FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

gwb is a puppet, he wanted some coke and another drink.

Planes had nothing to do with what happened, just a cover in the scam and the perpetrators wish that the dumbing down of America, the division of American people, the deception to them and manipulation of that was adequate. It is not.

There are still Americans that can think freely and make conclusion, deduction, conclusion and inference with reason, then commit to what they percieve. But, the perpetrators of mass murder wouldn't like that.

I don't generally post on troofer threads because I think they're a waste of bandwidth. But it's my understanding that he's been clean for a long time... so that's pretty dumb and speaks to your own ignorance more than his deficits.

And none of the troofers have ever explained how it could be that in a city where they can't even keep where Lindsey Lohan is having dinner a secret, that a planned demolition could be set up in the middle of one of the busiest places in the world with no one noticing.

Hi jillian,

There were some reports, fairly consistent, that showed gwb having some relapse events while he was pres.

The secrecy issue is quite easily dealt with by the invocaton of "cold war" secrecy. A different animal and the WTC was built within that.

The fact that NO ONE has a true set of plans that the public can access substantiates the secrecy still existing.

guiliani took the NYC plans and courts refuse to compel the public docments release to the public offices they belong in!!!!
the waste of band width is old wife tales that are historical unsound...for example this occurred in new york and remained secret for decades...operation Big City

YouTube - U.S. Gov video bio weapon test in New york etc.
If it's on the Internet, it must be true. Have you checked to see whether your aluminum foil deflector beanie is effective against bio-weapons, contrails, etc? :cuckoo:

so what your saying is in your uniformed ignorance you doubt the existence of the now declassified operation big city ...a matter of public record that is not in dispute ??.. that speaks volumes on how you form your opinions and the value of them

You form your opinions based on urban myths started by goofy Scientologists, sport. If it's a matter of public record, why do you only have "information" on it from conspiracy web sites?
If it's on the Internet, it must be true. Have you checked to see whether your aluminum foil deflector beanie is effective against bio-weapons, contrails, etc? :cuckoo:

so what your saying is in your uniformed ignorance you doubt the existence of the now declassified operation big city ...a matter of public record that is not in dispute ??.. that speaks volumes on how you form your opinions and the value of them

You form your opinions based on urban myths started by goofy Scientologists, sport. If it's a matter of public record, why do you only have "information" on it from conspiracy web sites?

The psyops uses cognitive distortions AND distraction to divert from the many instances of secret operations. The biggest is MKultra. It is absolutely documented and some of those include what is in the video.

Secrecy became an official pursuit after the bay or pigs and I fully could see where giving up some operations could be done to promote the public perception of a cessation of secret operations, while in reality there is a deepening of clandestine operations in domestic manipulation or international conspiracy.
so what your saying is in your uniformed ignorance you doubt the existence of the now declassified operation big city ...a matter of public record that is not in dispute ??.. that speaks volumes on how you form your opinions and the value of them

You form your opinions based on urban myths started by goofy Scientologists, sport. If it's a matter of public record, why do you only have "information" on it from conspiracy web sites?

The psyops uses cognitive distortions AND distraction to divert from the many instances of secret operations. The biggest is MKultra. It is absolutely documented and some of those include what is in the video.

Secrecy became an official pursuit after the bay or pigs and I fully could see where giving up some operations could be done to promote the public perception of a cessation of secret operations, while in reality there is a deepening of clandestine operations in domestic manipulation or international conspiracy.
Oh, bullshit; post a legitimate source for this alleged "bio-weapons test" on innocent US civilians or stfu about it. You nuts will believe anything.
scientology is a straw man...

United States biological weapons program - Wikipedia, the free ency[edit]

Experiments on non-consenting individuals
In August of 1949 a U.S. Army Special Operations Division, operating out of Fort Detrick in Maryland, set up its first test at The Pentagon in Washington, D.C. Operatives sprayed harmless bacteria into the building's air conditioning system and observed as the microbes spread throughout the Pentagon.[51]

There were massive medical experiments that involved civilians who had not consented to participate. Often, these experiments took place in urban areas in order to test dispersion methods. Questions were raised about detrimental health effects after experiments in San Francisco, California, were followed by a spike in hospital visits; however, in 1977 the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention determined that there was no association between the testing and the occurrence of pneumonia or influenza.[52] The San Francisco test involved a U.S. Navy ship that sprayed Serratia marcescens from the bay; it traveled more than 30 miles.[52] One dispersion test involved laboratory personnel disguised as passengers spraying harmless bacteria in Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport.[52]

Scientists tested biological pathogens, including Bacillus globigii, which were thought to be harmless, at public places such as subways. A light bulb containing Bacillus globigii was dropped on New York City's subway system; the result was strong enough to affect people prone to illness (also known as Subway Experiment).[53] Based on the circulation measurements, thousands of people would have been killed if a dangerous microbe was released in the same manner.[52]

