Feminism: Just Another Fad

Did someone just fart? Whew! That one stunk!!!

Thank you for letting us share in your MASSIVE, surging intellect. I'm suprised you even have enough energy to even wipe yourself after having that exhaustive scholarly response...

Oh please, really, there's no need to try and portray yourself as having any intellectual prowess, it's truly an exercise in futility and self delusion.[/QUOTEA

Ah, hello. You're the one who acted like everything is beneath them. I 'm simply responding to your precious, I-am-above-logic-and-common-sense-response. Feminism is basically a hate movement portraying itself as a moral movement. You apparently can't address that because you don't have the brains to do it. My bad, I thought you had an IQ above 85...
Thank you for letting us share in your MASSIVE, surging intellect. I'm suprised you even have enough energy to even wipe yourself after having that exhaustive scholarly response...

Oh please, really, there's no need to try and portray yourself as having any intellectual prowess, it's truly an exercise in futility and self delusion.[/QUOTEA

Ah, hello. You're the one who acted like everything is beneath them. I 'm simply responding to your precious, I-am-above-logic-and-common-sense-response. Feminism is basically a hate movement portraying itself as a moral movement. You apparently can't address that because you don't have the brains to do it. My bad, I thought you had an IQ above 85...
Actually if you had the mental capabilities you erroneously think you do you would have read that I already addressed the issue. And I didn't address it from the horrendously ignorant and simplistic viewpoint that you obviously espouse, hence my completely appropriate responses to your myopically imbecilic prattle.
By the way, isn't it past your nap time, your baba is getting cold.
1. "I guess the fact that feminism has transformed society more than perhaps any other civil rights movement in history is something that today's women can afford to forget."

Guess again, dunce.

"The single largest factor in the advances that women have made, after the right to vote and the right of wives to hold property in their own names, is technology. Prior to the many time saving and work saving housework devices, there was no possibility that a women could have both a family and a career."
Bork, "Slouching Toward Gomorrah," chapter 11

So it would be ok to live in a world where women get slapped around and are not permitted to work - providing they can have iPads and a decent washing machine.

1. "I guess the fact that feminism has transformed society more than perhaps any other civil rights movement in history is something that today's women can afford to forget."

Guess again, dunce.

"The single largest factor in the advances that women have made, after the right to vote and the right of wives to hold property in their own names, is technology. Prior to the many time saving and work saving housework devices, there was no possibility that a women could have both a family and a career."
Bork, "Slouching Toward Gomorrah," chapter 11

So it would be ok to live in a world where women get slapped around and are not permitted to work - providing they can have iPads and a decent washing machine.


1. Dunce isn't enough.

You're also a dim-wit.

a. Most people would point to the invention of the birth-control pill as one of the key moments in the cultural transformation that allows women to move into a central role in all areas of life. Two recent papers by economists tell some of the story. In one, a working paper for the National Bureau of Economic Research, Stefania Albanesi and Claudia Olivetti show how child care was only one of the reasons women were once limited to the home; illness and injury caused by childbirth closed doors, too. Health risks in connection to pregnancy and childbirth were severe. Septicemia, toxaemia, hemorrhages and obstructed labor could lead to prolonged physical disability and, in the extreme, death.” It wasn’t just the Pill, then; antibiotics, blood banks, improvements in prenatal and obstetric care, and the mass production of safe baby formula fundamentally altered the human environment in ways that laid the foundation for contemporary women’s achievement.

b. Machinery invented by the brainy Homo sapiens also revolutionized the female lot. Until 1900, the vast majority of people in the Western world lived in conditions much like those in sub-Saharan Africa and parts of the Middle East today. Few had access to electricity; only about a quarter of all American households had running water. In this environment, American women did what women tied to their domiciles with three-plus children have always done: cooking, making and cleaning clothes, hauling water, and the like.

c. But by the mid-twentieth century, human innovation had considerably lightened those essential household tasks. Using U.S. Census data, University of Montreal economist Emanuela Cardia has shown how home technology, including appliances and bathroom plumbing, played a significant role in moving women into the labor force.
Femina Sapiens in the Nursery by Kay S. Hymowitz, City Journal Autumn 2009

Now...could you point out where you found " get slapped around and are not permitted to work" in the above?

