FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

Hey Christo answer these questions. I'll keep posting them until you do.

1. Don't answer a question with a dumber question. You quoted the engineer, and that was a lie. Yes it was a lie. He said no such thing. He did not state the towers had a concrete core. You fail to show the direct quote. Your proof / evidence is a lie.
2. There was no "secret mass murder" moron. The planes caused the WTC towers' collapse. How stupid are you?
3. What is the "secret method of mass murder"??

Riddle me this:
a) if there was a "secret method of mass murder", why wait around for jets to hit the towers, why not just knock them down in a wind storm and kill 250,000?
b) You continually fail to describe the conspiracy. Who all was involved?
c) Here is the biggie....what difference would it make if there was a concrete core or not? If the buildings stood for ~35-years, however they were built was fine. What knocked them down?
Hey Christo answer these questions. I'll keep posting them until you do.

1. Don't answer a question with a dumber question. You quoted the engineer, and that was a lie. Yes it was a lie. He said no such thing. He did not state the towers had a concrete core. You fail to show the direct quote. Your proof / evidence is a lie.
2. There was no "secret mass murder" moron. The planes caused the WTC towers' collapse. How stupid are you?
3. What is the "secret method of mass murder"??

Riddle me this:
a) if there was a "secret method of mass murder", why wait around for jets to hit the towers, why not just knock them down in a wind storm and kill 250,000?
b) You continually fail to describe the conspiracy. Who all was involved?
c) Here is the biggie....what difference would it make if there was a concrete core or not? If the buildings stood for ~35-years, however they were built was fine. What knocked them down?
Did the engineer fail to demand a correction from Newsweek or did Newsweek refuse to correct the article IF it is in error.

Your evasion exposes you.
if there was a correction done, you and your ilk would only say it was because newsweak was part of the cover up or they were disinfo agents :lol:

Agent, you use cogntive distortions, not I. You are also kind of stupid for thinking that others think like you think. Maybe you are just a mimic traitor and not and agent after all. Too dumb.

1. All or nothing thinking: Things are placed in black or white categories.
2. Over generalization: Single event is viewed as continuous.
3. Mental filter: Details in life (positive or negative) are amplified in importance while opposite is rejected.
4. Minimizing: Perceiving one or opposite experiences (positive or negative) as absolute and maintaining singularity of belief to one or the other.

Your assist to kuerrkies dilema is noted. Viewers, consider they are working together, whether they know it or not. Terral plays with them on the other side of the fence. Volley ball rally show for the politically curious frog while the heat is turned up.
you are a massive fucktard, i don't expect logical thinking from you because you have shown you can't use logic
if there was a correction done, you and your ilk would only say it was because newsweak was part of the cover up or they were disinfo agents :lol:

Agent, you use cogntive distortions, not I. You are also kind of stupid for thinking that others think like you think. Maybe you are just a mimic traitor and not and agent after all. Too dumb.

1. All or nothing thinking: Things are placed in black or white categories.
2. Over generalization: Single event is viewed as continuous.
3. Mental filter: Details in life (positive or negative) are amplified in importance while opposite is rejected.
4. Minimizing: Perceiving one or opposite experiences (positive or negative) as absolute and maintaining singularity of belief to one or the other.

Your assist to kuerrkies dilema is noted. Viewers, consider they are working together, whether they know it or not. Terral plays with them on the other side of the fence. Volley ball rally show for the politically curious frog while the heat is turned up.
you are a massive fucktard, i don't expect logical thinking from you because you have shown you can't use logic

I'm reading his/her 1 thru 4 and realized it's simple projection. But what do you expect from a mental patient with access to the internet.
The perpetrators will appreciate your support for their deception.

Not as much as I'll appreciate it when someday somebody kicks your ass like it's never been kicked before.

I've overlooked nothing. Most likely you've not examined the independently verified evidence showing the core of the Twins was concrete. The core was concrete for a reason.

Elevators would not be able to go through concrete dumb fuck.

The concrete walls were vertical, not horizontal. Oh, and elevators travel vertically. Does this add up?

No, at about the 300 foot mark, the concrete on the bottom will begin to buckle from the enormous weight . By about 1,000 feet there would be nothing left excpet pulverized concrete on the bottom.

I've resisted reading 1200 of the posts on this thread because you have the reputation of being the world's leading dumbass and the little of what I have read of yours made less sense than The OC with the sound down.

Now that I have engaged you directly, I can only assume that you caught God on a bad day because anybody who has merely driven by a Home Depot knows infinitely more about construction than you.

So there was a 1,300 foot high concrete wall according to you. Call un any college physics department and ask them if that would be possible.

