FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

Here are "exactly Robertson's words," genius:
World Trade Center Not a Demolition
Pay close attention.
hey eots, watch THIS video

no explanation of molten and red hot steel...no explanation of the near free fall speed of the collapse ..no explanation why all the concrete was pulverized to dust...the buildings did not fall they d'integrated and fell as a cloud of dust and first responders that made it to the fires reported small fires that they could control with 2 hoses...this video lacks any substance
The video knocks your goofy C/D crap right out of the water, dude, regardless of how much lying you do about it. The collapses were far slower than free-fall speed, very little of the concrete was turned to dust, but most of it was fractured in the fall from that height and loaded onto trucks for disposal, there was red-hot steel in the debris because of underground fires, but no molten steel, and Orio Palmer, the first responder you're citing, never reached the main fires in Tower 2, which were at least two floors above the highest one he or any other firefighter reached prior to the collapse. His report was from a stairwell on the 78th, a sky lobby floor, and in addition to being below the impact area by 2-3 floors, it had very little combustible material compared to a tenant space. Fires mostly traveled upward from the 81st, where the plane hit, not downward. Look at photos and videos of the fires above 78 in the South Tower before making such an absurd statement. They were major, and there was no water pressure, so it didn't matter how many hoses they wanted.
Declassified Mk-Ultra Project Documents

U.S. Military Wanted to Provoke War With Cuba
Book: U.S. Military Drafted Plans to Terrorize U.S. Cities to Provoke War With Cuba
By David Ruppe
N E W Y O R K, May 1, 2001

In the early 1960s, America's top military leaders reportedly drafted plans to kill innocent people and commit acts of terrorism in U.S. cities to create public support for a war against Cuba.

Code named Operation Northwoods, the plans reportedly included the possible assassination of Cuban émigrés, sinking boats of Cuban refugees on the high seas, hijacking planes, blowing up a U.S. ship, and even orchestrating violent terrorism in U.S. cities.

U.S. Military Wanted to Provoke War With Cuba - ABC News
except that was never approved
and the general that proposed it was FIRED
Op Northwoods is not proof the US government would kill 3000 of its own citizens

the plan made it all the way to the presidents office...and plans like mkultra and big city ..implemented...and kept secret for decades...if you would kill a dozens innocents..is 3000 such a big leap
It is when you have to fabricate all of the evidence for it, especially when Northwoods never got off the drawing board, and was only a proposal made by a few people. Moot point, but who were these dozens of innocents it was going to kill?
Here are "exactly Robertson's words," genius:
World Trade Center Not a Demolition
Pay close attention.
hey eots, watch THIS video
That's indexed to Robertson's segment, but it can be started from the beginning by clicking on the left end of the progress bar at the bottom. Anyone who watches it and still thinks the WTC was bombed is brain-dead.

errr no,anyone who watches the 47 videos I have posted countless numbers of times in the past that you Bush dupes constantly ignore and still thinks it WASNT bombed is on drugs.:cuckoo:I would post them for you but your obviously a dis in fo agent so it would be a total waste of time since as we both know,you wont watch them.
and you are a fucking idiot
no where in that plan does it show a 12' thick wall
and that thing you CALL a wall in that pic is just another view of the steel frame core you claim wasn't there

Correct, the massive concrete wall seen at ground zero is not seen on the obsolete plans faked to look as if they were final drawings. The silverstein plans do not accurately depict the towers core design. The revison tables were added to the scans of the blueprints, but they screwed up and instead of reproducing some credible variants on scans pf initials done in pencil originals, these anomolies were produced and then unwittingly placed in cells of the fake revision tables. About 20% of the 200+ sheets have them.


There are a lot of other things wrong with the scanned set that were "leaked" from silversteins.
and just what the fuck is THAT supposed to be?

It is a zoom of a screen shot and it is part of the revision tables of this sheet from the silverstein "leaked" plans.


silverstiens photoshoppers are as bad as gamit. The 200+ sheets have that impossibility in 20% of them. Such, along with guiliani taking the NYC plans, and the courts refusing to uphold freedom of information laws, then gage and other 9-11 truth leaders refusing to use any other plan, consitutes a conspiracy to decieve the public.

A 1 pixel wide space or line, perfectly straight are impossible at the scale that was drawn with pencil.
gwb is a puppet, he wanted some coke and another drink.

Planes had nothing to do with what happened, just a cover in the scam and the perpetrators wish that the dumbing down of America, the division of American people, the deception to them and manipulation of that was adequate. It is not.

