Female Executive with Music Degree Allowed Largest Computer Hack.

abu afak

Mar 3, 2006
While back at Rancho Google they are whining about getting/hiring women in tech..
Guess who/what was Equifax's Head of security.
A woman Music Major!
This Company and it's CEO are in deep trouble. He will be gone soon.

Female Executive With Music Degree Oversees Largest Computer Hack In World History – Return Of Kings

The unprecedented hacking of 143 million Americans’ credit file details, including their social security numbers, government-issued IDs, names, addresses, and other personal information, is raising serious questions about the credentials and academic qualifications of a major corporation’s female head of IT security. Susan Mauldin, who serves as credit-reporting agency Equifax’s Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), appears to lack any proper academic qualifications for her role, which required her to thwart exactly the kind of massive hack that hit her employer in late July.

With firms desperate to hire women in senior IT and other STEM roles under threat of financial sanctions from governments, it is possible that Susan Mauldin got her current job because of her gender. She has a bachelor’s degree in music composition and a master’s degree in music composition, a major that seems to have had no relevance whatsoever to protecting the details of the affected 143 million people.

For Equifax, this might become one of the costliest mistakes imaginable. Vanity Fair and other outlets are reporting a somewhat likely $70 billion loss as a result of anticipated litigation. One Senator, Heidi Heitkamp, is presently calling for at least some senior Equifax employees to be jailed, though in this case she is mostly responding to allegations of insider trading after several executives sold company shares before reporting the hack.

Regarding college dropouts like Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg, at least they made sure that their uncompleted degrees roughly matched the fields they made their billions in. The same cannot be said of Susan Mauldin, whose entire job description revolves around protecting sensitive data.

What is Susan Mauldin trying (badly) to hide?
Many online commentators have pointed out that Mauldin’s original LinkedIn page has been mysterious deleted. Before the current scandal, it read like this:


Sound familiar? Well, I brought you the implosion of Elizabeth Holmes’ blood-testing “empire” last year and ROK guest contributor Justin Puck had already called her shaky company Theranos out the year before that. Holmes dazzled–and allegedly scammed–her investors for years, with few, especially in the media, willing to criticize such a feminist golden girl. This ignorance risked countless lives and eventually caused the US Federal Government to intervene and half-chase the very exposed young woman out of her chosen industry.

In another case, a far less well-known woman working in IT as a “relationship manager,” Jayde Phoenix, used her breasts to try and promote herself. With no obvious qualifications that could lead to her being described as an “expert,” Phoenix was nonetheless feted as some sort of STEM super-genius by various papers. Such is the desperation of affirmative action and diversity politics.

These stories might seem anecdotal, but they reflect wider problems, not to mention a general dumbing down of STEM fields–and workplaces–to accommodate women. One of my articles earlier this year covered a female physicist’s complaints that high school and even university physics courses were being eroded specifically to make them easier for girls.

Susan Mauldin and those who hired her need to explain how on God’s green earth she could possibly serve as the Chief Information Security Officer of Equifax. Short of her having some prodigy-like talent she failed to ever mention on LinkedIn, no person in their right mind should hire a woman with no discernible technical qualifications in IT security.

Who’s going to take the blame for this?


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