A jet aircraft released material over Victoria, Texas, that was monitored in the Florida Keys.[52]

[edit] GAO Reportclopedia
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Declassified Mk-Ultra Project Documents

U.S. Military Wanted to Provoke War With Cuba
Book: U.S. Military Drafted Plans to Terrorize U.S. Cities to Provoke War With Cuba
By David Ruppe
N E W Y O R K, May 1, 2001

In the early 1960s, America's top military leaders reportedly drafted plans to kill innocent people and commit acts of terrorism in U.S. cities to create public support for a war against Cuba.

Code named Operation Northwoods, the plans reportedly included the possible assassination of Cuban émigrés, sinking boats of Cuban refugees on the high seas, hijacking planes, blowing up a U.S. ship, and even orchestrating violent terrorism in U.S. cities.

U.S. Military Wanted to Provoke War With Cuba - ABC News
Declassified Mk-Ultra Project Documents

U.S. Military Wanted to Provoke War With Cuba
Book: U.S. Military Drafted Plans to Terrorize U.S. Cities to Provoke War With Cuba
By David Ruppe
N E W Y O R K, May 1, 2001

In the early 1960s, America's top military leaders reportedly drafted plans to kill innocent people and commit acts of terrorism in U.S. cities to create public support for a war against Cuba.

Code named Operation Northwoods, the plans reportedly included the possible assassination of Cuban émigrés, sinking boats of Cuban refugees on the high seas, hijacking planes, blowing up a U.S. ship, and even orchestrating violent terrorism in U.S. cities.

U.S. Military Wanted to Provoke War With Cuba - ABC News
except that was never approved
and the general that proposed it was FIRED
Op Northwoods is not proof the US government would kill 3000 of its own citizens
Declassified Mk-Ultra Project Documents

U.S. Military Wanted to Provoke War With Cuba
Book: U.S. Military Drafted Plans to Terrorize U.S. Cities to Provoke War With Cuba
By David Ruppe
N E W Y O R K, May 1, 2001

In the early 1960s, America's top military leaders reportedly drafted plans to kill innocent people and commit acts of terrorism in U.S. cities to create public support for a war against Cuba.

Code named Operation Northwoods, the plans reportedly included the possible assassination of Cuban émigrés, sinking boats of Cuban refugees on the high seas, hijacking planes, blowing up a U.S. ship, and even orchestrating violent terrorism in U.S. cities.

U.S. Military Wanted to Provoke War With Cuba - ABC News
except that was never approved
and the general that proposed it was FIRED
Op Northwoods is not proof the US government would kill 3000 of its own citizens

the plan made it all the way to the presidents office...and plans like mkultra and big city ..implemented...and kept secret for decades...if you would kill a dozens innocents..is 3000 such a big leap
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secrets are kept... lies are told...[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=071nO9V22jA]YouTube - FEMA's fake press conference[/ame]

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It is a logical fallacy on the part of the conspiracists who believe that because the government has done bad things before, they can be assumed to have done other bad things.

You don't have to look far or hard to see bad things done by the US government, but that does not mean that the government was behind 9/11. Yet conspiracists make an a priori assumption that this is true.
You form your opinions based on urban myths started by goofy Scientologists, sport. If it's a matter of public record, why do you only have "information" on it from conspiracy web sites?

The psyops uses cognitive distortions AND distraction to divert from the many instances of secret operations. The biggest is MKultra. It is absolutely documented and some of those include what is in the video.

Secrecy became an official pursuit after the bay or pigs and I fully could see where giving up some operations could be done to promote the public perception of a cessation of secret operations, while in reality there is a deepening of clandestine operations in domestic manipulation or international conspiracy.
Oh, bullshit; post a legitimate source for this alleged "bio-weapons test" on innocent US civilians or stfu about it. You nuts will believe anything.

agent smith, you seem to be operating out of a stupor.

MKultra and secrecy is what I was posting about. eots point about secrets in general as well as subjecting Americans to hazard as a part of military industrial development is well supported.

Most important is that FEMA deceived America about the core of the Twin towers invalidating the cause of death.

It is clear that you work to protect the infiltration of the US government
Yup, ....... cause of death invalidated by the fact of the concrete core.

Curious how the songs focus revolves around "cause of death".
Yup, ....... cause of death invalidated by the fact of the concrete core.

Curious how the songs focus revolves around "cause of death".

Why are you so hung up on a concrete core? Do you have any training in architectural design?
Yup, ....... cause of death invalidated by the fact of the concrete core.

Curious how the songs focus revolves around "cause of death".