There are still Americans that can think freely and make conclusion, deduction, conclusion and inference with reason, then commit to what they percieve. But, the perpetrators of mass murder wouldn't like that.

I don't generally post on troofer threads because I think they're a waste of bandwidth. But it's my understanding that he's been clean for a long time... so that's pretty dumb and speaks to your own ignorance more than his deficits.

And none of the troofers have ever explained how it could be that in a city where they can't even keep where Lindsey Lohan is having dinner a secret, that a planned demolition could be set up in the middle of one of the busiest places in the world with no one noticing.

I HAVE explained that MANY times in the past only to watch you 9/11 apologists not bother to read the post because you all only see what you WANT to see.:rolleyes:
Correct, the massive concrete wall seen at ground zero is not seen on the obsolete plans faked to look as if they were final drawings. The silverstein plans do not accurately depict the towers core design. The revison tables were added to the scans of the blueprints, but they screwed up and instead of reproducing some credible variants on scans pf initials done in pencil originals, these anomolies were produced and then unwittingly placed in cells of the fake revision tables. About 20% of the 200+ sheets have them.


There are a lot of other things wrong with the scanned set that were "leaked" from silversteins.
and just what the fuck is THAT supposed to be?

It is a zoom of a screen shot and it is part of the revision tables of this sheet from the silverstein "leaked" plans.


silverstiens photoshoppers are as bad as gamit. The 200+ sheets have that impossibility in 20% of them. Such, along with guiliani taking the NYC plans, and the courts refusing to uphold freedom of information laws, then gage and other 9-11 truth leaders refusing to use any other plan, consitutes a conspiracy to decieve the public.

A 1 pixel wide space or line, perfectly straight are impossible at the scale that was drawn with pencil.
whatever it is, it's unreadable
so you cant draw any conclusions from it
gwb is a puppet, he wanted some coke and another drink.

Planes had nothing to do with what happened, just a cover in the scam and the perpetrators wish that the dumbing down of America, the division of American people, the deception to them and manipulation of that was adequate. It is not.

There are still Americans that can think freely and make conclusion, deduction, conclusion and inference with reason, then commit to what they percieve. But, the perpetrators of mass murder wouldn't like that.

I don't generally post on troofer threads because I think they're a waste of bandwidth. But it's my understanding that he's been clean for a long time... so that's pretty dumb and speaks to your own ignorance more than his deficits.

And none of the troofers have ever explained how it could be that in a city where they can't even keep where Lindsey Lohan is having dinner a secret, that a planned demolition could be set up in the middle of one of the busiest places in the world with no one noticing.

I HAVE explained that MANY times in the past only to watch you 9/11 apologists not bother to read the post because you all only see what you WANT to see.:rolleyes:
that's because over the past 8 years i have seen everyone of those videos and they are full of lies
yes Bush dupe,they took all that into accountthey even reinforced the fireproofing after the 1st bombing in 93 on the steel columns. laws of fire? you crack me up cause office fires dont even come close to the temp needed to weaken the steel structures.jet fuel only burns at 1500. To even begin to weaken the steel support columns the fires need to get to temps of at LEAST 2700. AGAIN this just proves how easy you are to be manipulated trusting what ROBERTSON says who they obviously got to. Not going to argue with someone who only lloks at what Robertson says and ignores what Skilling and Demartini said and comes up with desperate attempts to disprove what Demartini said.:lol:

Skilling was a senior partner in the firm and your ignoring what HE said and trusting what Robertson a JUNIOR partner says.Thats like trusting Bill Clinton to tell the truth about his escapades with Monica.LOL.you crack me up.You Bush dupes always grasp at straws as well to try and prove your theories correct that the planes and fires caused the towers to collapse when you blatantly ignore videos of suppressed film footage the corporate controlled media never airs that back up what witnesses said about hearing and seeing explosions in the basements BEFORE the plane struck above.Time for you to admit your scared of the truth and living in denial.

Actually steel melts at about 2,700 degrees Farenheit. It weakens at about 1100 degrees Farenheit. The fires in the WTC Towers were plenty hot enough to cause steel to weaken.

You admit the fires are 1,500 degrees in the building so you admit it was hot enough to weaken the structure.

The melting point of steel is about 1,500 degrees Celsius (2,800 degrees Fahrenheit)

wrong as always dis in fo agent.you prove as always that you only read PARTS of posts when you cant counter the facts.wrong dis in fo agent.steel melts at 2700 degrees Fahrenheit.the fires at 1500 degrees Fahenheit which jet fuel burns at are obviously not hot enough to weaken metal.
kandy joins with the conspriacy to deceive and mislead in support of secret methods of mass murder.

