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Female Leftist Activists Routinely Raped By Palestinians Silenced By Activists


Gold Member
Oct 8, 2010
Female Leftist Activists Routinely Raped By Palestinians Silenced By Activists
Two activists have exposed a disturbing phenomenon that they say is an open secret within the "peace camp": female "peace" activists are routinely harassed and raped by the Arabs of Judea and Samaria with whom they have come to identify. They say the phenomenon has gotten worse lately and that many foreign women end up as wives of local Arabs against their will, but cannot escape their new homes.
...It is easy, explains Bello, "to carry out a sexual crime against a foreign girl, in her first days away from her family, in a place where no police have ever visited. And this is what happens, and has happened."
"I was told of such rape cases by women who are not Jewish: a female European leftist activist, a female Red Cross volunteer and a young Arab woman from Yafo,” he says. He says that he met these women when he carried out IDF reserve duty, and met them afterward as well. “They told me what goes on there, in the Palestinian villages, far from any prying eye."
"These are not just cases of rape carried out to satisfy lust,” he writes. “Usually, they are carried out systematically in order to make the girl pregnant and then take her as a wife – after she converts to Islam, of course. We know about this system from the stories of women who underwent a similar process within Israel and escaped to Europe. But it is hard to escape from the Palestinian territories. Sometimes these women – some of whom are no longer young – are never allowed to leave their homes unaccompanied, in order to forestall their escape."
Arabs Harass Female 'Peace' Activists; Left Silences Victims - Politics & Gov't - Israel News - Israel National News
I for one do not see anything wrong this.

While in ones culture one respects. The women are there in solidarity with Arab/Palestinians. What one must acknowledge, the righteousness, the truthfulness, of the Arab/Palestinian view of the western world.

That these women wish the world to think they are raped, and not the Islamic stereotype of western sluts is hard to swallow.

If anything, that of which I have learned, caught in the zeal of the USMB boards, is that Liberals are intelligent and educated.

These women, knew exactly how they would be treated, and expected as much.
I for one do not see anything wrong this.

While in ones culture one respects.

The Muslim "culture" condones the beating of women and the mass murder of infidels. Not respectable.

What do you say to a Muslima woman with two black eyes? Nothing, you already told her, twice. LOL
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I for one do not see anything wrong this. While in ones culture one respects.
The Muslim "culture" condones the beating of women and the mass murder of infidels. Not respectable. What do you say to a Muslima woman with two black eyes? Nothing, you already told her, twice. LOL
Two headlights, lighting a way in the dark in Gaza.
I for one do not see anything wrong this.

While in ones culture one respects. The women are there in solidarity with Arab/Palestinians. What one must acknowledge, the righteousness, the truthfulness, of the Arab/Palestinian view of the western world.

That these women wish the world to think they are raped, and not the Islamic stereotype of western sluts is hard to swallow.

If anything, that of which I have learned, caught in the zeal of the USMB boards, is that Liberals are intelligent and educated.

These women, knew exactly how they would be treated, and expected as much.

The fact that you condone and make excuses for these crimes, these sins, speaks volumes about who you are. You are beyond shameful.
Arab/Palestinians. What one must acknowledge, the righteousness, the truthfulness, of the Arab/Palestinian view of the western world.

The Arab view is one of savagery and barbarism and ignorance and backwardness. One third of all Arabs and one half of all Arab women are illiterate. An old Arab saying is "Thinking is infidelity"

Arabs produce nothing, except, terrorism, pain and suffering.

Arabs used to bury their babies alive. Today, Arabs dream of their children dying as shahids.

