FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

You are belittling the victims by focusing not on them, but on a false conspiracy. What purpose would the government have for killing off so many of it's own?

the false conspiracy here is that 19 muslim highjackers were behind the attacks. there hasnt been a shread of evidence that supports that theory:cuckoo:

What about the incorrect evidence you have used to prove your point about fire not being able to affect steel beams.

I see you and eots have not responded to this at all.

Its only incorrect cause you WANT it to be correct.I could ask you WHY you Bush dupes refuse to watch the 47 videos I have asked you guys to watch MANY freaking times but you guys never take me up on the challenge to watch them and talk about them.Instead you put your tails between your legs and run off since you DONT want to watch them as we both know.
the false conspiracy here is that 19 muslim highjackers were behind the attacks. there hasnt been a shread of evidence that supports that theory:cuckoo:

What about the incorrect evidence you have used to prove your point about fire not being able to affect steel beams.

I see you and eots have not responded to this at all.

Its only incorrect cause you WANT it to be correct.I could ask you WHY you Bush dupes refuse to watch the 47 videos I have asked you guys to watch MANY freaking times but you guys never take me up on the challenge to watch them and talk about them.Instead you put your tails between your legs and run off since you DONT want to watch them as we both know.
we've seen your fucking videos, asshole, they are nothing but LIES
Thats obvious in the fact that they only come back with lame ass one liners when they are defeated and cant counter facts.Where Corn and Albury type bible length posts to try and get around facts to try and save face.dont give Toto and Ditzcon credit they dont deserve.THEY are just posters that like I said before,have been brainwashed by the corporate controlled media and government and only see what they want to see.There are some Psych Op agents on this thread here like Corn and Albury,but trust me,Ditzcon and Toto are not two of them.

And where are YOUR counters to the temperature/steel "facts" you have posted?

already posted them for you dis in fo agent.not my fault you only selectively read PARTS of posts.:rolleyes:

You mean this:
To even begin to weaken the steel support columns the fires need to get to temps of at LEAST 2700.

You quoted the temperature that steel MELTS. Steel WEAKENS at much less temperatures. Do you know the difference between MELT and WEAKENS when it pertains to heat and steel?


Damn that's funny. You really aren't too bright are you. You're truther cult has got you brainwashed to believe INCORRECT facts. That much is obvious.
Further evidence that Ditzcon is not only afraid of the truth about government conspiracys, but also an idiot moron, is in the fact that he STILL keeps replying to my posts addressing me actually believing I read his moronic posts DESPITE the fact that I have told him COUNTLESS numbers of times in the past I dont read his crap anymore cause he cant get into a discussion without getting into childish name calling when he is losing an argument.I only know he is addressing me cause I asked someone here and they told me yes.LOL.thats pretty pathetic.I know when someone doesnt read what I post and they tell me so,I dont get desperate and try to get their attention like HE does.LOL.
And where are YOUR counters to the temperature/steel "facts" you have posted?

already posted them for you dis in fo agent.not my fault you only selectively read PARTS of posts.:rolleyes:

You mean this:
To even begin to weaken the steel support columns the fires need to get to temps of at LEAST 2700.

You quoted the temperature that steel MELTS. Steel WEAKENS at much less temperatures. Do you know the difference between MELT and WEAKENS when it pertains to heat and steel?


Damn that's funny. You really aren't too bright are you. You're truther cult has got you brainwashed to believe INCORRECT facts. That much is obvious.

know it doesnt moron.NO Im bright your just in denial.yep thats you alright brainwashed by incorrect facts the mainstream media tells you.:lol:bye Bush dupe frady cat.
Its only incorrect cause you WANT it to be correct.


(that didn't even make sense, but I'll assume I know what you meant)

Wow. It just keeps getting better and better. You should be a comedian. You really write some funny shit.

I hate to tell you this, but it's a well known fact excepted around the engineering world that steel MELTS at 2700, but weakens at much lower temperatures. My WANTING it to be correct has nothing to do with the fact that years of tests and studies have been done to prove these simple facts.