Whatever. At last you're entertaining me with the inkling that you think you have any ability to place me on any sort of list. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.

Yes he does.thats EXACTLY what Corn has joined in and does.Candy Corn is an example of how people around here have allowed not only the government and the corporate controlled media to brainwash them with their lies and propaganda,but also people like this guy as well.Candy Corn is a well known disinformation agent who posts EVERYWHERE on political message boards and spends his entire time all day long and night doing so.
Thats the way dis in fo agents operate.

I dont have anywhere the near the time he does to come on message boards and post like he is committed to.the fact that we know the truth about Corn makes him blow up and blow his cover.people like Ditzcon and Toto blindlly swallow up the crap he posts all the time everywhere on message boards.
yes Bush dupe,they took all that into accountthey even reinforced the fireproofing after the 1st bombing in 93 on the steel columns. laws of fire? you crack me up cause office fires dont even come close to the temp needed to weaken the steel structures.jet fuel only burns at 1500. To even begin to weaken the steel support columns the fires need to get to temps of at LEAST 2700. AGAIN this just proves how easy you are to be manipulated trusting what ROBERTSON says who they obviously got to. Not going to argue with someone who only lloks at what Robertson says and ignores what Skilling and Demartini said and comes up with desperate attempts to disprove what Demartini said.:lol:

Skilling was a senior partner in the firm and your ignoring what HE said and trusting what Robertson a JUNIOR partner says.Thats like trusting Bill Clinton to tell the truth about his escapades with Monica.LOL.you crack me up.You Bush dupes always grasp at straws as well to try and prove your theories correct that the planes and fires caused the towers to collapse when you blatantly ignore videos of suppressed film footage the corporate controlled media never airs that back up what witnesses said about hearing and seeing explosions in the basements BEFORE the plane struck above.Time for you to admit your scared of the truth and living in denial.

Actually steel melts at about 2,700 degrees Farenheit. It weakens at about 1100 degrees Farenheit. The fires in the WTC Towers were plenty hot enough to cause steel to weaken.

You admit the fires are 1,500 degrees in the building so you admit it was hot enough to weaken the structure.

The melting point of steel is about 1,500 degrees Celsius (2,800 degrees Fahrenheit)

wrong as always dis in fo agent.you prove as always that you only read PARTS of posts when you cant counter the facts.wrong dis in fo agent.steel melts at 2700 degrees Fahrenheit.the fires at 1500 degrees Fahenheit which jet fuel burns at are obviously not hot enough to weaken metal.
LOL yeah sure
you guys are idiots
kandy joins with the conspriacy to deceive and mislead in support of secret methods of mass murder.

Whatever. At last you're entertaining me with the inkling that you think you have any ability to place me on any sort of list. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.

You've done it yourself by refusing to use evidence and reason and choosing to be responsive to social fear induced through cognitive distortions which cause attitudes controlling perceptions.

If your brain won't let your eyes work faithfully, not my problem. Your behavior is yours, I just observe it and endeavor to see laws followed protecting the US Consitution, so provide a description of what I logically can see as an intention from your actions.

This is how it the Consitution works on the internet with peoples heart and their minds and sense of right, wrong, fairness, equity and justice. Your buddies have produced this much <<<<<0 evidence, but you kiss their butts in agreement so you've made your observable position pretty clear. Evidence and reason doesn't matter.

You could of course decide to use evidence and reason in support of due process, in which case you would demand equity in the matter by demanding they produce an image from 9-11 that shows steel core columns in the core area so that the same old misrepresentation of construction photos or citations by agencies taking info from FEMA can be left out.

well said Chris.That describes Candy PERFECTLY.He refuses to look at evidence and reason alright.Btw Chris,not ALL the Bush dupes on here are disinformation agents.CandyCorn and Albury obviously are but Toto and DitzCon for example,are just Bush dupes in denial and afraid of the truth about government conspiracys.Thats obvious in the fact that they only come back with lame ass one liners when they are defeated and cant counter facts.Where Corn and Albury type bible length posts to try and get around facts to try and save face.dont give Toto and Ditzcon credit they dont deserve.THEY are just posters that like I said before,have been brainwashed by the corporate controlled media and government and only see what they want to see.There are some Psych Op agents on this thread here like Corn and Albury,but trust me,Ditzcon and Toto are not two of them.
it has everything to do with the towers coming down if you werent such a fucking moron you would know that