The world would be a far better place without Arabs.:clap2:
I for one do not see anything wrong this. While in ones culture one respects. The women are there in solidarity with Arab/Palestinians. What one must acknowledge, the righteousness, the truthfulness, of the Arab/Palestinian view of the western world. That these women wish the world to think they are raped, and not the Islamic stereotype of western sluts is hard to swallow. If anything, that of which I have learned, caught in the zeal of the USMB boards, is that Liberals are intelligent and educated. These women, knew exactly how they would be treated, and expected as much.
The fact that you condone and make excuses for these crimes, these sins, speaks volumes about who you are. You are beyond shameful.
So, the presumption is, either:
  • they didn't know, what they were getting themselves into. Which, in turn, is a testament to the "dumbassity" of the whole palestinian® "solidarity" fling.
  • they knew exactly, what they were getting themselves into. Which, in turn, is a testament to the perversity of that "solidaritat".
I for one do not see anything wrong this. While in ones culture one respects. The women are there in solidarity with Arab/Palestinians. What one must acknowledge, the righteousness, the truthfulness, of the Arab/Palestinian view of the western world. That these women wish the world to think they are raped, and not the Islamic stereotype of western sluts is hard to swallow. If anything, that of which I have learned, caught in the zeal of the USMB boards, is that Liberals are intelligent and educated. These women, knew exactly how they would be treated, and expected as much.
The fact that you condone and make excuses for these crimes, these sins, speaks volumes about who you are. You are beyond shameful.
So, the presumption is, either:
  • they didn't know, what they were getting themselves into. Which, in turn, is a testament to the "dumbassity" of the whole palestinian® "solidarity" fling.
  • they knew exactly, what they were getting themselves into. Which, in turn, is a testament to the perversity of that "solidaritat".

You try that defense in the final Judgement, if it does not even cause me to blink, or hesitate, a mere mortal, how well do you think it will fare with God. My only recommendation to you, is sack cloth and ashes. Beg for forgiveness, it's the only hope you have.
The fact that you condone and make excuses for these crimes, these sins, speaks volumes about who you are. You are beyond shameful.
So, the presumption is, either:
  • they didn't know, what they were getting themselves into. Which, in turn, is a testament to the "dumbassity" of the whole palestinian® "solidarity" fling.
  • they knew exactly, what they were getting themselves into. Which, in turn, is a testament to the perversity of that "solidaritat".
You try that defense in the final Judgement, if it does not even cause me to blink, or hesitate, a mere mortal, how well do you think it will fare with God. My only recommendation to you, is sack cloth and ashes. Beg for forgiveness, it's the only hope you have.
Dunno, what that drivel was supposed to mean. Is it against, or pro- palestinian® shafting their female solidaritat?
So, the presumption is, either:
  • they didn't know, what they were getting themselves into. Which, in turn, is a testament to the "dumbassity" of the whole palestinian® "solidarity" fling.
  • they knew exactly, what they were getting themselves into. Which, in turn, is a testament to the perversity of that "solidaritat".
You try that defense in the final Judgement, if it does not even cause me to blink, or hesitate, a mere mortal, how well do you think it will fare with God. My only recommendation to you, is sack cloth and ashes. Beg for forgiveness, it's the only hope you have.
Dunno, what that drivel was supposed to mean. Is it against, or pro- palestinian® shafting their female solidaritat?

Who are these Palestinians? I could find no history of these ancient people in my local library and bookstores. Even on amazon.com, I found not one history of these Palestinian people.

I couldn't even find Palestinians in the Bible. Not even in the Quran!

What is the Palestinian religion?
What is the Palestinian language?
What is the Palestinian scripture called?
Who are the ancient Palestinian Kings, Emperors and leaders?
What are names of great ancient Palestinian writers, artists and poets?
When was there a sovereign state called Palestine?
when did Palestinians rule over Palestine?
Who are the great historical Palestinian warriors?
What unique Palestinian food do Palestinians eat?
What distinguishes Palestinians from, say, Syrians, Jordanians or any other Arabs?

I'm starting to believe these so-called Palestinians are just a big fairy tale.
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I for one do not see anything wrong this.

While in ones culture one respects. The women are there in solidarity with Arab/Palestinians. What one must acknowledge, the righteousness, the truthfulness, of the Arab/Palestinian view of the western world.

That these women wish the world to think they are raped, and not the Islamic stereotype of western sluts is hard to swallow.

If anything, that of which I have learned, caught in the zeal of the USMB boards, is that Liberals are intelligent and educated.

These women, knew exactly how they would be treated, and expected as much.

The fact that you condone and make excuses for these crimes, these sins, speaks volumes about who you are. You are beyond shameful.

I should of wrote slower, you missed my point.

Its a statement for a purpose, to illustrate a point, nothing more.

Sometimes someone needs to step in and teach people what we have learned. Law and Justice, not all people learn this at the same rate.
Arab/Palestinians. What one must acknowledge, the righteousness, the truthfulness, of the Arab/Palestinian view of the western world.

