FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

What is pathetic is that 3,000 were killed in 20 seconds and you have not reposted the evidence you say has been shown.

This means you are lying and that the following IS proof of the concrete core.

Independently verified evidence of the concrete core.

Robertson is verified by Oxford, verifying Domel who describes a concrete core verified by the image of WTC 2 core, verifying the top of WTC 2 core falling onto WTC 3, the WTC 1 rebar, just after the WTC 1 west core wall is seen in an end view, then, the WTC 1 east shear wall toppling,


The image has not been removed or deleted.

consistent with interior box columns silhouetted on WTC 1 north core wall, consistent with ground zero showing the WTC 1 north concrete core base wall, 12 foot thick, all supported as clarification of the many confused statements that do mention concrete in the core including the latest revised NIST analysis of free fall by Bazant et. al 6/21/2007, which actually provides an equivalent amount of high explosives needed to create the rate of fall they are attempting to justify with physics. It doesn't work, but at least they won't go down in history as totally supporting the deceptions.
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What is pathetic is that 3,000 were killed in 20 seconds and you have not reposted the evidence you say has been shown.
to repost what even YOU have posted that shows this evidence would be a waste of time
you are a paranoid delusional moron
seek out professional psychiatric help
Pathetic evasion agent. You have no evidence for what you assert.

I have not posted images of steel core columns. You and the FEMA deception ARE THE SAME ACT. You misrepresent exactly what they do.

On 9-11, the core you claim existed is never seen. This, is NOT structural steel.


It is far too small. This is structural steel seen seconds before and captured with the same camera.

What is absolutely damming for these agents is that they do not have to official plans and refuse to recognize the violations of law law the deprive the public of the building plans.

Then the concealers of the methods of mass murder pretend that the appearance of these in the silverstein plans , which are the only plans the public gets of the Towers paid for with its money.

What is absolutely damming for these agents is that they do not have to official plans and refuse to recognize the violations of law law the deprive the public of the building plans.

Then the concealers of the methods of mass murder pretend that the appearance of these in the silverstein plans , which are the only plans the public gets of the Towers paid for with its money.
thwere were NO violations of law, other than your failure to pay CHILD SUPPORT

and a scanner anomaly is not proof the plans are not authentic
if those plans were fakes, why wouldn't Robertson say so?
What is absolutely damming for these agents is that they do not have to official plans and refuse to recognize the violations of law law the deprive the public of the building plans.

Then the concealers of the methods of mass murder pretend that the appearance of these in the silverstein plans , which are the only plans the public gets of the Towers paid for with its money.


Pathetic evasion agent. You have no evidence for what you assert.

This means you are lying and that the following IS proof of the steel column core.
"In another thread, JackTripper posted a link to a page claiming that he cores of the WTC towers were actually constructed of reinforced concrete. This page is so blatantly wrong that it deserves a special debunking all its own. For clarity, I will refer to the above referenced site as the “Concrete Core” site.

First let’s look at the evidence presented to support this theory.

The page is primarily based on a couple of erroneous media articles about the towers, firstly is the infamous BBC graphic that was hurriedly published immediately after 9/11.

There is not much anyone can say about that picture except that it is wrong. Not just plain wrong, either, but spectacularly and stupidly wrong.

If you look at the depiction of the core, the entire core is shown as one giant concrete column surrounding four “steel beams.”

That alone is enough for any rational person to dismiss the graphic as being non-credible.

Next the page quotes the following:
Part of the answer may lie in the buildings' unusual construction, which is very different from the steel frame construction of most high-rise buildings. As SNYCH's John Tauranac explains in his Essential New York, (Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1979) the "solid, monolithic look" of the 110-story towers actually concealed a "technological breakthrough" in construction:

"If you had witnessed the construction of the towers, you would not have seen the traditional, twentieth-century steel frame. Instead you would have seen the cores of the buildings rising first (they now house elevator shafts but then housed derricks).
"Just one step behind the cores came the walls, erected in prefabricated panels, the columns and spandrels welded together in modules two windows wide by two or three high.
"Once the walls and cores had climbed a few stories, they were linked by prefabricated 13-by-60-foot sections of floor framing. Each section consisted of the plenum between floors and ceilings (the conduits were added later),as well as lengthwise steel trusses for bracing. Crossbeams traverse the towers at every other floor.
"The result of this innovative building system is a variation on a load-bearing wall, with unobstructed 60-foot spaces from the elevator banks to the outside walls."

Each of the towers, in other words, was held up by its reinforced concrete core and the world's strongest curtain walls. Without the usual steel skeleton, the open floors allowed unprecedented space and flexibility. Between them, the two 1,350-foot-high towers provided 7.9 million square feet of rentable floor space, roughly the equivalent of fifty city blocks.


Reading the quote from the book in blue, it is impossible to see how anyone could draw the conclusion: “Each of the towers, in other words, was held up by its reinforced concrete core and the world's strongest curtain walls.” Nowhere in that excerpt are concrete walls mentioned. This appears to be a common mistake in descriptions of the towers. The tower structure was radically different and unique. People who were not intimately familiar with the details often have made this error. Unfortunately, through the miracle of the internet age, mistakes never go away.

The above referenced page then cites the internet article as evidence:

The buildings are also thought to have been the first buildings to use non-asbestos fireproofing. The fibbers of the spray-on fireproofing product were reportedly ceramic rather than asbestos. At the heart of the structure was a vertical steel and concrete core, housing lift shafts and stairwells. Steel beams radiate outwards and connect with steel uprights, forming the building's outer wall. All the steel was covered in concrete to
guarantee firefighters a minimum period of one or two hours in which they could operate

Reading that, it appears that the author of that article was confused about the difference between concrete and sprayed on fireproofing.

