Females who are devoted Fox watchers are Stepford Wives of a sort

The women are beautiful. Having intelligence does not mean a woman can't also be beautiful. I don't think they need to wear frumpy clothing and bad haircuts to earn respect. Maybe you think they should all look like Hillary? Nah.
As far as a Stepford wife, do you mean I try to please my husband? You bet ya, as much as he does his best to please me too. It's old fashioned but it works wonders.
ummm..... precisely my point you moran!!!:banghead:
Wow, a misspelled insult. When will wonders cease. Now, stop objectifying women. It makes you look bad.
I'm going to take a wild guess and say that you're a rw female. Single as well. Amiright?
No. You are not. Attempting to stereotype, are we? Now, the real question is why you are attempting to make this about me when we were discussing the way people objectify women who make their living in the public eye, in this case by being talking heads in the news. Is it because you were becoming uncomfortable and felt that your position was exceedingly weak?
so the answer is yes & yes. Thanks
ummm..... precisely my point you moran!!!:banghead:
Wow, a misspelled insult. When will wonders cease. Now, stop objectifying women. It makes you look bad.
I'm going to take a wild guess and say that you're a rw female. Single as well. Amiright?
No. You are not. Attempting to stereotype, are we? Now, the real question is why you are attempting to make this about me when we were discussing the way people objectify women who make their living in the public eye, in this case by being talking heads in the news. Is it because you were becoming uncomfortable and felt that your position was exceedingly weak?
so the answer is yes & yes. Thanks
That would be yes, you ARE attempting to stereotype and yes, you WERE becoming uncomfortable and felt that your position was exceedingly weak. Refreshing honesty there.
The women are beautiful. Having intelligence does not mean a woman can't also be beautiful. I don't think they need to wear frumpy clothing and bad haircuts to earn respect. Maybe you think they should all look like Hillary? Nah.
As far as a Stepford wife, do you mean I try to please my husband? You bet ya, as much as he does his best to please me too. It's old fashioned but it works wonders.
they are "dolled up" on that network for a reason and that reason is so that their demographic- 65+ yr old white males will be mesmerized by t3h boobies as opposed to the *cough* "news" they are spoon feeding them

RW, LW, anything else.... Women's place is to be the best individual they can be, for themselves and for their loved ones

On that we will have to disagree. I am strongly of the belief that there is a place for everyone in society and that society only runs smoothly when everyone is in their proper place.

"Proper place"?

Wow, yes we will strongly disagree. This is not India and we do not have a caste system.
The women are beautiful. Having intelligence does not mean a woman can't also be beautiful. I don't think they need to wear frumpy clothing and bad haircuts to earn respect. Maybe you think they should all look like Hillary? Nah.
As far as a Stepford wife, do you mean I try to please my husband? You bet ya, as much as he does his best to please me too. It's old fashioned but it works wonders.
they are "dolled up" on that network for a reason and that reason is so that their demographic- 65+ yr old white males will be mesmerized by t3h boobies as opposed to the *cough* "news" they are spoon feeding them

Way to prove my point so quickly. Commendable.
"Proper place"?

Wow, yes we will strongly disagree. This is not India and we do not have a caste system.

Maybe that's part of our problem.

I managed to be a success in a number of fields internationally and in the US, both government and private sectors. Raised a family and care for elderly family in their last years. Created, run and sold several businesses through it all, and even now started yet another a few years ago.

There is no "place" for anyone if they are will and have the imagination to move in any direction they want.
You are like an Alabama tick!!!

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Your problem. I believe in equality as a starting point and the potential for anyone to improve themselves and their family's lives.

Not my problem. I have a wonderful wife who knows, accepts and embraces her place in society and our family.

Equality is a fantasy and always will be, even if we start cloning people. Genetics, environment and personal ambition will always create differences of quality between individuals. That's just a fact of life.
rw females never stopped to wonder why all the females were blonde w/ big hooters? Stepford wives

This song will explain it all to you!

All the strippers became Volvo Driving Soccer Mom that has boring Blonde Kids while being married to a Republican...
You are like an Alabama tick!!!

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Oh, that's what it's like. Doesn't sound like much fun. I think I'll remain someone who respects women, but go on and enjoy life, if you can.
Your problem. I believe in equality as a starting point and the potential for anyone to improve themselves and their family's lives.

Not my problem. I have a wonderful wife who knows, accepts and embraces her place in society and our family.

Equality is a fantasy and always will be, even if we start cloning people. Genetics, environment and personal ambition will always create differences of quality between individuals. That's just a fact of life.

You "trained" her to lick your feet and your arse? I see that as abusive not a marital partner nor a woman who is vital part of society.
Women are to be "submissive" Michelle Bachman quoted that from the Good Book [emoji5]

Sent from my VS415PP using Tapatalk
You "trained" her to lick your feet and your arse? I see that as abusive not a marital partner nor a woman who is vital part of society.

Nope. She came this way when she found me on Match.com four and a half years ago. Part of the reason I waited so late in life to marry was that I had no interest in trying get to teach someone to agree with my views. They either already know ewe their place or they weren't worth my time.

Women like my wife birthed the greatest generations this nation, and therefore the world have ever known. Women of your mentality gave us generations of people who get run over playing Pokemon Go at age 27.

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