Female genital mutilation is a crime in the US

Same procedure, different reason. A cultural tradition is not the same thing as a religious rite.

Exactly, that's what I've been saying all along.

So if me and Shlomo both get cut, and his is 'religious' and mine is not, guess what's left.

Besides which --- as I keep pointing out over and over --- circumcision (of either type) is WAY older than any religion. It was already there when each one of those religions bubbled up.
Name a living religion that practiced circumcision before the Jews.

And the result is not the issue, rather the cause. The issue is motivation.

Once AGAIN it wasn't practiced by "religions" as it is not a religious practice.
don't practice it --- cultures do.

Don't ask me to counter one causation fallacy --- with another causation fallacy. Just drop the fallacies.
You are bloody genious in your own mind. The west may have a multitude of sins, but slavery, beheading or female genital mutilation isn't one of them. Not in the deepest darkest part of Mississippi. We in the west don't TAX Muslims, either. Islam taxes non Muslims. MMM, yes. Yes it does.

Then go ahead --- show us where it is in the Qu'ran. Be the first to find it.
Coyote already asked you that. You still have no response.
Well, what do you care what is in the Koran? Like suicide bombers and 9/11 wasn't in there either. But there you go. Muslims make it up as they go. Enough, don't you think?
Same procedure, different reason. A cultural tradition is not the same thing as a religious rite.

Exactly, that's what I've been saying all along.

So if me and Shlomo both get cut, and his is 'religious' and mine is not, guess what's left.

Besides which --- as I keep pointing out over and over --- circumcision (of either type) is WAY older than any religion. It was already there when each one of those religions bubbled up.
Name a living religion that practiced circumcision before the Jews.

And the result is not the issue, rather the cause. The issue is motivation.

Once AGAIN it wasn't practiced by "religions" as it is not a religious practice.
don't practice it --- cultures do.

Don't ask me to counter one causation fallacy --- with another causation fallacy. Just drop the fallacies.
You are bloody genious in your own mind. The west may have a multitude of sins, but slavery, beheading or female genital mutilation isn't one of them. Not in the deepest darkest part of Mississippi. We in the west don't TAX Muslims, either. Islam taxes non Muslims. MMM, yes. Yes it does.

Then go ahead --- show us where it is in the Qu'ran. Be the first to find it.
Coyote already asked you that. You still have no response.

>> The practice's origins are unknown, but its east-west, north-south distribution in Africa meets in Sudan. Gerry Mackie has suggested that infibulation began there with the Meroite civilization (c. 800 BCE – c. 350 CE), before the rise of Islam, to increase confidence in paternity.[144][145]

...... The Greek geographer Strabo (c. 64 BCE – c. 23 CE) wrote about FGM after visiting Egypt around 25 BCE: "This is one of the customs most zealously pursued by them [the Egyptians]: to raise every child that is born and to circumcise [peritemnein] the males and excise [ektemnein] the females ..."[149][t] Philo of Alexandria (c. 20 BCE – 50 CE) also made reference to it: "the Egyptians by the custom of their country circumcise the marriageable youth and maid in the fourteenth (year) of their age, when the male begins to get seed, and the female to have a menstrual flow."[152] It is mentioned briefly in a work attributed to the Greek physician Galen (129 – c. 200 CE): "When [the clitoris] sticks out to a great extent in their young women, Egyptians consider it appropriate to cut it out."[v] ---- from Wiki, where it's been sitting readily available the whole time for those genuinely interested in factual history rather than mythology

Oh and about that "what we don't do in the West" jazz.....

>> Gynaecologists in 19th-century Europe and the United States removed the clitoris to treat insanity and masturbation.[158] A British doctor, Robert Thomas, suggested clitoridectomy as a cure for nymphomania in 1813.[159][160] The first reported clitoridectomy in the West, described in The Lancet in 1825, was performed in 1822 in Berlin by Karl Ferdinand von Graefe on a 15-year-old girl who was masturbating excessively.[159][161]