The fact that you and your truther brethren can't get facts straight and continue to spew incorrect garbage is truly telling. No wonder you guys can't agree on any one theory. Every one of them sucks. You folks throw shit at the wall to see what sticks and go with that.

Pathetic really. At least I stick with one theory and don't go around changing little bit and pieces to fit the current argument.

No wonder your cult lives on only on the internet.
And where are YOUR counters to the temperature/steel "facts" you have posted?

already posted them for you dis in fo agent.not my fault you only selectively read PARTS of posts.:rolleyes:

You mean this:
To even begin to weaken the steel support columns the fires need to get to temps of at LEAST 2700.

You quoted the temperature that steel MELTS. Steel WEAKENS at much less temperatures. Do you know the difference between MELT and WEAKENS when it pertains to heat and steel?


Damn that's funny. You really aren't too bright are you. You're truther cult has got you brainwashed to believe INCORRECT facts. That much is obvious.

how does uneven damage to building 7 and unevenly dispersed fires cause every single steel beam to fail at precisely the same instance as would be required to have the building fall in essentially just over 6 secs.. straight down
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already posted them for you dis in fo agent.not my fault you only selectively read PARTS of posts.:rolleyes:

You mean this:
To even begin to weaken the steel support columns the fires need to get to temps of at LEAST 2700.

You quoted the temperature that steel MELTS. Steel WEAKENS at much less temperatures. Do you know the difference between MELT and WEAKENS when it pertains to heat and steel?


Damn that's funny. You really aren't too bright are you. You're truther cult has got you brainwashed to believe INCORRECT facts. That much is obvious.

know it doesnt moron.NO Im bright your just in denial.yep thats you alright brainwashed by incorrect facts the mainstream media tells you.:lol:bye Bush dupe frady cat.

Ah yes. Typical truther mentality. When backed into corner after getting their ass handed to them about false evidence, they pull the old "I'm taking my ball and going home" routine.

Don't come back. One less truther idiot to deal with.

NWO wins again!!!!! (I hope I get a bonus check for this).

What the hell is a "frady cat" anyways. And I'm the moron? Sheesh.

Further evidence that Ditzcon is not only afraid of the truth about government conspiracys, but also an idiot moron,................ I dont read his crap anymore cause he cant get into a discussion without getting into childish name calling when he is losing an argument.

Yes, that is well demonstrated. The issue of the FEMA deception and the invalidation of the official cause of death is more that ditz can wrap his brain around.

FEMA deceived NIST about the structure which sabotaged the cause of death determination. FEMA says this was the core,


But on 9-11, the core of WTC 2 is bared and what stands bears absolutely no resemblence to the above.


Since that is the only image of a fairly intact Twin tower core on 9-11 you would think that every single 9-11 site would feature it. None display it at all and that is because they either intend to propagate the deception reinforced by the silverstin fake plans or have no idea of how to explain it.

Accordingly due process requires an inquiry into the decepton and how it effects the analysis of collapse.
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already posted them for you dis in fo agent.not my fault you only selectively read PARTS of posts.:rolleyes:

You mean this:
To even begin to weaken the steel support columns the fires need to get to temps of at LEAST 2700.

You quoted the temperature that steel MELTS. Steel WEAKENS at much less temperatures. Do you know the difference between MELT and WEAKENS when it pertains to heat and steel?


Damn that's funny. You really aren't too bright are you. You're truther cult has got you brainwashed to believe INCORRECT facts. That much is obvious.

how does uneven damage to building 7 and unevenly dispersed fires cause every single steel beam to fail at precisely the same instance as would be required to have the building fall in essentially just over 6 secs.. straight down


Every single steel beam failed at the same time huh? Watch this video. Tell me if you see the center of the building start to fall first and then the rest of the building collapses with it:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LD06SAf0p9A]YouTube - wtc 7 collapse[/ame]

Are you a structural engineer? Do you understand how to calculate stress/failures on beams and columns? Can you show me a structural study that shows that the fires COULD NEVER have caused the catastrophic failure we see in the video above?