Better yet, look at a fucking light house which cannot be made of steel. They are short and the walls at the base are sometimes up to 10 feet thick to support the rather modest height above it. That should tell you something there dumb fuck. Of course, it won't.
The concrete walls were vertical, not horizontal. Oh, and elevators travel vertically. Does this add up?


This has been a space saving quote and post.

downtown Toronto, Ontario, Canada, is a communications and observation tower standing 553.33 metres (1,815.4 ft) tall.[2] It surpassed the height of the Ostankino Tower while still under construction in 1975, becoming the tallest free-standing structure on land in the world.

The main portion of the tower is a hollow concrete hexagonal pillar

It can be seen in the background.

Last edited:

This has been a space saving quote and post.

downtown Toronto, Ontario, Canada, is a communications and observation tower standing 553.33 metres (1,815.4 ft) tall.[2] It surpassed the height of the Ostankino Tower while still under construction in 1975, becoming the tallest free-standing structure on land in the world.

The main portion of the tower is a hollow concrete hexagonal pillar

It can be seen in the background.

yeah sure
you posted that as the best image you could find of that tower

right :rolleyes:
This has been a space saving quote and post.

downtown Toronto, Ontario, Canada, is a communications and observation tower standing 553.33 metres (1,815.4 ft) tall.[2] It surpassed the height of the Ostankino Tower while still under construction in 1975, becoming the tallest free-standing structure on land in the world.

The main portion of the tower is a hollow concrete hexagonal pillar

It can be seen in the background.

yeah sure
you posted that as the best image you could find of that tower

right :rolleyes:
tower? what tower?
and christophera is shown to be a fucking liar once again

CN Tower - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There is no lie and you cannot describe one I've told. You do lies, me, ......... I post patriotic stuff

or architecture of interest. This is called a bikini bridge.
so, your a pervert too
not a big surprise

Mr Brown fails again

If you used evidence and reason that might be correct, so you are quite wrong. I'm sure those women, just like this one, would like to see lawful government,


but you are not interested in truth, justice evidence, reason or protecting the Constitution.
There is no lie and you cannot describe one I've told. You do lies, me, ......... I post patriotic stuff

or architecture of interest. This is called a bikini bridge.
so, your a pervert too
not a big surprise

Mr Brown fails again

If you used evidence and reason that might be correct, so you are quite wrong. I'm sure those women, just like this one, would like to see lawful government,

but you are not interested in truth, justice evidence, reason or protecting the Constitution.
no, that YOU that doesn't care about the truth, fucktard
we have already seen the law carried out
we know what caused the collapse in spite of your delusions
Hey Christo answer these questions. I'll keep posting them until you do.

1. Don't answer a question with a dumber question. You quoted the engineer, and that was a lie. Yes it was a lie. He said no such thing. He did not state the towers had a concrete core. You fail to show the direct quote. Your proof / evidence is a lie.
2. There was no "secret mass murder" moron. The planes caused the WTC towers' collapse. How stupid are you?
3. What is the "secret method of mass murder"??

Riddle me this:
a) if there was a "secret method of mass murder", why wait around for jets to hit the towers, why not just knock them down in a wind storm and kill 250,000?
b) You continually fail to describe the conspiracy. Who all was involved?
c) Here is the biggie....what difference would it make if there was a concrete core or not? If the buildings stood for ~35-years, however they were built was fine. What knocked them down?
Hey Christo answer these questions. I'll keep posting them until you do.

1. Don't answer a question with a dumber question. You quoted the engineer, and that was a lie. Yes it was a lie. He said no such thing. He did not state the towers had a concrete core. You fail to show the direct quote. Your proof / evidence is a lie.
2. There was no "secret mass murder" moron. The planes caused the WTC towers' collapse. How stupid are you?
3. What is the "secret method of mass murder"??

Riddle me this:
a) if there was a "secret method of mass murder", why wait around for jets to hit the towers, why not just knock them down in a wind storm and kill 250,000?
b) You continually fail to describe the conspiracy. Who all was involved?
c) Here is the biggie....what difference would it make if there was a concrete core or not? If the buildings stood for ~35-years, however they were built was fine. What knocked them down?
so, your a pervert too
not a big surprise

Mr Brown fails again

If you used evidence and reason that might be correct, so you are quite wrong. I'm sure those women, just like this one, would like to see lawful government,

but you are not interested in truth, justice evidence, reason or protecting the Constitution.
no, that YOU that doesn't care about the truth, fucktard
we have already seen the law carried out
we know what caused the collapse in spite of your delusions

Evidence is a kind of truth, you have none. I do and it shows a concrete core.

The west wall of WTC 1 concrete core on the left, the spire on the right

you reject it.

What delusions? I prove a deception by FEMA invalidating the cause of death, but you deny it and further jeopardize the Constitution.
hey sissyfuck, bin laden is looking for his 27th wife. I think you'll qualify. You're his bitch already.

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