Isaac Baker Brown, an English gynaecologist, president of the Medical Society of London and co-founder in 1845 of St. Mary's Hospital, believed that masturbation, or "unnatural irritation" of the clitoris, caused hysteria, spinal irritation, fits, idiocy, mania and death.[161][162] He therefore "set to work to remove the clitoris whenever he had the opportunity of doing so", according to his obituary.[163] Brown performed several clitoridectomies between 1859 and 1866.[162] In the United States, J. Marion Sims followed Brown's work and in 1862 slit the neck of a woman's uterus and amputated her clitoris, "for the relief of the nervous or hysterical condition as recommended by Baker Brown".[164] When Brown published his views in On the Curability of Certain Forms of Insanity, Epilepsy, Catalepsy, and Hysteria in Females (1866), doctors in London accused him of quackery and expelled him from the Obstetrical Society.[165][162][166]

Later in the 19th century, A. J. Bloch, a surgeon in New Orleans, removed the clitoris of a two-year-old girl who was reportedly masturbating.[167] According to a 1985 paper in the Obstetrical & Gynecological Survey, clitoridectomy was performed in the United States into the 1960s to treat hysteria, erotomania and lesbianism.[168][169] From the mid-1950s, James Burt, a gynaecologist in Dayton, Ohio, performed non-standard repairs of episiotomies after childbirth, adding more stitches to make the vaginal opening smaller. From 1966 until 1989, he performed "love surgery" by cutting women's pubococcygeus muscle, repositioning the vagina and urethra, and removing the clitoral hood, thereby making their genital area more appropriate, in his view, for intercourse in the missionary position.[170] "Women are structurally inadequate for intercourse," he wrote; he said he would turn them into "horny little mice".[171] In the 1960s and 1970s he performed these procedures without consent while repairing episiotomies and performing hysterectomies and other surgery; he said he had performed a variation of them on 4,000 women by 1975.[170] Following complaints, he was required in 1989 to stop practicing medicine in the United States.[172] (ibid)
There it is again ---- it's all about controlling women by those with horrifying fear of female sexuality. Ain't nuttin' "religious" in there.
Last edited:
Exactly, that's what I've been saying all along.

So if me and Shlomo both get cut, and his is 'religious' and mine is not, guess what's left.

Besides which --- as I keep pointing out over and over --- circumcision (of either type) is WAY older than any religion. It was already there when each one of those religions bubbled up.
Name a living religion that practiced circumcision before the Jews.

And the result is not the issue, rather the cause. The issue is motivation.

Once AGAIN it wasn't practiced by "religions" as it is not a religious practice.
don't practice it --- cultures do.

Don't ask me to counter one causation fallacy --- with another causation fallacy. Just drop the fallacies.
You are bloody genious in your own mind. The west may have a multitude of sins, but slavery, beheading or female genital mutilation isn't one of them. Not in the deepest darkest part of Mississippi. We in the west don't TAX Muslims, either. Islam taxes non Muslims. MMM, yes. Yes it does.

Then go ahead --- show us where it is in the Qu'ran. Be the first to find it.
Coyote already asked you that. You still have no response.
Well, what do you care what is in the Koran? Like suicide bombers and 9/11 wasn't in there either. But there you go. Muslims make it up as they go. Enough, don't you think?

I predicted you couldn't do it. So did Coyote.

And we were right ---- you can't.
You lose.
Same procedure, different reason. A cultural tradition is not the same thing as a religious rite.

Exactly, that's what I've been saying all along.

So if me and Shlomo both get cut, and his is 'religious' and mine is not, guess what's left.

Besides which --- as I keep pointing out over and over --- circumcision (of either type) is WAY older than any religion. It was already there when each one of those religions bubbled up.
Name a living religion that practiced circumcision before the Jews.

And the result is not the issue, rather the cause. The issue is motivation.

Once AGAIN it wasn't practiced by "religions" as it is not a religious practice.
don't practice it --- cultures do.

Don't ask me to counter one causation fallacy --- with another causation fallacy. Just drop the fallacies.

Why are you so sure that a practice cannot be both cultural and religious?

Are you actually trying to say that Jews, at least of the conservative, orthodox variety, don't consider circumcision a religious mandate?