If you can sever the columns at the base with a controlled demolition and make it fall the way it did, what makes you think that heat weakening the steel could not cause the same type of collapse? If you weaken one column the weight load from that column has to go somewhere. If you weaken more, THAT load has to be dispersed to the remaining structure.
Further evidence that Ditzcon is not only afraid of the truth about government conspiracys, but also an idiot moron, is in the fact that he STILL keeps replying to my posts addressing me actually believing I read his moronic posts DESPITE the fact that I have told him COUNTLESS numbers of times in the past I dont read his crap anymore cause he cant get into a discussion without getting into childish name calling when he is losing an argument.I only know he is addressing me cause I asked someone here and they told me yes.LOL.thats pretty pathetic.I know when someone doesnt read what I post and they tell me so,I dont get desperate and try to get their attention like HE does.LOL.
i dont care if YOU read them or not, moron
already posted them for you dis in fo agent.not my fault you only selectively read PARTS of posts.:rolleyes:

You mean this:
To even begin to weaken the steel support columns the fires need to get to temps of at LEAST 2700.

You quoted the temperature that steel MELTS. Steel WEAKENS at much less temperatures. Do you know the difference between MELT and WEAKENS when it pertains to heat and steel?


Damn that's funny. You really aren't too bright are you. You're truther cult has got you brainwashed to believe INCORRECT facts. That much is obvious.

how does uneven damage to building 7 and unevenly dispersed fires cause every single steel beam to fail at precisely the same instance as would be required to have the building fall in essentially just over 6 secs.. straight down
it took longer than 6 seconds
stop believing that liar alex jones
the east mnechanical penthouse fell a good 5 seconds before the rest of the building
the collapse started at THAT point
You mean this:

You quoted the temperature that steel MELTS. Steel WEAKENS at much less temperatures. Do you know the difference between MELT and WEAKENS when it pertains to heat and steel?


Damn that's funny. You really aren't too bright are you. You're truther cult has got you brainwashed to believe INCORRECT facts. That much is obvious.

know it doesnt moron.NO Im bright your just in denial.yep thats you alright brainwashed by incorrect facts the mainstream media tells you.:lol:bye Bush dupe frady cat.

Ah yes. Typical truther mentality. When backed into corner after getting their ass handed to them about false evidence, they pull the old "I'm taking my ball and going home" routine.

Don't come back. One less truther idiot to deal with.

NWO wins again!!!!! (I hope I get a bonus check for this).

What the hell is a "frady cat" anyways. And I'm the moron? Sheesh.

hey, your just another "bush dupe"
didn't ya know, if you disagree with their stupidity you are a bush dupe
right...so uneven damage and fire causes an even collapse how ?
it wasnt an "even collapse"
stop spreading lies

it was essentialy even.... stop spreading lies...as even as many controled demolitions...it sure didint topple over or partialy collapse ...watch the roof line...looks even to me

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LD06SAf0p9A]YouTube - wtc 7 collapse[/ame]
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right...so uneven damage and fire causes an even collapse how ?
it wasnt an "even collapse"
stop spreading lies

it was essentialy even.... stop spreading lies...as even as m,any controled demolitions...it sure didint topple over over partialy collapse ...watch the roof line...looks even too me

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LD06SAf0p9A]YouTube - wtc 7 collapse[/ame]
that video starts AFTER the collapse actually started
it wasnt an "even collapse"
stop spreading lies

it was essentialy even.... stop spreading lies...as even as m,any controled demolitions...it sure didint topple over over partialy collapse ...watch the roof line...looks even too me

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LD06SAf0p9A]YouTube - wtc 7 collapse[/ame]
that video starts AFTER the collapse actually started

so does the roof line appear to fall evenly and at the same rate

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