophero's claims past a first glance. I really didn't have time because this thread is flooded with personal attacks, spelling corrections and insults.
I'm prone to believe there was a steel core as opposed to a concrete + rebar core.

Here is the custom made high tensile steel rebar after the concrete was removed by other detonations. Agents try to say this shows steel core columns but that is absurd when one sees their size from the same camera second before when structural steel is standing . . . which is outside the core.


It doesn't really matter which core it was when it comes to whether or not it was an inside job.

"Inside job" is a generalization, a cognitive distortion. Those that must be compelled to take official action will not be swayed by a generalization. The concrete core PROVES that due process has not been provided in 3,000 murders because NIST did not have the plans and were told there were steel core columns in the core. Therefore the "cause of death" on death certificates is invalid, wrong - depriving all of us of equal protection of law and victims families of just due process.

Why fight for a year over a petty issue. Why degrade yourselves with inane attacks?
It makes no sense.

The fact of the concrete core IMMEDIATELY invokes duty because it proves what was thought to have been provided was not. Amendment of a vital record is justified 3,000 times.

I just made sense of it. They must stop the truth movement from realizing that one truth because that truth is USEFUL INFORMATION for gaining more truth from the current conditions.

If there wasn't so many insults I probably wouldn't have read more than a page or 2 of this thread because it is immaterial as to the cause. The cause is the only important thing. The how why where when is interesting but big picture wise means little.

Big picture wise the truth movement is as hijacked as the entire nations government is infiltrated. It was created by the perps and they sold the "inside job" line in a dumbed down world that they threw a bunch of misinformation into along with outright misleading.

Check this. NYCCAN gets 50k signatures, I tell them what they are doing is asking for something not quite legal.

NYCCAN misleaders

Now read the judges order.


Unless you all are in love with this guy and will do anything to get his attention there is no rationale reason to put in so much effort.

I expected the agent accusation because like I said , you all are pretty unoriginal.
I'm sure if I comb the thread throughly I will fins a comparison to Hitler or the Nazi's.

Your anger is disproportionate. Your indignation is silly .
Something don't jibe.

Yep, it's all wrong. After awhile you get the impression these agents do not really walk in the same world we do.
more total and complete BULLSHIT from christophera
he even posts photos showing the steel core columns but he is so fucking delusional he calls them something else
using logic and reason with him is IMPOSSIBLE
Where are the supposed steel core column in this image showing the partially intact WTC 2 core?


And BTW, it is not logical to suggest that gypsum would survive, or can survive the crash of 100's of thousands of tons of steel from above.

Where is the steel?

it is logical to say it could because it DID and you have been shown images that prove it
you have not shown ONE image of a concrete core
not now, not ever
Me an agent? ROFL!
I haven't looked into Christophero's claims past a first glance. I really didn't have time because this thread is flooded with personal attacks, spelling corrections and insults.
I'm prone to believe there was a steel core as opposed to a concrete + rebar core.

It doesn't really matter which core it was when it comes to whether or not it was an inside job. Why fight for a year over a petty issue. Why degrade yourselves with inane attacks?
It makes no sense.
If there wasn't so many insults I probably wouldn't have read more than a page or 2 of this thread because it is immaterial as to the cause. The cause is the only important thing. The how why where when is interesting but big picture wise means little.

Unless you all are in love with this guy and will do anything to get his attention there is no rationale reason to put in so much effort.

I expected the agent accusation because like I said , you all are pretty unoriginal.
I'm sure if I comb the thread throughly I will fins a comparison to Hitler or the Nazi's.

Your anger is disproportionate. Your indignation is silly .
Something don't jibe.

Look at that. I go on vacation for a couple of weeks, and Chri$$y builds another sock-puppet.

It has to be Chri$$y because he's trying to get us to back off.

No such luck, Brown. We're not going to let you peddle your tripe to unsuspecting guests.
Me an agent? ROFL!
I haven't looked into Christophero's claims past a first glance. I really didn't have time because this thread is flooded with personal attacks, spelling corrections and insults.
I'm prone to believe there was a steel core as opposed to a concrete + rebar core.

It doesn't really matter which core it was when it comes to whether or not it was an inside job. Why fight for a year over a petty issue. Why degrade yourselves with inane attacks?
It makes no sense.
If there wasn't so many insults I probably wouldn't have read more than a page or 2 of this thread because it is immaterial as to the cause. The cause is the only important thing. The how why where when is interesting but big picture wise means little.

Unless you all are in love with this guy and will do anything to get his attention there is no rationale reason to put in so much effort.

I expected the agent accusation because like I said , you all are pretty unoriginal.
I'm sure if I comb the thread throughly I will fins a comparison to Hitler or the Nazi's.

Your anger is disproportionate. Your indignation is silly .
Something don't jibe.

Look at that. I go on vacation for a couple of weeks, and Chri$$y builds another sock-puppet.

It has to be Chri$$y because he's trying to get us to back off.

No such luck, Brown. We're not going to let you peddle your tripe to unsuspecting guests.
and thats why he needs to be responded to the way he is getting it

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