To say that knowing the analysis of collapse cannot be correct subverts due process. It is a deprivation of equal protection of law for the 3,000 victims and every American, whether they recognize it or not

You are belittling the victims by focusing not on them, but on a false conspiracy. What purpose would the government have for killing off so many of it's own?

the false conspiracy here is that 19 muslim highjackers were behind the attacks. there hasnt been a shread of evidence that supports that theory:cuckoo:
To say that knowing the analysis of collapse cannot be correct subverts due process. It is a deprivation of equal protection of law for the 3,000 victims and every American, whether they recognize it or not

You are belittling the victims by focusing not on them, but on a false conspiracy. What purpose would the government have for killing off so many of it's own?

the false conspiracy here is that 19 muslim highjackers were behind the attacks. there hasnt been a shread of evidence that supports that theory:cuckoo:
no evidence eh?
Under the transparent guise of being reasonable, you've just managed to avoid addressing every point I just made. Show some credible evidence of these alleged concrete walls in the cores, explain how explosives could separate them from the "3-inch rebar" while leaving the concrete itself relatively intact, or give it up.

Actually the thread asserts there were no steel core columns, ........... and no one has provided any independently verified evidence of the FEMA steel core.

I've shown concrete surrounding the core and no reasonable person with some experience in materials recognition could say otherwise. They could also say there are no steel columns in the core, or the core is empty.

The thread is not about explaining where the concrete went, it is about showing that the steel core columns never existed and that FEAM lied.

This is a steel reinforced cast concrete core,


And that is what L.E. Robertson identified on September 13, 2001.

There were no steel core columns. It is a lie used to diminish the force of the Constitution by sabotaging the analysis of the cause of death in a mass murder.

This guy must be a shill for the right wing conspiracy attempting to keep the real story from getting out, right?:lol::lol::lol::razz:

NOVA | Building on Ground Zero | Impact to Collapse | PBS

launch the slide show, the link is bellow the first paragraph.

whats REALLY hysterical about this dumb post Chris is the guy uses NOVA as his source.:lol:All NOVA does in that video is just use computer animation for its evidence which is no evidence at all.:lol:They do that as well in the kennedy assassination using computer animation to support their wild ass theorys that oswald was the lone assassina and killed kennedy.:lol: they always use that in their desperate attempts to prove the official story is true.:lol:
To say that knowing the analysis of collapse cannot be correct subverts due process. It is a deprivation of equal protection of law for the 3,000 victims and every American, whether they recognize it or not

You are belittling the victims by focusing not on them, but on a false conspiracy. What purpose would the government have for killing off so many of it's own?

the false conspiracy here is that 19 muslim highjackers were behind the attacks. there hasnt been a shread of evidence that supports that theory:cuckoo:

What about the incorrect evidence you have used to prove your point about fire not being able to affect steel beams.

I see you and eots have not responded to this at all.
Thats obvious in the fact that they only come back with lame ass one liners when they are defeated and cant counter facts.Where Corn and Albury type bible length posts to try and get around facts to try and save face.dont give Toto and Ditzcon credit they dont deserve.THEY are just posters that like I said before,have been brainwashed by the corporate controlled media and government and only see what they want to see.There are some Psych Op agents on this thread here like Corn and Albury,but trust me,Ditzcon and Toto are not two of them.

And where are YOUR counters to the temperature/steel "facts" you have posted?
Thats obvious in the fact that they only come back with lame ass one liners when they are defeated and cant counter facts.Where Corn and Albury type bible length posts to try and get around facts to try and save face.dont give Toto and Ditzcon credit they dont deserve.THEY are just posters that like I said before,have been brainwashed by the corporate controlled media and government and only see what they want to see.There are some Psych Op agents on this thread here like Corn and Albury,but trust me,Ditzcon and Toto are not two of them.

And where are YOUR counters to the temperature/steel "facts" you have posted?
what he doesn't understand is we already know it is a waste of time to give him more than one liners because he has shown that facts are anathema to him
The only one in the group, who I mostly don't recognize, that I would trust is Robertson, and you haven't shown him saying anything that contradicts the September 13, 2001 article that Newsweek did.

In your collusive psyops with toto you are trying to pretend that I'm calling Leslie Robertson a liar, when in reality it is you that are trying to make him a liar by misrepresenting his words.

I can prove he tells the truth in the Newsweek article and I can do it with independently verified evidence.