Here's The Jerusalem Council saying that circumcision is part of keeping the Covenant: Do I need to be circumcised? | The Jerusalem Council

According to the Jewish Virtual Library Project, "The rite of circumcision (brit milah) is one of the most ancient practices of Judaism. The commandment to circumcise male children was given to Abraham in the Torah (Genesis 17:714 and repeated in Leviticus 12:3)." Circumcision- Brit Milah

Reform Judaism says that "B’rit milah, (literally, “covenant of circumcision”), also called a bris, refers to a religious ritual through which male babies are formally welcomed into the Jewish people." B'rit Milah: The Circumcision Ritual

There are also supposedly some Christian sects that perform circumcision for religious reasons: the Ethiopian Orthodox Church The Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church
The Eritrean Orthodox Church Eritrean Orthodox Tewahedo Church - Wikipedia

Circumcision can clearly be a religious and a cultural thing.

Once again ---- FGM has a long history in Ethiopia, and once again it long predates Christianism. So this is yet again another case of a new religion starting up and acceding to a cultural practice that already exists and is already widespread. That new religion knows it's not going to wrest an entrenched cultural practice out of practice, so it dresses it up in an 'official sanction'. It co-opts it. But the practice itself comes from longstanding established social practices --- not from religion.
Muslims can't be defended. Islam profited from slavery, and still does, Islam still allows slavery NOW. Islam itself justifies slavery and taxing non Muslims, who knows what else they would allow. And so it goes.
Same procedure, different reason. A cultural tradition is not the same thing as a religious rite.

Exactly, that's what I've been saying all along.

So if me and Shlomo both get cut, and his is 'religious' and mine is not, guess what's left.

Besides which --- as I keep pointing out over and over --- circumcision (of either type) is WAY older than any religion. It was already there when each one of those religions bubbled up.
Name a living religion that practiced circumcision before the Jews.

And the result is not the issue, rather the cause. The issue is motivation.

Once AGAIN it wasn't practiced by "religions" as it is not a religious practice.
don't practice it --- cultures do.

Don't ask me to counter one causation fallacy --- with another causation fallacy. Just drop the fallacies.

Why are you so sure that a practice cannot be both cultural and religious?

Are you actually trying to say that Jews, at least of the conservative, orthodox variety, don't consider circumcision a religious mandate?

Here's The Jerusalem Council saying that circumcision is part of keeping the Covenant: Do I need to be circumcised? | The Jerusalem Council

According to the Jewish Virtual Library Project, "The rite of circumcision (brit milah) is one of the most ancient practices of Judaism. The commandment to circumcise male children was given to Abraham in the Torah (Genesis 17:714 and repeated in Leviticus 12:3)." Circumcision- Brit Milah

Reform Judaism says that "B’rit milah, (literally, “covenant of circumcision”), also called a bris, refers to a religious ritual through which male babies are formally welcomed into the Jewish people." B'rit Milah: The Circumcision Ritual

There are also supposedly some Christian sects that perform circumcision for religious reasons: the Ethiopian Orthodox Church The Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church
The Eritrean Orthodox Church Eritrean Orthodox Tewahedo Church - Wikipedia

Circumcision can clearly be a religious and a cultural thing.

Once again ---- FGM has a long history in Ethiopia, and once again it long predates Christianism. So this is yet again another case of a new religion starting up and acceding to a cultural practice that already exists and is already widespread. That new religion knows it's not going to wrest an entrenched cultural practice out of practice, so it dresses it up in an 'official sanction'. It co-opts it. But the practice itself comes from longstanding established social practices --- not from religion.
Judaism did NOT mandate FGM, which already existed and was entrenched in the culture.
Muslims can't be defended. Islam profited from slavery, and still does, Islam still allows slavery NOW. Islam itself justifies slavery and taxing non Muslims, who knows what else they would allow. And so it goes.

No doubt you can not-show us that part of the Quran as well.

SMH Reality is a lost art.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 200 million females alive today have been subjected to female genital mutilation (FGM). Aliens from the 30 countries where this practice is concentrated are immigrating to the United States, and a serious effort is not being made to prevent them from practicing FGM here.
Female genital mutilation is a crime in the US — so why is it rarely prosecuted?
View attachment 175766

Just turn your head it will all go away or you can act like a trendy leftist liberal and deny it even exist that's always the easy cowardly way out. They're experts at that.

because it's rarely done in the United States. that's why it's rarely prosecuted.

what are you babbling about now, conspiracy nutter?
Muslims can't be defended. Islam profited from slavery, and still does, Islam still allows slavery NOW. Islam itself justifies slavery and taxing non Muslims, who knows what else they would allow. And so it goes.