Fortunately, the author of that article provided a link to his information source.

Reading through the source, I find:

Also unique to the engineering design were its core and elevator system. The twin towers were the first supertall buildings designed without any masonry. Worried that the intense air pressure created by the buildings' high speed elevators might buckle conventional shafts, engineers designed a solution using a drywall system fixed to the reinforced steel core.

Which is pretty much a direct cut and paste from The Skyscraper Museum. No where do I see any reference to a concrete core."

the above from another forum where agent chri$$y engaged in his propaganda campaign.
The 'WTC Had a Concrete Core' Hoax, page 1
There is no such thing as a "scanner anomaly". There are sometimes "artifacts" found on scans but they must be blown up for anything to be seen out of the ordinary then it does not have any order to it.

The below does have rectangular and parallel order with pixel straight lines and spaces. I use the word "anomaly" because it was created with the order seen inadvertantly as a part of filling the cells of the revision table with intials that appear somewhat differently. But there was a screwup because what they were doing was probably automated to save time on faking the revision tables of 200+ sheets.


And the fraud of the "skyscraper museum" is obvious when one tries to find corroboration from independent sources.

Agents only expose the psyops and fraud on a larger scale.

The Twin Towers had a concrete core and what is seen for the core of WTC 2 on 9-11 is obviously concrete.

More proof you think your text means something. Post proof agent.

I can post an image of the concrete core on 9-11, but you cannot post an image of a "scanner anomalie".

More proof you think your text means something. Post proof agent.

I can post an image of the concrete core on 9-11, but you cannot post an image of a "scanner anomalie".
since i'm not an agent you fucking moron, i dont have to post anything for proof
we're still waiting on YOU to prove your bullshit

and its "anomaly" you fucking idiot
What is absolutely damming for these agents is that they do not have to official plans and refuse to recognize the violations of law law the deprive the public of the building plans.

Then the concealers of the methods of mass murder pretend that the appearance of these in the silverstein plans , which are the only plans the public gets of the Towers paid for with its money.
thwere were NO violations of law, other than your failure to pay CHILD SUPPORT

and a scanner anomaly is not proof the plans are not authentic
if those plans were fakes, why wouldn't Robertson say so?

There is no such thing as a "scanner anomaly". There are sometimes "artifacts" found on scans but they must be blown up for anything to be seen out of the ordinary then it does not have any order to it.

The below does have rectangular and parallel order with pixel straight lines and spaces. I use the word "anomaly" because it was created with the order seen inadvertantly as a part of filling the cells of the revision table with intials that appear somewhat differently. But there was a screwup because what they were doing was probably automated to save time on faking the revision tables of 200+ sheets.


There is no such thing as a "scanner anomaly".
more proof you dont know what the fuck you are talking about

More proof you think your text means something. Post proof agent.

I can post an image of the concrete core on 9-11, but you cannot post an image of a "scanner anomalie".


More proof you think your text means something. Post proof agent.

I can post an image of the concrete core on 9-11, but you cannot post an image of a "scanner anomalie".
since i'm not an agent you fucking moron, i dont have to post anything for proof
we're still waiting on YOU to prove your bullshit

and its "anomaly" you fucking idiot

Your posts are proof you are an agent.

A "scanner anomalie" does not exist as you assert and this google search result proves it.


Your posting shows exactly how the opposite of what you say is most often the truth.

You are busted in another lie agent.
Your posts are proof you are an agent.

A "scanner anomalie" does not exist as you assert and this google search result proves it.


Your posting shows exactly how the opposite of what you say is most often the truth.

You are busted in another lie agent.
maybe you should try SPELLING it RIGHT you fucking MORON

scanner anomaly - Bing

Given that the opposite of what you say is most often true, gee, another lie. How surprising. Must be an agent protecting secret methods of mass murder.


has no links/data regarding "scanner anomalies" . Why don't you refer to something that exists . . . agent?

Your posts are proof you are an agent.

A "scanner anomalie" does not exist as you assert and this google search result proves it.


Your posting shows exactly how the opposite of what you say is most often the truth.

You are busted in another lie agent.
maybe you should try SPELLING it RIGHT you fucking MORON

scanner anomaly - Bing

Given that the opposite of what you say is most often true, gee, another lie. How surprising. Must be an agent protecting secret methods of mass murder.

scanner anomaly - Bing

has no links/data regarding "scanner anomalies" . Why don't you refer to something that exists . . . agent?

optical scanner anomaly - Bing

and again you spell "anomaly" WRONG
There is no such thing as a "scanner anomaly". There are sometimes "artifacts" found on scans but they must be blown up for anything to be seen out of the ordinary then it does not have any order to it.

nobody gives a shit, jackass.

the proof that your moronic concrete core is a hoax is that you are still alive. if there was such a massive cover up by "the perpetrators" they would have no problem killing you for exposing them. :cuckoo:

the proof you are wrong and a fucking delusional moron is that you are still breathing!! :lol:
There is no such thing as a "scanner anomaly". There are sometimes "artifacts" found on scans but they must be blown up for anything to be seen out of the ordinary then it does not have any order to it.

nobody gives a shit, jackass.

That is what the perpetrators want people to think. It is not true though. You serve them and secret methods of mass murder.

There is no such thing as a "scanner anomaly". There are sometimes "artifacts" found on scans but they must be blown up for anything to be seen out of the ordinary then it does not have any order to it.

nobody gives a shit, jackass.

That is what the perpetrators want people to think. It is not true though. You serve them and secret methods of mass murder.
why dont you ask them if you can use their photo before you do
i doubt they would like you using them for your bullshit HOAX

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