The secret methods of mass murder are very important for the perpetrators to protect. But it seems that their tools fail to do anything but expose their unreasonable collusion that ignores lawful, Constitutional due process.
except the part of that newsweek story where it says concrete was NOT a quote of Robertson
the reporter got it wrong

Hmmmmm it appears you've been exposed lying. Here is the entire article.

By Katherine Stroup
Newsweek Web Exclusive

Sept. 13 - Leslie Robertson, one of two engineers who designed the World Trade Center, was in Hong Kong when he first learned of Tuesday&#8217;s terrorist attacks. Before the second plane even hit, he was on his way to the airport.

FORTY-EIGHT HOURS LATER, Robertson, founder and owner of Leslie E. Robertson Associates in New York, has only gotten as far as Tokyo. He&#8217;s still struggling to get home to his family in Manhattan, and the project he spent 10 years designing and perfecting.

&#8220;Beyond the reaction that any citizen has&#8212;the sadness that we all feel&#8212;you have to understand, I worked long hours, seven days a week on this project back when I was young and energetic,&#8221; says the 73-year-old, his voice breaking with emotion. &#8220;It was just terrible to watch, painful and horrible.&#8221;

Still, Robertson, whose firm is responsible for three of the six tallest buildings in the world, feels a sense of pride that the massive towers, supported by a steel-tube exoskeleton and a reinforced concrete core, held up as well as they did&#8212;managing to stand for over an hour despite direct hits from two massive commercial jetliners.

&#8220;If they had fallen down immediately, the death counts would have been unimaginable,&#8221; he says. &#8220;The World Trade Center has performed admirably, and everyone involved in the project should be proud.&#8221;

Says engineer Robertson, 'If they had fallen down immediately, the death counts would have been unimaginable'
The buildings were designed specifically to withstand the impact of a Boeing 707&#8212;the largest plane flying in 1966, the year they broke ground on the project&#8212;and Robertson says it could have survived even the larger 767s that crashed into the towers on Tuesday morning. But the thousands of gallons of burning jet fuel finally brought down the noble structures. &#8220;As the fire raged it got hotter and hotter and the steel got weaker and weaker,&#8221; he says, adding that building a skyscraper able to handle such a blaze would not have been viable, financially and functionally. &#8220;You could always prepare for more and more extreme events, but there has to be a risk analysis of what&#8217;s reasonable.&#8221;

As for the 1993 bombing, Robertson says &#8220;I felt like we had taken their best shot.&#8221; For now, he&#8217;s not ready to even contemplate rebuilding but hopes our collective sense of security returns soon. &#8220;We just have to hope that this country doesn&#8217;t turn into a fortress in order to deal with people like this.&#8221;

© 2003 Newsweek, Inc.
© 2004 Newsweek, Inc.

Normally I do not post entire articles for copyright reasons but divvie is going to attempt to decieve if it is not posted so it must, in efforts to see Constitutional due process served.

whats REALLY funny is that Robertson has been exposed lying here in the fact that he goes on to say that it could have even survived the larger 767's.:lol:thats something the dis in fo agents here wont be able to get around.:lol:they''ll TRY of course as we know.:lol: These people keep eating up Robertsons lies- and ignore what John Skilling the lead designer and Frank Martini the onsite manager said before the disaster.ever notice that Chris?:lol:
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Thats obvious in the fact that they only come back with lame ass one liners when they are defeated and cant counter facts.Where Corn and Albury type bible length posts to try and get around facts to try and save face.dont give Toto and Ditzcon credit they dont deserve.THEY are just posters that like I said before,have been brainwashed by the corporate controlled media and government and only see what they want to see.There are some Psych Op agents on this thread here like Corn and Albury,but trust me,Ditzcon and Toto are not two of them.

And where are YOUR counters to the temperature/steel "facts" you have posted?

already posted them for you dis in fo agent.not my fault you only selectively read PARTS of posts.:rolleyes:
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Thats obvious in the fact that they only come back with lame ass one liners when they are defeated and cant counter facts.Where Corn and Albury type bible length posts to try and get around facts to try and save face.dont give Toto and Ditzcon credit they dont deserve.THEY are just posters that like I said before,have been brainwashed by the corporate controlled media and government and only see what they want to see.There are some Psych Op agents on this thread here like Corn and Albury,but trust me,Ditzcon and Toto are not two of them.

And where are YOUR counters to the temperature/steel "facts" you have posted?

already posted them for you dis in fo agent.not my fault you only read PARTS of posts.:rolleyes:
except, you haven't
because you lie
steel only needs to reach 1100° to lose 50% of its structural integrity

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