The Arab view is one of savagery and barbarism and ignorance and backwardness. One third of all Arabs and one half of all Arab women are illiterate. An old Arab saying is "Thinking is infidelity"

Arabs produce nothing, except, terrorism, pain and suffering.

Arabs used to bury their babies alive. Today, Arabs dream of their children dying as shahids.

The world would be a far better place without Arabs.:clap2:

Do you feel a final solution coming on, zionazi - you have learnt well...:evil:
Arab/Palestinians. What one must acknowledge, the righteousness, the truthfulness, of the Arab/Palestinian view of the western world.

The Arab view is one of savagery and barbarism and ignorance and backwardness. One third of all Arabs and one half of all Arab women are illiterate. An old Arab saying is "Thinking is infidelity"

Arabs produce nothing, except, terrorism, pain and suffering.

Arabs used to bury their babies alive. Today, Arabs dream of their children dying as shahids.

The world would be a far better place without Arabs.:clap2:

Do you feel a final solution coming on, zionazi - you have learnt well...:evil:

Zionists Rule.
Muzzies Are Dogs.

Martin Luther King, Jr...
I see Israel as one of the great outposts of democracy in the world, and a marvelous example of what can be done, how desert land can be transformed into an oasis of brotherhood and democracy. Peace for Israel means security and that security must be a reality

Winston Churchill...
We owe to the Jews a system of ethics which, even if it were entirely separated from the supernatural, would be incomparably the most precious possession of mankind, worth in fact the fruits of all wisdom and learning put together.

"The coming into being of a Jewish state in Palestine is an event in world history to be viewed in the perspective, not of a generation or a century, but in the perspective of a thousand, two thousand or even three thousand years" "This is an event in world history

US President John Adams...
I will insist that the Hebrews have done more to civilize men than any other nation. If I were an atheist, and believed in blind eternal fate, I should still believe that fate had ordained the Jews to be the most essential instrument for civilizing the nations. If I were an atheist of the other sect, who believe, or pretend to believe that all is ordered by chance, I should believe that chance had ordered the Jews to preserve and propagate to all mankind the doctrine of a supreme, intelligent, wise, almighty sovereign of the universe, which I believe to be the great essential principle of all morality, and consequently of all civilization.

Alexis de Toqueville..
I studied the Koran a great deal. I came away from that study with the conviction there have been few religions in the world as deadly to men as that of Muhammad. So far as I can see, it is the principal cause of the decadence so visible today in the Muslim world and, though less absurd than the polytheism of old, its social and political tendencies are in my opinion to be feared, and I therefore regard it as a form of decadence rather than a form of progress in relation to paganism itself.
Winston Churchill...

How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy.

The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live.

A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.

Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it.

No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome.
[ame=http://www.amazon.com/River-War-Sir-Winston-Churchill/dp/1598184253/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1288411221&sr=8-1]Amazon.com: The River War (9781598184259): Sir Winston S. Churchill: Books[/ame]
[B said:
Urbanguerrilla[/B];2998498] Do you feel a final solution coming on, zionazi - you have learnt well...:evil:

Monkee Brain = Muzzie Loser :lol:

How To Be A Monkey Brain Muzzie Loser [Pt 1]

by Goffaq Yussef

Golly gee, I am SOOOO proud to be a Palestinian Arab from the West Bank. Let me tell you the reasons why I have such warm, fuzzy feelings about my people and culture:

1. There is no such thing as Mothers Day. No worry about cards, gifts, and expensive meals. There is no honor in being a woman in our culture, so there is no reason to devote a day to her. We do, however, get to enjoy watching our fathers beat our mothers senseless for the slightest real or imagined infraction. Also, if Dad suspects that Mom spoke to a strange man in the street, he gets to kill her to preserve the family honor!

2. Weapons. Every child, from the time he can grasp an object, is trained to feel comfortable with a rifle or pistol in his hand. And every Palestinian has a weapon: a gun, a rocket launcher, a pound of C-4. What good are hands if they aren't used to kill?

3. Hate. Boy, we love to hate. Hate is the very basis and foundation of our culture. From the time a child is old enough to understand language, we teach him to hate. Hate Jews, hate the West, hate his fellow man, and most of all, hate himself. We have no love songs, we do not preach love, the word love does not appear anywhere in our society. Hate is the fuel that runs our motors.