Why are you so hung up on a concrete core? Do you have any training in architectural design?

I currently work part time as a draftsman for a civil engineer. We design small concrete, steel structures occasionally, bridges or structures. I've been a welder for 35 years.

In 1990 I viewed a 2 hour documentary titled, "The Engineering and Construction of the Twin Towers" on PBS. PBS has been infiltrated and that doc is gone, to be replaced in 2003 with a new one, advertised as "special, dealing with 9-11", missing ALL of the concrete core data.

If you leave the 9-11 truth community and ask people knowledgeable of concrete and steel structures they know of the concrete core because it was somewhat of a marvel in what it enabled for a structure.

The concrete kept all the steel perfectly aligned so that the absolute maximum loading could be attained with deformations of perimeter walls, shear panels, from flex that the steel alone, in those proportions would naturally have. The rigid concrete tube eliminated torsion which would allow oscillations, something that would destroy the tower in the 120 mph winds it had to be designed for.
Yup, ....... cause of death invalidated by the fact of the concrete core.

Curious how the songs focus revolves around "cause of death".

Why are you so hung up on a concrete core? Do you have any training in architectural design?
clearly, the answer to that is NO
he cant read a simple floor plan

What divot refers to is the fact that the plans from silverstein, here is a cut of the 3rd floor core plan,


Here is the original.


The ground zero image of the WTC 1 core wall at its base shows a massive concrete wall with a 3x7 hallway running the length of it about where the silverstein plan shows an AC shaft, steam shaft or elevator.

Or that divot hopes people cannot read plans or understand images of demolished structures so his masters can keep their secret methods of mass murder, ....... a secret.

The official cause of death is invalid.
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Why are you so hung up on a concrete core? Do you have any training in architectural design?
clearly, the answer to that is NO
he cant read a simple floor plan

What divot refers to is the fact that the plans from silverstein, here is a cut of the 3rd floor core plan,


Here is the original.


The ground zero image of the WTC 1 core wall at its base shows a massive concrete wall with a 3x7 hallway running the length of it about where the silverstein plan shows an AC shaft, steam shaft or elevator.

Or that divot hopes people cannot read plans or understand images of demolished structures so his masters can keep their secret methods of mass murder, ....... a secret.

The official cause of death is invalid.
and you are a fucking idiot
no where in that plan does it show a 12' thick wall
and that thing you CALL a wall in that pic is just another view of the steel frame core you claim wasn't there
clearly, the answer to that is NO
he cant read a simple floor plan

What divot refers to is the fact that the plans from silverstein, here is a cut of the 3rd floor core plan,


Here is the original.


The ground zero image of the WTC 1 core wall at its base shows a massive concrete wall with a 3x7 hallway running the length of it about where the silverstein plan shows an AC shaft, steam shaft or elevator.

Or that divot hopes people cannot read plans or understand images of demolished structures so his masters can keep their secret methods of mass murder, ....... a secret.

The official cause of death is invalid.
and you are a fucking idiot
no where in that plan does it show a 12' thick wall
and that thing you CALL a wall in that pic is just another view of the steel frame core you claim wasn't there

Correct, the massive concrete wall seen at ground zero is not seen on the obsolete plans faked to look as if they were final drawings. The silverstein plans do not accurately depict the towers core design. The revison tables were added to the scans of the blueprints, but they screwed up and instead of reproducing some credible variants on scans pf initials done in pencil originals, these anomolies were produced and then unwittingly placed in cells of the fake revision tables. About 20% of the 200+ sheets have them.


There are a lot of other things wrong with the scanned set that were "leaked" from silversteins.
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What divot refers to is the fact that the plans from silverstein, here is a cut of the 3rd floor core plan,


Here is the original.


The ground zero image of the WTC 1 core wall at its base shows a massive concrete wall with a 3x7 hallway running the length of it about where the silverstein plan shows an AC shaft, steam shaft or elevator.

Or that divot hopes people cannot read plans or understand images of demolished structures so his masters can keep their secret methods of mass murder, ....... a secret.

The official cause of death is invalid.
and you are a fucking idiot
no where in that plan does it show a 12' thick wall
and that thing you CALL a wall in that pic is just another view of the steel frame core you claim wasn't there

Correct, the massive concrete wall seen at ground zero is not seen on the obsolete plans faked to look as if they were final drawings. The silverstein plans do not accurately depict the towers core design. The revison tables were added to the scans of the blueprints, but they screwed up and instead of reproducing some credible variants on scans pf initials done in pencil originals, these anomolies were produced and then unwittingly placed in cells of the fake revision tables. About 20% of the 200+ sheets have them.


There are a lot of other things wrong with the scanned set that were "leaked" from silversteins.
and just what the fuck is THAT supposed to be?

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