In the future, consider actually using research, facts and logic.
P. Chic -

Dunce is not the right word for you - illiterate is.

I claimed that:

feminism has transformed society more than perhaps any other civil rights movement

You respond with electronic devices and now the pill.

Neither of those are civil rights movements.

Ignore mode.
P. Chic -

Dunce is not the right word for you - illiterate is.

I claimed that:

feminism has transformed society more than perhaps any other civil rights movement

You respond with electronic devices and now the pill.

Neither of those are civil rights movements.

Ignore mode.

You raised feminism to a far higher plane than it deserves.

I gave it the perspective it deserves.

Reclassify mode.
What a total crock. Both extremes are asinine. I CHOSE to stay home and manage the household, as did my (Phi Beta Kappa from Mt Holyoke) MIL. One of the aunts chose to work - well, she started out working while putting her husband through college (she already had her MS in Library Science: he was newly out of the Navy) and just kept it up.... Others chose to stay home. There is good and bad in each iteration of each situation - just as with any other choice in life.

The POINT of true feminism was and is the CHOICE being the woman's, subject of course to 'reality check' as ever. When my husband was under/unemployed - which wasn't a lot of the time - I worked. IF there's something you can do to help keep the wolf farther from the door, you do it. IF you are a functioning adult, that is.

Again: the POINT of 'feminism' is the woman getting to make a CHOICE. Anything else is nonsense.
What a total crock. Both extremes are asinine. I CHOSE to stay home and manage the household, as did my (Phi Beta Kappa from Mt Holyoke) MIL. One of the aunts chose to work - well, she started out working while putting her husband through college (she already had her MS in Library Science: he was newly out of the Navy) and just kept it up.... Others chose to stay home. There is good and bad in each iteration of each situation - just as with any other choice in life.

The POINT of true feminism was and is the CHOICE being the woman's, subject of course to 'reality check' as ever. When my husband was under/unemployed - which wasn't a lot of the time - I worked. IF there's something you can do to help keep the wolf farther from the door, you do it. IF you are a functioning adult, that is.

Again: the POINT of 'feminism' is the woman getting to make a CHOICE. Anything else is nonsense.

"The POINT of true feminism was and is the CHOICE being the woman's,..."

It seems that careful reading isn't one of your skills.

From the OP:

And Simone de Beauvoir in an interview with Betty Friedan said “No woman should be authorized to stay at home and raise her children. Society should be totally different. Women should not have that choice precisely because if there is such a choice, too many women will make that one.”
“Sex, Society, and the Female Dilemma,” Saturday Review, June 14, 1975, p. 18.

Sinks your ship, doesn't it.

That's the voice of feminism.

Just one more version of totalitarianism.
All revolutionary movements cool down over time. It doesn't mean they go away. When's the last time you saw a Occupy Wall sign or a headline about violence at abortion clinics?
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All revolutionary movements cool down over time. It doesn't mean they go away. When's the last time you saw a Occupy Wall sign or a headline about violence at abortion clinics?

Cool down.....

....or their dishonesty revealed?

Wilhelm Reich pressed the thesis that psychological problems can be traced to sexual repression, and, therefore, only by the sexual liberation from societal mores could people be cured. Thus, modern feminism. “…the repression of the sexual needs creates a general weakening of intellect and emotional functioning; in particular, it makes people lack independence, will-power and critical faculties.” Marriage, in fact, ruins lives” “Marital misery, to the extent to which it does not exhaust itself in the marital conflicts, is poured out over the children.”
Wilhelm Reich, “The Sexual Revolution: Toward a Self-Governing Character Structure,” p. 77-78, 111, 184.
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"The POINT of true feminism was and is the CHOICE being the woman's,..."

It seems that careful reading isn't one of your skills.

From the OP:

And Simone de Beauvoir in an interview with Betty Friedan said “No woman should be authorized to stay at home and raise her children. Society should be totally different. Women should not have that choice precisely because if there is such a choice, too many women will make that one.”
“Sex, Society, and the Female Dilemma,” Saturday Review, June 14, 1975, p. 18.