No doubt you can not-show us that part of the Quran as well.

SMH Reality is a lost art.
I don't feel obliged to disprove anything. Facts and history show us what it really is about. So why are you defending that? Islam is a horrific mess, and you aren't a Muslim are you?
Muslims can't be defended. Islam profited from slavery, and still does, Islam still allows slavery NOW. Islam itself justifies slavery and taxing non Muslims, who knows what else they would allow. And so it goes.

No doubt you can not-show us that part of the Quran as well.

SMH Reality is a lost art.
I don't feel obliged to disprove anything. Facts and history show us what it really is about. So why are you defending that? Islam is a horrific mess, and you aren't a Muslim are you?

I don't HAVE anything to "defend" here Snookums. YOU do. And you can't do it.
Sharia law, and freedom of religion and the 1st amendment thingy, carving off clitorises is a Muslim thingy, like cutting of hands or heads, where do we draw the line at "acceptance" or "tolerance"?

No, it is not. Once AGAIN it predates Islam (and Christianism and Judaism) by thousand of years.
Well the west never condoned this, Islam does. And Islam still practices it. Again, the west never condone this. How or were it came from, irreverent.

WRONG. Islam does not "practice" it. It has no religious function at all. It's a social practice. Those who do it --- and they can be identified by geography --- do so out of the pressures of social expectations ---- not out of any religion.

An earlier article posted here (don't know the post number, I think it was by the OP) linked to some numbers in Ethiopia. Ethiopia is predominantly Christian. Doesn't mean one causes the other --- coincidence is not causation.
Really. Christians don't cut off heads or hands let alone clitorises, me thinks you are reaching here. ...please, leave it alone already.
There are a lot of headless bodies in Mexicoand Latin America...

So yes Christians cut off heads.

There are missing clits in Christian majority African countries.

BUT...no missing hands as of yet so I will give you that.
Sharia law, and freedom of religion and the 1st amendment thingy, carving off clitorises is a Muslim thingy, like cutting of hands or heads, where do we draw the line at "acceptance" or "tolerance"?

No, it is not. Once AGAIN it predates Islam (and Christianism and Judaism) by thousand of years.
Well the west never condoned this, Islam does. And Islam still practices it. Again, the west never condone this. How or were it came from, irreverent.

WRONG. Islam does not "practice" it. It has no religious function at all. It's a social practice. Those who do it --- and they can be identified by geography --- do so out of the pressures of social expectations ---- not out of any religion.

An earlier article posted here (don't know the post number, I think it was by the OP) linked to some numbers in Ethiopia. Ethiopia is predominantly Christian. Doesn't mean one causes the other --- coincidence is not causation.
Really. Christians don't cut off heads or hands let alone clitorises, me thinks you are reaching here. ...please, leave it alone already.
There are a lot of headless bodies in Mexicoand Latin America...

So yes Christians cut off heads.

There are missing clits in Christian majority African countries.

BUT...no missing hands as of yet so I will give you that.
Cartels usually follow Santeria. I don't think the Catholics allow that kind of thing.
It's MindWhores, think intense emotive appeal and obvious suggestive approach; "OMG if we let them in this will be rampant and law enforcement/liberals will do nothing to stop it!!!!!"
she's actually quite amusing, not that she intends to be. :lol:
ur a fkn idiot SNITCH CYKA

Like we all see you are a STUPID ASS ON STEROIDS, right along with the-rest of the brain dead idiots up there

DEMOTARDS are loved by POLITICIANS because they know you idiots at to stupid to see anything right in front of them every word flapped out of your pathetic mouths proves it all by yourselves.

View attachment 175788


FGM has been a crime in America since 1996. Federal law provides that, “whoever knowingly circumcises, excises, or infibulates the whole or any part of the labia majora or labia minora or clitoris of another person who has not attained the age of 18 years shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both.”
Female genital mutilation is a crime in the US — so why is it rarely prosecuted?
No folks, not even Hollywood could make this "the sky is falling" shit up.......

