Female loaes to man in a sanctioned MMA fight. She protested her right to fight a man.

That dude isn't a transgender or a man pretending to be a woman. He is a man and that is a woman.

The Metoo people who get considerably offended when. ANY OF US say men and women are different are all of a sudden selectively outraged about this woman.....

A. Wanting to get into a ring with man
B. Upset at the MMA bout being allowed to happen?

Anyone want to bet if that woman beat that man with a Haymarker that the left would be celebrating?

Instead, now they get all upset at the man. I mean us conservatives are upset but that is us being consistent with our views. Not consistent with the leftists views.

Reminded me of this. Remember when this female "soldier" who obvious watched "GI JANE" and Wonder Woman too many times insisted on boxing with a male soldier?

Watch now as this woman gets equal rights.........and lefts.

Or this

Here leftists. Hi candycorn want to comment on this? Are you going for a facial today candycorn?

Why do LefTards always look like such freaky weirdos….is that in the rule book for LefTards?
So is PC...and making that claim in a thread that just happened to coincide with the proof of the failure of PC was purely coincidence I suppose?...

lie, the fight had everything to do with PC, and your objection to all fighting, [because at the same time it failed] is proof of what your intent is...
you called my post "jibberish" and fighting ["human cockfighting"] "a sad commentary on humanity" but nothing about PC itself.

The fight (if you want to call it that) had nothing to do with PC. It had everything to do with exploitation and getting Neanderthals to watch and hopefully spend money.

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