4. Death. The moment a Palestinian Arab child is born, his parents begin to plan his death. How will he die? Will he be struck by an Israeli bullet while being used as a human shield by Palestinian gunmen? Will he get shot while throwing rocks at Jewish soldiers? Will he be packed with explosives and sent to blow himself up, killing others? Or will he merely be one of the many Palestinians murdered by other Palestinians in the normal course of daily life in
the death-culture of the Palestinian Arabs? Who knows? That's part of the thrill.

5. Unemployment. Palestinians used to have jobs, working in Israel. But then, our leaders had a brilliant idea: suicide bombings! For their own protection, Israel had to close its borders, preventing Palestinians from going to their jobs, so they could sit around unemployed and blame the Jews for it. What great fun to be your own worst enemy!
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How to Be A Monkey Brain/Muzzie Loser [Pt 2]

6. Martyrdom. Who in their right mind wants to be a martyr? Among normal people, a martyr complex is considered immature and obnoxious, if not downright crazy. With us, it's the central syndrome of our society! Hey, look at me, I'm gonna kill myself and become admired! And then, when we do kill ourselves, instead of being considered pathetic, we DO get admired! It's a whole complete cycle of sickness! American kids collect baseball cards; Palestinian kids collect martyr cards (really! no joke!).

7. A feeling of entitlement. When Israel came into being, we declared war. We lost. We fought again. We lost. We fought again. We lost. Israel had the right to kill us all (we sure would kill all of them if we got the chance). Instead, they allow us to live on land they conquered. But we can't leave that alone. We have to claim entitlement to live on land that we lost in 6 wars. Since when does the loser of a war get to claim the land he fought over? They don't. But we do. Not only that, but we happily kill our kids over it! Hey, what's more important -- a chunk of dirt, or some worthless kid who isn't going to amount to anything anyway?

8. Uselessness. The Jews have won more Nobel Prizes than all other ethnic groups combined. Their contributions to science, art, literature and the humanities is far out of proportion to their population. What have Palestinians produced? Nothing! Not a thing. We don't do anything productive. We're too busy rioting and killing and chanting and screaming and calling for everyone's death. And we blame the Jews for it, as though the Jews stop us from being productive.

9. Friends. The Palestinian people sure know how to pick 'em. Saadam Hussein. The Taliban. Adolf Hitler. You name a psychopath, and we embrace him. And look who our supporters are! The American Nazi Party. The KKK. Just check their websites and see how they stand in solidarity with us. When you support the Palestinian "cause," you're in real good company. Bring your white sheet!

10. Freedom. The biggest laugh in the world is when people call us "freedom fighters" or they say we're fighting for our freedom. Take a look at all 22 Arab countries. Do you see any freedom there? Well, that's what our country will be like if we ever get one. It
will be a dictatorship run by armed, masked thugs who will kill anyone who dissents. Just like we are now. Freedom???? LOLOLOLOL The word doesn't even exist in our language. Hey, just like George Orwell said: "Freedom is slavery. Long live big brother!"

Remember: Israel is bad!
Its existence keeps reminding us what a bunch of losers we are.
Do you feel a final solution coming on, zionazi - you have learnt well...:evil:

Hey, Monkey Brain, no love for the millions slaughtered in Darfur and Sudan by the IslamoNazis you suck off? Can you make a semen mustache, Monkey Brain?:lol:

The genocide in Darfur has claimed 400,000 lives and displaced over 2,500,000 people. More than one hundred people continue to die each day; five thousand die every month.