Sinks your ship, doesn't it.

That's the voice of feminism.

Just one more version of totalitarianism.

Seems that PC has some reading comprehension issues herself. I never elected Simone de Beauvoir nor Betty Freidan to define 'feminism' for me. They don't speak for every feminist, which IS exactly the point. TRUE femininism is NOT dictated by some 'name' or other in a sound bite. It's really not so difficult: those are extreme POV's which don't necessarily represent the reality of most women.
"The POINT of true feminism was and is the CHOICE being the woman's,..."

It seems that careful reading isn't one of your skills.

From the OP:

And Simone de Beauvoir in an interview with Betty Friedan said “No woman should be authorized to stay at home and raise her children. Society should be totally different. Women should not have that choice precisely because if there is such a choice, too many women will make that one.”
“Sex, Society, and the Female Dilemma,” Saturday Review, June 14, 1975, p. 18.

Sinks your ship, doesn't it.

That's the voice of feminism.

Just one more version of totalitarianism.

Seems that PC has some reading comprehension issues herself. I never elected Simone de Beauvoir nor Betty Freidan to define 'feminism' for me. They don't speak for every feminist, which IS exactly the point. TRUE femininism is NOT dictated by some 'name' or other in a sound bite. It's really not so difficult: those are extreme POV's which don't necessarily represent the reality of most women.

Lookin' for a little truth here!

Don't give me your revisionism of 'true feminism.'

Simone de Beauvoir speaks for and of feminism....not you.

What you are speaking of is the conservatism that is suddenly being re-branded as feminism.

Now.....don't be a fraud: simply admit that you've washed your hands of feminism, as it was originally sold....

....and realized the truth.
Feminism was a illogical and immoral movement from the start. Betty Friedan said that marriage was like concentration camp for women. Yet women have traditionally been the ones fantasizing about getting married and having kids. So either women were so stupid that they fantasized about concentration camp like settings or the feminist movement exaggerated disadvantages women had like being "second class citizens." Cleary its the latter. Feminism, like a lot of immoral political movements, started off with many false premises and then demonized anyone who dared to point out the inconsistencies and hate that the movement engendered. To say "all men are rapists" as a prominent feminist did, or that, "all men should be beaten to a bloody pulp" really cannot be considered to be the expressions of an equality movement...
This and the OP make remind me of my contention that male and female is not the proper point of cleavage between good homemaker/child-raisers and runners of the country. There exists a bell shaped curve amongst females relating to their suitability in either role. There is also a similar curve that applies to males in relation to their suitability in the same two roles. Some men make good stay-at-home dads...some women make great CEOs. The whole thing about male superiority is total bullshit. Feminism is nothing more than a long delayed realization of this fact. The human brain exhibits bell shaped curves that we have yet to discover.
The truth that women aren't men.

The truth that most women are perfectly content to be women and to let men be men.

The truth that most women like manly men, who do manly things in masculine ways, much more so than fruity eunuchs.
The truth that women aren't men.

The truth that most women are perfectly content to be women and to let men be men.

The truth that most women like manly men, who do manly things in masculine ways, much more so than fruity eunuchs.

And yet you, as some kind of man, anyway, feel entitled to determine which roles are suitable for women and which roles are not.

Because a female CEO could not possible be just as much a woman as the home-mom you had as a child. And a female pilot or engineer or plumber could not possibly be feminine and a good Mom when she has dirty hands after work, right?

I swear some of the posters on this board are stuck on the set of 'Happy Days'.
Because a female CEO could not possible [sic] be just as much a woman as the home-mom you had as a child.

Is that like the way that some pretentious douche from Finland could not 'possible' understand the difference between an adverb and an adjective?
simply admit that you've washed your hands of feminism, as it was originally sold....

....and realized the truth.

What truth?

Some 17th century idea you have that women should be barefoot and pregnant?

So....I've reduced you to simple fabrication?

I'd say that's pretty much emblematic of your defeat.

Saigon....you're on the batting end of a no-hitter.
P.Chic -

Perhaps try and stay with the topic. You started it, after all.

Quite why is it that you feel annointed in the role of telling women what they should and should not do with their bodies and their lives?

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