:rofl: :lmao: :lmao: :rofl:
I didn't realize you cared that much...... I'm touched......

No, it is not. Once AGAIN it predates Islam (and Christianism and Judaism) by thousand of years.
Well the west never condoned this, Islam does. And Islam still practices it. Again, the west never condone this. How or were it came from, irreverent.

WRONG. Islam does not "practice" it. It has no religious function at all. It's a social practice. Those who do it --- and they can be identified by geography --- do so out of the pressures of social expectations ---- not out of any religion.

An earlier article posted here (don't know the post number, I think it was by the OP) linked to some numbers in Ethiopia. Ethiopia is predominantly Christian. Doesn't mean one causes the other --- coincidence is not causation.
Really. Christians don't cut off heads or hands let alone clitorises, me thinks you are reaching here. ...please, leave it alone already.
There are a lot of headless bodies in Mexicoand Latin America...

So yes Christians cut off heads.

There are missing clits in Christian majority African countries.

BUT...no missing hands as of yet so I will give you that.
Cartels usually follow Santeria. I don't think the Catholics allow that kind of thing.

"Cartels"? :wtf:

Actually Catholicism and Santeria/Voudoun/Candomblé synch together quite fluidly. Always have. It's the Protestant sects that conflict. That's got zero to do with the topic though.
Well the west never condoned this, Islam does. And Islam still practices it. Again, the west never condone this. How or were it came from, irreverent.

WRONG. Islam does not "practice" it. It has no religious function at all. It's a social practice. Those who do it --- and they can be identified by geography --- do so out of the pressures of social expectations ---- not out of any religion.

An earlier article posted here (don't know the post number, I think it was by the OP) linked to some numbers in Ethiopia. Ethiopia is predominantly Christian. Doesn't mean one causes the other --- coincidence is not causation.
Really. Christians don't cut off heads or hands let alone clitorises, me thinks you are reaching here. ...please, leave it alone already.
There are a lot of headless bodies in Mexicoand Latin America...

So yes Christians cut off heads.

There are missing clits in Christian majority African countries.

BUT...no missing hands as of yet so I will give you that.
Cartels usually follow Santeria. I don't think the Catholics allow that kind of thing.

"Cartels"? :wtf:

Actually Catholicism and Santeria/Voudoun/Candomblé synch together quite fluidly. Always have. It's the Protestant sects that conflict. That's got zero to do with the topic though.
The beheadings in Mexico and Central America are the work of the cartels. I don't think the Catholics allow that kind of thing.

Yes, Santeria is a distortion of the Catholic faith.
WRONG. Islam does not "practice" it. It has no religious function at all. It's a social practice. Those who do it --- and they can be identified by geography --- do so out of the pressures of social expectations ---- not out of any religion.

An earlier article posted here (don't know the post number, I think it was by the OP) linked to some numbers in Ethiopia. Ethiopia is predominantly Christian. Doesn't mean one causes the other --- coincidence is not causation.
Really. Christians don't cut off heads or hands let alone clitorises, me thinks you are reaching here. ...please, leave it alone already.
There are a lot of headless bodies in Mexicoand Latin America...

So yes Christians cut off heads.

There are missing clits in Christian majority African countries.

BUT...no missing hands as of yet so I will give you that.
Cartels usually follow Santeria. I don't think the Catholics allow that kind of thing.

"Cartels"? :wtf:

Actually Catholicism and Santeria/Voudoun/Candomblé synch together quite fluidly. Always have. It's the Protestant sects that conflict. That's got zero to do with the topic though.
The beheadings in Mexico and Central America are the work of the cartels. I don't think the Catholics allow that kind of thing.

Yes, Santeria is a distortion of the Catholic faith.

Mmmmmnope. Santería (Voudoun in Haiti, Candomblé in Brasil) is a reconstruction of Yoruba spiritism. But again, not related here. None of them cut limbs off. Nor are they much found in Mexico anyway.

Like we all see you are a STUPID ASS ON STEROIDS, right along with the-rest of the brain dead idiots up there

DEMOTARDS are loved by POLITICIANS because they know you idiots at to stupid to see anything right in front of them every word flapped out of your pathetic mouths proves it all by yourselves.