Since February 2003, the Sudanese government in Khartoum and the government-sponsored Janjaweed militia have used rape, displacement, organized starvation, threats against aid workers and mass murder. Violence, disease, and displacement continue to kill thousands of innocent Darfurians every month.
Genocide in Darfur, Sudan | Darfur Scorecard
[B said:
Urbanguerrilla[/B];2998498] Do you feel a final solution coming on, zionazi - you have learnt well...:evil:

Monkee Brain = Muzzie Loser :lol:

How To Be A Monkey Brain Muzzie Loser [Pt 1]

God love ya murc, you poor zionazi imbecile: a guerrilla is a warrior, a gorilla is an ape murc not a monkey; and finaly you are a zionazi, say it murc, thats right 'zionazi', a usurper of another mans country, a destroyer of children and now murc you have plummed the depths of zionaziism by suggesting that the lovely Palestinian people should be exterminated - shame on you murc, your Jewish forefathers would be ashamed of you :eusa_eh:
[B said:
Urbanguerrilla[/B];2998498] Do you feel a final solution coming on, zionazi - you have learnt well...:evil:

Monkee Brain = Muzzie Loser :lol:

How To Be A Monkey Brain Muzzie Loser [Pt 1]

God love ya murc, you poor zionazi imbecile: a guerrilla is a warrior, a gorilla is an ape murc not a monkey; and finaly you are a zionazi, say it murc, thats right 'zionazi', a usurper of another mans country, a destroyer of children and now murc you have plummed the depths of zionaziism by suggesting that the lovely Palestinian people should be exterminated - shame on you murc, your Jewish forefathers would be ashamed of you :eusa_eh:

Monkey Brain, no love for the millions murdered and displaced in Darfur and Sudan by the IslamoNazis who you suck off?

Monkey Brain, make a semen mustache for us from the jihadists you blow.

The genocide in Darfur has claimed 400,000 lives and displaced over 2,500,000 people. More than one hundred people continue to die each day; five thousand die every month.

Since February 2003, the Sudanese government in Khartoum and the government-sponsored Janjaweed militia have used rape, displacement, organized starvation, threats against aid workers and mass murder. Violence, disease, and displacement continue to kill thousands of innocent Darfurians every month.
Genocide in Darfur, Sudan | Darfur Scorecard
[B said:
Urbanguerrilla[/B];2998498] Do you feel a final solution coming on, zionazi - you have learnt well...:evil:

Monkee Brain = Muzzie Loser :lol:

How To Be A Monkey Brain Muzzie Loser [Pt 1]

God love ya murc, you poor zionazi imbecile: a guerrilla is a warrior, a gorilla is an ape murc not a monkey; and finaly you are a zionazi, say it murc, thats right 'zionazi', a usurper of another mans country, a destroyer of children and now murc you have plummed the depths of zionaziism by suggesting that the lovely Palestinian people should be exterminated - shame on you murc, your Jewish forefathers would be ashamed of you :eusa_eh:

Monkey Brain, your so-called Palestinians who you suck off want to exterminate themselves...
"We Desire Death Like You Desire Life"

Monkey Brain, your so-called Palestinians who you suck off want to exterminate everyone else...
"Oh Alla Kill All Jews And Americans"...

Monkey Brain, your so-called Palestinians celebrated 9/11...
[B said:
Urbanguerrilla[/B];2998498] Do you feel a final solution coming on, zionazi - you have learnt well...:evil:

Monkee Brain = Muzzie Loser :lol:

How To Be A Monkey Brain Muzzie Loser [Pt 1]

God love ya murc, you poor zionazi imbecile: a guerrilla is a warrior, a gorilla is an ape murc not a monkey; and finaly you are a zionazi, say it murc, thats right 'zionazi', a usurper of another mans country, a destroyer of children and now murc you have plummed the depths of zionaziism by suggesting that the lovely Palestinian people should be exterminated - shame on you murc, your Jewish forefathers would be ashamed of you :eusa_eh:

Monkey Brain, open a history book, ignorant loser. Jews have lived in Israel for 4,000 years.

The Muhammadan thief and mass murderer has stolen the entire Middle East from the Jew and the Christian...
Muslim conquests - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Alexis de Toqueville...
I studied the Koran a great deal. I came away from that study with the conviction there have been few religions in the world as deadly to men as that of Muhammad. So far as I can see, it is the principal cause of the decadence so visible today in the Muslim world and, though less absurd than the polytheism of old, its social and political tendencies are in my opinion to be feared, and I therefore regard it as a form of decadence rather than a form of progress in relation to paganism itself.

Winston Churchill...
How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy.

The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live.

A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.

Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it.

No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome.
[ame=http://www.amazon.com/River-War-Sir-Winston-Churchill/dp/1598184253/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1288411221&sr=8-1]Amazon.com: The River War (9781598184259): Sir Winston S. Churchill: Books[/ame]

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