View attachment 175788


FGM has been a crime in America since 1996. Federal law provides that, “whoever knowingly circumcises, excises, or infibulates the whole or any part of the labia majora or labia minora or clitoris of another person who has not attained the age of 18 years shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both.”
Female genital mutilation is a crime in the US — so why is it rarely prosecuted?
No folks, not even Hollywood could make this "the sky is falling" shit up.......

:rofl: :lmao: :lmao: :rofl:
I didn't realize you cared that much...... I'm touched......


Not nearly as much as she is :cuckoo:
Really. Christians don't cut off heads or hands let alone clitorises, me thinks you are reaching here. ...please, leave it alone already.
There are a lot of headless bodies in Mexicoand Latin America...

So yes Christians cut off heads.

There are missing clits in Christian majority African countries.

BUT...no missing hands as of yet so I will give you that.
Cartels usually follow Santeria. I don't think the Catholics allow that kind of thing.

"Cartels"? :wtf:

Actually Catholicism and Santeria/Voudoun/Candomblé synch together quite fluidly. Always have. It's the Protestant sects that conflict. That's got zero to do with the topic urúthough.
The beheadings in Mexico and Central America are the work of the cartels. I don't think the Catholics allow that kind of thing.

Yes, Santeria is a distortion of the Catholic faith.

Mmmmmnope. Santería (Voudoun in Haiti, Candomblé in Brasil) is a reconstruction of Yoruba spiritism. But again, not related here. None of them cut limbs off. Nor are they much found in Mexico anyway.
Santeria, burú (here) and Candomblé are all demonic based on Catholic saints. Human sacrifice is part of them all.

But the cartels are doing the head removing, regardless of religion. Therefore, your argument that religion is involved is moot.
There are a lot of headless bodies in Mexicoand Latin America...

So yes Christians cut off heads.

There are missing clits in Christian majority African countries.

BUT...no missing hands as of yet so I will give you that.
Cartels usually follow Santeria. I don't think the Catholics allow that kind of thing.

"Cartels"? :wtf:

Actually Catholicism and Santeria/Voudoun/Candomblé synch together quite fluidly. Always have. It's the Protestant sects that conflict. That's got zero to do with the topic urúthough.
The beheadings in Mexico and Central America are the work of the cartels. I don't think the Catholics allow that kind of thing.

Yes, Santeria is a distortion of the Catholic faith.

Mmmmmnope. Santería (Voudoun in Haiti, Candomblé in Brasil) is a reconstruction of Yoruba spiritism. But again, not related here. None of them cut limbs off. Nor are they much found in Mexico anyway.
Santeria, burú (here) and Candomblé are all demonic based on Catholic saints. Human sacrifice is part of them all.

But the cartels are doing the head removing, regardless of religion. Therefore, your argument that religion is involved is moot.

:lol: No they're not, clown. You're over your head in this.

Furthermoreistically, my argument has *NEVER* been that religion is involved. It's been the opposite. Click, like anywhere in this thread.

The memory is the second thing to go.....
Cartels usually follow Santeria. I don't think the Catholics allow that kind of thing.

"Cartels"? :wtf:

Actually Catholicism and Santeria/Voudoun/Candomblé synch together quite fluidly. Always have. It's the Protestant sects that conflict. That's got zero to do with the topic urúthough.
The beheadings in Mexico and Central America are the work of the cartels. I don't think the Catholics allow that kind of thing.

Yes, Santeria is a distortion of the Catholic faith.

Mmmmmnope. Santería (Voudoun in Haiti, Candomblé in Brasil) is a reconstruction of Yoruba spiritism. But again, not related here. None of them cut limbs off. Nor are they much found in Mexico anyway.
Santeria, burú (here) and Candomblé are all demonic based on Catholic saints. Human sacrifice is part of them all.

But the cartels are doing the head removing, regardless of religion. Therefore, your argument that religion is involved is moot.

:lol: No they're not, clown. You're over your head in this.

Furthermoreistically, my argument has *NEVER* been that religion is involved. It's been the opposite. Click, like anywhere in this thread.

The memory is the second thing to go.....
It's in our conversation. The part where you said:

There are a lot of headless bodies in Mexicoand Latin America...

So yes Christians cut off heads.

Remember now?

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